Healing Through the Echoes of the Past: Unraveling Allergies and Their Roots

Four sessions were conducted in total. Part 1 includes sessions 1, 2, and 3, which took place on September 3rd and 4th, 2024. Part 2 consists of the fourth session, held on September 8th, 2024, due to word limit considerations.

Below are the details of sessions 1, 2, and 3, followed by a separate case for session 4.

-Date :- 3/9/24
Session 1
Therapist Introduction:-
Introduced myself to Himani (name changed), though she knew me through her cousin Juhi (name changed). who introduced me to her…
Himani was very comfortable and seemed open for the PLR session…rather very open for the regression to find if her recently developed allergy with dust, dirt, mud or even plants, has any past life connection. (She had already taken other healing modalities…but failed to see any results)… She is a confident woman and maintained perfect eye contact with me to have an open and genuine conversation.
Pre- Talk:
The briefing went very well and Himani responded well with most of the questions. She runs a travel agency and is doing very well.
Contract and Oath of Confidentiality was signed:-
Client assessment:-
VAK 7/4/4, Eye Roll :- 3/5, Hypnositability :- 7/10, Pain Level :- 10(before).- 3(after)
**Client History: **
Coming from an affluent Maharashtrian family, where education runs in veins. Himani along with her younger brother had a very good schooling , she Graduated in Tourism and Event Management from University of Pune. A very happy person by nature, had a happy and blessed childhood. She lost both her parents suddenly in a road accident when she was just 14yrs of age. Her grand parents took the charge of both the children and provided them with best of all they could and just loved both of them…it was a pure selfless love… Himani is very confident and has enjoyed learning self defence skills, loves singing Indian classical and plays mouth-organ n guitar pretty well.
Life is kind of perfect for this 38-year happily married lady with two kids. She has a very fulfilled relationship with her husband Arun, who is a VP in a MNC…
Himani was referred to me through one of my existing student client of more than a year from Symbiosis Institute of Management, Viman Nagar Campus ,Pune. Juhi,(name changed), is taking therapy from me for her suicidal tendencies and complicated entangled relationships… She has shown great improvements and is thankful, as she has become confident and now is able to handle the complexities in her life and relationships…
Himani, is experiencing sudden n severe dust, dirt, mud and plant allergies (past year and half)… She has no significant health issues and lead a busy but an active lifestyle… She enjoys hiking, gardening, and has always been enthusiastic about maintaining her home incredibly clean…
Allergies are so severe that has been impacting her daily life…even in her office she would ask the boy to keep cleaning her table often kind of (OCD)…strange but true that won’t get any symptoms with glass tops or when bare feet. Taking an antiestimine everyday to play safe.
Recent Health Issues :
Three years back, Himani started experiencing severe allergic reactions to dust, dirt, mud, and plants…, something she had never been sensitive to before… The symptoms include frequent sneezing, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, and severe respiratory discomfort… Despite consulting multiple allergists and undergoing various treatments, her symptoms have remained persistent and debilitating. The condition has significantly impacted her quality of life, affecting her work performance and personal activities…and has made her feel irritated most of the time.
Himani agreed to seek this past life regression session as a last resort to understand and address the underlying causes of her sudden allergy because of her cousin Juhi’s persistence… She is now open to exploring unconventional therapies and believes that unresolved issues from past lives could be influencing her current condition…( n now she becomes an easy client to get regressed :blush::grinning:)…
Himani, after a small pause started humming the song “यूंही कट जाएगा सफर साथ चलने से…” and so I requested her to sing a little louder, only if she is comfortable, so that even I could njoy this beautiful and inspiring song. She made herself very comfortable and sang the complete number and was much relaxed…I enjoyed it thoroughly :heart:.
**IMR :**IMR was done that she would raise her forefinger of her right hand in positive response.
**Session 2 **
I began with a prayer to express my gratitude to my Divine Masters and Benevolent Energy…
" I thank you deeply for your presence and guidance. As I embark on this journey of exploration, I ask for your protection, clarity, and wisdom. May I be open to the insights and healing that come through, and may I honor the experiences with respect and understanding.
Thank you for supporting me on this path and for illuminating the way with your light.
With all gratitude and reverence :pray::pray:"

I started of with Dave-Elman relaxation technique…she did deep belly breathing and was very cooperative to my suggestions… and I could see her getting more and more relaxed…was followed by progressive relaxation till she became limp…checked with her level of comfort with IMR…then the beautiful garden of peace

(All my efforts went in vain as she lost the control and started sneezing and coughing… immediately I had to offer water and tried calming her down, in vain again as the allergic reactions were severe. I asked her to take the anti allergic med and rest for some time and will move ahead only after she is most comfortable and relaxed.).
I offered her to come next day for the session when she is most relaxed, but she insisted on going ahead with the session. So, she was allowed to rest for almost an hour and I played a relaxing ‘OM’ chant for her. After which she was ready again to get regressed .I offered her a glass of warm water to drink by sipping .

