From Isolation To Illumination : Embracing Vulnerability And Authentic Connection

Name: Sanskriti Gherana


Occupation: Sn.Manager(marcom) CapeGemini, Hinjewadi, Pune.

Pre-briefing went very well and Sanskriti responded well with most of the questions.

Session 1

Contract and Oath of Confidentiality was signed:-

Client assessment:-

VAK 7/3/6, Eye Roll 3/5, Pain before08 ,** after p**, Hypno 8/10

**Detailed History taking **
Sanskriti grew up in a middle-class family in Kanpur as the eldest of two siblings. Her parents prioritized education and success, instilling a strong sense of perfectionism in her. While supportive, their reserved emotional climate led Sanskriti to value achievements over vulnerability, resulting in surface-level friendships.

During her teenage years, her first romantic relationship was exciting but anxiety-inducing, ultimately reinforcing her belief that love was tied to stress. In her twenties, she pursued a B.Tech and MBA in Pune, thriving professionally but struggling personally. Despite several relationships, she often sabotaged long-term commitments, feeling inadequate and fearful of losing her independence.

Recently, Sanskriti has begun reflecting on her dating history, questioning whether her upbringing and fear of intimacy are hindering her from finding a lasting partner. This introspection has sparked her interest in therapy and self-help resources. She is now determined to embrace vulnerability and redefine what love and companionship mean to her, seeking to balance her professional ambitions with personal fulfillment.

Theme From Isolation To Illumination : Embracing Vulnerability And Authentic Connection

Session 2 :-
T- Hi, take your time to settle in, take a few deep breaths, in and out…keep this process on till you are relaxed, letting go off any tension.

C- thanks, I really want to feel this whole process

T- Great !! When you’re ready, I’d like you to close your eyes and breathe deeply in your belly

C- Yes I am ready

Sanskriti is guided into a relaxed state through deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation followed by Dave Elman – Deep relaxation - ball of light- Staircase- Garden of peace

T- what is coming to your awareness? where are you?

C- in a village…a very old village

T- hmm…I want you to look at your feet

What are you wearing in your feet?

C- leather… flat…stripy brown sandles.

T- look at the skin of your legs, what is the color of your skin?

C- wheatish

T- hmm…look at your face, what do you feel yourself as, a man or a woman?

C- a woman…

it seems to be a kind of ancient village…I’m wearing a colourful घाघरा- चोली and people around me are talking…a lot of शोर around me.

T- what kind of place it is?

C- like a village square…looks like a marketplace filled with vibrant and colourful silk cloth stalls…looks like ‘कपड़ों का’ मेला ’ ‘हाट’ …Women are gossiping

T- just walk up to them and listen carefully to what are they talking about


C- they are talking about marriages, who’s marrying whom, and who has the finest dowry

T- what is the name of this village ?

C- Ukesa…it is Ukesa…looks an Indian village …may be Rajasthan or gujrat

[ google search shows an ancient village Osiyan in Jodhpur, Rajasthan which was previously called as Ukesa and was an important skill route ]

T- hmm…look around and tell me which year it is in ?

C- 652 …year 652…yes

T-ok…can you tell me more about the surroundings

C- people are wearing very colorful dresses…I see a lot of beautiful silk cloth and jewellery around…looks like in rajasthan

T- ok…What stands out to you in this scene?

C- There’s so much chatter about status. It’s like a constant competition. I can feel the eyes on me, waiting for me to make my choice…It is suffocating.

T- What do you feel about this ?

C- I feel there’s a lot of pressure on me to marry someone who is wealthy, but I want to be independent and pursue my own interests

T- What are the expectations placed on you?

C- Everyone thinks I should marry the wealthiest man. All say it’s for security, but I can’t shake the feeling that they want me to conform. I want to pursue my interests, maybe I want to be a healer or learn to read, but all they talk about is marriage

T- how old are you ?

C-may be 14-15

T- What do you fear will happen if you don’t follow those expectations?

C- I fear being shunned, or worse, becoming an old maid, someone to pity… It’s as if my worth is tied to my marital status. I don’t want to lose my sense of self

T- how does this pressure affect your feelings ?

C- It makes me feel as if am trapped. I see my friends marrying for status, and it scares me. I don’t want to lose my freedom

T- Can you recall any other significant moment in this life that highlights this struggle?

C-umm…people have gathered in the village, they are singing गीत …all my friends are discussing their upcoming weddings. I feel a pang of envy but also dread, a young man very handsome approaching me , but with a cold demeanor. He is asking for my hand, I can feel his wealth and status pressing down on me like a weight, I refused, the whispers of the villagers is growing louder, their judgment is stinging… I feel so isolated

T- How did that moment affect you?

C- It solidified my fear. I see my friends getting married, and I know I am turning my back on the life everyone expected. I feel a mix of defiance and sadness, as if I am destined to be alone

T- hmm

Now, with a count from 3 to 1, you will explore a deeper moment and will go in a time of another significant moment in that life

3…2…and 1

T- what comes to your awareness in this moment of time ?

C-it is some kind of illness sweeping through the village. I have lost my father. He was my protector, my guide…In his last moments, he is urging me to live freely and not be bound by others’ expectations. I hold his hand, am feeling so helpless

I feel as if my last connection to independence is gone

T- What is your feeling at this time?

C- I feel a strange comfort, a presence of some bright light, perhaps his spirit, telling me to find my path…It is fleeting, but it gives me strength. I donno why, but the village is closed in on me, and that light feels dim.

T- How do you see this experience reflecting in your current life?

C- I think my fear of commitment stems from that loss. I’ve been trying to protect my independence, but it often leads to loneliness. My father’s message of freedom clashes with the weight of societal expectations I still feel

T- How might you honor his memory moving forward?

C- I think I need to embrace my passions… allow myself to love without fear of losing my independence… I can honor his legacy by living authentically, just as he wanted for me.

T- That sounds like a powerful step

Do you sense how this may relate to your current life?

C- Yes! I think I avoid commitment because I’m afraid of losing my independence. It’s like I’ve carried this fear into this life too.

T - with a count from 5 to 1 you will move into another significant moment in your life in the village.

5…4…3…2…and 1

What stands out to you? What is coming to your awareness in this moment?

C- there is some festival in the village, lively music, and colors everywhere

it is something like a marriage festival, the matchmaker announced the suitors. I am feeling a wave of anxiety washing over me. Everyone is excited, but I just feel trapped

T- What makes you feel trapped in that moment?

C- The wealthy merchant is approaching me…his intentions are clear, but I just wanted to enjoy the festivities

I am standing by the fire, and feeling the weight of everyone’s expectations. I long for freedom but feel so confined

T- This sounds overwhelming. Did you find any moments of empowerment despite these pressures?

C- Yes…during winter illness outbreak, I am helping the sick with herbal remedies. I feel a sense of purpose, especially when I helped an elderly woman. It was fulfilling to use my knowledge to make a difference

T- how old are you?

C- 28

T- What impact did that have on you?

C- It reminds me that I can carve my own path. (pause)

for a moment, I feel respected for my skills rather than my marital status. It reignited my desire to help others

T- Can you tell me about the confrontation with the matchmaker?

C- I finally stood up to her after years of pressure to marry and told her that I wanted to remain independent. She is shocked and is warning me about being an outcast, but in that moment, I feel powerful. I realize I have to stand up for my beliefs…

T- What a brave moment…is there any significant goodbye in this life?

C- umm…my childhood friend is leaving to marry a lord. We met at the edge of this jungle for the goodbye, I am feeling sad… I am not just losing her but also the dreams we shared… we embraced, and I vowed to continue pursuing my own path

T- oh…that must have been difficult

What about your mother?

(Long gap)

T- can you see your mother? Where is she?

C- she is ill, I am heartbroken. I am sitting by her side, and she is encouraging me to live boldly, she is dying

She left me alone, I am feeling lost

her last words fueled my resolve. I wanted to honor her wishes now by being true to myself

T- hmm…(pause)

now with a count from 3 to 1 you will enter into the last day of this life, moment of your death


T- what do you see?..n where are you?

C- It is very cold outside… I am ill, very weak and alone

I am lying down on the floor…thinking of my mother’s words, I feel a sense of peace knowing I have lived authentically, even if it was cut short

T- how old are you?

C- 62

T- is there anyone around you?

C- no…I am dead

T- what happens to you after your death?

what are you experiencing ?

(Tears drooling from eyes)

T- what happens to you after your death?


C- I feel a warm light surrounding me, almost as if it is my mother , guiding me. I feel that my spirit can still be free, unbound by the village’s expectations. It is comforting… like a release

T- This sounds profound

How do you see this influencing your current life?

C- I think I’ve carried that fear of commitment and societal pressure into this life too


C- now, I want to honor my past by embracing my independence and pursuing what truly matters to me

T- That’s a powerful realization, Let’s take a moment to reflect on that commitment to yourself…

C- (stillness and a strange calmness on her face…)

T- how do you feel?

C- feeling a renewed sense of purpose

Thmm…now with a count from 5 to 1 you will go back in time and space of another life. Allow yourself to drift back into a new time and place

5…4…3…2…and 1

T- what do you see ?

C- …(pause)

T- what do you see and where are you?

C- (silence)

T- Sanskriti if you can hear me …tell me what comes to your awareness??

C- m in a temple

T- can you tell me where this temple is located ?

C- looks like a dry place…very old…ancient

T- hmm

C- it is tan…trr

yes it is tn…trr… tan…trr…I dunno

T- hmmm

C- it’s an ancient temple, a cult temple…its in Kamet

T- ok…why are you in this temple ?

C- I’m a priest…I’m dedicated to serve in this temple

T- which God is worshiped here?

C- … ता

(may be Ptah)

(Google search describes Ptah as an ancient God in ’ tntr ’ - ancient temple as told by Sanskriti .and Kemet is the original name of ancient Egypt )

T- What is your experience in this role?

C- I’m focused on my spiritual duties, and I see relationships as distractions… I’m respected but very alone, love isn’t a priority for me

T- What do you feel about love in this life?

C- I feel it’s unimportant…it’s all about serving the Gods.

(silence )

I think I’ve carried this belief that love isn’t worth pursuing

T- How does this connect with your present relationships?

C-mmm…I always tend to prioritize my career and spiritual growth over dating. I often push people away, thinking they’ll distract me

T- Can you share a specific memory that stands out during your time in the temple?

C- (pauses)

umm…its some festival, a lot of rituals and ceremonies…temple is alive with energy… I feel a deep connection to the divine, but also a profound loneliness

T- mm…What was it like to be surrounded by people yet feel isolated?

C- it is strange that everyone is celebrating, but I am focused on my duties. I feel like I am a part of something bigger, yet completely separate from it all

T- and how this affect your view of community and relationships?

C- I see community as just a distraction. I think if I engage too much, I will lose sight of my spiritual goals. So, I distanced myself.

T- this sounds like a significant choice… Can you recall a moment when this belief about relationships was challenged?

C,- Yes, there was a time when a fellow priestess reached out to me, wanting to collaborate on some work and I felt drawn to her, but I pushed her away, convinced I had to stay focused.

T- What do you think would have happened if you had embraced that connection?

C- (sighs)

I think it could have led to a meaningful friendship. Maybe even help in my duties. But I was too afraid to let that happen.

T- How do you think this has impacted your current relationships ?

C- …I often keep people at arm’s length. I convince myself that my work is more important than forming connections.

T- What would it mean for you to let go of that fear?

C- It would mean allowing vulnerability. I should accept that I can still be dedicated while being open to love and friendship.

T- can you envision a time when you could balance both?

C- may be if I view relationships as a source of strength, I might find that I’m more capable in my work.

T- and how can you integrate this mindset into your daily life?

C- taking small steps, maybe reaching out or allow myself to be more present in social situations.

T; That sounds like a powerful start…

How do you feel about this shift?

C- a bit scary but umm…I think I’ve been missing out on a lot by holding back.

T- always remember, it’s about progress, not perfection…

Allowing love and connection can enhance your spiritual journey rather than detract from it.

C- I see that now and I’m ready to explore this…

T- hmm

now with a count from 3 to 1 you will be in another significant moment in that priest life

3…2…and 1

T- what is coming to your awareness?

C- drought has affected the village. People coming to this temple in desperation…seeking guidance and solace.

T- hmm

C- villagers are worried about their crops and families. I feel their pain but is torn between my duties and their needs.

T- and what is your response as a priest ?

C- conducting rituals to appease the God, hoping for rain. But I feel detached…I am more focused on performing the rites perfectly rather than connecting with the people.

T- What impact did that have on you?

C- I am always respected for my rituals, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was failing them emotionally. I wanted to help, but I didn’t know how to bridge that gap.

T- Did anything change as a result of that experience?

C- Yes…I noticed some villagers banding together to support each other, sharing resources and finding comfort. I realize that I missed an opportunity to lead them in community rather than just ritual.

T- That sounds powerful.

How did that influence your view of your responsibilities?

C- It made me realize that serving the Gods and serving the people aren’t mutually exclusive. I began to see my role as a leader not just in rituals but in community care also

T- with a count of 3 you will go in another significant moment in this life


T- what do you see?

C- a child has come to the temple and asking for help for her sick mother. I am so focused on my duties and I am hesitant to take out time for her.

T- What happened next?

C- after the ritual, I see the child still waiting… Her hope and vulnerability struck me. I finally decided to go with her and offered some remedies.

T- how did it change your perception?

C- it was eye-opening for me. I realized that love and compassion are also forms of devotion. I feel more connected to the divine now than in any ritual I perform.

T- how did this affect your relationships with others afterward?

C- I am more open to connecting with the community… participating in gatherings… sharing meals and listening to their stories. It is enriching.

T- What’s been your biggest takeaway from these experiences?

C- I’ve learned that while isolation feels safe, it’s not fulfilling. Building relationships enriches my spiritual path.

T- That’s a profound realization.

How do you plan to carry this insight forward?

C- I want to push myself to be more present and vulnerable, not letting fear of distraction hinder meaningful connections.

T- Now with a count from 5 to 1 you will drift into the last day of your (priest) life.

5…4…3…2…and 1

C- The temple is quiet, heavy with sadness. I’m lying on the floor, frail from stress, feeling regret for pushing the villagers away and prioritizing duties over connections.

T- How do you feel about the villagers?

C- I long to connect, filled with hope and worry. I wish I had been there for them more. The villagers are gathering, bringing food, and the atmosphere becomes vibrant.

T- How do you interact with them?

C- I share my thoughts on love and compassion. The diyas around the temple create an intimate setting, and the villagers surround me.

T- How do you feel now?

C- I feel peaceful, like a weight has lifted. This moment signifies transformation; it feels like an end and a new beginning.

T-What do you see above your body?

C- A bright white light filled with warm energy brings overwhelming peace. Leaving my earthly life feels freeing.

T- Are there any guides with you?

C- Yes, I see spiritual beings radiating love and understanding.

T- What do they communicate to you ?

C- helping me see the lessons I must learn from this life, especially about love and community. They are encouraging me to embrace whatever I experienced.

T- and what is your response?

C- I feel grateful…They are showing me all the moments from my life of isolation and connections

T- What insights do you gain from this reflection?

C- that my journey is ongoing and the relationships are important for my spiritual growth. Now I understand that I can still learn and grow.

T- …hmm

C- they encourage me to release any regrets and embrace the growth…as these experiences are important for my future lives.

T- that is good

C- they say love and compassion are essential, that by serving others and forming connections will deepen my spiritual journey

T - that is so true

How does this shape your view about life?

C- I feels ready to explore a new life focusing on balancing duty and love. I must carry this wisdom forward

T- That’s a powerful realization. How does this affect your perspective on your current life ?

C- It helps me see the importance of connection in my journey. I want to embrace love and community, just like the priest learned to do

T- n that’s a profound learning.

T- are you ok in exploring another lifetime ?

C- yea

T- so now with a count from 5 to 1 you will drift back in time and space of another life time you lived

5…4…3…2…and …1

T- What do you see?

C- I am in some some social event, I see a lot of people dressed in some old fashioned clothes, there is a strange feeling of some pressure to conform to this societal norms

T- hmm

Can you tell me what year it feels like in this experience?

What details do you notice around you that might help us understand the time period?

C- buildings around me look like from a very old place…I feel it’s around…1825…there’s a sense of community and a lot of activity

T- ok…how old are you ?

C- 36yrs

T- what comes to your awareness about yourself, a male or a female ?

C- am a male

T- hmm

What are you wearing in this event?

C- a suit…a black suit, black tie and black shirt…I am looking good…very good

T- hmm…can you tell me where this social event is taking place?

