Do promises of the past affect our choices of the present?

M -23yrs,6/10,2/5, Visual, and reason for choosing the same gender for relationships / Migraines ,10/10
This client was so visual and was able to describe everything in so much detail and with so many gestures and abreactions i wished I had video graphed the entire three sessions .Now to give you the back ground My Client is a young gay male and happened to meet with this person ‘S’ a few weeks ago, S is also gay in this lifetime ! Is this coincidence or a play of the past ??
’ Minu ’ Happens to be an energy who has been with my client through many lifetimes and also happens to be MaaKali , This boy is a ‘Sikh’ but and ardent MaaKali bakht. I have completed 3 sessions and each session was for more than 2n1/2 hours . the transcriptions for each session goes into more than 15 pages so have just uploaded relevant excerpts

Read on …T stands for therapist, C for client , anything in the brackets are the abreactions :slight_smile:

After the progressive regression and taking him through the tunnel of time into a lifetime :---- The client goes into the lifetime where he is a girl named ‘Pramita’ and we had visited this lifetime the previous day … this is on the second day …

C:- Someone is lying on the bed ……I’ve seen this room before …… I’m walking through a corridor…. T:- Where is this ? look down at your feet ?..… C:- Barefoot…… T:- How old are you?..43…… T:- and which year is this?.. C:- 1910 … C:- entering a room …… T:- what are you becoming aware off now?.. C:- Minu is there at the corner of the room T:- Who is lying on the bed?.. C:- My Husband… T:- What is Minu doing in the room?.. C:- Watching us …… T:- What is your connection with Minu?.. Is there a connect with her from a different lifetime?.. C:- I don’t know her…. T:- Look into her eyes?..She has white eyes !(says this almost before I actually finished the question ) C:- and a dark complexion…. She is wearing a different saree today (This is the same person/soul He had seen in the previous session) White saree with red blouse, saree has red border with checks…… T:- Wonderful… C:- She tells me to look at my husband…I’m going towards him ….I’m near him ……( Starts crying) T:- What’s happening , what makes you cry ? … C:- He is dying…T:- What is he dying off?.. C:- he can’t breathe……Minu is not helping us (breathing very heaviliy and fast, sounding very agitated) … T:- what is stopping Minu from helping you?… C:- I don’t understand the language she is speaking …… T:- Your mind is going to be able to speak to her … C:- She is also coming forward now (breathing heavily ,Starting to sob ) ……. T:- It’s ok it is only a memory you can float above it if you want to …….Let the sadness out of your system … C:- He is trying to say something … T:- go closer to him ….what is he trying to tell you ?.. C:- I care about you ,I can’t be with any other woman …. You are mine ….I’ll come to you again …. T:- Look into his eyes ….do you recognize those eyes … C:- ( Smiles) …Yes ( IMR) …’S’…… T:- Shall we move ahead?.. C:- Not yet…… T:- ok, be in that moment for a few seconds …Minu tells me to speak to him …Minu is at my back … T:- Minu is behind you ?..Yes….T:Ok ( Notice the lips moving like he is speaking something and very animated and lips quivering as if about to cry)… T:- Are you speaking to your husband? … C:- yes … T:- What are you saying to him? …… … C:- Don’t go !.. T:- which year might this be?.. C:- 1910…….I’m promising him I’ll see him again………Please, don’t go ………T:- What made you make those promises ?.. C:- I want him back …( Client suddenly jerks his head forward and takes a sudden deep breath) … he Left ! ( (makes a crying face )…. T:- It’s ok ……just send him a lot of love C:- ( crying, breathing heavily ) …yes……

My client and S have been together as husband and wife in multiple lifetimes and in all the lifetimes S has died young .

Now for the causes of the Migraines :- This client went through two lifetimes where he was beheaded … The first was during the lifetime of Akbar in 1556 , where he was a Eunuch , where he falls in love with one of Akbar’s officials named ‘Hasan’ and just as they were planning to run away was caught and beheaded at the age of 24 .
The second lifetime was in 1992 when he was a goat and was given as a sacrifice at the Tarapith temple by his present lifetime mother , aunt and grandmother as she wanted to have a son. given below are the details of the lifetime as a goat
T:- Would you like to move on to another lifetime ?.. C:- yes …. T:- Where your migrains began …… C:- yes …… T:- As I count from 5-1 you will float to that lifetime ……where the symptoms of these Migrains were implanted in your soul……. 5…4……3….2…1… be there …… T:- what are you becoming aware of ?.. C:- There are goats…. T:- Ok…look down at your feet what are you wearing …… C:- No Im not a human ! …… Im a goat……… T:- what colour goat are you?.. C:- Black ……. T:- Which yer would this be ?..1992…… T:- ok ……

C:- There are other goats too….mother goat is there too….

T:- Look into her eyes do you recognise her …… C:- No …….T:- Ok what is happening ?.. C:- Mother goat is showing her love to me ……Im just born …… ……Some people are coming …… they are taking two goats away …… ( breathing heaviliy ) …… my brothers have been taken away ….

Im very scared ……I cant see very clearly …… vision is not clear because Im just born……. T:- Go to a few moments later …… C:- Im playing ….Im a small baby …… Im eating grasses…… T:- where is this place …… C:- It’s near a bridge …… near a village …… T:- what is the name of this village ?.. C:- Rampurghat…… T:- Ok….Lets move ahead in this lifetime to a SE …… C:- 3-4 people have come to take me away …. T:- What are they taking you for ?.. C:- Somebody is selling me …… T:- who is the person who is selling you ? look into his eyes , do you recognise him?.. C:- No ……. They are taking me away …. T:-.look into the eyes of the people who are taking you …. Do your recognise them ?.. Yes …… She is my grandmother , my Aunty and My mom …… T:- where are they taking you ?.. C:- They are taking me to temple ……There is a man at the temple …he is wearing some red dhoti…… My Mom is giving me some grass…….Ah! (he jerks his head ) ……… T:- What is happening?.. …… C:- They put my head on a hook ……ok ……. C:- I know this temple ( excitedly but then begins to cry …) ….’s ok it is only a memory …… C:- This is Tarapith Temple ….The priest is chanting a mantra…they are going to cut my head …they are going to do a balli (sacrifice)……. ( Takes a sudden deep breath and swings his head back on the chair and holds his neck) …… T:- it’s ok …. It is only a memory …. Float above that scene …… T:- what are you becoming aware now? …… C:- my head is paining …… T:- It’s ok …… Take a deep breath in and breath out all that pain …… lets do this a couple more times …. He breathes heavily in and out T:- Breath in the white healing light and let it envelope you completely …… And as you let go of all that pain and send a lot of forgiveness to all those people who sacrificed you, send them a lot of forgiveness….for they no not what they have done …… T:- send the healing light all around yourself and around them healing them …… T:- What you becoming aware of now ?.. C:- Left the body ……this is a Shaktipeet temple where Sati’s eyeball fell. It is in West Bengal. … My own family sacrificed me ( makes a crying face )…. T:- What are the learning s of this short life time ?.. C:- .Life is about sacrifice …… T:- and, What was the purpose of that life as a goat ?.. C:- to feed them …… T:- were you a he goat or a she goat?.. C:- he goat ……. T:- Have you spread the forgiveness to all those people ?.. C:- No , I don’t want to …… T:- to let go you need to forgive …. C:- no I don’t want to…… T:-ok Shall we send them some love instead ?.. C:- ok……. T:-So just do that ……once done let me know ……. C:- Raises his finger(IMR)…… T:- ok now as I count from 5-1 you will be back in the garden where your body has been resting …5….4……3….2….1… be there , completely relaxed , rejuvenated and refreshed …… C:- .I can see my mom , she is calling me ……… she is waiting for me on the bench…… T:- move towards her ……T:- you can ask any questions that you need answers for …… C:- Mom says -I have left but I Minu will be there and I will come again , Love your life …love yourself ……We can’t see you in pain…… mumbles something …… Minu is your caretaker ( starts crying ) ……T:- Its only a memory ……just absorb all that love and the positive energy that is around you……. Let go of all the negativity and as I count from 1 -10 you will be back in this lifetime , back in the present ….1……2….---------9….10 ……be here , in the now in the present


Amazing! The play of karma on lives is unfathomable. We act on different
stages as different character actors. Wonderful session! Regards, Haresh.


Even reading your session gives us beautiful experience brinda…
Each have got something special yo teach us…


Cant agree more Jyothi !
Thanks Brinda :heart:


Migraines have been such a huge part of the sufferings of so many people in my life. Finally finding a pathway to reducing its effect. Thank you so much for sharing :slight_smile:


Just sharing some feedback I received from the client two days ago :- ‘Vrinda [this client calls me ‘Vrinda’ and not Brinda, like many others :slight_smile: ] Madam, I got all the answers of this lifetime that I had before I went in for therapy, Also I feel I have been relieved of those headaches that I used to have every two three days , since my becoming aware of the source of those , I feel are permanently gone now . I also got to know the reasons for my Anxiety, decision making and now feel completely cleared of the confusion I had. Thank you so much Vrinda Ji.’—S

It has been over twenty days and No headaches !!! Amazing isn’t it ?


Madam, it’s amazing…