Fear of dependency on people

Client’s Name Judith
Age 54
Gender female hypnosis score 9/30
VAK 177
Eye roll 2
Pain level 9

Session 23 August 24

1st session. 4. Hours duration

Client came to me very distressed and disturbed that she was finding herself very dependant on those around her and it was becoming increasingly obvious that her dependency was creating relationship issues with her children and her closer friends. “I have become so needy Its very disturbing but I can’t help it” she said and further indicated her desire to be independant and have healthy relationships with boundaries.
She said she was so stressed unhappy and didn’t mind dying at this stage in her life she felt she, was, not appreciated and seemed to have lost her purpose or value in all that things, that had previously brought her joy and meaning.
I listened to her and waited till she had her say and when she, was ready proceeded to explain about the whole process of PlRT.
She was very excited to try this as she felt she would find the answers to her troubles which was actually encouraging as she had a positive outlook already.
Stage 1
I introduced myself although we knew each other, I expressions that it was a part of the protocol and since she was, my first client I wanted to follow the 15 steps as best as I could. I also went on to express my feelings about the process and the benefits I experienced to touch on some of the personal and private information and to share my v own views on this.
Stage 2 just quickly assessed clients disposition making a mental note to see what could be done to make her comfortable and relaxed.
Stage 3
There were many doubts fears and worries surrounding the session so I assured her of the safety and clarified her doubts and gave her the background and brief summary of the workings of the sub conscious and conscious mind and also other quiries after which she was confident to proceed…
Stage 4. I assured her of client confidentiality and showed her the contract to be completed.
Stage 5. Checked the assessment list completed it.
Stage 6 history taking.
When the client was ready we proceeded with history taking.
It took me almost 3 hours to complete this and both client and myself got so emotional. To briefly summarise.
Client initially was unable to remember her childhood and kept saying I don’t remember anything and I assured her that it was OK not to remember that many people seem to have lapses in memory and that whatever came up would be enough to work on, no pressure.
Surprisingly after this she started talking about traumatic events in her life how the divorce of her parents left deep emotional scars and living with her mother made her father ridicule her so much that, she felt so resistant to meet him. On the other hand living with her mother became so strained as her step father tried to abuse her and this left her in shock disbelief and disgust. “the very people I relied on violated me” and this led to a life long conflict with her step father whom she hated abused and fought with throughout her life. Unbeknownst to her mother who questioned her bad behaviour as being rebellious and spoilt. This incident has had a life long effect and even to this day client holds so much trauma and unprocessed fear. She also mentioned that if she had courage she would have killed herself.
After acknowledging all her sadness trauma and unimaginable sufferring which took up most part of the history taking as I wanted client to be completely ready to move on to the rest of her life in school and college and other life events without rushing through the trauma.
Her school and college were fun enjoyable and she looked forward to school taking part in sports and other activities while all along making sure her disdain and disgust encreased everytime she went home to battle the perpetrator who continued to live with her mother.
After college she married the most loving kind solid man whom she had three children from and is happy content and satisfied with her marriage but notices that after the children have grown and become Independent she has become very clingy and needy and feels that thier own families have x taken precedence over her which she says should be exactly so, but finds it so difficult to accept on an emotional level and is struggling to keep her relationships healthy due to this irrational fear of not being loved and accepted by her children and her friends.
Stage 7 we, watched the vedeo to relax the cognitive fatigue.
Confirmed the IMR.
Stage 8 we then together worked on finalising a theme which in her words was to be independant and free from the dependancy on people.
Step 9
Checked comfort level for client
Stage 10. Brv completed…
Stage 11 visualisation with Dave Elman. Then went v on to cosmic awareness. Garden of paradise. Ball of light and tunnel of light and fire v this season since client had alot of anger and fear towards her abuser I did the script on revealing current life trauma and then back to the garden of paradise and slowly emerged out of the hypnosis.
Client was very relaxed happy and said that she felt so relaxed and relieved with everything that she went through in the session. I suggested she drink plenty of water and rest.
Day 2
2nd session. 24 August
Client came in very excited and wanted to immediately go into Plrt as she felt it would sort out all her problems I just encouraged her to keep an open mind and allow whatever to unfold.
After ensuring her comfort and going through the checklist we directly went in to Dave elman and all the other relaxation techniques.
T therapist
C client

T: as you cross the bridge and go back back back wherever you need to go to a time and space where your need and distress that you are facing started allow your mind to drift and go deeper knowing trusting in the power of your mind to take you there as I count from 1-5 go deeper 123…5 what do you feel (VAK indicated kinesthetic and auditory higher) hear sense
C. Nothing I don’t see anything
T . That’s OK just relax relax your Kneck shoulders… Letting your mind drift going deeper and deeper nowhere to go nothing to do all this time to just be here now relaxing reliving any thing you need to allow yourself to relax
C. I don’t feel anything or see anything.
This Continued for almost 15 min not seeing feeling anything I told her she was safe she, was secure and that I had all the time to just relax rest being there in the garden or whatever else she needed to be to just. Relax.
T. In a moment I am going to count from 5-1 (I thought counting down could change the Rythm) and as I count from 5-1 just let your mind go deeper and even if it doesn’t want to go deeper and it’s feeling relaxed just be there no where to go nothing to do. 543…1
C. I think I am imagining
T. Imagining or real that’s fine just let it come up
C. I think I am imagining
T. You could be that’s, fine that’s good just allow yourself to do that too
C. I can see a young girl 18 19 years. Bright dress feet in the water meadows all around
T do you see anyone look around can you hear anything is it hot cold how do you feel.
C. She looks happy she’s all alone.
T. Walk around to see if there’s, anyone else anything else you can identify or experience
C nothing (noticed disappointment)
T just relax relax your Kneck shoulders your doing well you can see this young girl and she’s in the meadow all alone…
C. I see a little girl curly hair
think she’s my grand daughter in this life
T. good good
C. I feel so sad there’s no one else just get and me
T. Can you go back to the same life to another time to see what comes up 5-1
C. I am alone in the hut I am hanging clothes I live alone in the middle of nowhere it’s so lonely there’s no one around.
T. That’s OK how do you feel c.
C. Alone and sad. I am so sad.
T. You can just observe yourself see yourself as you are know you are safe.
C. I was so lonely.
T. OK now just go deeper relax. ( went into relaxing client for another ten minutes). Now at the count of 5-1 be there.
C. I see a man wearing a blue velvet coat he’s short pot bellied and wearing shiny shoes he lives in a big huge castle such a grand house.
T. Is it your house
C. Yes
T. Who else lives there with you.
C. I live alone my house is huge
T. You can go back to another event in that lifetime 5_1
C. I see a, baby in a cot it’s the same house there’s a beautiful fair tall lady
T. Who is she
C. I think she’s, my mother.( client starts crying)
T. It’s ok to see feel and experience whatever you need to just know you are safe
C. My mother just comes in to check on me but won’t pick me up or take care I am left in the care of care givers. Her hair is so high and set in layers she’s wearing a beautiful dress very very elegant the house is so luxurious it is a castle and servants there are so many of them but I am all alone sad that my mother does not pick me up.
T. Would you like to go to another time (client indicates yes) 5-1
C. I am in bed terrible headache (client has physical pain and says her head hurts very badly).
T. Just be there in your bed with terrible pain in your head know that you are safe just watch observe allow whatever your feeling to come up and feel the physical pain you are having now and know that that is also OK.
C. My head really hurts
T. Just take a, deep breath allow yourself to relax into everything your feeling knowing that whatever your feeling is temporary passing and safe.
C. I think I am on my deathbed and I died from a headache.
T. How do you feel now
C. I just see a coffin a carriage and many people seems it is my funeral a grand funeral but it seems I didn’t have anyone in that life that loved me.
I had everything money power status and I was a kind man but I was not loved I had no one that cared.
T . Just be there with these feelings and see feel whatever you need to learn from that lifetime whatever lessons need to be learned and recognise if patterns, habits or behaviours are connected to anything from them that you can learn from.
C. I can see that there was so much sadness, loneliness and lack of love and family and friends and that having all the power and money and status didn’t mean anything in the absence of love. Maybe that’s why I carry so much of this longing to be needed loved acknowledged.
T. Is there anything that you can take away from seeing yourself in these lifetimes c.
C. I can see the longing and the desperation that I carried from all the lonliness and sadness that I experienced in these lifetimes and I value love relationships and connections.
T. Is there anything else you need to do or anywhere else you would like to go.
C. No this is enough.
T. Then just giving yourself all the time you need just relax taking deep breaths, connecting with your breath to go deeper and deeper into a place of complete safety and relaxation for as long as you need and when your ready you can raise your hand to slowly come back to your normal waking state.
1-5 slowly client came back to waking state.
Client was extremely relaxed calm and didn’t say much except that she, was, so happy to have had the experience to see her past lives.
She messaged me the next day to tell me how much better she felt and that she understood where her dependency and clingy nature came from past lifetimes of lonliness and rejection and that she was now feeling so much better to let her children and friends be without her attachment issues.

