Name : Swara.
Age : 27 years.
Sex : Female.
Born : Bengaluru
Living : Bengaluru.
History taking :
Theme :
1 : Lack of love.
2 : Memory loss and not able to focus on work. Why I feel nervous to communicate with others.
3 : Why does astrologer tell me that my first pregnancy will end up in the miscarriage.
Client Assessment :
Hypnosis score : 9.
Auditory : 6.
Visual : 3.
Kinaesthetic : 6.
Eye roll score : 2.
Session 1 :
The session started with Dave Elman’s technique and was followed by progressive relaxation and light healing. And was followed by Inner Child Healing. Then, I asked the client to visualize and relax in the garden.
T - What are you aware of ?
C : Garden.
T – Do you feel anybody’s presence in that garden ?
C – No.
T – Go to the SE to know why does the astrologer told you that your first pregnancy will end up in miscarriage ?
C – This looks like a village.
T - Look at your feet and up to your face ? What do you see and feel ?
C – I am wearing a dhoti. Can’t see myself properly, but I feel I am a man in mid age.
T – Which place and year is it ?
C – It is Bharath. I can’t recognize the year. But it’s long ago.
T – Go to dinner time in that life to know more about your family ?
C – I could see a couple. I feel they are my parents.
T – Do you recognize them in this life ?
C – I feel that my mother in that life is my husband’s sister in this life. And I can’t recognize my father.
T – How was your relationship with your mother in that life and with your husband’s sister in this life ?
C – Good.
T – Go to the next SE of that life ?
C – Can’t see anything.
T – Keep concentrating until you reach that SE ?
What do you feel, see, and hear ? No need to hurry, take your time ?
(Abreaction was indicating that she is not comfortable)
T – What are you aware of ? No need to judge anything ? Whatever comes, let it come ?
C – He is in danger. Villagers will kill him.
T – Who is in danger ? No need to take any pain ? Witness everything as a third party ?
C – They killed him.
( Client started crying)
T – No need to take any pain ? Why did they kill him ? Do you know him ? Who is he ?
C – Don’t know why they killed him. He is a small boy, he must be 10 years old.
T – Do you recognize that boy in this life ?
C – No. He is telling me that “You didn’t protect me. You didn’t keep your promise”. I feel that he likes to come into my life. But, he is not trusting me.
T – What was that promise ? Tell me in detail ? **
(She couldn’t gather more details. But, kept on crying.)
T – Would you like him to come into your life ?
C : Yes.
T – Talk to him. Tell him to come as you like ?
C – I am telling him to come as my son. But he is not trusting me.
T – Call yours, and that boys spirit guides.
C – Yes. Sprit guides are here.
T – Ask the spirit guides to convince that boy. And once again, promise that boy in front of the spirit guides.
C – He agreed.
T – Also take a promise from that boy in front of the spirit guides ?
C – Yes, he promised.
** T – Tell him to come into your life in an auspicious time. The purpose of his life should be to uplift your family, our country, and to help the needy ?
C – He said yes.
T – Ask him when he is willing to come ?
C – He is telling me that he will come in the June month.
T – How is this life relevant to astrologer’s predictions ? What comes to your mind ?
C – This boy could have come into my womb to take birth. But, cos of trust issues, he could have strong textgone out from my womb. So, that could be a miscarriage. Now his doubts are cleared. And he believes me. Now he will take birth from my womb.
Session 2 :
The client was willing to know more about the past life that she witnessed in her first session. Especially she wanted to know what the relationship she had with that boy.
Theme : To know more about the past life that the client experienced in the first session.
The session started with Dave Elman’s technique and was followed by progressive relaxation and light healing. Then, I asked the client to visualize, feel, and relax in the garden.
T – What are you aware of ?
C – I am in the garden.
T – Look all around ? Do you feel or see anybody’s presence in that garden ?
C – No.
T – Keep walking in that garden with bare foot ? As you are walking on the grass, feel the grass and receive all the positive energy from Mother Earth, through your feet soles ?
C – I am walking on the grass. I could feel the grass. Pictures are not clear. I am receiving the energy from Mother Earth.
T – Now go to that past life to know more about that life ?
C – Yes, it’s the same village.
T – Look all around you ? What are you aware of ?
C – I could see a temple ?
T – Tell me more about that temple ?
Who is the deity ?
C – It’s a small temple. Goddess Shri Mahalakshmi is the deity. And she is wearing a red saree.
T – Do you see or feel anybody’s presence in that temple ?
C – That boy is here in this temple. And a priest is performing pooja.
T – How old is that boy ?
C – May be around 10 years old, I feel
T – Do you have any relationship with that boy ?
C – Don’t know.
T – Go to an SE to know more about that boy ?
C – This boy’s mother left him in a field after giving birth to him. Then villagers adopted this boy. And he is growing in that temple.
T – Go to an SE to know more about your relationship with that boy ?
C – Me, that boy and another friend are talking here. We 3 are friends. We spend time together whenever we get time. I am also adopted by these villagers. My work is to guard this village. My other friend is a farmer.
T – Do you recognize your other friend ? And how old are you and your friends ?
C – My other friend is my husband in this life. Me and my other friend are in the mid age and that boy is around 10 years old.
T – Now go to an SE to know about your promise to that boy ?
C – I am telling him that “My job is to guard this village. I will protect you also. You don’t worry about anything. I am there for you.”
T – Go to an SE to know more about that incident. Why did the villagers kill him ? No need to take any pain ? Witness everything as a third party ?
C – A group of people from that village has stolen a golden chain from that temple. And they convinced the other villagers that this boy only stolen that chain. Because he lives in that temple only, everyone are doubting that boy. He is just 10 years old. No one is supporting him, everyone are angry. In that anger, villagers killed that boy. I couldn’t save him.
(Client started crying. And she couldn’t gather more information.)
The client decided to come out. THE END.