Brinda's Introduction

Namaste everyone!

My name is Brinda.

Life so far, has been like one long train journey. I’ve jumped onto every band wagon that came my way!! Ultimately worn many hats! Academically have done my BA in Applied arts , apprenticed with an Architect , worked as an interior designer, tried my hand at other healing modalities and trained as a Montessori teacher and have been teaching most of my adult life. I finally put down my roots in Mysore about two decades ago, spending time either teaching tiny tots or those in the corporate world as a soft skills trainer.

Many years ago, I had read Dr Weiss’ book ‘Many lives Many masters’ and was so inspired to learn PLR . Initially, I read every book about the subject I could lay my hands on. Curiosity almost killed this cat!! ….And while inquisitively searching for a good PLR therapist a year ago , was finally guided to ‘Amarantos’, and when I read about the whole process decided to do the course in PLR and become one instead . I am not yet there but enroute for sure and want to be one who makes a difference in people’s lives , especially that of young adults . Amarantos is a beautiful launching pad which has given me yet another hat to wear, this is by far the most interesting, colourful one, meaningful one.

I am astounded by the stories that are actual realities which I hear from the few clients I’ve had. Those stories have actually made me delve into History to find out if dates match with the characters and I surely have been pleasantly surprised. I am so thankful to Mr Venu , Ms Neha and the Amarantos family for all their support , helping me to make a difference.

Thank you !


Warm Welcome Brinda its a pleasure to have such learned ones in Amarantos!


Most welcome my dear brinda…
U would have mentioned my name tooo… :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: ,some one in trance …who can warn the therapist… " hallo… i am still conscious…ok"
yet another unforgettable experience from amarantos!
Any way welcome home. Brinda!


Welcome, Brinda dear.


Jyothi, you were the highlight of my training :smiley: and yes another unforgettable experience at Amarantos .


Thank you Geetha, :slight_smile: but a long way to go to get be that ‘learned’ a person for sure !!


Well done :+1:…Brinda…it’s the struggle that leads us to destination,wer we hoist our flag :india::india::india:


Thank you Haresh , am so happy to be part of the beautiful community.

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now I know where your abundance of patience comes from.
Feeling blessed to have you with us.


Thank you Venu , am blessed to be here .


Welcome! to the Amarantos Family, Brinda.


Thank you Dr. Nisha .