**The Search for Meaning**

Session 1

Name: PP | Gender: Male | Age: 47 | Profession: Business

Hypnotisability Score: 9/10 | Eye Roll Score: 3/4
Dominant Sense VAK: 5/5/5
Pain Level Before: 9 & Pain Level After: 1
Subjective Interpretation****: 1. Longing for Eternal Peace | 2. Altruism
Conflict: Conflict between material and spiritual life
Decision made to resolve the conflict: Stop letting people take advantage of one’s goodness
Script: Strong inclination to spirituality
Theme: I can’t understand life’s purpose as I’m doing well in business but still getting inclined so much to spirituality.

Therapist: T Client: C

History Taking:

PP Comes from a middle-class joint family in Ayodhya. He with his three brothers two sisters, parents, uncle, aunt, and grandparents all lived together. Father retired as a government official and mother a homemaker. From the very childhood, he has been a very loving and helpful child but also quite grumpy. From the time he was 15 YO he has been doing some odd jobs like being a JVG (some insurance company) agent, distributing newspapers before leaving for school, learning to tailor or giving tuition to younger children as he enjoyed it, and buying things for his mom, sisters etc from that money. From the beginning, he knew the fact he would have his own business someday and would never have any dearth of money. He also feels that at times he did become greedy for money but something always stopped him from doing so and still if he tried to do anything he was invariably caught either by Mom or Dad, his uncle, or anyone else. But, because of his helpful nature, he was always loved not just by his family but also by neighbors and all the others he met. He always did a lot of charity (still does), and even if he had to take a loan for it, he still helped. He always felt it was his duty to be of service to others. He frequently visited temples too but he always felt something missing in his life.

He started his career in Gurugram and saved money to gift a car to his father. Most of his salary was spent on others, as he always enjoyed it. Even after his marriage, he kept helping others because of which his wife used to get annoyed. Soon he realized that his salary wasn’t enough and in 2005 he quit his job to start his venture along with a friend by 2012, soon from his business was earning profits in eight figures. He often donated a lot of money to temples. Both his wife and he are very religious and never left home without performing his daily puja… somehow he always felt something missing in his life but could never understand what that was. Every visit to the temple was the same prayer to the Lord, why am I not happy even though I have everything? Please help me find peace and happiness. And as is said, ‘Kehte hain agar kisi cheez ko shidaat se chaho… to puri kainaat usse tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai*……* so in the year 2014 one of his friends who happens to be a trainer, introduced him to Heartfulness Meditation and on the very first day itself, he knew, this was the missing dot of his life. That night, he said he cried a lot almost all night, so much that by the next morning, he said his pillow was all wet. He woke up early and was waiting for the time that he had to visit this friend again the next morning. And this is how his spiritual journey started.

Although his business partner was and is still like his brother, they decided to end the partnership on a positive note and start their businesses. From the time he started his venture alone, he has lost a lot of money. He earns and loses it on unnecessary things most of the time. He says, surprisingly, that does not disturb him at all. He takes a lot of risks in business as a 25-year-old would do. Because of his habit of helping others and doing unnecessary charity to others, he lands up into a lot of financial loss as he is unable to say ‘no’ to others… and why does he do that (I asked), to which he said, “fear of hurting them and I always feel their need is more than mine.”

The strengths he said were the fact that he’s very spiritual and that made him very optimistic, very softhearted, very laborious and I love to serve others… I wonder why but I love to serve others. And his weakness was that he loved to be in this kind of situation where he was always struggling and suffering!!

He said he can only trust his wife and a few very close friends as he feels a lot of people are jealous of his his success. He’s unable to find a suitable person to run his plant because of this he’s not finding time for himself, for his personal development, that he’d love to spend time doing someday, maybe a second home close to a beach!

After history taking, the PLRT process was discussed and he agreed to proceed. I also assured oath of confidentiality to him.

(Stage 1-9 Completed)

Session 2

We started with Dave Elman and then Progressive Relaxation, Paradise of Peace – The Garden, Happy Childhood Memory, In-utero, and LBL.

In his happy memory, he’s a 10-year-old child who’s dressed in a white kurta and pajama for the Independence Day Celebration. He’s helping his cousins and other children his age make a tricolor flag, paint it, stick it, and carry it to the field where the flag hoisting is about to happen. The school belongs to his family. All the kids are too happy as they would get sweets today.

(He was enjoying it a lot as he was narrating this to me)…

As we gently proceeded to In-utero he initially could not feel anything then after a brief pause he said, I can feel a lot of love between my parents and a lot of warmth inside.

(Soft smile on his face)

LBL: Could see nothing except clouds

(Stage 10 & 11 Completed)

Session 3

Dave Elman-Progressive Relaxation- Garden- Cliff-Big Box n Small Box- Tunnel of Light- Affect Bridge

Past Life 1

T: Take your time and let me know what you see or feel


T: Look at your feet, are you wearing anything?

C: Yes, old-style leather boots

T: Are you a boy or a girl?

C: Boy, very fair and handsome (which he still is in this life too)

T: How old are you?

C: I think I’m around 25 YO

T: Where are you?

C: Can’t understand … [Pause] Ika (This is what I heard)

T: What’s your name?

[I couldn’t understand his name at first so, asked him to repeat it. Still was unable to get it, as it sounded like a name from an unknown land)

C: Athuapa (this is what I could gather)

T: Which year is this?

C: I think 1426

T: What are you doing?

C: I’m riding a white horse. My horse is of a very good breed. I’m riding very slowly, enjoying my ride from the mountains into a dense forest, a lot of trees around, agricultural land, a river, and a pathway to the forest where I’m riding.

[Long pause and a smile on his face]

T: What are you doing here? Why are you going into the forest?

C: I live in the forest, in a cave. I’m a soldier

T: If you are a soldier why do you stay in a cave?

C: To find peace. I have killed many but still, evilness and immorality aren’t ending.


T: Move ahead, go into the cave… can you see the cave?

C: Yes

T: Describe, how the cave looks like

C: It’s huge, a lot of space. Enough space for me and my horse. There is enough food too. A bed made of stone, where I sleep.


T: What are you doing now?

C: There is a lot of unrest within me. I want eternal peace…. I’m lying down with my eyes closed. Doing nothing. I’m trying to meditate but I’m unable to do so. I want to punish myself for killing so many so that I never do something like that again. The second personality in me says, I need not worry, who am I, God is there to take care of everything. I meditate a lot to find Eternal Peace but there is a lot of unrest inside me. I’m unable to sleep due to this unrest and pain inside me.

T: Move ahead to the last day of your life…. What do you see?

C: I’m alone, nobody with me except my horse

T: How did you die?

C: Naturally, I was not killed. I’m lying on my stone bed. My heart is heavy, I’m not happy

T: Why?

C: I don’t know why

T: Leave your body and float above

[No movement for a long time]

T: What do you see?

C: I’m lying peacefully on my stone bed, my horse standing by.

T: How old are you now?

C: I don’t know, not very old, maybe in 40s or 50s, not sure.

T: Look above (Before I could say anything else, he started describing)

C: I see a very bright light, very soothing, very loving, I’m getting attracted to this light

T: Merge into this light… How do you feel? (No response) Have you merged into the light (No response)… Athuapa, have you merged into the light?

C: Yes, I have become a light myself… many lights all around me. This is where I longed to be.

T: Now, revisit your life Athuapa, what is the learning from this life?

C: I realized that killing cannot bring peace to this world… I did good work but still, I was not happy as I killed many

T: What was the last thought at the time of death?

C: I could not find the eternal peace that I was craving for… That which I feel after leaving my body

T: Do you feel that you found the purpose of life now as PP?

C: Not completely but majorly I have

Past Life 2

T: Now that you have found the learning of this life, I’d like you to come back to the bridge which will help in taking you to a significant event in another past life… stay focused and step onto this beautiful bridge.


T: Are you walking on the bridge?

C: Yes, I’m walking on the bridge

T: Wonderful, keep walking, your focus is on a significant event. In a moment you will reach the end of the bridge.

[Brief Pause]

T: As you reach on the other side of the bridge, your subconscious mind will show you your past life. Stay focused, relaxed, and deeply absorbed…. Now tell me what is coming to your awareness.

C: I’m running fast… I’m a boy… We are robbers… I’m a Japanese boy

T: What are you wearing?

C: Just black pants which are torn. There are many boys and girls. All of us are running. We have looted a rich man.

T: What is your name?

C: (I think he said) Nazumi

T: Do you know which year is this?

C: A few hundred years back


C: 1815

T: How old are you Nazumi?

C: I’m 18 or 19 YO… All my friends are of almost the same age as me

T: Why do you loot?

C: We have no money, no work, no food, we are very poor. My whole community is very poor with no work. All are starving and so we all decided to become robbers. We are not beggars. Our main motto is to see that our community does not starve to death. Everybody loves and respects me because I’m risking my life for them.


T: What are you doing now?

C: I’m eating food after distributing food to all others. We are very poor. A lot of people are very rich but they do not help us with food money or work, so I decided to rob them with the help of my friends. Now, everyone has food, no one is starving now.

T: Look at the people around you, do you recognize anyone from this life, who’s there with you?


C: My younger sister S is also very poor and she too is in the team of robbers with me

T: Anybody else?

C: My Tai Ji (Aunt) is also among these poor, I give food to.

T: Tell me more about your life

C: We are very poor. I loot money but not for myself, for others. I’m an expert in my work. I have done many burglaries but all to help others. I don’t keep anything for myself. My folks love and respect me a lot.

T: Move ahead to the last day of your life

[Long pause… face very saddened]

C: I was caught, they will behead me for my sin. There is a huge crowd, I’m being paraded on the street so that nobody else dares do what I have done. They couldn’t find any money with me as everything was spent on others, still, they will punish me.


C: I feel very humiliated but I know that I did nothing wrong. I’m giving life to my community. All of them are crying. I feel sad for them.

T: How old are you now?

C: I think I’m 30 or maybe less

T: Go to the time when you are dead

C: Someone is holding my head in his hand and displaying it to the public. Everyone is crying and praying for my soul.


C: I see a very bright light coming towards me. Very bright and shining. I feel peace, so blissful

T: Merge in this bright light

[Long pause]

T: Have you merged?

C: Yes

T: Now revisit the life of Nazumi. What is the learning from this life

C: Always help the needy at any cost. Had I been rich, I could have helped others in a better way.


C: Do such deeds that people remember you even after your death

T: Ask your higher self, if there are any more past lives involved in understanding the real purpose of your life.


C: There aren’t any more past lives involved

T: Send your love and blessings to your past lives to help you realize the purpose of your present life as PP. Now, it is time for you to come back

[Tears started rolling down his cheeks and as I wiped his tears, he kept crying more, making me feel so sad for him]

(I used affect bridge and garden to bring him back to his consciousness and brought him back to an awakened state)

Client’s reaction after the session

I did not want to leave the bright light, I wanted to stay there and the thought of leaving it made me cry. I understand now that the purpose of my life is God Realization as I was unable to do that in my first life and in my second life I completely forgot about that purpose and I gave up my life in serving others. This seems to be the reason why I go out of the way to help others, even if I have to take a loan to help them. I need to stop doing this and not let people take advantage of me. I also understand, why I enjoy this situation where I’m always struggling.

Post-session pain level was 1

Recommendations: I recommended he go through the reports that I would send him. Make meditation a daily practice. Stop people from taking advantage of him but do not stop following your heart.


So apt were his past lives in 1 session itself…most important aspects were visible…well facilitated journey indeed…very heartfelt… thankyou


An interesting message that helped me to see beyond the typical understanding of goodness. You see i have always seen and considered helping others or healing others ( even going out of the way) as something essentially good. But got a fresh perspective…by helping others excessively your client lost sight of his aim of life which was realizationof the divine.

