How To Attain Love Extempore As Taught By the Greatest Master Ever

By the blessed grace of the Masters I feel elated that almost all my children come back with something priceless from the Amarantos PLRT workshop consistently from the past several batches.

Though the ability to conduct flawless PLRT sessions is given, for some it’s also a closure of their karmic debts and treading a new course of destiny, and for the spiritual it is the clearing of blocks leading to a spiritual awakening, and the best of all is the flooding of devotion… the priceless of all experiences.

Now did you know that there is a great Master who has shared his blessed experience on how to attain this love extempore also known as Devotion or Bhakti.

Try to guess who is this Master could be…

He guided Prahlada, to becoming the greatest devotee, while he was still in his mother’s womb, imparting the knowledge of Bhakti that helped him remain devoted despite his father’s opposition.

Taught Dhruva the hurt child, the importance of devotion and meditation, leading him to attain divine grace and become an immortal north star for us.

The one who inspired Valmiki, originally a hunter and part-time robber, to turn towards a life of penance, which eventually led him to compose the epic Ramayana.

Yes I’m saving the best for the last, and before reaching there, he also provided spiritual guidance to King Ambarisha, known for his devotion and strict adherence to the vows of Ekadashi fasting. And also mentored a celestial musician known as Tumburu. instructing him on the path of devotion through music and song, which are significant in Bhakti.

Basically he is someone whose teachings transcended societal barriers, and shared his wisdom with gods, demons, sages, and devotees alike, all in the service of spreading the path of pure devotion to the Almighty which we shall henceforth refer to as Bhakti

Now coming to the best, he guided Veda Vyasa the great sage who compiled the Mahabharata, and Bhagavata Purana…

Now like a little child on the lap of his grandfather listen to the story of how Ganesha broke his tusk due to this Master, the protagonist of our discussion today also played an important role in getting us Srimad Bhagvad Gita.

The great sage Vyasa was tasked with composing the epic Mahabharata, but since it was so vast and intricate, he wanted a very competent scribe who could write down as he dictated. Vyasa prayed to Lord Brahma and this Master subtly influenced and suggested him to consider Lord Ganesha as the ideal scribe for such a monumental task.

(Reminds me also of Neha and my visit this cave in the Himalayas in 2014.)

When Vyasa approached Lord Ganesha to ask for his help, Ganesha agreed but imposed a condition that he would only write if Vyasa dictated the epic without pausing. If Vyasa stopped, Ganesha would abandon the task. Vyasa, being wise, agreed to this condition but added his own caveat—that Ganesha must understand each verse before writing it down. This ensured that Vyasa could take breaks while Ganesha pondered the meaning of the verses, giving Vyasa time to compose the next section.

As the dictation went on, the task became more and more intense. Ganesha, writing rapidly to keep up with Vyasa’s narration, found that his quill (writing instrument) broke due to the sheer volume and speed required. Determined to fulfill his role and not be interrupted, Ganesha quickly broke off one of his own tusks and used it as a pen to continue writing.

This act of sacrifice depicts Ganesha’s immense dedication to his task and to the successful completion of the Mahabharata, one of the greatest epics so much so that it is said that what’s not there in Mahabharata is no where! So when ever you look at the Ganesha’s broken tusk you know why! (PHS!! :slight_smile: )

Now coming back to the Master who is the protagonist today, hope you’ve been able to guess that it is our blessed Narada Maha Muni.

so a little about Narada… he was was once a Gandharva (celestial musician) named Upabarhana in his past life he was born in a heavenly realm and was extremely handsome and skilled in music. However, because he became overly proud and involved in sensual pleasures, he was cursed to be born as a human. In that life, he was born as the son of a humble maidservant.

As a young boy, Narada served wandering sages during their stay at his home. Through his service, he gained spiritual knowledge and devotion. After his mother passed away, Narada renounced worldly attachments and became a great devotee of Vishnu. Eventually, at the end of his human life, Lord Vishnu granted him the boon of eternal devotion and a celestial form, allowing him to travel freely and spread the message of divine love. And below is his message in the form of


नारद भक्ति सूत्र


Chapter 1 – Definition of Bhakti

**अथातो भक्तिं व्याख्यास्यामः।१ |

  1. Now, we shall explain the nature of devotion (Bhakti).

**सा त्वस्मिन् परप्रेमरूपा।२|
2. True devotion is characterized by supreme, selfless love towards the Divine.

**अमृतस्वरूपा च।३ |
3. And it is of the nature of immortality (eternal bliss).

**यल्लब्ध्वा पुमान् सिद्धो भवति, अमृतो भवति, तृप्तो भवति।४ |
4. By attaining this (Bhakti), one becomes perfect, immortal, and fully content.

**यथा ब्रजगोपिकानाम्।५|
5. Such as the love of the Gopis of Vraja (towards Lord Krishna).

Chapter 2 – Nature of Bhakti

**निर्विचिकित्सा नान्यस्मत्।६|
6. Bhakti allows no doubt and no distraction towards anything else.

तल्लक्षणानि वाच्यन्ते नाना मतभेदात्। (७)
7. The characteristics of Bhakti will be described, as there are differences of opinion on them.

Chapter 3 – Means of Attaining Bhakti

**स तु कर्मज्ञानयोगेभ्योऽप्यधिकतरः।८|
8. Bhakti is greater than Karma (action), Jnana (knowledge), and Yoga (meditation).

फलरूपत्वात्। (९)

  1. Because it is the ultimate fruit of all other paths.

**पूजा दूस्यो भवति।१० |
10. Worship leads to the manifestation of true Bhakti.

**अथवा पूजायाः व्याख्यास्यमः।११ |
11. Now we will explain the essence of worship.

Chapter 4 – Signs of a Devotee

**फलं तु भक्तेः परमानन्दामृतस्वरूपम्। १२|
12. The fruit of devotion is supreme bliss and immortality.

**यद्रूपाः सनकादयः।१३ |
13. This is the state attained by great sages like Sanaka and others.

**अहिंसासत्यशौचदयास्तिक्यादि च। १४ |
14. Non-violence, truthfulness, purity, compassion, and faith are also marks of a devotee.

Chapter 5 – Bhakti and Devotees

**यल्लभ्ध्वा पुमान् सिद्धो भवति। १५ |
15. By attaining Bhakti, a person becomes perfect.

**अमृतो भवति। १६ |
16. By attaining Bhakti, one becomes immortal.

**तृप्तो भवति। १७ |
17. Through Bhakti, one becomes fully content.

**यथा ब्रजगोपिकानाम्। १८ |
18. Just like the Gopis of Vraja, whose love for Krishna was pure and unwavering.

Chapter 6 – The Essence of Bhakti

नारदस्तु तदर्पिताखिलाचारता तद्विस्मरणे परमव्याकुलता च। १९ |
19. According to Narada, Bhakti means dedicating all actions to the Divine and feeling extreme anguish when the Lord is forgotten.

अस्त्येवमेवम्। २० |
20. Indeed, this is the true nature of devotion.

यथा व्रजगोपिकानाम्। २१ |
21. As exemplified by the supreme love of the Gopis of Vrindavan.

Chapter 7 – The Supreme Power of Bhakti

तत्रापि न माहात्म्यज्ञानविस्मृत्यपवादः। २२ |
22. Even in this, there should be no self-pride or forgetfulness of the greatness of devotion.

किंतु अस्मत्स्वस्वरूपानुसंधानं भक्त्यभिध्यासनं च। २३ |
23. Rather, there should always be contemplation on one’s true nature and constant meditation on Bhakti.

विरक्तस्य मुमुक्षोर्भक्तिः। २४ |
24. Bhakti arises in those who are dispassionate and seek liberation.

तस्मिन्ननन्यताज्ञानमपरं च। २५ |
25. True knowledge arises from devotion to the Lord and nothing else.

Chapter 8 – Bhakti and Liberation

स लोके वेदे चाप्यविरोधः। २६ |
26. Bhakti does not conflict with the world or the Vedic scriptures.

लोकोऽप्ययं निरपेक्षः। २७ |
27. Devotion transcends worldly attachments.

स्त्रीशूद्रादयोऽपि तदभाविनः। २८ |
28. Even the lowly, and others can attain Bhakti if they seek the Divine.

Chapter 9 – The Power of Bhakti

नास्त्येव तस्मिंस्तज्ज्ञानं च। २९ |
29. There is no greater power than Bhakti; it is also true knowledge.

अन्तरङ्गत्वात्। ३० |
30. Bhakti is the innermost essence of all knowledge.

फलश्रुतिर्नातिव्याप्तिर्दोषबुद्धयापि ह्यधिकारिणां सः। ३१ |
31. The results of Bhakti should not be sought with a mind of selfish desires, even if one is qualified for them.

Chapter 10 – Unwavering Devotion

तद्विहीनं जारणं खलु सत्त्वमिति ह्याचक्षते। ३२ |
32. Without Bhakti, even the purest knowledge is said to be like poison.

अनिर्वचनीयं प्रेमस्वरूपम्। ३३ |
33. The nature of supreme love (prema) cannot be expressed in words.

मूकास्वादनवत्। ३४ |
34. Like the taste of something enjoyed by a mute person, it is beyond description.

Chapter 11 – Bhakti’s All-Encompassing Nature

प्राकाश्यते क्वापि पात्रैः। (३५)
35. This supreme love manifests only in a few worthy souls.

गुणरहितं कामनारहितं प्रतिष्ठारहितं च। ३६ |
36. It is devoid of any attributes, desires, or expectations of status.

भक्तिः स्वयं अन्वयात्। ३७ |
37. Bhakti itself leads to the Divine, with no need for external support.

Chapter 12 – The Ultimate Bhakti

त्रिगुणातीतं भजनम। ३८ |
38. Bhakti transcends the three gunas (modes of material nature).

साधुजनपरितोषणं। ३९ |
39. It is the cause of the delight of the saints.

जन्मकर्मणिवृत्तिर्देवप्रसादात्। ४० |
40. Bhakti brings about the cessation of the cycle of birth and karma through Divine grace.

Chapter 13 – Bhakti as the Supreme Goal

तस्मात्सर्वप्रयत्नेन साध्यमेतदेवेत्येव भक्तिः। ४१ |
41. Therefore, Bhakti should be pursued with all efforts, as it is the ultimate goal.

प्रीतिविस्तारात्मा। ४२ |
42. It is the expansion of love that extends to all beings.

Chapter 14 – The Purity of Bhakti

सर्वकर्मफलत्यागपूर्वकं। ४३ |
43. Bhakti is attained by renouncing the fruits of all actions.

आनन्दस्वरूपा। ४४ |
44. It is of the nature of pure bliss.

निर्गुणा। ४५ |
45. It transcends all attributes.

Chapter 15 – Bhakti as Supreme Knowledge

ज्ञानं तु तद्भक्तिसहकार्यं शिष्टलक्षणं। ४६ |
46. Knowledge, too, supports Bhakti, provided it is accompanied by humility and virtue.

ज्ञानं चिन्तामणिर्भवेत्। ४७ |
47. True knowledge is like a wish-fulfilling gem. (I will explain to you the actual definition of “True Knowledge in a while”

Chapter 16 – The Great Devotees

आदौ श्रीविष्णुः, तत्परं भक्तिस्ततः। ४८ |
48. First comes Lord Vishnu, then follows devotion to Him.

सर्वाणि च स्फुरन्ति। ४९ |
49. Through Bhakti, everything else becomes illuminated.


एतावता व्याख्यातं परमात्मानं निरुपितं च। ५० |
50. Thus, the nature of the Supreme Soul has been explained.

नारायणपरमकर्णं। ५१ |
51. Narayana (Vishnu) is the ultimate cause of everything.

So true else how could someone like me who was born in a family who didn’t know the ABCD of scriptures end up writing about something so sacred and the highest. It is said that when Maha Vishnu finally gave the Darshan to Dhruva, the little fellow was dumb struck and didn’t know how to extoll this Mighty being, he felt overwhelmed and insignificant. But look at the compassion of the Almighty, He graciously touched the chest of his little devotee with his coach and it invoked an empowerment which let the now enlightened Dhruva sing praises and hymns to Vishnu with great devotion!

My beloved if you’ve reached this far, I bow down at your blessed feet as my only aspiration in life is to serve those who are mad after Him so that I will get some of that Madness and may Lord Vigneshwara remove all the obstacles that lay between Him and me!

PS: Enjoy this and try to find out what it means and you will be amazed!


Thank you for sharing this with us and enlightening us🙏🏻

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@venu Very profound Sir. May you keep growing and become a recourse for souls calling divine graces and in search of a path that truly leads them to the goal. :lotus:


Bhakti, as understood is truely a profound form of devotion characterized by a deep, personal connection with the divine…a devotion which is expressed through acts of love, reverence and surrender…and can be experienced only through genuine, heartfelt devotion…
I feel blessed to have a guru like you @Dr.Venu and express my deep respect, trust, and devotion…:pray::pray: for all the guidance and wisdom…for becoming a channel through which the divine grace is flowing…and I strongly believe that with your blessings we all here as a family will overcome all the obstacles and deepen our connection with the divine…
@Venu sir you are a role model for all of us and I always aspired to cultivate, observe and learn from you…:pray::pray: and express my gratitude for all the support and encouragement you give to help us navigate the complexities of our practices…


Dear Dr Venu,

Its indeed our fortune to have this saakshatkar of the Blessed Lord who resides within us all and who alone is the cause of everything in this universe. Thank you so much for adding yet another masterpiece of wisdom to this forum.

Ever grateful to you !


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: