Disclaimer for PLR Therapists

Hi Amarantos family,
I was working to prepare some disclaimer for myself to send to the client before starting the PLR session. I thought it will be great to get input and valuable suggestions from all the seasoned and experienced therapists here and add value to newbies like me. Feel free to add your comments if I missed any important point for disclaimer or if anything doesnt make sense.

Welcome to Past Life Regression Therapy. Before we begin our sessions, it is important to understand and acknowledge certain aspects of this therapeutic process.

  1. Spiritual Experience: Past Life Regression Therapy can be a deeply spiritual and introspective journey. It may involve uncovering memories and emotions from past lifetimes that have a profound impact on your present life. It is essential to approach this experience with an open mind and a willingness to explore the depths of your consciousness.
  2. Variable Results: Please be aware that the experience of past life regression may vary from person to person. While some individuals may delve into past lifetimes during the first session, others may require multiple sessions to access these memories. Additionally, it is possible that you may not experience past life regression at all, as your current life may hold the answers to your questions.
  3. Patience and Understanding: Patience and understanding are key throughout the process of past life regression therapy. It is important to trust the journey and remain open to whatever experiences arise. Even if past life memories do not surface immediately, each session offers an opportunity for personal growth and healing.
  4. Therapist’s Liability: While every effort will be made to facilitate a safe and supportive environment during your past life regression therapy sessions, the therapist cannot guarantee specific outcomes or experiences. The therapist cannot be held liable for any emotional or psychological effects that may arise after the sessions.
  5. Signature Requirement: As part of this disclaimer, you will be asked to sign a document acknowledging your understanding and acceptance of the above points. Your signature indicates your agreement to participate in past life regression therapy with full awareness of the inherent spiritual nature and variable outcomes of the process.

Please take the time to read this disclaimer carefully and feel free to ask any questions or seek clarification before proceeding with the therapy sessions. Your comfort, understanding, and well-being are our utmost priorities throughout this journey.


Hi Preeti,
Thanks for adding disclaimer to the forum. I have read all the points and want to add one point as it’s my personal experience.
I don’t know that it can be in disclaimer or in the form but this point must be mentioned.

∆ Kindly do not drink or smoke 7 days prior to PLR therapy session.

I have personally experienced that one of my client was having continuous visions of negative entities and elementals during the session, and later we realised that such vision was due to smoking :smoking: when we read some testimonials and journals on PLRT.
If anyone want to add their thoughts on it, they are most welcome.

Pusparag Jauhari


Law is one thing and Love is another,
I admire this write up my blessed @preeti_kapoor, it showcases how systematic you are.
My 2 cent however is, law is one thing and love is another. PLRT is my love for humanity… and while this whole world is so unfriendly and unwelcoming, Amarantos is the counter trend where we want to have the universal acceptance and not close the doors upon anyone… and hence can we use the term “Client Orientation” instead of disclaimer? And on that front, here is what I’ve been sharing with all our clients once their appointment is confirmed.
Client Orientation.pdf (29.5 KB)

I’m in everything and everyone!


Dear Pushparag,

My client was a smoker and an alcoholic. He also experienced negative entity visions.Thanks for sharing your experience, as I was able to correlate with mine. Certainly, this point should be included in the client orientation.




Hi Preeti,

Thank you for sharing this valuable resource. It would certainly help.




Today is May 24. So allow me to pretend that, I have given considerable thought to your query of April 3.
Frankly, after reading your query; what immediately comes to mind is, what you have created is a brochure of your offering PLR services.
In the alternative, you are confused between wanting to create a Contract and usage of the term Disclaimer. You are erroneously using both interchangeably.

At the very elementary level a Contract is a legally binding Agreement.
While a Disclaimer essentially is for Protection from subsequent claims of your client against you.

Disclaimer is strictly not needed. Unless, it is necessary that you set out the circumstances that could lead to your failure in delivering your claims.

A very unprofessional advice… Lesser the paper work; more is the peace of mind.

DISCLAIMER: Notwithstanding, anything that is said in this post; it is not to be construed as professional legal advice and in any manner possible implied as the author’s GUARANTEE to please the reader of this post. This post, is at best an opinion and not an advice. The reader is, at all times required to exercise caution and may discard all that is said in this post; without accruing any liability, legal or otherwise of whatsoever nature and for whatsoever reason on the author of this post