How does one deal with the ego?

Dear Amarantians,

While I was reading the book ‘The Laws of the Spirit World’, I found this information very relevant to us. Hence, I thought of putting it on this forum.Copied and pasted it here without any modifications.

How does one deal with the ego?

The fight between the ego and the subconscious mind will last a lifetime, but you cannot embark on a spiritual journey until you make a strong effort to eliminate your own ego.

Here are three simple steps to start on this path:

1. Analyse yourself

There are varying degrees of pride - some human beings have more, and some have less. However, all

human beings have some sense of pride. Yes, riches, fame, power, beauty, gifts, talents etc. are all obvious things that lead to pride. But the worst kind of pride is spiritual pride the pride of thought the ‘I’ factor, that is, “I am right”, “I am humble”, “This has happened because of me”, “So many people come to me for help and guidance”, “I do a lot of social work”, “I am a great healer”, "So many people are drawn to “I have built many hospitals and schools for me " people”, “I am a very religious person”, “I know”, “I have achieved so much”, “I am very good at my work/ job/profession”.

The moment the ‘I’ factor appears, it is a sign of pride and the first step towards your spiritual downfall. All success, talent etc. come from God. We are His instruments, given these gifts to share and for the service of man. We have to be grateful and thank God for all that is given to us and we should humbly accept these blessings and not feel ‘I’ did it all.

Now analyse yourself and accept the fact that you are a proud person. Sometimes, when you give it proper thought, you will feel foolish about being proud. Pray to God and ask Him to guide you. This is the most difficult step, to recognize and acknowledge that you are proud and have true desire to change.

It is difficult to start walking on the spiritual path because this requires change. The ego knows this: it knows that it will eventually be discarded , and this is what it does not want. Therefore , it will make you resist change, so your resolve has to be much strong than your ego.

2. Control the Pride

Understand that pride is in thought. When you something good or achieve something, a feeling of

pride may set in, but do not think and act proud. Distract your mind by thinking of something

completely different. The first few times, it will be very hard to control yourself like trying to break a

bad habit you have become accustomed to. Your physical mind has become so used to this bad habit

that you start believing you cannot do without it.

Slowly, these thoughts will diminish and soon disappear. The urge will be there, but the test is not

to give in. Even if you fail the first few times, do not be angry or negative; instead, be humble enough to

accept that you might fail initially. Relax and try again. The key is to go on genuinely trying until you

succeed, and you will succeed if you are positive and consistent. You will notice that things get simpler and clearer, and you will begin walking on the right path. Most importantly, maintain your control.

3 . Replace proud thoughts with humble ones.

Write down your unclear thoughts or understanding of things so they can be cleared and replaced by correct thoughts and understanding. In this manner, that small, proud thought will not develop into full-blown ego. Proud thoughts will still arise from time will know to control to time, but you Remain consistent in your effort.



Very well added, thanks for sharing this, Ashish :pray:


very true Aashish ji. And for helping us being at a distance with this spiritual pride , the three things may help :

  1. Dhyana ( Meditation to go inside and know ourselves by stopping the chit chat of mind)
  2. Swaadhya ( reading the lives of great humble people and knowledge they gave)
  3. Satsangatya ( Seeking the company of great humble kind guru / masters / people ) who can help us to be on right path.

As if we are egoistic and are not humble then life would make us humble through situations !


Excellent excerpt from an excellent book!! Reading each sentence makes you aware of the depth of the flaws in your thinking. We carry so much pride and “EGO” and go berserk preserving the false identity.
I think every human being is caught in this vice at some level and is this is the root cause of all his struggles. Overcoming this hurdle is the key to Reached stage 1, need to power through the rest.
Thanks Ashish, for a really valuable piece of wisdom.


Thanks a lot Ashish for this most valuable resource. i had read Laws of the Spirit World a few years back, but do not recall having come across this. Wonderful of you to have noticed this and identify its importance.


Dear Shipraji,

Very well commented and contributed, The salient aspects of DHAYANA-SWAADHYA-SATSANGATYA are of immense value for any being who wish to tread the path of spirituality.


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Dear Ashish,

Thank you for the wonderful contribution made. :grinning: :yellow_heart:

Looking forward to more such blessed writeups from your end.


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Thanks Kaushik for your valuable comments.

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True Shpira , life situations also makes us humble. Thanks for providing more insight on this topic.



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Dear Monesh,

Thank you for your encouraging words. It means a lot to me. It is my pleasure to keep sharing. :pray::blush:



Dear Arvind ji,

Thank you for your valuable feedback on this write-up. It encourages me to share more. There are many takeaways from this book, which help us stay grounded and on the right path. Thanks to @Aditi for sharing it on this forum. I could read it again with greater understanding this time.




Thanks, Dr. Neeti, for your encouraging comments. I am humbled to know that you found this information valuable.:pray: