Addicts go on guilt ride after indulgence

Continuing the discussion from Why do addicts feel a guilt after indulgence?:

Guilt after indulgence in addictive behaviors can be complex and multifaceted…
Addicts may hold conflicting beliefs or values… the dissonance of holding contradictory thoughts may lead to feelings of guilt as they struggle with the discrepancy between their actions and their values…
When an addictive behavior conflicts with these moral standards, it creates a sense of guilt. They may feel they have violated their own ethical codes or let themselves or others down…also after indulging, they might feel guilty about the emotional pain or disappointments they have caused others, reinforcing feelings of remorse…
They may also view themselves negatively due to their inability to control their behavior. This self-criticism can intensify feelings of guilt…
Addiction may lead to missed opportunities in personal, professional, or social aspects of life. Guilt can stem from recognizing the ways addiction has hindered their potential or caused them to miss out on important life events.
And then this perpetuate the cycle of addiction. Feeling guilty might lead to emotional distress, which some individuals try to alleviate through further indulgence in their addiction, leading to a repeating cycle of guilt and indulgence…

Addressing these feelings often involves therapy, self-reflection, and support from others, which can help individuals understand and manage their guilt and work towards recovery.[quote=“Dr Venu, post:1, topic:2117, full:true, username:venu”]
@NishaRani Ma,
Jai Sri Krishna
Please spare a few minutes of your time to help me understand this as you’d be the best person to answer, on psychologically why do alcoholics or for that matter any of the addicts feel a guilt after having indulged in experiencing the substance?


This… Is the shortest and simplest explanation I have read… Thank you! :smiling_face:


M thankful to you @ Siddhi​:pray::pray:

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