So that which is usually considered a noble action must also be done in moderation…life’s true meaning nakes it satisfying.


Wonderful session Divya! Well done!


Thank you dear @archana.singh.gupta

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Yeah certainly @urolivegreen07 there has to be moderation in everything! Excess of anything is not good for us. I’m happy he was able to understand this through PLRT. But, bad habits die hard. He’s still learning to say no! :smile:

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Thank you @jharna.gupta … it has certainly benefited him a lot. He is wanting sessions now for his wife and son too! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Very good work Divya!


very well done my blessed @Divya

Thanks for the detailed perspective on PP’s life.

Client is a K, hence calibrate your statements accordingly and remember that these are to be indirect suggestions.

please avoid questions with “Why”, read the book, “Why Me?”

once we get a negative response its like a train which has derailed, we need to put it back on track first. Hence in such a scenario we could have paraphrased+stress managed and then suggested “Breathing into your last moments… what comes to your awareness?”

let’s not be in control of the session, it’s left to him whether he wants to merge with the light or just interact with it. depending on what might have happened then.

very good

what was the need to hurry to another lifetime while there is residual still.
Here we could have expanded the KMF to Classic pattern for closure.

One corroborating fact is that “Sat Karma” doesn’t negate “Dush Karma” as taught to me. Karma is karma, chain is a chain, whether golden or iron!

let’s not be obsessed with wanting to control, we are excavators of past experiences and shouldn’t influence creating them.

this was the guilt, I hope you can offer him some more sessions as in this lifetime he is repaying all his debt and luckily is highly spiritual. I could see myself in PP, going out of the way to help, but learned it that there is only so much we can do and kindness is when I can include myself also in it.

Some eternal truth that tally with this insightful session are:-

श्रीभगवानुवाच |
अशोच्यानन्वशोचस्त्वं प्रज्ञावादांश्च भाषसे |
गतासूनगतासूंश्च नानुशोचन्ति पण्डिता: || SBG 2.11||
the very first instruction the Lord imparted is actually in these lines

" The Supreme Lord said: While you speak words of wisdom, you are mourning for that which is not worthy of grief. The wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead."

He who created the abundance in this universe and taking care of even the smallest of the ants knows how to run His creation, what’s the need for us to steal and distribute!

And then Sri Bhagvan has also laid out the guidelines on how to donate,

दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे |
देशे काले च पात्रे च तद्दानं सात्त्विकं स्मृतम् || SBG 17.20||

Charity given to a worthy person simply because it is right to give, without consideration of anything in return, at the proper time and in the proper place, is stated to be in the mode of goodness…


So much of learning in these slokas, I’m going to share it with him. As advised by you @venu Sir, I’m going to suggest few more sessions to him, keeping in mind not to repeat the mistakes I make in these sessions. Thank you for your valuable inputs. :pray::pray:

Thank you @Jackie dear

@Divya , really good session. While reading i felt it like he is my other version but more richer… I was facing similar issues in oast where people are taking undue advantage of me and I was not able to say NO… Thanks to my wife who gave me some realization and then I learned to say NO… Although the situation is not changed completely, people are still taking advantage of me but the list has gone shorter now…
Talking about spiritual peace, I am also in search of it but not reaching there. I hope I will also get something which will help me to reach there…

@Divya…though many from the Amarantian family would relate to your client ( including me​:wink::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:) specially for the inner conflict between…
My take is that helping others is valuable but is essential to establish a boundary to prevent personal harm and exploitation…
We must recognize the difference between material success and spiritual fulfillment leading to deeper self-awareness and peace…

@Divya this case reveal the patterns affecting our current behavior very well…also true peace comes from within and cannot be achieved through external actions or sacrifices alone…

Very well carried @divya

The answer to all above is
simply " MEDITATION "

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