Session 2
So, again I started off by Dave- Elman relaxation…deep breathing and much deep relaxation… progressive relaxation…relaxing more deep n deeper…and letting go… drifting away… where nothing matters… enjoy this lovely feeling… …feel totally relaxed now… totally at ease… and let your mind drift away to a place… far, far away… a place where you feel relaxed… where you feel comfortable… always… and think of what the place is like… maybe a beach at twilight… floating in this warm water of the sea… allow your mind to drift… and as you drift even deeper… enjoying the feeling … nothing matters… nothing is important… just being in the moment… let your mind be empty…floating far …far…n far.
(The above is a tweek in the script I did deliberately…I let her go in deep relaxation using the above words …kept speaking whatever came to my mind instantly…just to make her most relaxed as in my fear was not wanting to give her any kind of sensation of any garden or mud …she already spoke of allergy towards these …so was a bit careful this time not to give any visuals of the garden of peace to not allow her to go in trance… didn’t want her to get allergic in any way)
After a while I felt she dissociated…
Did IMR to check with her…

T - Therapist says
C - Client says

With the count from 3 to 1 you will find yourself in a significant moment from a life that connects with your allergy from dust in your current life…
3…2…and 1.
T-now you are in that significant moment when you first experienced this allergy… Where do you find yourself in ?..
C-I am floating in water…
T-What is around you ?
C m floating…floating…Uh…uh…blood around me…M floating in the blood…water…blood …in water
T-what else do you see around ??
C-m struggling to come out…shouting for help…no one is there to help me…It’s a big river…people are running …running…crying…no help.
[I see a lot more stress on her face and seems struggling ]
I am out …all wet … feeling v. cold…( stress lines on her face were clearly visible)…sitting on the side of this river…it’s a foggy… a very old street…some stone buildings around me.
T-Good…take a moment to observe your surroundings.
What do you notice about these buildings and the street?
C-very old buildings…very old structures made of some dark stones…street is covered with cobblestones and it looks like it’s raining… It feels very gloomy…
(Signs of dislike are visible clearly on the upper body…)
T-ok…look down at your feet…what are you wearing in your feet ?.
C- nothing.
T-hmm…what kind of dress you are wearing ?
C-it’s a long frock kind of dress…black n white.
T-are you a male or female ?
T-Ok…are you alone or you see people around?.
C-there are a few on the street.
T-what are they doing ?.
T-how are they dressed ?
C-Dressed in very old fashioned clothes.
T-are there only men or both men and women ??
C I see both.
T-how are they dressed??.
C-men are in long black coats and women in some kind of long dresses…
T- look at these people around you.
are they Indian?
C-they are not Indians…look like some white people.
T-What are they doing?..
C-They seem to be hurrying along… looking worried.
T- hm…sounds like a tense atmosphere.
C-Yes…people are running hurriedly on the street.
T- now on the count of 3…2…and 1…
bring your awareness in this place…now you are walking on this street…focus and see if there is any sign board …or any other board that reads the name of this place…
C- silent for a while…(eyes flickering)…St. Stephan’s Tower… London…I can see a big clock on this tower…
T- ok…hmm…
Go further and now you are seeing a board in front of you …a board where the year is written in big numbers…read …what numbers are written on this board…??..
C- 1…6…6…5…
T- great…is it 1665…??
C- Yes…1665…year 1665.
T- hmm…go further …what do you see on your left?
C- people are rushing…they are in a great hurry…
T-go near them…and focus on one person…and see if you can understand their emotions or what they are thinking.
C-the river is Thames …yes Thames.
T-how do you know it’s Thames river…?
C-people are talking…I hear that.
T- ok.
T-go near one person and focus …see if you can understand their emotions or what they are thinking…
C-I see a man…he looks worried …he is holding a letter.
T-.hmm…what is he doing…?
C-it looks as if he’s searching for someone.
T-ok…ask him if he is willing to share what’s happening.
T-What does he tell you?.
C-he says that there is a conflict going on in the city…he’s trying to find his family to make sure they’re safe…
they look fearful …they feel breathless…crying.
C-there is a lot of chaos everywhere.
T-hmm…go near him…and look into his eyes…does he remind you of someone in your current life…??
C-he resemble someone from my college …but I don’t know who…he is very very familiar…
T- hm…how does this man feel about this conflict?.. What are his personal thoughts and emotions regarding this situation?..
C-oh…he feels a deep sense of fear and frustration… he’s worried about the future and feels powerless to change the outcome…all are dying…
T-hmm…that’s understandable given the circumstances…now, let’s move forward in this life a little…
T- did he find his family ?
C-umm…yes, he found his wife and sister…he still is looking for his children …is in great distress…
