All that my client saw was light!

When some of my Amarantians start their PLRT practice they come complaining to me that all that their client saw was light!
But here is a beautiful (erudite) answer to it from our Master in his book, “Many Lives, Many Masters”

"The light is so brilliant! Everything comes from the light. Energy comes from the light. Our soul

immediately goes there. It’s almost like the magnetic field that we are attracted to. Its

wonderful. It is like a power source. It knows how to heal.”

I’d like to know what your experience has been



Thanks Venu for this lovely question, after taking sessions for almost 4 years now, I understand that its the beautiful light that is the source of all the creation. So whenever my client says I can see nothing just a bright light which is brighter than the sun but is not pricking when I see it, actually it is very soothing…I tell them to get all their answers from the light…and about 95% of them get perfect answers from the light. I am surprised how beautifully it answers, it smiles at them, it cuddles them and makes them feel loved. To be frank many times I connect to the light they are visualising and I know what answer its going to give and when I get the divine answer I also am full of gratitude to this beautiful light…


That is really awesome Geetha. Can understand that completely as a couple of my clients have had similar experiences and have received answers from the light too , which initially made me wonder. I have also had a client who would only see darkness and am still trying to figure that out :).


So beautifully expressed Gita :pray:

Doesn’t it all seem to be so amazingly captured in this sloka and resonates with your blessed experience

या देवी सर्वभूतेषू कान्ति रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥


yes venu very beautifully expressed for sure

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