Cycles of life and death

WhatsApp Image 2025-02-03 at 22.00.15

I am left with a strange feeling after this PLR session as it was both eye-opening and moving. It felt incredible to see my client uncover deep insights about leadership and patience.The emotions and realizations he had were powerful reminders of the wisdom we carry with us. It made me feel grateful for the opportunity to guide people in this way, helping them discover more about themselves and their journey. I’m excited to see how these revelations will shape his present life.

Recently visited my son in Dublin, I met his friend Karanveer, a quiet and well-mannered young man. Something about our conversation sparked a deep connection, and he felt a strong urge to explore Past Life Regression. Since he’s a healer himself, I was initially hesitant, but eventually, I decided to conduct the session at home while my son was at work. Here is the the whole story unfolding…

Name:- Karanveer Gill (name changed) further I will refer him as ‘client’.
Age:- 31yrs
Occupation:- Spiritual Healer

Session 1 ( 6/12/24 at dublin home)
**Contract and Oath of Confidentiality was signed:- **
Client assessment:-
VAK 8/4/3, Eye Roll 4/5, Pain level- before 06, after 03, Hypnositability 8

:pray::pray: I express my heartfelt gratitude to my Guruji for guiding me through this PLR session with my client. It truly meant a lot, especially as my client is a healer himself. Your wisdom and support made such a difference to leave a lasting positive impact on his journey. I’m deeply thankful for your presence​:pray::pray::pray:. You continue to be a shining source of light and guidance in my life. Thank you for always being there!:pray::pray:

Client, a serd, was born in Anandpur Sahib, a peaceful town in Punjab, nestled by Sutlej River and surrounded by nature. Growing up in such an environment left a lasting impact on his connection to the world. His family is loving, but there was a disconnect. His mother is very practical but nurturing, focused on creating a stable home, while his father is reserved and often preoccupied with his work. While they both cared deeply for him, the client felt like his deeper, more spiritual side wasn’t fully understood.
His family valued traditional goals like academic success and fitting in, but the client didn’t resonate with those ideals. He often felt torn between the expectations of his parents and his own inner search for meaning. Although he didn’t share his spiritual inclinations, (untill in Dublin), parents supported his education( BS in CS) at Trinity College ,Dublin.The search for inner peace led him to pursue further degree in psychology and holistic health at Limerick. Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something is missing in his life.
From a young age, he had an intuitive ability to sense others’ emotions, often knowing how someone felt without them saying a word. So, nature became his refuge, a place where he found peace and clarity while grappling with big questions about life and human connection. While his peers were concerned with fitting in, he found himself drawn to spirituality and philosophy, feeling out of place in a world focused on material success.
As a teenager, he dove deeper into spiritual practices, seeking peace in a chaotic world. His journey led him away from the pursuit of material success and toward helping others find inner peace. Despite his academic focus on Computer science and then Psychology and holistic health, he still felt like there is a missing piece.
In his mid-20s, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening. His dreams, visions, and heightened intuition guided him to a clearer understanding of his purpose. This newfound awareness led him to serve others and share what he had learned. He immersed himself in yoga, meditation, and spiritual teachings, even connecting with past lives, particularly one where he was devoted to peace and service.
Eventually, he found his calling as a holistic therapist, helping others heal from trauma and find spiritual clarity.
Though his relationships were emotionally fulfilling, his introspective nature sometimes led to feelings of loneliness. Romantic relationships offered profound growth, but he still felt something was missing, and a deeper understanding of his purpose and unresolved emotions unexplored…which led him to me to explore the past life regression to deeply understand his lingering emotional blocks.

Stage 1 to stage 5 were done.
Pre-briefing was done with less efforts as the client was already familiar with…response was positive and accepting as the client is a healer himself.

Theme: Cycles Of Life Death
Karanveer feel the need to explore PLR to better understand himself and find clarity about his purpose in life. He is looking for answers to questions about his role and the patterns he has experienced, hoping to make sense of his emotional and spiritual journey. Feeling a bit lost and uncertain about his path, he is hoping to uncover lessons and qualities from past lives that can help him feel more grounded, confident, and at peace with who he is.

