I am sharing only the 1st two sessions with this Client. I have conducted 2 more sessions with Naina. Please allow me to share them later. Her pain in all 3 sessions have been so extreme and cathartic. I find it difficult to keep myself detached.
**Date : September 9th, **
1. Client Details
• Client Name (Changed for confidentiality): Naina
• Age: 33 +
• Gender: F
• Hypnotisability Score: 8
• V-A-K Score: 7-3-5
• Dominant Sense: Kinesthetic
• Secondary Dominant Sense: Visual
• Eye Roll Test: 2+1
• Pain Level Before: 10
• Pain Level After: 3
• Theme: Fear of being cheated on
History: 12:30 pm to 2:30pm
Naina, the eldest child of her middle class parents, is a smart girl. She is heading the state in a semi-government organization. She went through a divorce after 6 long years of abusive marriage. Her ex-husband cheated on her from the very first day of marriage. She did not lose hope but her ex husbands infidelity continued and by the end of 6 years she was completely depressed. Her mother did not support her and this shattered her even more.
Naina had always been a healthy child. She has been a national level swimmer so her weight gain was obviously not due to lack of exercise or eating excessively. She says she doubts her existence. She has been the victim of her father’s anger and abuses ever since childhood. She is always in high self-preservation mode. She has no memory of feeling emotionally, mentally or physically safe. All her life she has been afraid of her father’s aggression. May be this was the reason for her PCOS and weight gain. She had become 135kgs. She had to go through surgery to get her weight under control. Father never stood by her. She could never understand why he was angry with her. She always wanted to be a part of his happiness but never been one. He always told his children that he didn’t want kids. This hurt her a lot. She lacked sense of belongingness until she started working. She had to be what she was not just to please her father.
She is a simple hearted person. Holds no grudge never judges any one. Although feels like every time she relies on someone they will cheat and hurt her. She has always felt guilty with no fault of hers. She took it upon herself to protect her younger brother and sister from her father’s anger. She wants to give them all that she never got. She wanted her brother to be her support system but she can’t fall back on him.
She did everything to make mother happy but she felt she couldn’t make her happy. She feels emotionally abandoned. She felt alone because she received no support from parents. Her relationship with her brother is complicated because she feels mother loves him more. Parents have given him everything but she has to fight for things she wants. She feels close to him, loves him. Many a times her brother made mistakes but she got a scolding instead. She feels taken advantage of by her brother. She knows that he loves her but he does not respect her, neither her time nor her space. She is taken for granted by her brother. She is frustrated with her brother.
She is engaged again to be married. But the fear of being cheated on is so strong that it was hampering her relationship with her fiancé who seemed to be a man of morals. and great affection for her.
Session 2
Date 9th Sep. 11:30 pm to 2:00am
Theme: Fear of being cheated on
Stages 8 and 9 done
Started the session with a prayer.
Stages 10 and 11 done:
**The client was taken into deep trance through Dave Elman and Progressive Relaxation. Client was guided down the staircase, the garden and reach a happy moment of her life.
Client: I can see the stair case, where is the stairs going?
Therapist: May be you could go down and see where you reach. counting 10 -1. May be you could describe the stairs to me as you go down.
Client: It is wooden staircase. Nicely polished. It does not have any handle to hold.
Therapist: 3,2,1 What is coming to your awareness.
Client: I am at the stable.
Therapist: What are you doing there.
Client: [Smiling] I am putting the saddle on and talking to the horse
Therapist: Is the horse responding to whatever you are saying.
Client: oh yes! Always!
Therapist: Is there anyone else ?
Client: There are other people. I don’t care. They are not important. I am happy being with the horse.[starts crying] My hands are heavy. [she was going into her past life which we later finds out why her hands were heavy.]
Therapist: What happened to your hands?
Client: [Still crying] I don’t like to be around people. They always hurt me. [Pause] [Crying]It’s so heavy.
Therapist: What is heavy Naina?
