A Love Beyond Time (FLP)

Client name - Radhika
Age - 43, Female
Focus score 8/10
Visual score - 4
Auditory score -9
Kinesthetic score -2
Eye roll - 1
Pain level 8/10

Theme - Betrail (in relationships)


Radhika has gone through three bad relationships (let’s call these men as A, B, C). Every time she fell in love she was used, abused and betrayed physically, mentally and materialistically.

Finally, she went into a cocoon thinking marriage, having a family is not meant for her, yet again destiny had other plans.

Radhika started liking someone in a known circle. All that time she kept her feelings to herself thinking what if this time too this was not for her.

This man (let’s call him D) was also a silent observer of Radhika. He too couldn’t express himself until it was too late. Now after a year’s time, when he’s married (earlier was NOT when in contact with Radhika), he came to her and spoke about his feelings for her. He said that it was a mistake but taking hasty decision of getting married.

Radhika now is confused and worried about how the future will be. That’s when she approached me, stating she would like to experience “Past and Future Life Progression” as it may somewhere help her to take her life changing decisions.

Radhika has experienced PLR earlier with other Therapists.

We started with Dave Elman, Progressive relaxation, Ball of light taking the steps down to we came in front of four doors. Each door represents her relationships (A, B, C and D). Radhika chooses the third door “C” and moves forward.

T: What are you experiencing?

C: I feel the energy on the left side… its “C”, by holding his hand walking in greenfield, but my attention is moving towards right side… I see “D” walking on the other side and constantly watching me. He’s attracting my attention….am moving forward towards “D”.

T: Can you describe yourself; how do you look like?

C: This is me. Radhika (This is when I understood that she’s in present life).

T: (giving her sometime) What are you experiencing now?

C: Am on a beach with “D”.

T: How do you feel then?

C: Complete, comfortable (with a smile on face ). We are sitting next to each other and watching the sundown.

T: Nice, what else.

C: We are at home.

T: Who’s home is this?

C: “D’s” house. I’ve been to his place before.

T: okay… and…

C: “D’s” sitting on the couch and watching TV.

T: Does he looks the same?

C: Yes. He’s in his home clothes, sandos and shorts. I come and sit next to him… resting my head on his shoulder… he comforts me…

T: Nice…What else.

C: There’s a baby coming towards us. “D” picks up the baby and places it on his lap.
(With this answer, I sensed that client has taken a straight flight to future :blush: . As we all say it’s the client’s session. So, respecting the moment, we just kept moving ahead).

T: How old is the baby? Can you describe the baby?

C: it’s a girl … chubby chubby, fair, curly hair… She’s got dimple too (the client has tears rolling but with a smile)

T: What does the baby calling you?

C: She’s small, still can’t talk… she crawls… but I feel it’s our baby -mine and “D’s”.

T: Okay … (giving the client some time to enjoy that moment of bliss).

T: (after a long pause) Now let’s go a little back in time, and learn did you and “D” get married, who’s baby is this? Slowly…. As I count backwards… let me know what comes to your awareness…3….2….1

C: “D” is wearing a suit, he looks handsome… and me in a red saree, red bangles, some ghajra (flowers) in my hair, “D” is also with me.

T: Can you recognize the place?

C: It’s a room…. With files around… I think it’s a government office.

T: What comes to your attention, why are you here?

C: I feel I and “D” are getting married – a court marriage.

T: Can you see what, name, date you are singing as?

C: (after a pause), there’s a calendar on the wall.

T: Okay… Can you tell me the date?

C: August… 2025…!

T: Oh, that’s lovely, who else is around to support you?

C: Yes, my sister, parents and a few of “D’s” friends.

T: How do you feel, at this moment.

C: Happy, complete… I stand with a tall head.

T: Before “D” got married to you, let’s go back in time and find out what happened which made him break his previous marriage… As I count from 3…2…1 we go to the reason what happened how was the earlier marriage did not last. Let’s go back in time 3….2…1, see what comes to your awareness…

C: Fighting… Arguments…. “D” mentioned Radhika… He says how much he loves her.

T: Where is this happening?

C: In the house…

T: Whose house?

C: “D’s” house.

T: Is it the same house, you saw yourself with him and the baby?

C: Yes! same house.

T: When is this happening? Any wall clock around?

C: Its daytime, around five minutes to twelve (11.55).

T: Any date?

C: July… 6th or 8th July!

T: (there’s a long pause here) How is the wife taking this?

C: She understands him… She’s cold… she’s not fighting … she’s only listing.

T: So, what is the outcome of this incident?

C: She leaves him… silently… mutually…

T: Let’s go back in time … much behind…. where you were in relationship with A, B and C… you may ask for any forgiveness so that your present is beautiful, and future is complete.

You will never be alone anymore…Your love life with “D” is complete by getting married to him. “D” a loving husband and beautiful child…

If you can float above and complete the series. Seek help from the masters, ask for forgiveness for any knowing or knowingly doing…if there’s any message for you…Heal yourself there… so that you glow in and out beautifully…You are happy with prosperity, health, wealth.

C: (Giving her time…. after a good long silence). Nothing comes easily to me…. Waiting is the best. The future is always beautiful… have patience…. You will go till the beautiful end… trust the process… wait for your turn.

T: If you can ask the master’s why you had to go through all that pain in previous incomplete relationships… what was the fault… so that we can close the doors of the past… so that the karma never follows us and gets completed.

C: It was not for me… it was learning for them… I was a medium for them to learn a lesson… they use to take people lightly (a good long pause here again).

T: What are you experiencing…

C: Light…… a bright white light….

T: Soak yourself in that healing light… enjoy the bliss…. Close all the chapters behind you which gave pain, suffering and loneliness and look forward to your health, happiness and prosperity in future along with “D” and your child….

C: (after some time) This time we all three are on the beach…playing in the sand…I, “D” holding the baby from both sides…. She’s wearing a nice pink frock… but I can’t see her face… I can only from the back side. She’s calling me “Mumma” … and “D” is smiling… a Happy family :blush: (Radhika was having a big smile on her face while describing this).

T: Any guilt left… (giving her sometime) what comes to your awareness… (a long pause here).

C: I just have to wait… wait for long….

T: Are you feeling complete…did you get your answers?

C: Yes!

With the blessing from the masters… and with Radhika’s permission she was she emerged with a smiling face.


Read or at least listen to Hanuman Chalisa on daily basis.


After two days. I checked with Radhika, and she said she was feeling lighter and more positively energetic towards the future. She mentioned the Pain Level as on today was TWO.


Dear Pooja,

Very well for this PLR case and thank you for sharing it with us all. My learnings are as underneath for your consideration pl,

Lets make a note of Dominant sense - A>V

Promises a good response potential.

Consider giving them names…(.you took me back to my trigonometry class…Angles A B and C)


Life Regression

Good approach. In my humble opinion prefer to use this phrase rather than limiting to the dominant sense. These suggesstions cater for all senses.

Consider paraphrasing here using the previous responses of the client. Our dear Mr @ceoccfb is someone to look up to for this art.

Lets keep the suggestion indirect and open ended and let client respond.

So many years of looking down upon herself …now standing tall head…amazing and magical !! I wonder what profound bliss this experience would bring to her.

What precise response. Moments of intense emotions become permanent residents of our mindfield.

The intent here is noble. However, Kindly consider framing the suggestions so that we attempt to lead the client to such forgiveness that comes from within in auto mode, rather than making it an experience for them.

Blessed you must be feeling here. :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

From 8 to 2.

  1. May be you could discuss with client should she need to take any more sessions as the pain level is at 2. which may or may not go away with time.
  2. I have also learnt that one need not visit any past life for receiving the resolutions.

My compliments for bringing the peace and solace to the client.

Best Regards

:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


which is why I say, don’t do FLP without clearing the past…

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