We started with Dave-Elman relaxation technique - deep belly breathing. Client was very cooperative to my suggestions.
We took a deep breath together - Inhale deeply, and then exhale slowly through our mouth. With each breath, let go off any tension and sink into calmness. Picture yourself in a safe, quiet space where you can fully relax.
T- When you’re ready, I’d like you to close your eyes and breathe deeply in your belly
C- Yes I am ready

Karanveer is guided into a relaxed state through deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation followed by Dave Elman – Deep relaxation- checked with his level of comfort with IMR.

T- your brilliant imagination is taking you straight back to the street where you lived or a place where you lived before the age of 10yrs…your childhood
With a count from 5 to 1, allow yourself to move further into your childhood memory.
5…4…3…2…and 1.
Where are you, and what’s around you?
C- I am sitting under a huge tree. It feels like my own peaceful place.

T- That sounds so serene. What does it feel like under that tree?
C- I feel like I belong here, completely at peace. It’s like nature and I are one.

T- That’s beautiful. Take a moment and feel that peace. What else do you notice in this moment?
C- Everything feels calm, I’m just being here, in the present.

T- What comes to your mind?
C- I’m walking by the river, watching the water flow… feels like the river is talking to me, sharing its peace.

T- That sounds so tranquil. How did being by the river make you feel ?
C- that I am part of everything, no separation, just me and the world around me.

T- It sounds like nature gives you a deep sense of connection.
How does this memory resonate with how you feel today?
C- It reminds me of who I really am, the peace, the stillness. Sometimes it feels distant, but I know it’s still there.

T- That peace is always within you, even if it feels far away. The more you reconnect with it, the easier it is to find, especially when life gets overwhelming.
C- Yeah…

T- You can always return to that place of calm, it’s always inside you.
C- I feel the need to spend more time in nature, to reconnect with that peace.

T- Nature has a way of grounding us and reminds us of who we are. Keep nurturing that connection, and you’ll find that peace more easily.
C- Thank you. I feel so much lighter now.

T- You’re welcome.
Now, take one more deep breath, and when you may feel ready, gently return to the present moment, bringing that peace with you.
when you feel ready you may slowly open your eyes.

Session 2 (7/12/2024)
Karanveer was guided into a relaxed state through deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation…followed by Dave Elman – Deep relaxation

T- continue deep breathing and trust the process and allow whatever comes to surface to be revealed
Take another deep breath and just relax, focus on my voice , and with every breath, feel yourself sinking into a state of deep relaxation…
with a count from 10 to 1. you’ll go deeper and deeper into a relaxed state.
10… take a deep breath and feel your body relax.
9…8 feel your muscles loosen…
7…release any tension…
6…5… sinking deeper n deeper into a peaceful state.
4… even more relaxed
3…more peaceful, and at ease.
2…you’re now deeply relaxed
1…so deeply relaxed, calm, and open to your pastlife time memories.
You’re safe here, your mind is open to whatever memories or images arise…you may focus on the first memory that comes to you the first memory in your awareness
T- where are you? and what do you see ?
C- difficult to see…it’s complete dark
(Client is trying to focus… REM)…
looks like a forest…a dense forest…very quiet, I feel am alone…uhh…I feel I’m not human.
(stress on forehead )
I…I feel smaller. I’m… I think I’m an animal.

T- you may stay with that feeling if you wish to… (Pause)
What kind of animal do you feel you are?
C- a wolf like…I have fur, I can feel the ground under my paws. There’s this… deep sense of freedom. I feel so connected to the earth, the trees, everything around me. I can smell the air, the earth, the forest. I can hear every little sound. I’m very alert.

T- Wonderful.
What is your life like as this wolf?
How do you spend your time?
C- मैं अपने झुण्ड में हूं…साथ में शिकार करतें हैं…
We communicate through howls, eyes, and our movements. There’s a sense of unity and understanding, forest is both our home and challenge.
We always stay alert… there’s a peace in knowing our role in this forest… we survive and protect each other.

T- That sounds like a beautiful and connected way of living.
if you want you can stay with that feeling for some time… (Silence 2min)
C- My pack is like family. We move as one, communicate without words. Every member has a role, we respect each other deeply. The young wolves look upto elders for guidance.

T- What’s your role in the pack, and how do you contribute?
C- As an older wolf, I’m a source of wisdom. I teach the young ones how to hunt, read the forest, and sense danger. They depend on me to know where to find food and when it’s safe to rest. I’m also a protector.

T- That sounds like a role filled with responsibility. Do you have a memorable hunting experience?
C- yeah… a time when the pack was starving and struggling to find prey. The young wolves are weak. I lead them upto a ridge, spotting a strong buck in the early dawn. We watched patiently for hours. When the time was right, we attacked as one. It was a victory that showed the power of unity and patience.

T- That must have been powerful. What did that victory mean?
C- more than just food. It reminded us of our strength and unity. The younger wolves learned the value of patience and teamwork. I felt that I’d passed on a lesson about connection, trust, and understanding.

T- A beautiful moment of leadership.
What comes to mind when your pack is threatened?
C- uhh…hunters have entered our forest, setting traps. One of the young wolf got caught. We are terrified. I acted quickly. and circled the humans, drawing their attention away. I led them far from the pack, keeping them distracted long enough for the others to escape.

T- This sounds incredibly tense.
How do you feel in this moment?
C- It is instinct…no fear, just focus. My pack’s safety is all that matter. Every muscle, every sound in the forest, every breath, it all felt clear. I don’t think about myself; I only think of them. There is no choice. If I don’t act, the young one will die.

T- that’s an act of deep responsibility and love. What happened after?
C- Eventually, hunters gave up. When I returned, the wounded wolf was still in pain, but we managed to free him. The young wolves looked at me with newfound respect. There was an unspoken bond, deeper than before.

T- Such an intense experience. How did your relationship with the pack evolve after?
C- We are even more united. The pack trusted me more, I also realize I wouldn’t be around forever. I’m growing old. The young ones must learn to protect and lead. I teach them strategies to assess situations and lead themselves.

T- That sounds like a wise realization.
How do you feel as you grow older?
C- My body is slowing down, but my mind is sharp. Watching the young ones take on more responsibility fills me with pride and a little sadness. I feel at peace, knowing I’ve done my part.

T- what a profound moment of acceptance. How did you experience your final moments?
C- I am alone in the forest, feeling heavy and stiff, but not afraid. I lay under a tall tree, the sun is setting, the forest is most peaceful. I feel the earth beneath me and closed my eyes. It is the end of my journey, and I am at peace.

T- most beautiful, peaceful passing. As you reflect on this life, what have you learned?
C- I learned the importance of community, loyalty, and knowing when to step back. I also learned that no matter how small or old you are, you can always contribute. Life is about connection and giving what you can, no matter where you are in your journey.

T- What do you experience after leaving your physical body?
C- peaceful…like a weight has been lifted. I don’t feel confined. There’s this sense of freedom, like I’m not bound by anything.

T- That sounds like a relief.
What is this new state like?
What do you notice about it?
C- It’s like I’m connected to everything. The air, the land, the trees… everything feels alive, in a way I never understood before. There’s no pain, no fear. Just this deep sense of peace, almost like everything around me is in perfect harmony.

T- what a beautiful way to put it.
Do you sense any other beings around you, now that you’re no longer in your physical form?
C- I can’t see them, but I feel them. It’s like an energy those who’ve passed before me. There’s comfort in knowing they’re there. I’m not alone. It’s not so much that they speak to me, but I can feel their presence, their wisdom. It’s like we’re all part of a bigger whole.

T- It sounds like you’re surrounded by love and support…
How do you feel about your life now that you’re no longer in that physical body?
C- Looking back, it’s like seeing the bigger picture. Everything I went through, they all make sense now. It all led me to this moment. I feel a sense of completion, like everything was part of something much greater than I realized.

T-That’s a powerful realization.
Do you have any regrets or unfinished tasks?
C- No… पहले लगता था… but now I see that everything mattered. I guided my pack, taught them what I could, and now they’re strong. They’ll carry on without me. It’s the way it should be.

T- That’s a beautiful way to see it. How do you feel about your pack ?
C- I feel proud of them… They’re stronger now. Even though I’m not there physically, I still feel their energy. They’re learning and growing. I’m a part of that, and that gives me peace.

T- It’s clear that your bond with them continues, even after your passing.
Is there anything else you experience or feel in this new state?
C- It’s hard to describe. It’s not like being in the physical world. There’s no time, no urgency. Everything just flows. I’m not just one being anymore, I feel I’m a part of everything. The forest, sky, stars all are part of me, and I’m part of them.

T: It sounds like a peaceful, expansive experience.
Do you feel like you’ve fully transitioned into this new state of being?
C: Yes, it’s like a return to something I’ve always been a part of. I’m still with my pack, still connected to everything. I’m not gone… I’ve just become something else. I’m part of the earth, part of the universe, and that feels… right.

T: That’s such a profound and peaceful way to see it. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey with me of your deep sense of peace, connection, and understanding, even after passing.
Take a deep breath now and with a count from 5 to 1 allow yourself to drift beyond this time and space, moving into the next significant past lifetime memory
5…4…3…2 and 1
What is coming to you now?
C- I’m still, very still.…I feel like a tree… tall, with a thick trunk, my branches spread wide
I cannot move, but I’m aware… I’m deeply rooted in the earth.

T- Interesting.
What kind of tree are you?
C- बरगद…हां ये बरगद का पेड़ है … काफी पुराना लगता है …My roots stretch deep into the earth. I’ve been here for so long, maybe hundreds of years… even more. I’m part of the lives around me. Birds rest on me. People sit under me for shade, rest, and peace. I’m a place of stillness and wisdom. I feel the energy of the people who come and go, witnessing everything.

T- wow… such a profound existence.
What do you feel as this tree?

(I M getting goosebumps listening to this, I felt stuck guiding him further, still wondering and doubt my capabilities as I strongly feel the presence of some pull-n-push force, may be divine energy that took the whole journey afterwords.)

C- I feel, I am a place of connection. I give shelter to those in need, people sit under me to seek solace, peace and guidance.I offer them strength.I am patient and steady. I hold the stories of the land in my bark and roots. I am a silent observer.

T- hmm…It sounds like a very peaceful and important existence.
Is there a specific moment or event in this tree’s life that stands out?
C- Yeah… I remember this storm, fierce wind, heavy rains, people sitting under me are running for shelter. The storm lasted for hours. But I am firm… I didn’t break. After the storm passed, it feels fresh and renewed… I’ve witnessed so many storms, and I know I will continue to stand.
I am eternal.

T- What is it like to experience time this way?
C- There’s peace… I’ve witnessed storms, births, deaths, celebrations. I remain rooted, still. People come and go, the land changes, seasons shift. I simply observe, absorb, and understand the flow of life.

T- You seem to be a silent observer of life’s cycles.
Can you recall a specific moment when you felt connected to people or creatures that visited you?
C- A family is resting under my shade after a long walk. Father closed his eyes, and I can sense his worry for his family’s future. I cannot give him answers, but I offered him peace in that moment.

T- Your presence offers comfort in ways words cannot. Any other moment like this?
C- A woman sitting under me, holding her child, is crying in grief. I can feel her sorrow deeply. I sway in the breeze, offering comfort without words. Later, she stood, feeling lighter, whispered a thank you as she left…she found solace in my silence.

T- That’s a powerful connection.
Can you recall a significant event that marked a shift in the world around you?
C- The drought… People and animals stopped coming. I stand firm, feeling the earth’s desperate thirst. Some thought I might die, but I waited. Then, a storm came. The rain was heavy, and life began to heal. I rejoiced in the return of life.

T- How did the people and animals respond after the storm?
C- first slowly, then more confidently… air is fresh, soil is rich. Animals returned, squirrels climbed my trunk. People approached with reverence, knowing I survived the drought. One woman placed her hand on me and said, “You’ve endured it all. You are a symbol of life, even in darkness."

T- That must have been a powerful moment.
Do you remember a time when you felt a deep understanding of your role in the world?
C: hmm…One evening, the wind is still, the forest peaceful, I realized I’m not just a tree, but part of life’s cycle. I witness the land, people, and creatures passing through, offering shelter and giving oxygen in return.

T- That’s a beautiful perspective. Do you have any final reflections on your life as the Bargad tree?
C- Stillness and patience teach me that life always returns. My role is to endure, provide, and witness. In silence, there is wisdom.

T- Thank you for sharing your wisdom. It seems your life as a tree has been one of deep connection, patience, and understanding.
After this life as a tree,
What’s the transition like?
C- (Pause) It’s gentle. I don’t feel physical death like humans. It’s more like shedding my old form. I dissolve into the air. There’s no panic. I’m still me, but free from the earth.

T- Sounds peaceful. Are you feeling any sensations as you leave the tree behind?
C- I feel light, free from the heavy trunk and roots. It’s a release, not a loss. I’m still connected, but now untethered. It’s freeing.

T- what happens next?
C- I am in a space full of light. It’s peaceful, timeless. There’s no up or down, just stillness. I’ve moved from the world of form to the world of energy.

T- Do you feel any presence with you in this space? Anyone guiding you?
C- Yes, they feel like guides, not physical, but comforting. They communicate with me through feelings. They feel familiar, like I’ve known them before.

T- Do these guides say anything to you?
C- They tell me my time as the Bargad tree was valuable. I’ve learned patience, endurance, and service. I feel proud, I’ve played a part in something much bigger.

T- Beautiful. Are you given insight into what’s next for you?
C-The lessons I learned as a tree witnessing, standing firm, offering peace will guide future lives. I don’t know my form, but I will grow, learn, and serve.

T- Do you feel a deeper understanding of your purpose?
C- I am not just an observer,but part of the cycle, offering shelter and receiving in return.

T- That’s profound. Do you feel different now that you understand this?
C- Yes…Even when something ends, it’s part of a greater cycle. The drought, the return of life it’s all part of the flow. I’ll carry that understanding wherever I go next.

T- That’s a powerful insight. Is there any other presence you feel in this space?
C- Angels…Their presence is nurturing, warm, loving. They don’t judge, just guide and protect with unconditional love.

T- That must be comforting. Can you feel their influence in any specific way?
C- It’s a quiet, gentle presence, like a mother’s embrace, they’ve always been with me, supporting me, but I never realized it until now.

T: Do you think these angels have been with you in past lives as well?
C: Yes. They’ve always guided me, though I wasn’t always aware of them. They’ve helped me grow, evolve, and learn the lessons I needed.

T: That’s comforting to know. As you reflect on your time as the tree and your transition, any reflections or lessons stand out?
C: I’ve learned the power of patience and stillness. Everything changes, but nothing truly dies. It transforms. Life keeps moving in cycles, and even in the darkest times, there’s always a return.

T: That’s beautiful. Does it change how you feel about your current or future life?
C: Yes…I feel more connected and at peace. Whatever comes next is part of something larger. The tree’s lessons will guide me, and I’ll remain part of the cycle of life.

T: That’s profound. It sounds like you’re carrying these insights forward, not just as memories, but as guiding principles. Thank you for sharing your journey. It’s an honor to witness your growth.
C: (Smiling softly) .
I know now that the tree isn’t just a past life, it’s part of who I am, and always will be. I’m ready for what comes next

T- Thank you for sharing that beautiful experience with me…
Now, take a deep breath and with a count from 5 to 1, if you may be willing, we may drift into another memory of past lifetime…
C- yes…

T- Take a deep breath, and allow yourself to drift beyond this time…
5…4…3…2…and 1…
What comes to you in this moment?
C- (silence)…
an old man…there’s a feeling of lightness around me, a calmness… peace.

T- look at your feet, what are you wearing?
C- nothing

T- कपड़े क्या पहने हैं?
C - लाल रंग का gown
I feel… I’m a saint or a spiritual teacher.

T- how old are you?
C- may be 54 or 56yrs

T- ध्यान से देखो …साल कौन सा है?
C- 1562…may be 1567… can’t see clearly

T- कौन सी जगह है ये? क्या नाम है इस जगह का?
C- I feel its a monastery …it’s Tibet

T- great
How do people address you?
C- Tenzin Sangye (तेनजिंग संगी)
my fellow call me by this name.

T- beautiful name…
Now take a deep breath, relax, and bring your awareness to this monastery.
Can you describe your surroundings?
C- a peaceful mountain community with fresh air, clear skies, and nature’s sounds. We gather in a temple-like building for prayer and meditation.

T: That sounds beautiful.
What’s your role here?
How do you spend your days?
C- I wake up early, meditate, then join others for prayer. We chant, give thanks, and I offer guidance to those seeking peace.

T- It feels like a life of purpose.
Any individual stand out to you in this life?
C- Yes, a young man comes to me, filled with doubt. He has left his family searching for answers, but feels lost and unsure of himself.

T- That must have been tough for him.
How did you respond?
C- I don’t rush to give him answers. I invite him to sit under a tree in silence. Eventually, he shares his fears, and I listen without trying to fix him.

T- It sounds like a powerful moment.
What happened next?
C- Over time, he learned to explore his doubts, realizing the answers were within. I encouraged him to listen to his heart, not tell him what to do.

T- such a gentle way to guide someone. How did he respond?
C- He thanked me, but I knew he had found his own path.

T- That’s beautiful. Are there any other significant moments?
C- Yes… its famine…the community is filled with fear. The fear is overwhelming.

T: That must’ve been hard.
How did you help?
C: I gathered everyone, not offering quick fixes, but speaking about the importance of stillness and faith. I asked them to trust the cycle of life and find peace within even in hardship.

T: It sounds like you gave them inner strength. What happened after?
C- Slowly the community found peace, supporting one another. The famine ended, due to their resilience

T- That’s incredible.
Were there any other key moments?
C-Yes, as I grew older, a younger monk feared the community would fall apart without me. He is worried for the teachings would be lost.

T-;What did you tell him?
C- that the teachings are within all of us. The greatest service is to let go, trust your hearts and know that others will find their way.

T- Such deep wisdom.
How did you feel after the conversation?
C- peaceful, I have done my part. It is time for others to carry the teachings forward.

T- And how did you transit from this life?
C- I passed away peacefully in my sleep, surrounded by love and light. There is no fear, just a sense of grace.

T- It sounds like a life full of peace and wisdom. How do you feel about it now?
C- at peace…the wisdom from this life still guides me today, in my connection to nature, animals, and spirituality.

T- It’s clear that wisdom is still very much a part of you. Let’s take a deep breath… slowly bring your awareness back to the present. 1…2…3…4…5
You may open your eyes whenever you feel comfortable
C- I feel centered and peaceful, with a deeper understanding of myself. The lessons from this life are clear.

T- I’m so glad to hear that. This has been a beautiful journey for you. Take your time to integrate these insights into your life.

[ My client and I had a great conversation about his past and present experiences. We scheduled the third session for the 9th since I’ll be traveling to Melbourne on the 10th of December.]

SESSION 3 (9/12/2024)

T- Reflecting on your past lives, how do you feel about your experiences?
C- It’s overwhelming, also there’s a feeling of connection like everything’s part of a bigger picture, waiting for me to recognize it.

T- That recognition is powerful. How do you think those roles shaped your current sense of self?
C- its more clear about what matters… In each life, I was a guide and protector. I think my purpose now revolves around those qualities being grounded, offering peace, and guiding others.

T- How does this resonate with your current life?
C- deeply…I feel more confident now in my role to help others.

T- How do you feel about integrating these lessons into your daily life?
C- I feel lighter…the tree’s wisdom reminds me that everything is cyclical, and peace always returns, even in difficult times. I want to carry that with me.

T- It seems you’re ready to embrace these lessons. How do you want to show up in the world now?
C- I want to be present for others and offer support and guidance, without trying to fix things. Like the wolf or the teacher, I want to help others find their peace.

T- What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from your past lives?
C- Everything is connected. Peace comes from understanding and living in harmony with that connection.

T- How can you integrate that into your daily life?
C- By slowing down, connecting with nature, being more intentional with people …listening, offering comfort, and allowing space for them to find their own answers.

T- That sounds beautiful. Is there anything more you’d like to explore from your past lives?
C- I’ve explored enough. Now it’s about putting what I’ve learned into practice, stay grounded, and trust the journey.

T- Yes… These insights will guide you as you move forward with clarity and purpose.
C- Thank you. I feel more whole now, and I’m humbled to carry this wisdom forward.


A must read for all of us. Splendid job

Only suggestion, coach breathing as often as possible.
I’d like to read it together in our upcoming forum call.


Amazing session. I was fascinated by the the life as a tibetan monk and his experience of a famine as in our region back in the day the lives of whole communities depended on the land and farming and famine was a threat and danger to lives. even to date praying for protection from famine continues.

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Thank you so much@Dechen… for sharing your thoughts!..:pray::blush:
I really appreciate the way you connected the Tibetan monk’s experience to our own history. It’s incredible how deeply the land and farming have shaped lives across different places and times.

Your insights added so much depth to the discussion, and I’m grateful to you. Looking forward to more meaningful conversations ahead!..

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Thank you so much​:pray::pray:, Dr. Venu, for your kindness and thoughtful feedback. Your words truly mean a lot to me, and I deeply appreciate the time and effort you always put into reviewing everyone’s work.

Your suggestion about incorporating more breath coaching is invaluable, and I’ll definitely keep it in mind for future sessions.

I’m also honored that you’d like to read it together in our upcoming forum call. Your wisdom and support continue to be a guiding light on this journey.

My heartfelt gratitude​:pray::pray: