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Amarantos® is in pursuit of excellence in Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT.)


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HI everyone,

I am Ram, a student of K2 batch.
I am excited and glad to be here with all you wonderful people.
I am grateful to you all, especially my colleagues and my Guru- you all inspire me when I feel too small and too limited to be able to share my time and love with so many people out there who need it - you remind me that it is doable - my Guru you stand like Lighthouse reminding me and guiding me through turbulent waves.
Love to ye all !!


Its a joy to have you with us.
Feel free to be yourself and post what ever you feel like sharing.
Am very excited that you are here with us.


A very happy new year to all my Amrantos soul mates.
My first healing session and it seems I have failed
My client is suffering with severe knee pain since 2003.After following each and every stage reached 12th stage .
Induction n visualisation — one hour
My client didn’t enter her past life.
Another session --took more then one and half hour to relax and visualize.
This time she was successful and saw herself in Bangkok as a 15 year old student. Her classmate pushed from the 2 nd floor and she landed on her knees thus injuring them. She died after this fall . She had no negative feelings for her classmate. After her death Lord Shiva came to meet her ,healed her and assured her that she would be abolutely fine now onwards.
Asked her to cut the cord as what had happened was in past life and she no longer needed it in her present life.
Then brought her back in her garden n back to present. Looks like my heeling was incomplete since she’s still in great pain. Please guide me.


A very happy new year to all my Amrantos soul mates.My first healing session and it seems I have failedMy client is suffering with severe knee pain since 2003.After following each and every stage reached 12th stage .Induction n visualisation — one hourMy client didn’t enter her past life.Another session --took more then one and half hour to relax and visualize.This time she was successful and saw herself in Bangkok as a 15 year old student. Her classmate pushed from the 2 nd floor and she landed on her knees thus injuring them. She died after this fall . She had no negative feelings for her classmate. After her death Lord Shiva came to meet her ,healed her and assured her that she would be abolutely fine now onwards.Asked her to cut the cord as what had happened was in past life and she no longer needed it in her present life.Then brought her back in her garden n back to present. Looks like my heeling was incomplete since she’s still in great pain. Please guide me.


As read ,in someone plr experience…in this wall… may mr harish s , like requesting the guardian angel to help and support to get cured, completely cured… right from this moment, and when you are out of the trance, help you to feel completely ok :pray:
Or maybe some more life time with same pattern, you have to check,
But requesting and praying to the guardian angel…seems, such a blessed part ! You will feel a tremendous change after that…!


Congratulations vaishali it’s a lovely session but she definitely needs more sessions maybe 2-3 more she will definitely get her answers


Hi Neeta!

You mentioned that she had no negative thoughts about her classmate. Did you ask her how she felt about her situation? I am not clear if died due to that accident or died because she could stand the trauma of losing her legs. Did she want to leave the world at that time? A lot remains to be explored. As a fellow therapist, my suggestion is that you sit down with your notes on this case & write down what else could you have done or how could you have done a certain thing in a different way. That’s the only way to improvise. Good luck!!


Hari Om blessed Souls,
I am named Preeti in this birth, and am from Atlantis Batch.

its a huge learning to go through everyone’s experiences and its a marvel how time and space gets merged on this forum.

may we all have more amazing times to come…



Namaste Dear :blush: Amarantians
Myself Dr. Lata Ningoo, from Atlantian and now Phoenix batch. I am a Homeopathic Consultant, Heartfulness Meditator and Heartfulness Trainer and a Healer, Quantum Healing therapist. I am Blessed to be a part of this August organization led by our Beloved Master Venu, and Beloved Neha Mam. I have started my PLR therapies, I am on my 4th case. But still to submit my cases, will do it soon. Best wishes to all present and future Amarantians. :heart: :dizzy: :revolving_hearts:

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