C- It’s at a grand estate… I think it’s in London. The atmosphere feels opulent, filled with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses.

T- This is enchanting and overwhelming… How does that environment affect your experience there?

C- there’s this pressure to fit in, to be seen in a certain way. Everyone’s watching and judging. It feels suffocating.

T- you mentioned you’re wearing a black suit. Does your appearance reflect how you feel inside?

C- Yes… I look polished and put together, but inside, I feel fragmented. The suit is a mask. It hides my insecurities.

T- What about your relationships in this lifetime?

How do you navigate them in such a constrained environment?

C- I am more attracted toward individuals with high social standing. It’s like a checklist…wealth…connections…status.

I rarely consider love or emotional compatibility.

T- How does that choice affect your emotional well-being?

C- It’s deeply unsatisfying. I feel disconnected, like I’m going through the motions. There’s no real intimacy

T- you mentioned feeling emotionally stifled. Can you explore that further?

C- I can’t express my feelings. It’s not just about others, I’ve built walls around myself. I fear vulnerability and the judgment that might come with it.

T- oh…that sounds painful. How does this fear manifest in your current dating life?

C- I often hold back emotionally, thinking I need to maintain a façade of control. I worry that if I let someone in, they’ll see my flaws and reject me

T- hmm…recognizing this pattern is a significant step.

Can you acknowledge how this impacts your current experiences?

C- I see it now. I push people away before they can get too close. It’s like I’m repeating the same mistakes from that lifetime.

T- That realization can be powerful. How do you feel about the possibility of changing this pattern?

C- It’s daunting but freeing at the same time. I want to break the cycle, but I’m scared of what that might entail.

T- Acknowledging fear is a crucial step. Perhaps we can explore small ways to open up emotionally in your current relationships, while keeping in mind the lessons from that past life.

C- I’d like that. I want to learn to be vulnerable, but it’s going to take time and courage.

T- absolutely…!! It’s a journey, and you’re already taking significant steps. Let’s continue to explore how you can build that emotional connection, both with yourself and others

T- Now, with a count from 5 to 1, I want you to find yourself on your last day of this life

5…4…3…you are slowly drifting in the moment…2…almost in the moment of your last day of this life…1

Where are you and what are you doing?

C- I am lying in a lavish bedroom, it’s dimly lit, with heavy curtains…the atmosphere here is thick with unspoken emotions,

T- hmm…what do you see around you?

C- I can see my family, they look worried, but it feels like they’re more concerned about appearances than me. It’s almost suffocating

T- What do you feel physically and emotionally?

C- I feel weak and exhausted.There’s a heaviness in my chest, like I’m carrying the weight of my choices…I also have a feeling of regret

T- regret ?why ?

C- regret for not allowing myself to connect with others.

T- What thoughts are going through your mind as you approach this moment?

C- I wish I could have expressed my true feelings. I see the missed opportunities for love and connection. It’s like I built this wall around myself, and now it feels too late.

T- How do you want to express yourself as you near this moment of end ?

C- I want to tell them I’m sorry for not being the person they expected. I wish I could show them my true self, but the words don’t come.

( Silence)

T- What happens as you feel yourself slipping away?

C- There’s a bright light, a warm bright light and I feel safe. I can hear soft whispers calling me. I feel a pull toward it.

T - hm…Do you see any figures or guides as you move toward this light?

C- yes… I see, may be my guides… masters…they look familiar, filled with warmth and compassion, they’re smiling, welcoming me, am feeling a sense of peace, they are surrounding me, radiating love and acceptance.

T- are there any messages from these masters ?

C- hmm…they say that I am free now and I should let go off all my burdens

T- how do you feel knowing that ?

C- I feel so relieved, but I wish I had allowed myself to love.

They are saying that my journey of this life has taught many lessons about vulnerability and connection. They are asking me to embrace these lessons now.

T - What else do the masters say?

C- They are reminding me that self-love is crucial. They are encouraging me to embrace my true self in my next life. I can feel their unconditional support…I feel the bliss…

T- How does this experience make you feel about your past life?

C- I am thankful for the lessons learned even if it was painful. I understand now that I must be open and vulnerable to truly connect with others.

T- do you make any commitment moving forward?

