Client Assessment

Hi My Dear Family,

I need help/suggestions regarding a future client. He is blind but not from birth; some medical negligence occurred about 20 years ago.

My question is: how do I proceed with the client assessment, or can I skip this part?

Thank you in advance.



Hi Jasmit,

I think hypnotizabilility score and VAK assessment can be completed with your assistance. But for eyeball test I believe will not be applicable in this instance. As beloved Venu taught us, the purpose for eyeball test is to assess the hypnotizabilility of the client and the same could be deduced through other assessments.
As the client is not blind by birth, it will not hinder him to feel/hear or visualize your instructions during the session. Rest, you can proceed with the client history as usual.

All the best for a wonderful session! I’m sure you’ll execute it exceptionally well​:blush::+1:


Thanks for asking Jasmit,
sorry to hear of his unfortunate accident.
you can assist him actually, watch the other post where we have made the Stage 5 - Client assessment now a breeze


Hi Kaushik,

Thank you for your reply and encouragement. I will do my level best to assist the client with his assessment.


Hi Venu Sir,

Wow thank you for doing this for us. I tried it and just love it. Simple and fun too. I will do my best to assist my client with his assessment.