A Soldier's Journey: Embracing a Dream Beyond Time

Name : Shiv (name changed)
Hypnosis Score: 6/10
VAK : 6/4/4
Eye Roll : 1/4

Stage 2 to stage 9 followed. Theme decided for the session is fear of something bad happening.

T: This is what Therapists said
C: This is what Client said

Session 1: Unearthing Happy and Troubling Memories
Duration: 2.5 hours
Focus: Initial History and Happy Memory Exploration

History Taking:
The client, a 19-year-old boy, has been suffering from depression for 2-3 years. He comes from a good family, where all members are caring towards him as he is the youngest. The family runs a busy grocery store, which can sometimes create a stressful environment. He is very quiet, shy, and speaks little, showing resistance to sharing his life details. According to him, his depression began when a friend was about to get married to someone from a dangerous family, sparking worries about his friend’s well-being. Since then, a pattern of negative thinking began, intensifying until he withdrew, stopped smiling, and struggled with eating.

His family, worried, consulted many doctors, including psychiatrists, but to no avail. Learning about his situation, I introduced them to Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT), which they agreed to try, hoping it could help him.

Session Progress:
We began by focusing on happy memories. He recalled moments like playing football at age 5, walking in the garden, and spending time with friends. However, he also saw some disturbing memories, like witnessing a road accident and people fighting, which triggered overthinking. I attempted an affect bridge, but he could not proceed with further memories, so we concluded the session.

Session 2: Age Regression and the Roots of Fear
Duration: 3 hours
Focus: Exploring Memories for Underlying Emotional Patterns
T: What is coming to your awareness?
C: 2-3 boys are hitting my friend… I’m saving him…
T: What do you feel and think?
C: I feel sad. Why are they hitting him?
T: Can you go back a few minutes and see what is the reason those boys are hitting your friend?
C: They were teasing him, and then a fight started.
T: What else do you feel or think in that moment?
C: I feel like I should stay away from those boys.

Next Significant Event (NSE)
C: A little boy fell into hot water.
T: Who is that boy?
C: I don’t know.
T: Let me know what is happening around you. How do you feel for that boy?
C: A man is taking that boy out of the water and to the hospital… I feel really bad…
T: I understand; this must be very painful to watch him in this situation.
T: What do you think you should do, or what are you feeling?
C: I am fearing what if this happened to someone in our family. It’s so painful…
T: It’s a very good quality that you feel compassion for others and care deeply for them.

T: What comes to your awareness?
C: There’s a woman… she is mentally unstable. She wanted to become a collector but failed and lost her mind.
T: What is happening around you?
C: People are teasing her.
T: When did this happen?
C: About a year ago. I feel sad for her.
[long pause]

C: At a Ram Navami function, I liked a girl and proposed to her, but she rejected me. After that, I haven’t felt good anywhere… I kept wondering what was lacking in me that led to her rejection… I eventually asked her for friendship, and she accepted. I felt a bit happy.
T: When did this happen?
C: About two years ago.
(After these three memories, I sensed a pattern of him feeling helpless.)

Finding a Pattern
T: I know it must be very painful to see the boy fall into hot water, to see people tease a mentally unstable woman, and to face rejection from someone you liked. Can you analyze these incidents and tell me what the common feeling is?
C: A fear of similar things happening to me…

[Tried to make an Affect Bridge using this feeling]
C: I saw a video on my phone of a boy committing suicide because he didn’t get selected for the army… what his family must have gone through…
T: Can you tell me when this happened?
C: In 12th grade… I started feeling, “What if this happened to me?”

(This seems to be the actual trigger of his negative thinking and depression rather than his friend’s marriage situation.)

(Pattern: fear of rejection and failure confirmed with the client.)

Back to the garden; I asked him to rest… Created an affect bridge for the fear of failure and rejection.

C: I failed in 12th grade and felt sad that I couldn’t do anything…

[He couldn’t go into another life]

[Age Regression Begins]

C: In 11th grade, I was rejected in NCC.
C: In 10th grade, on January 26th, people were taking selfies with NCC cadets, and I felt motivated to join NCC…
C: In 9th grade, some boys motivated me to lead the parade.
C: When I was 12, we were selling firecrackers, and a boy set one off near the shop, causing my father to argue with him. The situation got tense, and I felt really bad.
C: At age 5, I was playing with other kids.
C: At age 2, my father was teaching me how to walk, holding my hand…
C: When I was born, my father held me in his hands, and my grandparents were around, very happy…

[In Utero]
C: When I was in the womb, I was playing and feeling good…

[Life-Between-Lives (LBL)]
C: “Be a good boy, serve people and country, and be born into a good family.”

[Life Purpose] (Here he met with spiritual guides who conveyed his life purpose.)
C: A teacher appeared, telling me I can serve my country and people and to be born into a good family…

Session 3: Past Life Exploration (3.5 Hours)
C: I failed in first year…
T: Is this memory from this life?
C: No, it’s from another life.
T: What’s around you? What are you wearing?
C: I’m wearing shoes, standing at the college gate, seeing the road and trees…

C: I failed in my first year.
T: Is this memory from this life?
C: From another life.
T: Let me know what is around you. What are you wearing?
C: I’m wearing shoes… I can see a college gate, a road, and trees.

T: What’s in your hand?
C: A marksheet.
T: See if you can find your name, year, or place on it.
C: 1998 (I doubt this information, as he was born in 2005).

C: I passed a written exam.
T: How are you feeling?
C: Happiness.
T: Who is near you?
C: Friends.
T: What are they calling you?
C: (After a long pause) Harshal.

C: I took the army exam but was rejected because of my height… feeling sad and depressed.

C: I tried again for the army, and this time I got selected. I feel so good… people are calling my name.

T: Who is near you?
C: Friends, and my mom and dad.
T: Make eye contact with them and identify who they are from this lifetime.
C: They are my current-life mom and dad (this confirms my doubt about the year not being correct).

T: This is an amazing feeling, Harshal, seeing your dream come true and everyone around you so proud of you. I’m also proud of you. Shall we move to the next significant event?
C: While on duty, I got hit on my left hand.
T: Do you sometimes feel pain in your left hand?
C: Yes (this is a new realization, as we didn’t discuss this during the initial history-taking).
T: Please let me know what happens next.
C: I got a one-month leave. I went home, and my family got scared… they’re telling me not to go back.

C: My family didn’t allow me to go back. I got stressed, and my heart failed. I died.

(There was no strong emotional reaction, as he seemed to be watching everything like a movie).
T: Please tell me, what are your last thoughts before dying? What were you feeling?
C: I worked very hard for the nation, but my family didn’t let me go back, and I felt sad.

[Classic Flow Pattern Started]
T: Now we’ll review the life of Harshal from his childhood. Please go to any event from his childhood and tell me what comes to your awareness.
C: I am playing hide and seek at school with friends and enjoying it…

T: Identify your friends by looking into their eyes.
C: Premsagar, Sonu, Nilesh, Ashish.

C: My friend Ashish left school, and I felt very sad, but he came back again, so we felt happy.

C: Before January 26, we all participated in a dance, and we enjoyed it a lot. I got the role of an army man who dies in war… feeling very proud doing that.
(From this point, he started narrating everything in detail. Earlier, I had to lead him to answers, but now I don’t need to prompt him as often to go to the next event).

C: We all friends got separated after the 10th exam. Feeling sad…
T: Can you tell me the place and year?
C: Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Vidyavihar, Lonkheda… 1995. (This place is situated only 5 km from his current house)

C: I got selected for NCC in the 11th grade. I went to camp for the Delhi parade, feeling very proud and happy.

C: After the Delhi parade, my teachers are congratulating me. Friends are praising and welcoming me, and I received a medal for that parade. Feeling very proud.

T: Wow, it must be a proud moment for you. I am also proud of you. Let’s explore the next event.
C: After two years, I became a senior and started guiding students on everything related to the parade.

C: A girl proposed to me… I felt happy, but I told her my career is in the army and I could be martye anytime. I told her I’m not good for her and asked her to forget me… feeling sad now.

C: I passed the NCC “C” certificate exam. Feeling a bit relieved. Now I only need to train and apply for the army. I’m working hard. I was rejected in the first opening but got selected in the second. Teachers are congratulating me, friends are happy, and my family is proud… I feel proud too.
T: Very good, Harshal, finally you’re seeing your dream come true. Everyone around you must be so proud. Live this moment and this feeling.

C: I’m going for nine months of training. My mom is sending me off with a tilak and doing a puja. My friends came to see me off at the bus stop. Then I reached the train station and went to Srinagar.

C: I showed my marksheet, and they gave me a codeword. I’m standing in the parade ground. They’re telling us all the rules and motivating everyone. They said to relax today because training will start at 5 a.m. tomorrow.

C: Woke up at 5, ran, and was given milk and almonds. They taught us various fighting skills, how to operate guns and walkie-talkies.

C: Next day, done running, workout, hiking. They taught us how to survive in snow…
They are saying while doing duty in snow we may forget many things… they taught us how to addreess seniours…

C: After training ended, a swearing-in ceremony was held. I’m feeling very proud.
T: This is a very important day in your life. I’m proud of you.

C: On my first day of duty, I’m really proud that my dream has come true. I’m wearing the uniform, and going on duty. I arrived at the center and joined the duty.

C: After a few months, I went home. My friends and family came to pick me up. They’re feeling proud. I went to college and met my NCC friends. They respect me. I motivated them and told them about the pride that comes with serving.

C: My leave ended, and I returned to duty. My posting was changed to Kashmir.

C: Once, while on duty, we saw terrorists, and firing started. I got hit by a bullet in my left hand. They took me to the hospital and bandaged me. My senior gave me a one-month leave.

C: I came home, and my family got scared. I told them this happens in the army, but they were very scared and didn’t want me to go back. I felt sad and depressed.

C: My senior called me to rejoin duty, but my family wouldn’t allow it, despite the pressure from my senior. I got very stressed, had a heart attack, and died.

They’re taking me to the hospital. The doctor checked and declared me dead.

T: How old are you when you died?
C: 24 years old.

T: You’ll see someone coming to receive you. Wait and let me know who comes and what you experience.
C: One of my teachers came to receive me. They’re telling me not to take that much stress. I couldn’t serve the nation in this life, but I’ll do it in my next life. They advised me to do good karma, help people, respect elders, and not harm anyone.

T: Can you look at yourself? How do you appear?
C: I look like white light.

T: Please review your life like a movie and tell me what you’ve learned.
C: If we do good karma, we’ll get good results. Helping people means people will help us. Everything is possible through hard work. Don’t stress, don’t get depressed, and don’t upset anyone.

[Carry Over]
T: Such powerful learning. Now let me know what you are carrying from that lifetime to this life.
C: Stress.

T: What will you do now?
C: I’ll take admission, join the NCC, apply for the army, and fulfill my dream. I’ll ignore sad moments and focus on happy ones and my career. If someone proposes to me and she has a good character, I’ll say yes to her.

[I began by integrating stress and addressing left-hand pain that the client felt was residual from a past life.]

T: Very good, you gained some important learnings from that lifetime. There is no need to carry the stress you experienced while dying. That lifetime has passed, and now you are here to live this life. Fulfill your dreams; the stress you’ve carried is blocking those dreams. You can let go of it so that you can focus on what you want to accomplish ahead. Likewise, you can release the pain in your left hand—the pain you felt after being struck by a bullet. That bullet hit you in another lifetime, and there is no need to carry that pain into this one.

[I brought him back to the garden to continue the session. Afterward, we did the cliff exercise. As he engaged with it, he felt much lighter and relieved.]

Future Life Progression (FLP) - Pyramid Visualization

C: I joined the NCC. I got my NCC uniform… I started NCC training. In my second year, I did the Delhi parade… I got selected for the Delhi parade. I feel so proud.

In my third year, I applied for the C Certificate exam and passed. Now, I’m doing ground training for the army. I got selected for the army… I feel proud. We organized a party at home to celebrate this moment. My mom got emotional… a few days later, I received my joining letter.

C: Students are interviewing me about everything—how to achieve this kind of success…

The client then went to the king’s chamber to receive guidance from the Masters before emerging.

When he woke up, he was smiling—a rare smile, like he hadn’t smiled in two or three years. After coming out of the trance, this is what he shared with me:

C: Bro, I had really forgotten how to live life before these sessions, but now something has changed inside me. I feel like living again. I feel relieved, and the negative thoughts have suddenly lessened…

Start his academics.
Begin preparation for the army.
Focus more on happy moments and let go of the sad ones.


Very nice @HarieMore you were able to take this difficult client to his past life. I remember you being really worried if you’ll be able to do it… and you did! Well done. :clap::+1:


Thank you so much @Divya for encouraging me…


well done my beloved @HarieMore you are a natural for your intent is always to wipe a tear and bring a smile.

Well done on using every opportunity to anchor!
Empathising, stress management and paraphrasing could have been remarkable.


very good

very systematic, and this is how it is done.

very well paced.

reminds me of our beloved Col. @Monesh_Bathre who conducts such selections

Engram is in so much more detail now, which is why we need the KMF2C.

the only mistake you made, once in a Past Life, no rescripting. Read the workbook.

The suggestion could just have been, “what happens to you after you die”.

super, an apt message for all of us as well.

super and hence seeing the video of someone committing a suicide stirred up his past like me visiting Germany did of my lifetime in the holocaust.

you could have elicited all this from him in that stage.

Thanks a million for reaching out to him, one more saved and I’m delighted!

keep in touch with him and and update this post when he makes it!

You made my day Harie, a well conducted session.


Thank you so much @venu for the feedback… I have learned a lot from you and will alwayas be learning. Your comments are the mirror for me, it always showed me a path for the improvement. I will do my best in coming sessions…

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Very well conducted and executed your session and getting all clarity for being sad, so much clarity for his life purpose and so happy to see he started smiling, feeling proud of you

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Nice work got some tips on how to anchor and move forward without rescript ING.

I believe all our unresolved fears and past-life traumas shape our present struggles. Understanding them bring clarity, healing, and renewed purpose in life…@Hariemore you did a great job in helping your client find clarity to pursue his dream of joining the army…well done​:clap::clap::clap:

Very well done @HarieMore …I strongly believe that all our unresolved fears and past-life traumas shape our present struggles… and by understanding them can bring clarity, healing, and renewed purpose in life. You did a great job by making your client find clarity and pursue his dream of joining the army…:clap::clap:…keep going…