Awakening Empowerment : Rediscovering Strength Through Past Lives

Client’s name - SP
Age - 55
Focus score - 3/10
Eye roll score - 2/4
V/A/K - 5/4/3

Pain level (before session) - 8
Pain level (after session) - 2

Theme - Fear of failure holding her back from doing anything

Session 1 (Stages 1-8) on 16/09/24 for 4 hours

History taking:-
SP grew up in a middle-class family in Thrissur, Kerala, as the eldest child. Her childhood was filled with happiness, surrounded by her parents and two younger brothers. She was particularly attached to her father and took on a sense of responsibility from a young age. Her school and college days were joyful, enriched by a wide and strong circle of friends who became her biggest support system.

As an adult, SP is married, and with two children, a son and a daughter. However, her marriage has been fraught with problems, though she manages to navigate through them. She has strong likes and dislikes, particularly when it comes to food, and she has survived cancer, a battle that left lingering effects such as headaches, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

SP also faces difficulties in her professional life, largely stemming from her inability to say “No” and her tendency to please people, which often puts her under undue pressure. She thrives in vibrant, lively environments and is uncomfortable with silence or calmness. She always strives to be at the forefront of everything, eager to take on tasks and do things for others. She wishes to be self-dependent. Yet, there is a constant hesitation/fear of failure that holds her back from fully exploring her potential—a feeling that pulls her back just when she’s about to take a step forward.

This hesitation also manifests in her fear of darkness and her discomfort with being alone. She dislikes sleeping alone and even finds it unsettling to close her eyes for long periods when no one is around. These fears and anxieties, combined with her reluctance to assert herself, create a complex web of challenges that she navigates daily.

Session 2 (Stages 9-11) on 17/09/24 for 2 hours

Induction started with Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Ball of light, Garden of Peace and proceeded with Happy Moments. She had happy memories from childhood- moments with a childhood friend which brought her tears of joy. Saw a chubby, little boy in the Garden of Peace but could not identify him.

Session 3 (Stage 12) on 25/09/24 for 2.5 hours

Started with Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Ball of light, Garden of Peace and proceeded through Affect bridge which was the “Fear of failure holding her back from doing anything” and suggested to go back to the time where it first started.

C - Client , T- Therapist

Lifetime- I

C- I can see a sea, black waters and calm.

T- What else can you see or feel?

C- I can hear the sound of waves, can feel the cool sea breeze on my face.

T- Can you see anyone there?

C- I can see a small child, looking at the sea.

T- How old is she?

C- She is 5 years.

T- How does she look like?

C- She seems like Indian.

T- What is she wearing?

C- A frock, light coloured one.

T- Can you describe her features?

C- She has chubby face, fair skin, braided short hair.

T- Is that you?

C- I am not sure.

T- What is she doing there?

C- She is looking at the sea.

T- How does she feel now?

C- She is happy, alone, but not afraid of the sea.

Switches to another lifetime

Lifetime- II

C- I am seeing a road, it is raining slightly.

T- What else can you see around?

C- There is something like a bus stop. I can see 2 children- 2 boys.

T- What are they wearing?

C- They are wearing khakhi shorts.

T- How do they look like?

C- They are Negros.

T- Can you find out their age?

C- Looks like 10 or 11 years

T- Are you there?

C- I think one of the boys is me, yes, I’m sure he is me.

T- What is your name?

C- Jian (She spells it… J-I-A-N and her expression turns happy)

T- How is your hair?

C- It’s curly. I don’t have much height and weight.

T- Can you see your feet? What are you wearing?

C- Black shoes and socks.

T- What else can you see around?

C- It is a township. There is a fenced garden on the opposite side of the bus stop, having beautiful flowers. I can see a shed. It’s a beautiful place. Looks like a European country.

C- They are going back from school. It’s not a busy place.

T- Can you find out which year it is?

C- It is 1617.

T- How does Jian feel now?

C- He is very happy, he is a brave boy, and very smart. (She has a happy and contented expression on her face now)

T- Shall we move to another significant moment in this lifetime?

C- Jian is in school, answering all questions. He is arguing with children, but in a friendly manner.

T- How old is he now?

C- He is 11 years.

T- What is he wearing?

C- He is in suit, pants. He looks lean.

T- Who else is there with him?

C- The teacher is talking to him, regarding maths. He is not satisfied with her answers. He is good at maths.

T- How does he feel now?

C- He is worried, not satisfied. Nobody can understand his concepts. He is now speaking with friends, walking out of class.

T- Can we move ahead to another significant moment in this lifetime?

C- Jian is reading in the library, he wants to become a scientist.

T- How old is he now?

C- He is more than 25 years.

T- Can you see anyone around him?

C- He is alone in his table and reading. There are other people in the library.

T- Can you identify anyone there?

C- Not really.

T- Can you describe his appearance?

C- He is wearing suit, grey coloured with lines and black shoes. He always like to wear suit. He has lean fingers.

T- How does he look like?

C- He has brown skin, curly hair, not so thick.

T- What are his thoughts?

C- He is worried and also passionate. He wants to explore something. He wants to find out something, he can’t find it, but he is passionately trying.

C- He has now completed his student life.

(Here I am becoming a little bit concerned why there is nobody other than Jian showing up in this lifetime- no parents, friends or other relations revealed till now)

T- Now can we move to another significant moment in this lifetime?

C- Jian is walking along the corridor, he is talking to someone.

T- How old is he now?

C- He is 35.

T- What is he wearing?

C- He is wearing a black suit. Everyone around is in black coats. Jian looks like an executive. The place looks like a courthouse.

T- Can you describe the surroundings?

C- He is in an office room, he has a good office room, he is sitting on a chair.

T- What is he doing?

C- He is busy with his work, he likes to be busy. He is not taking rest, he doesn’t want to take rest.

C- He is talking with his colleagues, but he is not very sociable.

T- Can you identify any of his colleagues?

C- Not really.

T- Can we move ahead to his last moments in this lifetime?

C- Jian is sitting on a chair without a shirt. He looks a little tired.

T- How old is he now?

C- He is 55.

T- What do you see around?

C- He is in a house which is not so big, but the rooms are spacious.

T- How does he feel now?

C- He is weak, but still very fond of reading. Reading is his hobby. He cooks for himself. He is self sufficient and he is very happy with his books.

T- Can you tell me which year it is?

C- 1682. Jian is 77 years old. He is no more.

Client shows some signs of sadness/distress. Did stress management.

T- If you are feeling uncomfortable you may float above and observe.

After a few moments’ pause,

T- How do you feel now?

C- I feel happy, relaxed.

T- What is the message that you got from this lifetime that you wish to take forward to the current lifetime?

C- We should have willpower. Even if there is nobody to help us, we can achieve anything using our willpower.

T- Amazing! Shall we now go back to the garden?

C- Yes.

Took her back through the affect bridge and burned it. Emerged her out of the session gradually.
After the session the client seemed satisfied and content with her experience.

I too got the answer to my earlier confusion that why no significant relations were showing up in Jian’s lifetime. Because that had some significance!
“Jian was managing himself alone in that lifetime and he was happy doing so. He was able to manage everything and achieve his goals with his willpower and enthusiasm. If he, being alone, could do all those things, why can’t I, with all these supportive people around me.” This was the understanding shared by the client. She became convinced that she has the power within her to achieve anything on her own because she had already done it in a previous lifetime as Jian. It was a very empowering lesson for my client.

Post-session Review:-
After one week SP reported that she feels more empowered now, and it is as if a barrier has been lifted from her mind. She is able to venture into things without any hesitation as she knows that she can achieve anything with her willpower. This has given her the courage to try new things.

SP wants to have further sessions to deal with her other themes. Looking forward to those.


Dear Soumya,

Very well for bringing the life lessons to the client.

My learnings are as follow for your consideration pl,

Expected to need deliberate induction and deepening.

May need a reconsideration here as total of VAK is 12 and not 15.

Good response potential.

Emotional/psychological state before onset?

Lets paraphrase and try an open ended suggestion.
Consider : Having gone back in time you are experiencing 5 years old child looking at the sea. Wearing a frock with chubby face who could this little child be?

Consider paraphrasing.

Profound lesson.

My best wishes to you and the client.

Best Regards,

:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Thank you so much Monesh for taking time out to go through the case and for the valuable feedback :pray:t2: Will keep in mind the points mentioned while doing further sessions.


Hi @soumya , overall a good session… client got the revelations which is needed.

From my view bit paraphrasing would have been better, you could have asked the client to make connection by looking in eyes with whoever around.
If classic flow done then it must reveal few more things in details.
There is no further exploration of first lifetime of that girl.


Congratulations for your first post @soumya … very well done. Stay blessed! :heart:


Thank you for your valuable suggestions Harie​:pray:t2::pray:t2: I will definitely try to include paraphrasing in my next sessions.

As the client had started narration from childhood itself and proceeded till death, i was skeptical whether to follow classic flow pattern again. How to proceed in such situations?

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Thank you so much Divya​:heart::pray:t2:


Hi @soumya - Congratulations on your first session! :+1: it was well conducted …and was a success as per the cleint right?.. afterall that was our intention also…Keep going with more sessions… :palms_up_together:


if the client is telling in chronological order then no need of classic flow I guess. we can confirm this with Venu.


Thank you dear Subha for the words of encouragement​:heart::pray:t2:

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well done my blessed @soumya
further to what beloved @Monesh_Bathre and @HarieMore have advised.

I appreciate how crisp your write up is. To the point.

You are lucky the client didn’t get distracted as here paraphrasing like Monesh advised and grounding into the Engram would have been apt. this repeated again. And client drifted to another lifetime as we had not grounded I suppose.

here to enhance the I of IDT, the suggestion could have been, “how are you feeling Jain?”

empathise, value what you have received by paraphrase and then lead to know more…

we have asked this so many times, that the client might feel the there should be someone :slight_smile:
My suggestion to know more would be, “Breath into this experience and let me know if you find out anything more…”

client is still not identified with the sub-personality.

good, stress management can be done anytime you perceive even the slightest of the strain.

wow, so profound and actually the crux of all teachings. Splendid!

I am jumping in agony on why would you go to the garden when you had just got started!
There is so much you could have done here for the client. Focus on resolutions. Her pain level could have plunged to 0 if we could have done it.

And answering yours and @HarieMore 's questions, always attempt for KMF2C even if the lifetime has flown in a sequence. You will be surprised at what emerges and more than anything this will ensure as little residual as possible.

What a blessed session @soumya you are super lucky to have started off with such a great session. Massive potential!


Dear Dr. Venu, Thanks a lot for your kind words of guidance and encouragement🙏🏻 I have taken note of each and every suggestion of yours and i’m sure to do better with the blessings of our great Masters🙏🏻