Client: My hands are so heavy. I can’t move my hand.[crying and shouting] [Pain management done]
Therapist: How did your hands become heavy?
Client: I don’t know. It’s too dark. I can’t move my hand. It is too heavy. I can’t see. [Crying inexhaustibly][After calming her down]
Therapist: Just move to the time when you enter the stable.
Client: (at the count of 1). I am in the stable in Nasik. I am holding a saddle.
Therapist: Are your hands still heavy?
Client: No, my hands are not heavy. Saddle is heavy. (crying). But hands become heavy. I couldn’t pick it up. I don’t know how. I don’t know what happened?
Therapist: Just move ahaed in time when you finished riding the horse. What is coming to your awareness?
Client: I am holding the rein and walking. I went back home. I don’t think I went back ever again. I am at home.
Therapist: Where do you live? Where is your home?
Client: Nasik home.
Therapist: Are your parents there with you?
Client: I am alone at home. I don’t know where they have gone.
Therapist: May be at the count of 1. You can go to another significant moment in time.
Client: Crying, sobbing, looks very sad
Therapist: What is making you cry? What makes you sad?
Client: Satan was there. (Satan was her dog). I couldn’t do anything.
Therapist: What happened to him?
Client: He is dying (crying) I didn’t know. He didn’t want to eat. But he had the whole thing because I fed him.
Continuously manage her pain
Client: He was in pain. I didn’t know. He died. I couldn’t save him (crying). Should have known. I took him to the doctor but he didn’t come in time. I should know (crying).
Therapist: Could you do it any other way?
Client: No, I was too young. I was 9 or 10. I took him to the doctor. Doctor did not come.
Therapist: Would he be able to save Satan if he had come in time?
Client: I don’t think so (Pause) I am not angry with the doctor. But I was.
Therapist: That is good Naina, that you are not angry with the doctor any more. Send love to Satan. Your heart is full of Love. He can feel your love.
[The client calmed down at this completely and was able to move ahead]
Therapist: May be at the count of 1 you can go to a significant moment in time when you are even younger. …1
The client reaches a big lawn infront of her house in Ranchi. She is at the door of her house but she is scared to go in. But she had to go in as she said she had no where else to go.
Therapist: How old are you?
Client: 6 or 7
Therapist: What was your reason to be afraid to go inside your house?
Client: Papa. I am scared of him. I didn’t know what I would get hit for.[Pause for a long time.]
Therapist: What is coming to your awareness? Where are you now?
Client: I am in the room. Sitting with the books. I am doing my homework.
Therapist: What else in coming to your awareness?
Client: No answer
Therapist: Is there anyone else in the room.
Client: No. Papa has gone swimming.
[Her expression changes and becomes sad.]
Therapist: What happened Naina?
Client: I have a bee sting or an insect bite. My lip was swollen. I didn’t go to school.
Therapist: Then?
Client: Papa was going swimming. Mummy and brother were not there. They had gone somewhere I too, wanted to go swimming. But he said “ You can’t go to school then you can’t go swimming.” I don’t know when he came back. I was all alone in the dark for a long time.
Therapist: How did you feel?
Client: I felt alone and I felt I should not be alive. [Crying a lot] Why was he so angry with me. I didn’t do any thing to him. [Pain management done.]
Therapist: May be you can let go of the pain and move ahead. It was in the past. Let it go. Try not to hold on to it. Let it go.
Client: After a long pause. Hmm.
Therapist: May be you can move back in time and reach another moment of importance. 3,2,1. [After a long pause] What is coming to your awareness?
Client: It is so dark.
Therapist: May be if you can focus into the darkness you might find something.
Client: There is a sign. A neon sign. But I cannot read what it is.
Therapist: Okay where is the neon sign?
Client: Next to a big road, a highway. There are many trucks. All the trunks are parked.
Therapist: What are you doing there?
Client: I don’t know. I am not supposed to be there.
Therapist: Is there anyone else with you?
Client: I don’t know .
Therapist: Just look around. Look to your right, Look to your left.
Client: There are people but I can’t see their faces. [crying.]
Therapist: [Relax your forehead] What is coming to your awareness.
Client: I can’t see their faces. I don’t know why I am here. (crying continuously)
Therapist: Just Relax your forehead. Things will get clear to you. Can you look at your feet.
Client: Yes, I can see my feet.
Therapist: What are you wearing?
Client: I am wearing shoes.
Therapist: What kind of shoes are you wearing?
Client: A man’s shoe.(Surprised) Dark brown, but they are dirty.
Therapist: is it your feet or a man’s feet?
Client: A man’s feet like I have really walked along distance.
Therapist: What have you come here for?
Client: I don’t know. (pause) I went looking for someone. It’s a different time though.
Therapist: What kind of people are around?
Client: English people.
Therapist: what are they wearing?
Client: Old clothes with suspenders. They look funny.(laughing a little)
Therapist: Are there trucks around?
Client: Yes.
Therapist: Were you driving the track?
Client: No, I walked there. I don’t have a vehicle, no bike, no car.
Therapist: Just look around maybe you will find someone?
Client: My hands are heavy again. I can’t lift my hand. I can’t move them my hands are heavy again (crying loudly) I don’t know who I am looking for but I am looking for someone. Now my hands are heavy. I can’t move them. I am scared.
Therapist: What are you scared of Naina?. Nothing can harm you now. It was all in the past
Client: My hands are so heavy. I can’t move them. Why are my hands so heavy? I am afraid that they are not all okay
Therapist: Who is not okay? I am going to count from 3 to 1 and may be you can go back to the time when you started looking for them 3,2,1.
Client: (Calms down a bit) My hands are very heavy
Therapist: What is this weight you are carrying in your hand.
Client: (crying profusely again) it’s a child
Therapist: What happened to the child (after some pain management)
Client: she is dead (very slowly)
Therapist: Whose child is she?
Client: Mine.(very sad)
Therapist: What happened to your child?
Client: She is not breathing. She is cold.
Therapist: What happened to her?
Client: I don’t know. No one tells me. I came home after 3 days.
Therapist: With your child?
Client: No, my baby was at home. Dead.
Therapist: Where is your wife?
Client: (crying again) She is not there. She left my baby alone. How could she do that? (Pause)
Therapist: At the count of 1, May be you can go back in time when your baby was alive. 3, 2, 1. Can you see your baby.
Client: Yes.
Therapist: How old is she?
Client: She can walk and run.
Therapist: What do you call her?
Client: I don’t know yet
Therapist: do you recognize the baby from this life? (Pause) Look into her eyes may be you can recognize her.
Client: No I can’t, I don’t know. I have to find my wife I have to ask her what happened to my child. I couldn’t find her there also. (near the highway) how could she leave my baby alone at home.
Therapist: Is there anyone else at home?
Client: How did my child die? (crying softly) she didn’t feed her. She left my child alone at home. Went away. She ran away with her lover. (later she informed her ex-husband was the wife and her father was the lover.)
Therapist: Maybe you can go ahead in time as I count from 3 to 1
Client: I don’t want to leave my baby alone I don’t want to go anywhere why did my wife cheat on me.
Therapist: Have you been cheated by your wife?
Client: Yes, crying again.
Therapist: Maybe you can let go of the pain. It was in the past. Let it go Naina. Send lot of love to your child. Your heart is full of love.
Client: crying
Therapist: Maybe at the count of one you will reach the last moment of your life. 3,2,1 (after pain management)
Client: (after a long pause) I am old.
Therapist: How old are you? What is your age?
Client: 70 – 80 may be. I don’t know. I am very old.
Therapist: Is anyone else there with you?
Client : I still have my baby’s basket of toys and my baby’s cradle. (looks very sad again.)