T- what happens next?.
C-he decides to leave this city …for safety…but the journey is going to be very difficult and dangerous…
T-why do you think so ?
C-I see blood around
T- hmm…you may move further and look to your right…What do you see…?
C- ( sadness on face )…I see people lying on the street…they are dead…
T- hmmm…
C-very few people around…it’s deserted…
T- that sounds very distressing…
C-Yes…I am feeling left out…alone…
T- only if you are comfortable may we explore this further…anytime you feel uncomfortable you may choose to witness it from a distance…you are always protected…you are completely safe here…
C- uh…I am alone.
T-can you tell me more about this place…?? What is happening here…??
C-I see people escaping…rich people have escaped…others are dying on the street…
T-hmm…is it a civil war or…
C-uh…no it’s not a civil war…it seems some disease…plague …it is plague… people are dying because of it
T-what can you see now…?
C-two people talking…they are loud…
T- .ok…go near them and listen to what they are talking ?
C-they are crying and feel helpless.
T-walk further more… see what is around?
C-a lot of dust…a lot of garbage around.
C people are sick all over.
C-they are dying… desperately looking for help.
C-I see carriages and wagons filled with people…they are piled up in the wagon…they are taking them for mass burials…
T-oh…I feel sorry…must be painful…if you wish to pray for these people you may choose to do so…
T-when you feel to move further do let me know…
T-ok… now with a count of 3…2…1…
Find yourself in the next significant moment in this life…
3…2…and 1…
T-where are you ?.
C-am in a hospital
T-how old are you ?
C-around 32-33…am alone…very lonely.
T-why…why do you feel lonely…?
C-I have lost my whole family…I am the sole survivor.
T-ok…in your awareness in this moment of loneliness what emotions are coming to your mind ?
C-.I do not allow my grief over take me…I feel responsible…I am assisting in the hospital…I see doctors and nurses around…
we all are helping as much as possible.
there is no guilt of loosing my family, but am sad to leave them behind… I carried on what needed to be done…helping those needed help…
T- excellent …and how by understanding these emotions help you address similar concerns in your current life ?..
C- …I think the deep seated fear and staying responsible from this past life might be affecting how I handle stress and uncertainty in my current life…
T- that’s a valuable insight… Remember, you have all the strength to address these feelings in your current life…
T- what else do you see…??
[Long pause…]
Ok …with a count from 3…2…and 1…take a deep breath and move on to the next significant moment in this life…
T- where are you…?
C- in my house…
T- who all are there with you…?
C- my husband and my daughter…
T- oh…that is good…
C- my husband loves me very much …and also my daughter…smiles…
T- hmm…smiles…
T- how old are you ?..
C- around 40…
T- how does your husband call you?..what is your name…?
C- Sarah…
T- and how do you call your husband?
C- Alex…( Smiles)…
We are very happy together…smiles…
T- excellent…
You may choose to be in this moment of bliss if you wish to for some time…indicate when you want to move further…
T- how do you feel now…
C- very good…I feel blessed…I have a lovely family…smiles…
T- now with the count from 3…2…and 1…allow yourself to move forward in time to the end of this life…
T- as you focus on the scene where you are experiencing your death…take a deep breath… and try to observe the details… What do you notice around you?..
C- it’s dark and smoky… I’m lying on the ground, and there’s a lot of noise… People are talking… but I can’t make out their words…my husband is on my side…he is sad…he is looking at me…with sadness …
T- how old are you ??
C- 76
T- hm…ok… What emotions come up for you in this moment?..
C- I feel a mix of pain and confusion… It’s like everything is slipping away…I will be loosing my family once again…I don’t want to leave…I want to help the needy …help the society…
T- hmm… it’s important to acknowledge and accept these emotions… Let’s focus on these sensations in your body right now… How do they feel?..
C-my body feels heavy and weak… feeling a sharp pain in my right side… I’m finding it hard to breathe.
T-ok…allow yourself to experience these sensations without any judgment…Can you identify any specific thoughts or realizations you’re having in this moment?..
C-I am happy…but needed to help more people…work for my people…my society…
but there is no regret…I did accomplish what I needed to…m happy…want to die peacefully…but my husband is sad.
T-hmm…it’s natural to feel that way for your husband…he loves you very much…you may choose to be with him in this moment if you wish to…and indicate when to move forward?.
[after a long gap IMR ]
T-as you continue to relax, I want you to focus on the end of this life… letting yourself gently drift in that moment.
T- what do you see…??
C-I am lying down… feeling heavy …I can’t breathe … I feel my body is becoming cold.
T- how do you feel as you approach this moment?
C- there’s a mix of fear and relief…but I’m afraid.
T- afraid of what??.
C-of what is next…but I also feel a sense of release from my pain… It’s like a weight is lifting off me…I feel like myself separating from my body…
