Healing From Fear of Betrayal - Part II

Naina’s story continues:
Naina was gently guided into deep trance using Dave Elman and progressive relaxation, stair case and then client was brought to the garden. Naina was guided to a happy moment of her childhood
Therapist: What is coming to your awareness?
Naina: I am sitting near the window in my home.(direct into her past life)
Therapist: Who else is sitting with you?
Naina: I am looking outside
Therapist: What can you see through the window
Naina: I am alone. Watching children play. Two children are playing, one boy and a girl.
Therapist: Do you recognise the children
Naina: They are my children
Therapist: how old are they?
Naina: 4 and 5
Therapist: Can you look down at your feet?
Naina: Yes, I am wearing a man’s shoe.
Therapist: What are you called?
(She couldn’t recollect that)
Therapist: Take a closer look at your children. May be you can recognize them from this life.
Naina: Can’t see. They have their back towards me. They have a dog. It’s a big dog.
Therapist: What is the dog called?
Naina: Munchkin.
Therapist: Do you want to go and play with them?
Naina: No. I am sad.
Therapist: What makes you sad?
Naina: I don’t know
Therapist: Who else stays with you in this house.
Naina: Nobody stays with me. I am sad.
Therapist: Where is your children’s mother?
Naina: I don’t know I think she is dead
Therapist: maybe at the count of one, you can go back into time and see how did your wife die. 3 2 1
Naina: she died of some illness. She was sick for a while. She was not well for a long time.
Therapist: what happened to her?
Naina: She had a spirit inside of her. it drove her crazy.
Therapist: What made her crazy ?
Naina: whatever was inside her, did not let her be. She used to do that
Therapist: Did what?
Naina: Scratched herself. Tore off her skin.

Therapist: She did that to only her arms or somewhere else also?
Naina:back of her neck, stomach. Her whole body. She used to bleed everywhere.
Therapist: Whose spirit was inside her? could you find out?
Naina: I don’t know. I never spoke to him. He was not nice. She told me that he wanted her to suffer, pain, physical pain. She did not look pretty when she died.
Therapist: Do you recognize your wife from this life? Do you know her?
Naina: I think she was Nani (maternal grandmother)
Therapist: Do you recognize the spirit from this life?
Naina: (immediately) yes. Nanu (her maternal grandfather)
(Although her grandmother had died, before she was born, still felt a connection with her grandmother always)
Therapist: What age did your wife die?
Naina: 24
Therapist: What age were your children when their mother died?
Naina: It’s not too far from when she died. Three and four years old.
Therapist: How old is munchkin?
Naina: 2 years
Therapist: Do you recognise Munchkin from this life?
Naina: (starts crying) Sultan
(she is an animal lover now also. Sultan was her German shepherd pet, whom she had to leave behind when she had to divorce her cheating ex husband. Sultan died,6 months after she left home)
Therapist: (When she calms down) What is coming to your awareness now?
Naina: kids are not there I don’t know where have they gone.
Therapist: How old are you?
Naina:; I am old.
Therapist what is your age.
Naina: 53
Therapist: Who else is there with you?
Naina: Only munchkin he is old. He is also very old (crying)
Therapist: Maybe at the count of 1 you will move to the last day of your life. 3,2,1. What is coming to your awareness?
Naina: My son doesn’t come. He doesn’t talk to me. My daughter has come to visit me before I die.
Therapist: How old are you when you die?
Naina: 56
Naina: It is so difficult. it is so hard to die
Therapist: Where are you?
Naina: At home, on the bed, in my house.
Therapist: Where is munchkin?
Naina: He died. I buried him in the lawn
Therapist: what is your son angry with you about? Why didn’t he come to meet you?
Naina: He doesn’t like me. he thinks I didn’t do anything for my wife. I didn’t want to talk about it I don’t like to talk about problems or what I am going through.
Therapist: Could you do anything different about it?
Naina: No, I told him I could not do anything but he thought I did not care.
Therapist: Maybe you could move to the last moment of your life.
Naina: I am lying on my bed. No one is with me. I am all alone.
Therapist: Maybe you could look back and tell me what you have learnt from the life.
Naina: That I should talk about what I feel. (expression changes)
Therapist: are you floating above your body?
Naina: Yes, I can see the white light.
Therapist: Has someone come to take you?
Naina: hmm. Someone is here.
Therapist: may be you can ask the higher being if he has any message for you.
Naina: he says, I did not learn. I did not learn it yet, moving on, I didn’t move on. I wasn’t there for my children. I got stuck after that.
Therapist: Maybe you can ask master how you can Heal.
Naina: He says, to be in the present. I am in the white light. There is light around me. I feel so peaceful
Therapist: Stay there let the white light heal you.
Therapist: Now may be you’ll reach yet another significant moment in time when you felt lonely and abandoned 3,2,1. What is coming to your awareness?
**4th Past Life **
Naina: I am in a fair or something. It is very crowded.
Therapist: Who else is there with you?
Naina: My elder brother. He is there but he left my hand. He didn’t come back (worried look)
Therapist: how old are you?
Naina -7
Therapist: Can you look down at your feet?
Naina: (looks down) I am wearing a dress. soft brown dress with frills. I am wearing shoes it is very crowded. It is old times fair. It’s some European country. People are building footpaths and roads with those stones. they are Cobbled stones. They are working. They are labourers.
Therapist: What are you doing?
Naina: I have come out of the fair. I am waiting for my brother. I can’t find him.
Therapist: Do you recognize your brother from this life?
Naina: Rohan(name change) (her own younger brother)
Therapist: okay did you find him
Naina: (starts crying. talks like a child) I am waiting for my brother. Why did he leave me alone?
Therapist: Maybe you can move ahead in time when you are a little older.
Naina: (crying hysterically). Nodding her head. I can’t see anything. They killed me.
Therapist: Who killed you Naina?
Naina: Three men. Those labourers. They raped me. They killed me. (crying uncontrollably.)
Therapist: just float above. … all in the past.
Naina: (calms down)
Therapist: Are you floating?
Naina: Yes, I am floating, I can see my body. I am so small. Why did he go? Why did he leave me here?
Therapist: May be you can float and look for your brother?
Naina: He went home. He didn’t like me very much.
Therapist: What makes you believe so?
Naina: He was always angry with me. He said so to me himself. He made me feel shitty but I love him.
Therapist: are you still floating?
Naina: Yes, the light is there.
Therapist: That’s good Naina. You are safe. Maybe you can tell me what did you learn from this life.
Naina: Don’t trust, don’t trust anybody, even if you love them. Out of the three men, two were his (her brother’s) friends and they were there when I was born.
Therapist: Can you recognize those men from this life?
Naina: I don’t want to. (starts crying again absolutely panic stricken.) One was papa (her own father from this life, ) I didn’t want to see. I did not want to find out who he was.

Therapist: Relax your forehead. Calmed her down.
Naina: I don’t want to be here please get me out of here I don’t want to see anymore.
Therapist: You can always go back to your garden. 3,2,1
Naina: Nods. The light is there. I am ok now I didn’t want to turn back and see that. It was too painful. So bad.
Therapist: The white light is with you. It will Heal you. It was in the past nothing can harm you now. You are safe. You are protected. The light is inside you and around you, Okay? How are you feeling now?
Naina: it is very peaceful. Someone is coming.
Therapist: Who is it?
Naina: Satan, (her pet who had died in her arms when she was 10 years old) we are sitting like old times. He knows what I feel. I don’t have to tell him anything. It is so peaceful. Someone else is here.
Therapist: who else has come to meet you
Naina someone has come I don’t know who it is but someone is here.
Therepist: Does he have any message for you?
Naina: yes he says find peace.
Therapist: Ask him how to find peace.
Naina: “Let go of everything. You will find peace only if you let go.”
Therapist: Has this higher being taken any form yet?
Naina I can see it’s a man but I can’t see his face there is light around him he is glowing.
therapist: what else is he telling you
Naina he says it’s not time yet for me to join him I wanted to know if he will be with me always. he says no but you will figure it out. (start crying again) I don’t want to.
Therapist: What else is he saying?
Naina: That I have to let go of my anger.
Therapist: What makes you angry.
Naina: Because I feel used. I figured it out. Everything is so deep. Everything is conditional that is why I am angry.
Therapist: Is it conditional?
Naina: Yes it is
therapist: Is he saying it is conditional?
Naina: No, he doesn’t, he says it is conditional right now. That is what causes my anger because I don’t want to function from a place of condition. (crying)
Therapist: what makes you cry?
Naina: I want to give unconditional love but I can’t because everybody wants something or the other. Do this, do that. If I don’t do it, I stop doing it, But I have to. It is so painful to say that I don’t care anymore I have to do this.
Therapist: Ask him what you should do about it?
Naina: He says to wait because everyone cannot be like me.
Therapist: what else does he have to tell you?
Naina: I have a lot to do, but with very little help
Therapist : Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Naina : It is a sad thing. He says you do what you need to do. I have to fight my battles. Nobody is gonna help. That was for me to learn in this life. That nobody helps, nobody comes to your rescue. Nobody understands what you’re going through but still do what you have to do.
Therapist : Okay. (Silence) Are you still in the garden? Is your pet with you still? Is the higher being there with you? ( Nods to all.)
Naina: He is walking away
Therapist : How do you feel?
Naina : I have to do what I have to do. No one understands but it’s ok, they don’t have to. But I learnt that already. If this was my lesson, it’s over. Am I gonna die soon?
Therapist : Has the master left?
Naina : No, he is here only. He didn’t leave.
Therapist : Ask him then
Naina: I have to build something
Therapist : Ask him what is the purpose of your life?
Naina: I did. He said, I have to build something. He said, I will figure it out. How come he has so much of faith in me that I can figure it out? But I am so tired. I want to see something nice and happy.
Therapist: Just relax. Be in your healing garden. Heal yourself. Gain back your strength. Let the light heal you……Silence …… Naina, May be at the count of 1 you reach a happy moment in your childhood.
Naina : (Smiling) I am 12 years old. Brother and I are in Chennai at V. aunty’s house. S. Uncle took us for adventure sports at the beach. That was the 1st time I swam behind the waves.
T : How did you feel?
Naina : That was freedom. I was really happy. (At length Naina explained how much she and her little brother enjoyed themselves at the beach and told all about the different adventure sports.)

After some time Naina was brought back to awareness, given water. She lay quietly for sometime on the couch, trying to gain back her strength and registering all that she had revisited. Naina stood tall, her spirit unbroken. Though scarred by the trials of her past, she pressed on, fueled by a fierce resolve to rebuild, restore, and reclaim her rightful place.