Accepting your loved ones as they are!

Thank you so much for your kind words @N_S. Life indeed presents numerous challenges, and your insight on the expectations we place on ourselves resonates deeply. :star2::sparkles:

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Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions and guidance @Monesh_Bathre . They have been immensely helpful in refining my therapeutic approach. :pray: :star2:

So much content and conversation has happened during these sessions. I posed numerous questions and took the initial step of allowing the answers to surface from within him. Unfortunately, due to my limited writing skills, I couldn’t capture everything here :woman_technologist:.

I inquired about the emotions he experienced in connection with his father, and he expressed using words like ‘painful,’ etc. When I delved further, asking about the lessons he learned to overcome these past painful experiences, he responded, ‘I have to ignore them.’ I attempted different approaches, posing additional questions to encourage him to arrive at the idea of ‘forgiving his father.’ However, he used various terms except that. And Hence I assisted him to think on those terms by directly asking on that.

Through your comments, I see the importance of improving how I phrase questions and choosing words carefully. It’s a valuable lesson for me to use words that won’t unintentionally cause resistance or invoke conscious self.

Grateful to you for your details comments :pray: :herb:


This story remind me one of LOTUS SUTRA:
Accept the people as they are, everyone have their own level of understanding and mental development. Every soul is different.


True @pushparag.j9019. Thanks for reminding the LOTUS SUTRA . :pray: :herb:


Thank you for having taken the time to conduct this session and share it with us @Santhi_Akula.
Further to what our @Monesh_Bathre has shared, I felt that this more in lines of a counselling session instead of a PLR one.
What I see happen her is mixing up psychotherapy with PLRT and not being able to arrive at a theme which could have elicited a far memory. Stagewise and process wise is fine but I need to go through a few more of your cases to ascertain resolutions. Thank you.