C- I commit to embracing vulnerability and seeking deeper connections in my next life. I don’t want to repeat these patterns.

T- you may express your heartfelt gratitude to your masters for all the wisdom and insights they shared with you

Their guidance will illuminate your path to help you understand your journey and the lessons you need to embrace.

Also express your gratitude for their presence and all the love that surrounds you


T- [When you are prepared to move ahead indicate me (IMR)]

C- ( silence for some time )

I want to come back and rest for some time as I am tired

T- ok

I see you’re drifting away from our conversation. Can you tell me what’s coming up for you right now?

C- I feel so lost, like I’m back and where everything feels heavy.

T- It sounds like you’re feeling overwhelmed

What do you feel in your body right now?

C- I feel tightness in my chest, and my thoughts are… I donno

T- That’s understandable…Let’s try to ground ourselves. Can you take a deep breath with me?

Inhale deeply and exhale slowly

Let’s do this a few times

( Both breathe together for a moment. )

T- As you breathe, I want you to focus on the here and now. What do you notice around you? What can you hear, see, or feel?

C- (pausing)I can hear the clock ticking

T- Great…That’s wonderful awareness.

. What thoughts are running through your mind that make you feel this way?

C- I am thinking about past failed relationships, how I’ve messed up, but I wish I had allowed myself to love.

T- These thoughts can be very powerful and can pull you back into old patterns

it’s absolutely normal to focus on the negative, especially when we feel vulnerable

Let’s try to reframe this. Can you recall a specific success you’ve had recently?

C- I completed that project at work and my manager praised me a lot

T- That’s an important accomplishment. Can you visualize that moment? What did it feel like to receive that praise?

C- (pausing, then smiling slightly) It feels good… validating.

T- Exactly. That feeling of validation is real and important. Let’s connect it to how you see yourself today. You are capable of success. Can you remind yourself of this when regressive thoughts arise?

C- I think I can try… now I know and will try for sure.

T- Good. It’s about taking small steps. If you feel overwhelmed, remember these successes and your skills. What strategies can we put in place for those moments?

C-Maybe I can write down my successes or talk to you about it.

T- Great ideas. Journaling can be therapeutic, and reaching out for support shows strength. Let’s create a plan for these strategies. How does that sound?

C- Sounds helpful. I feel a bit lighter already.

T- I’m glad to hear that. Remember, it’s a process, and you’re not alone. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss today?

C- No… I think I’m okay for now. Thank you.

T- You’re welcome. Let’s take one more deep breath together. Inhale and exhale. You’re doing great. What final thoughts do you have?

C- I feel ready. I’ll carry this understanding with me, knowing that love is worth the risk. I realize I’ve been seeking love outside without nurturing my own self-worth.

( Taking a deep breath, she feels the weight of the past and the promise of the future as she returns to the present, carrying the lessons of her past life.)

[This reflects the client’s deep emotional journey through death and into the light, guided by her Masters who assist her in processing the past and embracing future possibilities.]

Integration and reflection

T- As you return to your present self, what insights will you take from this experience?
C- I need to improve my self-acceptance and confront my fear of vulnerability. Love is about connection, not just validation.

T- That’s powerful. How do you feel about this pattern in your life?
C- I feel conflicted. I want connection but fear it will distract me from my goals.

T- What if you embraced love as part of your spiritual journey?
C- That might help; I could see love as a source of strength rather than a hindrance.

T- How can you start shifting this perspective now?
C- I could view relationships as support, not obstacles.

T- How will you integrate this moving forward?
C- I’ll journal my feelings, practice affirmations, and seek support to explore these fears.

T- Great steps! Remember, the journey to love starts with self-love, and you’re on the right path.

**After the regressions and life between lives exploration, the client reflects on the insights gained. She realize that her patterns in relationships are deeply rooted in past experiences and belief systems. **

The realization that her fears of commitment, vulnerability, and societal expectations are not inherently hers, but learned patterns allows her to begin the process of integration.

The client’s past life exploration uncovers fears and societal conditioning impacting her relationships. Acknowledging these insights can help her find a partner who aligns with her true self, fostering a more authentic path to love.

[During my session with the client, I experienced regression, reinforcing my belief in exploring past lives for insights into current relationship challenges. Sanskriti’s journey highlights the importance of self-awareness and healing for healthier connections.]