For Example: David, M, 45+, 3/10, 1/5, K, Fear-of-strangers, 9/10

Name can be changed.
Give context in the form of a short introduction of the client and the issue they are facing.


Hi @dechenjamyang,
It was a good session… I remember a slide from the workshop. Where initially everything seems to be dotted and at last when we connect the dots we get the full picture… that’s what happened here…

For going deeper we count backward and for emerging we count forward… just remember this…

This is your engram…

Learning and closure handled very well…

My suggestion: take another session with client and do cliff (white box and black box) activity… ask her to throw all her past and future worries, tension, hurt etc…


Thank you for having reached out my blessed Dechen,

I suppose this is 9/10?

super! thank you

very well done on the 1st session itself! With practice you’d be able to manage your emotions as you go along. In beginning I also used to get carried away.

100% Kinaesthetic client and hence

Calibration of suggestions is very important.

avoid such judgement statements, paraphrase instead.

no okay :slight_smile: do empathise.

Amazing you got the Engram

why go anywhere else? you’ve got a gold mine!

the carry over

Priceless lesson for all of us actually.

See the beauty of the Unconscious mind, it automatically connected the dots… the clingy nature in this life…

it would have been nice to elucidate this into a Classic pattern and would also have ensured no residual issues were left over.

Would have loved to see the notes on pain level before and after the session.
@dechenjamyang very well done even on your 1st session, I’m sure amazing sessions are to come!


This was done so well👏🏻

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When she came in her pain level was at a 9 and after the 1st session itself doing the cliff visualising it went down to a 2.

Thank you so much V :pray:for the detailed notes and recommendations I can see clearly now where I could improve or pause! I am confident with more sessions and practice it will be better.
Thank you again for such personal attention.

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Amazing!! There is so much to learn from the session. You carried it really well and that’s your first case!!

My takeovers from the case and humble suggestions:
1.The constant feeling we carry in a lifetime and in death time are carried in next lifetimes also and so we all must be conscious about what feelings and thoughts we have most of the time.
2.These feelings if negative must be healed within this lifetime and so suggestions given to clients for the way forward will be the cherry on the cake!
3.Even though the client understands, and shifts takes place in their mindset, and they see life differently now, but Maya can again pull them back in the old pattern cycle and hence how to break this pattern is we all as therapist must add in suggestions and I have learnt this after experience only (the little experience)
4. Becoming Supernatural is a wonderful book on this topic …

Congrats for the wonderful session and learnings.

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Expertly navigated, Dechen

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Thank you for your kind attention and great feed back will incorporate your suggestions in my sessions.

Thanks Shwetha :pray: really appreciate the feed back and encoragement from all.

You’re meant to be Dechen!