Controlling of my life

Marleen , F, 56, 8/10

Eye roll 1/4

VAK 5/5/5

Pain level before: 10/10

Pain level after: 3/10
T: Therapist
C: Client

Theme: controlling of my life.

History taking:

Marleen was born in Cuba and lived in a big house with a swimming pool and a large garden with tall trees. From her house, you could see the sea in the distance.

Her family included two older brothers, her mom and her dad. She also had two sets of grandparents and an aunt.

When she was a baby, her parents got divorced due to their troubled relationship.

Marleen had a good relationship with her brothers. Her mom was very caring but also dominant and controlling, and she took primary care of Marleen.

Marleen grew up in a communist country where believing in God was not allowed.
However, her maternal grandmother, who was Catholic, introduced her to some Catholic beliefs.
Today Marleen believes in God.

During her kindergarten a nurse abuse her. She was terrified about it.

Then when she was 9 years old her uncle wanted to abuse her. She ran away. It didn’t happen, but she was left terrified by the experience.

When she was 17 years old she went on holiday with her boyfriend. During that time, her maternal grandfather passed away.
Her mother made her feel guilty for leaving and not being present.

Marleen had a good time in college . She got married in 1987, continued her education, and learned how to manage a household. She and her husband were together for two years before getting married , and their marriage lasted 11 years.
They divorced because he was highly dysfunctional, extremely jealous, and abusive. He also cheated on her.

They had a baby girl together named Lita . However, her first pregnancy was a boy who tragically died after seven months. She gave birth to a stillborn baby.

During her second marriage with John she was everything he wanted her to be. After a long time, she decided to start getting her life back . She divorced him after 21 years together. During this marriage she had a daughter named Alex.

Her third relationship was with a man who was 14 years older than her.
It was a very loving relationship, but she struggled with the age difference . After two years together, he died of cancer.

All her relationships were very significant and impactful.

She learned to be herself and love herself.
Now, she has been living with her current partner for two years. Her two daughters do not live with her and her partner.

The eldest daughter is married and has a daughter, while the other one is studying at the university.

When she started dating her partner, both daughters had difficulty accepting him. But things have improved over time.

Marleen attends self-help groups, enjoys talking with friends, and loves dancing.
She is working, and when she goes home, she spends time with her partner.

I have completed stage 1 till 9.

1 Session

Dave Elman, Progressive relaxation, Paradise of peace, Happy childhood

Age: 9 years

I was playing outside with my cousin while my uncle was sitting on a bench . He called me over and asked me to sit on his lab. Then he asked if I had a boyfriend and said he could teach me about it, but that I shouldn’t tell my parents or grandma.

I told him that my grandma was waiting for me and ran away. I was afraid.

T: just breathe in healing energy and breathe out the fear of afraid.

Do this 5 times.
T: How are you feeling ?
C: Better I forgave him.


Marleen was at a lake with her dad in the afternoon. The lake was cold . She heard birds and frogs. There are no other adults, but her brother was there. She was happy, but she felt afraid of swimming in the lake because she could see green at the bottom of the lake.

T: Just enjoy this beautiful time with your dad.

Age before 4

I am in the kindergarten nursing office. My mom is telling the nurse that she thinks I have a parasite. The nurse is checking. I don’t like it!

T:What are you feeling?

C: I feel terrified about this!

T: Just experience these emotions.

Breathe in healing energy and breathe out the feelings of terrifying. ( 5 times)

2 Session

Dave Elman, Progressive relaxation , Cliff with boxes, garden, Tunel of light, Affect bridge,Past life, End of the life time, LBL

T: Where are you? Are you inside or outside?

C: Inside

T: Are you male or female?

C: Male

T: What are you wearing?

C: Shirt with pants

T: How old are you?

C: 30

T: What year is it?

C: …47 not sure

T: Describe what is happening?

C: I am in a house alone . Now I see more people around.

T: Do you recognize those people? You can look into their eyes.

C: Yes I am married my wife is my eldest daughter from present life. She is telling me what to do. I follow what she is telling me to do.

T: Is there anyone else you can recognise? Look into their eyes.

C: Yes my grandfather! He is the father of my wife in that lifetime. There is also a young girl she is my youngest daughter in this lifetime.

We are preparing dinner and setting the table.

T: By the count from 1 to 3 go back further to a significant moment of this story?1, 2, 3

C: The father of my wife already died!

T: How do you feel?

C: No feelings.

T: For some moments. Go back by the count from 1 to 3 at the end of this lifetime. 1;2;3

C: I died from my heart

T: What were your thoughts?

C:That was all!

T: What did you learn ?

C: I had a good life but I can’t always say yes to everything. I learned to be myself! To love myself.

T: Take a deep breathe in and out!
You are safe !

Experience now the moment you died !

T: After some moments! let me know your experience .

C: I hear : it is time. I see emptiness little lights

T: With the count of 5 to 1 let us go into another significant moment where you felt fear of control of manipulation?

T: Are you a male or female?

C: Male

T: Which country or continent is it?

C: I think is Spain or Portugal, is year 17…

I see women’s with long dresses.

T: What’s happening?

C: I am doing business with a man. He is my brother in present life.

We are in the business of trading goods by boats. I don’t trust him! He is trying to manipulate me into doing business.

T: What are you feeling?

C: I am afraid. This does not feel right!

T: What are you saying?

C: I am not sure about this ! I am afraid of making the wrong decision!

T: Are there more people around?

C: Yes people working with me and for me.

T: Do you recognize those people?

C: Yes I see someone, a guy he is the friend of my partner in present life! He is working for me!

T: What’s happening next?

C: We did business.

T: Now by the count of 1 to 3 go to the end of this lifetime. 1,2,3 be there.
What are you experiencing?

C: The person I did business with cheated on me. During a heated discussion and fight, he shot me in the chest with a gun. That’s how things were handled in those days.

T: How old where you then?

C: 68 something

T: What are you feeling at the moment he killed you?

C: Feeling warm and cool.

T: Do you forgave him?

C: Yes it is not important anymore !

I see my body lying and I go like flying. I understand!

After this I bring client back to the garden to relax some time . Then I count her back from 1 to 5 being fully awake feeling very good and wide awake.

The client mentioned that at some point during the session, she felt disoriented and didn’t know where she was. I noticed this by her breathing and slow reactions, so I asked her more questions using IMR . I was concerned that she might fall asleep.

After the session, she felt better. In both past lives, she died from heart-related issues, which indicates there was stuck energy related to pain and love. The second past life revealed her fear of betrayal.

Third session:

Dave Elman, progressive relaxation, garden, tunnel of light, affect bridge, Past life, LBL

T: Where are you?

C: I see a river

T: Are you Male or female?

C: Female

T: What’s happening there?

C: I see a lot of black people. I think I am in Africa.

I am with a guy. We are going somewhere.

T: How old are you there?

C: I am 30 years old.

T: What year is it?

C: Something with …49

T: What happens next?

C: We are picking Lemons from a tree. We are putting them in a bag.

There are more people. I see a young woman.

T: Do you recognise this young woman? Look into her eyes!

C: Yes she is my mom in present life! She is my younger sister in this life.

She is very young. I am close to her.

She has 3 kids and is expecting another.

T: Do you recognise the kids?

C: One is a friend of mine in present life and the other one is my brother in present life. Those two I recognise.

T: Are you married?

C: Yes my husband works I can’t see him.

T: When I count from 1 to 3 move on further in this lifetime!

T: 1….2….3….

T: What are you experiencing?

C: I am at home . I am very old.
I have white hair.

A young guy is here. He is my sister’s son.

I don’t have kids in this lifetime.

T: When I count from 1 to 3 move to the end of this lifetime. What are you experiencing there?

C: I am lying in bed. I died of something in the lungs. I have difficulty breathing.

( I anchor difficulty breathing letting her breathe in healing energy and breathe out difficult breathing)

T: How do you feel know?

C: I feel at peace

T: Who where there with you?

C: My sister and her kids and an old man with a stick. He is my husband.

T: Look into his eyes do you recognise him?

C: Yes he is my father in my present life.

T: Now experience you dying, leaving your body. What do you feel, sense or hear?

C: I am feeling that I am leaving my body. I see my body lying. I see my husband he is sad. I see also my sister in the room.

I feel at peace and I am seeing lights and I feel lighter.

T: What lesson did you learn from this lifetime?

C: Don’t be so serious.

T: Just breath in and let that emotion of being serious go away as you breathe out. Do this 3 times.

And now let that image fade away!

T: And now by the count of 5 to 1 move to another significant event in the past go even much further where you experience the fear of controlling and manipulation.

5 … going deeper and deeper

4… feeling relaxed as you go twice deeper and deeper

3… your subconscious mind can bring up your deepest memory

2… almost there

1 … be there and experience it!

T: Where are you?

C: I am in a cave, in a mountain.

T: What’s happening?

C: I have a baby boy. I am hiding with my baby.

Someone wants to steal and kill my baby. They were killing all babies.

T: Who wants to kill your baby?

C: I don’t know. My partner brings me here.

T: Do you recognise your partner? Look into his eyes.

C: Yes he is my partner of present lifetime.

T: How old are you?

C: Twenty something not sure. I have long clothes and my head is covered with a cloth.

T: Do you recognise your baby! Look into his eyes.

C: I can’t see his eyes.

T: What happens next?

C: We can finally go out of the cave. We stayed alone for many periods of time in the cave. My partner couldn’t stay. He needed to work.

T: Now by the count from 1 to 3 move further in this lifetime

1, 2,3 Experience it and be there now!

C: My son wants to go to war.

T: How old is he?

C: 20 years

T: How are you feeling about his decision to go to war?

C: I don’t want him to go. His father wants him to go !

T: Is he going to war?

C: Yes I feel sad and worried.

T: Just experience the emotions of sadness and worry, and as you breathe in the healing energy you breathe out the emotions of sadness and worry out. Just breathe in and out those emotions. Breathe in and out for 5 times.

T: How are you feeling now?

C: Happy

T: What happens next?

C: He returns from the war and brings an animal to celebrate.

T: How do you feel?

C: I feel very happy

T: Now by the count from 1 to 3 move to the end of this lifetime.

T: 1, 2, 3 be there.

T: What is happening?

C: I am very old. I can bearly walk.

I see people from the village. My husband is very old.

T: What is his name?

C: Lorenzo

T: Who else is there?

C: My son with his wife .

T: How did your died?

C: I died from old age. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to leave them behind. I want to protect them.

T: What are you feeling know as you leave your body?

C: I feel as light as air. I see my body and I’m rising, and it feels like I can fly. I see other lights and people, and they’re calling me to come toward them.

T: What did you learn from this lifetime?

C: I can’t protect everybody. I can’t control everything.

T:How do you feel?

C: I feel good.

She understands she can’t control anybody

After this I brought the client back to the garden to relax for some time. Then I counted her back from 1 to 5:

So in a moment I will count you up to 5, at 5 you will be able to come back fully into the moment, feeling good. So coming up with 1 aware of your body 2, fully coming back into this time and place and 3, the room around you, with 4 moving fingers and toes, all the way back, with 5 feeling good eyes open wide awake, 1,2,3,4,5 feeling good, welcome back.

After completing the sessions with Marleen, I send out a report to her via e-mail.

Closure: Controlling is not good ! You can’t control people; otherwise they will try to control you too! Everyone has the right to live according to their own will. She promised me that she would work on it and was very pleased with the sessions.

I saw a smile on her face. She was thankful and said it was a really good experience.

And with that we ended the session.


Good work Jackie ! Very well done


Very thorough and detailed! Happy to read your client felt better.


And…Jackie begins! Great first case experience Jackie through so many lifetimes. The only thing I felt was a lot of rushing but then again you said you had omitted stuff. Would love to read it its entirety, step by step as it progresses. Be well!..:)…

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@Jackie , good work… you tried to resolve all the issues… that’s commendable


It never ceases to amaze me how our learning from the past can be so simple, yet so profound—always right in front of us, yet somehow still distant.
This is fantastic! I really appreciated the simplicity and flow of the write-up. Well done, Jacque, and all the best to Marlene :blush:


It’s so nice to know that the client had no resistance at all. Glad that she was able to get resolution through you. Very well done @Jackie


Hi Hiren,
Next time I will go more in detail ! Thank you for your feedback! I could put also the womb experience but then it would be too long. I had to do many lifetimes to find the root problem of the client .

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Thanks for reaching out my blessed @Jackie

I can imagine how excited you might have been on being able to elicit the Engram for the first time!

there were several opportunities for Paraphrasing and stress management here. We also need to take the Indirect Art of Suggestion, for example,

these need to be, “moving ahead, may be to your last moments in that lifetime as this lady… what would you experience…”

very well on this.

Remember we don’t direct sessions, we assist. with that being the attitude how would you frame the below suggestion?

T: Just breath in and let that emotion of being serious go away as you breathe out. Do this 3 times.

any Amarantian can also give this a try.

Noted Dr. Venu i will work on it.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any seriousness or tension. Repeat this process three times.