T-hmm…how does that feel ?.
C-it’s like I’m floating above… I can see my body below, but I don’t feel attached to it anymore… There’s a bright light ahead, and it’s warm and inviting.
T- how does this feel to you?
C-.it’s strange but very comforting… I am feeling a sense of peace and freedom…
T- hmm…look down…who all are there around you ?
C mmm…my husband…my close relatives…but can’t see my daughter…Alex is very sad.
T- there is a natural feeling of sadness in such a situation. What might this realization tell you about your current life?
observe and feel what this feeling …this emotion tell you about your current life?..
C-there is no guilt of loosing my family, but am sad to leave them behind… I carried on what needed to be done…helping those needed help…accepted and embraced the love I got…lived this life peacefully and happily…
T-that’s an insightful connection… these feelings from this past life may reflect in your current life.
C-.I am able to look at my surroundings with a new clarity… this bright light is drawing me in…
[Relaxed and contented emotions are visible on face…]
T- as you float in this peaceful realm…what do you notice around you?..Are there any guides or masters waiting for you?..
C-I see someone very similar to my father…he is taking me along…guiding me…full of love and understanding… I am feeling very nice…my masters are showing me my life’s path and the lessons I learned…
T- what have you learned from these encounters?..
C- they’re helping me understand the choices I made and how it has shaped my journey… I see how my experiences were meant to teach me and guide my growth… There is a sense of appreciation for everything I went through…
T- as you continue to reflect, what insights are you gaining about this life and the transition you’ve just experienced?.
C- that all my struggles had a purpose… I see how they helped me grow and prepare for the next phase of my journey… I feel a deep sense of peace and readiness for what comes next…
T-is there any message for me from your masters ?.
C-Yes…they are saying you have walked many paths… each one shaped the essence of who you are today… In your past lives, you learned resilience, compassion, and the power of love…
They are asking you to always remember the lessons of your ancestors…their strength is flowing through you…asking to embrace your intuition, for it connects you to the wisdom of those experiences…
they are asking you to let go of your fears and doubts…n trust in your ability to heal and grow… The choices you will make now will influence your future…asking you to stay grounded in the present…
They are saying you are not alone…the energies of your past lives are with you always …will guide you towards your highest potential…
T- ( OMG…m getting goosebumps)…n feeling blessed at the same time…m overwhelmed.
T- ok…Himani… express my gratitude to them… express my thanks for all their guidance and support…my प्रणाम :pray::pray: to them…
C- hmmm…
T- now when you’re ready and feel comfortable to explore more… we can journey to another lifetime that may hold important insights for you.
C- (IMR)…
T-are you ready to explore further back in time
T- ok…so, now imagine a doorway or a pathway opening before you, leading to a new lifetime… allow yourself to move towards it when ever you feel ready…
T-as you step into this new life… notice where you find yourself to be … What do you see… hear…or feel ?..
C- (quiet…)
T-take a deep breath and let yourself sink deeper into this experience…deeper n deeper…
What do you see around ?..
C-a dark place… can’t see clearly, it’s a very large…place…
T-what kind of place it is ?..
C-looks like an old library…it’s very gloomy…dusty
C- a faint light is coming through the windows…
T-look at your feet …what are you wearing in n your feet ?
C-shoes…black shoes…
T- hmm…what are you wearing on top…what type of dress it is ?.
C-blue pants and and a white shirt.
T-look up and read the name written on the board above …of this library…
C-can’t see anything.
T-walk in…you are at the reception of this library…what do you see ?..
C-silence …
T-who is there at the reception ?..
C one lady…she is looking at me…
T…hmm…look into her eyes …who does she remind you of in your current life…??
C-she is my काकी …yes she is my काकी …smiles…
T-why are you in this library?.
C-I work here …I spend time to read and write…
T-hmm…can you describe this library .
C- h…the shelves are huge and filled with old books… a thick layer of dust on everything.
T- hmm…
C-it’s really old…I can see cobwebs in the corners… this place feels heavy and neglected…
T-how does the atmosphere here makes you feel?
C-feels very gloomy…I get a sense of isolation…
T- hmm…
C-I feel like this place has been forgotten for a long time… It’s almost as if time has stopped here…
T-look around and read the name of this library.
C-donno…can’t read…there is something written on this pathway.
T- ok…you may go closer and read…what is written ?..
C- colo…n…i…a…I don’t understand this …it’s colonia…(Stress)
T- oh…great…is it in india ?
C- no…donno…looks like in Europe.
T-read further…the year is written on this plate…read the nos.
C-(eyes flickering…trying to read something…)…it’s difficult to read…the light is dim.
T- ok…you may go close to it to read…
What do you read ?..
C-silence… 1…9…3…c…e…
T-s it 196 C.E. ?
T-ok k…you may walk further in…
do you notice anything about yourself in this setting? …
C-I’m sitting at a large wooden table…
T-what are you doing? …
C-am trying to read some old manuscripts… I feel a sense of duty…but it’s frustrating…books are so difficult to read… the environment is so gloomy…
T-how old are you
C-may be 34.
C- it’s a very cramped place…too dusty…I feel suffocated.
C- I find difficult to breathe.
T-hmmm…what is your job…what do you do ?..
C-I am a research scholar…
T-hm… now with a count from 3 to 1 you will find yourself in next significant event in this life…so, take a deep breathe… and exhale…3…2…and 1…
where are you ?..and what is happening?
C in the hospital.
T- ok…what has happened to you?
C-some lung infection…the doctor is saying something I can’t make out.
T-see who else is there with you
C-Rosa is talking to the doctor.
T- hm…who is Rosa?
C-oh…she is my wife…seems the doctor is talking about the infection in my lungs…
T- ok…
C- he says my upper lungs are chocked.
C-asking me to stay away from dust…he is giving me some medicines…
C- I feel frustrated…feel chocked…and feeling helpless.
T-why do you feel helpless?
C-because I will not be able to continue my research…my health does not support… will have to go back to this dusty gloomy place to do research…must write… but doctor says no…
T-hmm…what comes to your awareness in this moment…any insight or lessons you have learned ??.
C-I feel helpless…
T-and how does this relate to your current life? …
C-silence…after a long gap …
I feel overwhelmed and burdened by responsibilities…a sense of being stuck in a place that no longer serves me…
am always involved in research and writing…did not pay attention to my personal health or hygiene… the dust is a constant irritant… and I have recurring respiratory issues…
T-Great…you may if you feel comfortable explore this library more.
T- as you walk through …notice the areas that are most affected by the dust and clutter… What stands out to you?..what do you see?.
C-the shelves are overflowing with old books and papers… there’ is dust everywhere, and the light is very poor…the space feels very closed off and heavy…cluttered.
T-hmmm… now imagine you are carefully removing the old…unused…books and papers from the shelves…
what does this look like to you?..
C-I am sorting through the books…
T-hmmm…you may set aside the ones that are too old or damaged…now slowly you may dust the shelves and clean off the surface…it’s a bit overwhelming…but be determined…whenever you are uncomfortable you may choose to leave.
or give me the indication when you are through.
(There is a gap/pause…m afraid Himani might get the allergic reactions, but to my surprise nothing happened…though the face showed stressed but no symptoms of allergic reactions…)
T- fantastic… now as you continue this process visualize making changes to the library’s atmosphere…
How are you improving the light and airiness of this space?..
C-am trying to open up some large windows… also thinking of creating better ventilation to let in fresh air…
the room feels lighter and more open now…(Relief)…
T-excellent… Now, let us focus on enhancing the space further… picture yourself adding new elements that will make the library feel inviting…
what do you add to the space?
C-ummm…am adding some comfortable chairs and small tables…fresh paint on the walls… I’m placing a few plants and paintings to brighten up the room…
T- as you visualize these changes, pay attention to how the space feels now compared to before…
what is your emotional experience of this transformed library?..
C- It feels so much better… it is more bright…airy and welcoming…so peaceful and clear… than before…it’s like a weight has been lifted…
T-that’s wonderful…take a moment…take a moment to fully absorb this transformed space and how it impacts your well-being…
when you’re ready…I will gently guide you back to your present self…you may carry with you the feelings of this beautiful transformation…
C-I am so much calm and feel more refreshed.
T-stay blessed always…you may choose to be jn this moment…and when you’re ready and feel comfortable to explore more… we can journey to another lifetime that may hold important insights for you…
After a gap…
T-now if you feel comfortable we further go back in time…
C-I want to come back…
T-do you feel discomfort exploring ?..
C-no…I am tired…
take your time…it’s absolutely ok…
now keeping the sense of clarity and renewal from the library with you…whenever you are ready…
with a count from 1…2…and 3…
slowly…very slowly…you may choose to open your eyes or be in that moment for some more time.
1…2…and 3…
when you are ready… slowly and softly take a deep breath…and open your eyes…
Long silence…
C- smiles…I feel and I think like I have a new perspective for my life now…feeling like I am blessed.
T-oh…that’s great to hear from you…its an insightful connection…let’s take a moment to explore how this past life might be influencing you today…if any insights or feelings are arising from this experience, feel free to share them, and we’ll discuss them together…

[ I offered her a cup of cupuchino…she was longing for that…we sat together to talk about the experience…she was speaking very less and I could see a strange calmness on her face…I didn’t want to translate anything of my own and wanted her to share the exp…wanted her to take her time and if she wants to return to be back the next day I was completely aligned…]
She opted to go back as it was already late and I immediately agreed as I too was totally exhausted by then…:heart::blush:

Date: 4/9/24
Session: 3
T-hi Himani…you look so much fresh today …
C-Yes…slept like a log yesterday…:grinning::grinning: husband was curious to know :blush:… haven’t shared anything with him till now regarding the session…just introspecting…actually m so mesmerized and the feeling of visiting my past lives has made me think about myself…I am slowly falling for myself…wanna care for myself even more…just wanna love all…everyone…even you ma’am …need your guidance.
T-it’s overwhelming for me too…(My eye are wet…with so much love and gratitude for my masters.)

T- So, now you tell me what emotions or patterns from this past life resonate with your current experiences?.
C-I often feel weighed down by obligations and like I’m stuck in situations that don’t allow me to move forward. It’s like I’m carrying the weight of that old library with me…
T-thank you for sharing that… As we continue, let’s work on understanding how you can release these burdens and find a path to more openness and freedom… We’ll explore ways to clear these old patterns and create space for new possibilities…
T-what did you learn from this new lifetime?
C-I feel calm and centered, with a clearer understanding of my past and a sense of readiness for the future…
T-That sounds great.
T-Himani in my opinion your trauma from the plague experience from past…like fear, loss, or grief—might be the reason of the manifestion of this allergy in your current life… sometimes the body may carry unresolved emotions that can trigger immune responses…
T-see Himani the mind and body are interconnected…stress or anxiety related to the past life might result in physical symptoms like allergies, indicating that unresolved issues are affecting your overall well-being…


An engaging session…
In the sessions, therapist aids and the client goes through PL trauma or pain, releases blocked up energy. Added to this is the message from Master and then the client starts afresh on a the journey with better perspective and greater knowledge. All this was definitely present but what i loved here was making changes to the old library…sorting books, painting walls, adding furniture like chairs, opening windows to let air in… a master move…the library is changed and hopefully the source of disease.

In my humble opinion, we could’ve ignored this part, as it would be rescripting.

Adding a link to post where @Ashish-Meher beautifully explained this

Apart from this, overall the case was very elaborate and well conducted. :clap:t2::innocent::sparkles: