An Encounter with Lord Dattatreya Through Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process

Dear All
This session was performed on one of my batch mates (guru sibling). I was a little hesitant in posting but she told me to post and seek opinion from all.
Please take some time to review and provide your opinion.

One of my batchmates from Atlantean batch 30+ Y
Kinesthetic: 5, Visual: 5, Auditory: 5
Hypnotisability score: 8/10
Eye roll test: 2
Pain level: 7-8
Session 1: 30th Aug 2023 (3-5pm)
Stages 1 to 8 were completed during 1st Session over call
The theme was finalised post 1st Session and 2nd Session.

  1. Understanding the patterns of relationship issues.
  2. Healing myself.
  3. Why do I see a snake in my dreams when negative events are about to occur in my life? (I also have kalasarpa dosh in my kundali.)
  4. Why do I see vast expanses of water (like oceans, overflowing water, flowing rivers, etc.) in my dreams? Although it’s pleasant to experience, I’d like to understand if there’s any significance behind it. (Out of 12 dreams in a year, 10 involve water)

Session 2: 02 Sep 10:30AM to 12:45 PM

We started with a prayer.
Followed by briefly covering stages 1 to 8 again. The theme was re-discussed and we were able to come to the final theme (stated above).
The Checklist was completed and IMR established.

We began with Dave Elman’s progressive relaxation technique, leading to a visualization of a garden and a cliff.
On the cliff, the client visualized throwing away all the traumatic and sad events by picturing them as images in metal frames, casting them off the top.
Afterwards, she felt deeply relaxed and at peace. She felt light, accompanied by a strong conviction that these past events would no longer affect her.
Followed by this the client visualised three happy memories. She was told to feel these memories and remember to come to them whenever needed.
Then we moved to the traumatic memories. She has a memory of her brother beating her with a belt when she was in 3rd Class. She felt pity on her brother no pain. We used this emotion as affect bridge to go back in past life she mentioned she was in cosmos and could not visualise anything.
As she was not able to visualise, We then transitioned back to the garden, proceeded to a set of stairs, and upon opening a door, She again saw the vision of the cosmos. It was something like this:


The Client couldn’t proceed any further from that point. The vision came in a flash and then disappeared. She said that she saw nothing, and her mind went completely blank.
Afterward, she was emerged from the experience and took a lunch break.

Session 3: 02 Sep 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM
The Client was again induced used Dave Elman followed by deep relaxation. This time from the garden we used the old temple visualization. She was able to meet the guide and was requested to open the door which will take her to the caused on her current life issues.
On opening the first door she couldn’t visualize anything specific initially. Suddenly, she saw a brief vision. In it, there was a house with two children. She felt a connection, as if she was one of them. But just as quickly as it appeared, the vision faded. She could not identify the second child.
We went back to the guide again and asked the client to open another door this time too initially she couldn’t see/feel anything until another vision flashed before her: a bustling marketplace filled with vendors and the surrounding noise. As with the previous vision, this too disappeared in an instant.


Nothing came to her awareness from this point as well. I suggested her to give permission to her subconscious to proceed to a significant point in this life time. But nothing came to Client’s awareness.
The client was emerged and we took a tea break (Green tea obviously)
We called Neha for some suggestions and guidance on how to proceed further. And we followed everything that was said.

Session 4: 02 Sep 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
We once again began with Dave Elman’s technique and progressive relaxation, leading her to a visualization of a garden. However, she found myself unable to journey further from that point. Instead, she had a vision of ‘Lord Dattatreya.’ The experience was something like this:

The Client started crying the moment she saw Bhagwan Dattatreya.
(There was a drop in the room temperature I could feel presence of something very holy)
I asked her to breathe and be in his company. The Client was quiet for rest of the session and was having the discussion with the lord. The same is shared by her and presented below.
As soon as I saw I cried a lot by holding his feet.
I did little pooja to his feet. Offered flowers.
I was asking the following questions:
Me: My dear lord Datta… Are you real or my imagination?
No answer.
Me: Tell me why can’t I identify the root cause of my issues?
No Answer.

Me: Why do you remain silent?
No answer

Me: If you remain silent, how can I heal myself? I tried all the possible spiritual ways to heal myself and now I view PLR as my last hope for complete recovery. Yet you don’t even seem to acknowledge my struggle. What should I do next?
No answer

Me: If you can’t, nobody can heal me and I am uncertain about how to proceed.
No answer

Me: If only I knew where I was going wrong, I could break the cycle. I am eager to learn my lesson and ensure I don’t make the same mistake again.
My second thought: You are on the right path. No need to worry.

Me: Why do I see dreams related to water?
MY second thought: It symbolizes vastness and the infinite. As you transition from a limited to an unlimited perspective, this imagery surfaces in your dreams.

Me: Why does a negative event often follow shortly after I see a snake in my dream?
MY second thought: There is nothing to fear about it.

Me: How to raise my kid? I am very uncertain about my future.
MY second thought: You don’t need to limit yourself. Spend your money with the confidence that you will generate income in the future.

Me: Are these thoughts originating from me? Or Are you transmitting them to my mind? It is very confusing to understand. Please talk to me or give me a signal at least
No Answer.

Me: Why am I not able to go to past lives? Or the root cause of my problems?
MY second thought: If you want to go you may go now.

Me: How could I seek anything elsewhere after sitting at your feet? This is a greater opportunity than anything else in the universe. It would be foolish to pursue other things when you are present.
MY second thought: Silence.

Me: Am I healed? Or not?
MY second thought: am always accessible to you. Cherish this experience. Practice your sadhana daily, keeping me in your thoughts and meditating on me. Trust that with time, everything will fall into place more perfectly than you can imagine.

Me: What If I face more difficulties?
MY second thought: When you prioritize self-care and external events no longer affect you deeply, you can consider yourself healed.

Me: Which mantra do I need to follow? “om namo aadi narayanaya namaha” – given by lord Vishnu in one of my dreams or “Sri guru datta, jai guru datta, sri datta saranam mama” which I am currently doing?
My second thought: You can choose anything, but strive for consistency in whatever you do.

As I bend forward, He kept his hand on my head. And he merged into nothingness.

I felt myself sinking deeper and deeper, into the bed. When I refer to ‘I’, I don’t mean my physical form but rather my consciousness or energy body. It was going deeper into what seemed like a bottomless pit, a sensation that was incredibly wonderful, unlike anything I’d ever felt before. I remained in that state for a while. Throughout our conversation, my therapist patiently allowed me the time to truly experience the energy and to seek answers. He asked me to signal him once I was ready. After I regained consciousness, he gently guided me back to the present.

  • When I shared my entire experience to my therapist Dr.Ashish, he noted that the room’s temperature had shifted when I mentioned seeing ‘Lord Dattatreya.’ He could sense the change in energy around us.
  • I also shared the whole event in a conference call with two of my batchmates. As we three were siblings in one of their past lives. This past connection has brought us closer in this life.
  • What my batchmate shared next was surprising. As I narrated my experience, she felt as if a parallel universe was unfolding. She revealed that during a regression session with her own client, who had come to her with relationship issues similar to mine, the client didn’t perceive any past life memories for the initial sessions. However, during the third session, her client had a vision of a guru, specifically ‘Lord Raghavendra Swami.’ This revelation brought her client to tears and provided some answers.
  • My batchmate further disclosed her own experiences. She too had faced few challenges in the past. At times, she would dream of snakes, and it was later revealed during her mother’s meditation that her daughter(my batchmate) had been a snake in one of her past lives.
  • Both my batchmates added that they have the ‘Kala Sarpa dosh’ in their kundalini. When I mentioned this to my therapist Ashish, he confirmed that he too has the ‘Kala Sarpa dosh’ in his janma kundali.

To my surprise, I remembered: My grandmother, a devout follower of Nagendraswami, named all her children after snakes. My mother and her brothers bear the following names: Nagamani, Nagendar, Nagabhooshan, and Nageshwar.

And my batchmate has posted these pages from the autobiography of Sri M, book:

We connected yesterday 06 Sep 2023 and she mentioned that despite multiple challenges she feel relaxed and pain free.
The pain of the Client has decreased to zero after the session.

Follow the lord’s instructions.

Question from Client if all of you can also help with your opinion:
I am not able to completely shake off the feeling that everything might have been a construct of my mind, especially since I didn’t experience any events from the past even in this current life. So I’m curious to know from Venu or fellow batchmates if they’ve come across any cases where individuals didn’t revisit past events but met a guru. Your insights and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

(A big thanks to my guru sibling for helping me in documenting this case and also motivating me to post the same)


Hi Ashish
The main criteria of any PLR is healing. Hete the pain level has gone down to zero. Hence, whether it is imagination or actual PL…how does it matter. Healing has happened and hence the session is successful.
Also you felt the dip in the room temp when your client was speaking to the lord. This 8s a clearcut indication of actually things are happening.
So once again Ashish you have hit a six. 4 out of 4. Simply superb.

Take a bow!!!



Hats off to your sincere efforts despite all the resistance. Vision of Datta guru was breathtaking, I believe thoughts that came to clients mind were the teachings even though there was no vision/feeling of a conversation… Thanks for sharing :tada:


Oh my god! What a miracle you are doing in every session! Who says it’s imagination ?
You are blessed and your client as well. May god always be by your side.


Dear @N_S
I am not doing anything this is the grace of almighty and guru kripa.
I too feel that my client was blessed courtesy whom I too was able to get the blessings of lord.


Dear @Kaushik
Thanks for the kind and motivating words.


Dear @deepakchaks
You have always been very motivating.
Agree when I felt the dip in room temp I had goose bumps. It was a heavenly feeling.


Excellent Dr Aashish!
These are pure divine encounters. Since the client was not visualizing hence could not go back and forth to the source of the issue. But may be the client may not have any major issue afterall. A person who can invoke the divinity of Dattatheya!, what to say.
If she is contented and happy, nothing more than that is needed.
Ananda Krishnan


Dear Aashish,

Each of your sessions is excellent…
I reiterate Deepaks’ words, It’s important that the client’s pain level is reduced to 0…
The vision of God is a true blessing for you both.

Thanks for sharing this gem. There is much to learn from you
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

With Love,


Dear @Ananda_Krishnan

I too feel the same. I feel this is like the wish of almighty.


Dear @sindhuja_kamaraj
I feel that this art is so heavenly that we always have something to learn for all.
As I always say our Guru has taught us well it is all his grace. I am just a medium.


Dear Aashish,
Thank you for sharing this remarkable session! It’s truly fascinating to see how PLRT can lead to profound spiritual encounters and insights. The client’s experience with ‘Lord Dattatreya’ is awe-inspiring and highlights the transformative potential of past life regression.
The parallel experience shared by her, involving ‘Lord Raghavendra Swami,’ adds an intriguing layer to this exploration, suggesting possible connections beyond our current understanding.
The mention of ‘Kala Sarpa dosh’ and its prevalence among those present in the session raises intriguing questions about the interplay between astrological influences and past lives. It’s an area that warrants further investigation.
Lastly, the family naming tradition related to snakes is a captivating detail that underscores how past lives or ancestral connections can leave imprints on our present-day lives and beliefs.
Overall, this session exemplifies the depth and richness of experiences that PLRT can offer. It’s a testament to the transformative power of exploring our past lives. Thank you for sharing this profound journey with us.


It’s a joy for the parent’s when the children are loving and helping towards each other.
Can’t thank you enough for making this time and reaching out.

Sough advice from someone who is still not certified.

It’s been my experience through life that these blessed Masters are “ATG” – Any Time Grace dispensers! All that is required is for us is to call upon them with an undistorted innocent mind!

May be because no answer will convince this doubt!
My take would be whey aren’t we able to have such coherent experience while awake?
This is exactly what Sri Bhavan Adi Sankara Acharya was saying all along, “Advaitha” we are not different from Him!


I was also blessed to witness this in some sessions earlier and is one of the main impetus for me to conduct these sessions!

The answer to the question your client has asked is also in the expert of the book that was shared, where Babaji answers it!