Therapist: You don’t have to go through the pain again. It was in the past. Don’t let it hurt you any more May be you can leave your body and float above at the count of 1.
Client: After a while. (The facial expression changes to a peaceful and serene expression.) I am floating towards white light. The light is coming towards me. I was sad. But I am inside. I am okay now. It is so peaceful here.
Therapist: Is any master there with you?
Client: I am at peace. No master. But I see my child. She is here, waiting for me(happy). I am at peace. She is also peaceful. Looks like She was waiting for me.
Therapist: Do you want to stay with her for some time?
Client: Yes. (After some time her expression changes.)
Therapist: May be at the count of 1 you reach a moment in time which is of significance. 3,2,1. What is coming to your awareness Naina?
Client: Why is it always dark?
Therapist: May be if you look through the darkness, you might find something.
Client: It is still dark. (after a while) I have to walk.
Therapist: May be you reach a place of importance as you are walking. 10 to 1
Client: (after a long time) I am going to a temple. At night. I am eloping, running away to get married.
Therapist: Have you reached the temple?
Cleient: Yes.
Therapist: Where is the temple?
Client: At the top of the hill.
Therapist: Who are you going to get married to?
Client: I am waiting for him to come. (long pause)
Therapist: Has he come yet?
(very sad expression. Disappointed and dejected. Nods her head)
Client: He does not come. I wait.
Therapist: Are you still waiting?
Client: (somber) I waited for quite some time. But now I am returning home. It is dawn now.
Therapist: How do you feel as you walk back home?
Client: Hurt, Betrayed, (sorrowful weepy expression suddenly)
Therapist: What is making you so sad Naina?
Client: I can see him. He is with someone else.
Therapist: Do you recognize him from this life?
Client: Papa (her own father)
Therapist: Do you recognize the person he is with?
Client: I don’t know who she is. I don’t care. I didn’t even see her.
Therapist: How do you feel now.
Client: I am angry with him. I will never forgive him.
Therapist: May be you can let go of the pain you are carrying?
Client: (after a long pause) Yes. I can do that. (Talking to herself )I am okay now. I don’t want to carry the pain with me. I don’t want to do this anymore. I have forgiven him. I am not angry with him anymore. I am okay. But he is going to hurt me again. He hurts me every time.
Therapist : When else did he hurt you?
Client: He killed my child.
Therapist: Was he your wife?
Client: No he was my wife’s lover. He killed my child. (starts to cry again). I want to go to a good place. I don’t want this pain.
Therapist: You can always go back to your garden of peace and healing. 3, 2, 1
Client: (Crying) It is painful. I can’t breathe. I can’t get to the garden.
Therapist: Just relax your forehead. (Pain management) You will be able to reach the garden. 3, 2, 1. You are in the garden now. White light is all around you. Healing you. Nothing can touch you when you are in the halo of light.
Client: Calms down.
Therapist: Are you in the garden?
Client: Nods. (Happy and sad expression)
Therapist: Who has come to meet you in the garden?
Client: Satan(her german shepherd dog, who had died in her arms.)
Therapist: Is he your angel?
Client: He is fine now.
Therapist: Be with him for some time. May be you can talk to him and tell him all that you want to.
Client: I don’t need to. (sounds peaceful) He knows everything. He loves me and I love him.
After a peaceful pause. I need to get out. Come back to awareness.
Reframing was done before bringing her back to awareness. While reframing she said her shoulders seemed lighter. We could do the reframing for only few years. She frantically objected to her younger years as those were too painful for her to revisit.
Client was brought back to awareness.
Client was given a glass of glucose water. She went to freshen up.
Theme for the session was “Fear of being cheated on”. Client was amazed at all her visions and understood from where her fear of being cheated on was coming. She understood it was no fault of her’s. She understood that repeated negative patterns in her current life stems from unresolved issues of her past lives. She understood that she has to break the pattern of her current and past lives to heal completely. She has to take a stand.
Her pain level reduced from 10 to 3.