Humiliation and Verbal Abuse at Work Place

Session: 23 Aug
Theme: Humiliation and abuse in workplace.

Client’s name: Rishi (name changed)/M/43 yrs/ Government employee/married
Eye Roll: 1
Hypnotisability: 9
Pain level before 8
Pain Level After:
Case History:
Rishi has been facing verbal and mental abuse since the beginning of his career, almost 21 yrs ago. It is a pattern (will mention a little later)
Rishi had loving parents, a sister who was 14 yrs older than him and caring…His parents shared a loving relationship. His sister got married when Rishi was about 6 yrs old and his father was still working. It was a lavish wedding as per standards of 1988…Rishi missed his sister in those days but got used to it eventually.
As Rishi was born late in his parent’s life, his father retired when he was in class 6/ about 12 yrs. Rishi had widely travelled the world in the first 12 yrs of his life. The retirement and the mindset it brought in changed a lot of things. There was always a fear of imagined bad days owing to which his parents put into effect austerity measures which he did not like. The fact that he would have to get established soon in his career was repeated often to the boy since he was a teenager. Some relatives looked down upon Rishi and his parents for this stance of his parents and Rishi did not like it.
In all this, he usually never witnessed any negativity in his parent’s marriage…they stood strong for each other navigating life’s issues. Rishi grew up and the went for this government job. He was excellent in his Engineering results, had cleared 2 job interviews but fortunately or unfortunately the result of this government job was declared first…taking no chances, Rishi went for it.
Ever since he joined, irrespective of physical location, a pattern can be traced. Rishi’s job is transferable ever 2 to 2.5 yrs. SO He arrives at a station, boss is against him, receives ill treatment, keeps working silently, gets recognized for work and makes his way to the good books. So much so, that Rishi is presently on good terms with those who once treated him miserably. The situation aggravated when Rishi arrived at his present place of work 1.5 yrs ago. There are three bosses in a hierarchy. All need to concur for Rishi’s future career to prosper. The seniormost Boss 3 has an unexplained dislike for him that translates into lack of faith in Rishi’s sincerity and merit. Boss 2 and Boss 1 both changed in rotation but whoever came picked the cue from Boss 3’s behaviour and keeps abusing and humiliating Rishi. He has frequent headaches at the back of his head, his knees and his ankles. His left eye pains and a strange piercing pain has started in the left side of his abdomen.
His primary concern is when this humiliation, that is now begun physically affecting him, will stop.

Session 1
This session took about 1 hr.
Stages 1 to 5 done in the first half of the day followed by lunch

Session 2
This session was done in the afternoon.
Stage 6…History taking done, and it took almost 3 hrs.
Stage 7…Cognitive Fatigue Video shown
Stage 8…. Theme for PLRT finalized: Humiliation and abuse in workplace.
Stage 9, 10, 11…done …HM done…client ends the day with a smile and reports sleeping extremely peacefully that night

Session 3
This session was done in the morning, took about 2 hrs 15 mins and was followed by branch.
Stage 9, 10, 11 done…Reframing for current Life Traumas…
Client feels tired but relieved…while placing the future anxieties he took more time than locking up bad memories or experiences of current life from childhood till now.

Session 4
This session was done two days later in the second half of the day, post lunch and took a little over 3 hrs.
After going into trance with Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Garden of Peace on a beach, Tunnel of Light and Affect Bridge built of deep humiliation and verbal abuse.

T: This is what therapist said.
C: This is what client said.

T: Imagine that feeling of humiliation more intense and painful seething in you…feeling this pain and humiliation allow yourself to slowly walk across a bridge…at the other end, allow yourself to see when it began.
Affect Bridge
C: No response
T: [Tried again] … Imagine that feeling more intense and painful seething in you…feeling this pain and humiliation allow yourself to slowly walk across a bridge…at the other end, allow yourself to see when it began.
C: (after some pause…expression change) He was jealous of me…Antony….
T: Is that your name?
C: No…another man…
T: Look at your feet …what are you wearing? What dress are you wearing?
C: White robe…bare feet… People come to me in the church…they sit where I am ….they come for confessions…they believe in me
T: What do you do?
C: I am a Father…I don’t take gifts…take people for confessions
He takes gifts…gold coins……corrupt but has strong backing of the church
Opposed him…stop…tried to stop him.
T: What year is this?
C: early 1700’s….
T: Where are you?
C: Some village in Europe…Italy
T: What is your name? What do others call you?
C: Father Andre…poor people come to me; more people start coming slowly…wealthy people come to me…Eme’s father Patrick has started coming to me…Antony is jealous…wants Patrick to go to him…
Antony is Boss3…( Identifies Antony as Boss 3 of current lifetime, on his own).
T: Who is Patrick? Who is Eme?
C: Eme is Emily…she lives in the village …comes in horse carriages…from a rich family…comes to the church to pray. …Eme is my sister of this current life(identifies on his own)….Patrick’s character is bad moral character…women related…Patrick confesses to me…Diego is with Patrick.
T: on the count of 3…2…1…you may take yourself to a significant moment in your life?
Client makes a painful expression…whole body begins to cringe…
T: Relax…take a deep breath…it is not happening with you right now…you are safe? Can you tell me what happened?
C: Antony is being bad…Antony tells Patrick that I am having affair with Eme…she comes to church to pray…She is young but I have no feelings…She wants to marry me…I tell her no…I deny her…
T: How does she think that you can marry her as a Father?
C: She wants to run away…I tell this to Antony trustingly…he must have told them (meaning Patrick and Diego)…they come one day on horseback and they kill poor villagers…I tried to stop them…hit me at the back of my head…kick my legs, ankles, knees… are broken …kick my butt…cant move…outside the church…face punch…kick on face…blood comes out of my mouth…teeth are broken…eyes …can’t see from left eyes…in pain…plead them to kill me…I am in pain…start putting/dragging knives across my body… …other parts…deep cuts…
What was my mistake? No fault of mine…Why so much pain? Puts a sword into the left side of my stomach…aah!
T: Try to float above your body and see
C: Seeing my body…I am lying in blood…(remains quiet)
T: It is not happening to you now…take a deep breath…you are safe now…keep breathing and now at 3…2…1 try to go to the beginning of your life…tell me what you see?
C: (Remains quiet for some time …expression changes …he smiles and then speaks)
Seeing my mother…beautiful….I am 5…small home… one room…loves me…gives me small wooden dolls…Rosen…( smiles) Rosen is my second daughter of this life time. My mother works in an inn…
T: What year is it?
C: It is 1656
T: I will count 3…2…1…you will allow yourself to go to the next significant point of this life.
C: My mothers sends me to the church…
T: How old are you now?
C: about 7 or 8….She does not come back to meet me…I never see her after that …I grow up in the church and I die without knowing my father……same everyday/
T: I will count 3…2…1 take yourself to another significant moment in life
C; I am asking Father about my parents…about 14/15 yrs…he does not tell anything about their whereabouts…says that I should have faith in God…I am here to serve humanity.
T: What do you feel?
C: I want to be like other children…play like children with parents but I don’t have many friends…stay alone…pray…read books
Antony is there in the church too… we grow up together…he mixes with everyone…
T: : I will count 3…2…1…allow yourself to move to the next significant moment in life…
C: I am now a helping hand to Father…I have been initiated into priesthood. I have not married but Antony has relations with women
T: How old are you? What are you wearing?
C: I am around 24/25…White robe…no shoes…live in the church…
I want to move out…can’t take this life…no identity
T: I will count 3…2…1…allow yourself to go to next important moment in your life
C: I am loved by many people… they are coming to me for help and guidance…they have faith in me
T: Who all come to you?
C: At first poor people of the village came…then the wealthy people started approaching me….Eme comes to the church to pray…Eme means Emily. She comes from a wealthy family…comes to church in horse drawn carriages…
T: How old are you?
C: I am around 38…I see Emme telling me…she has feelings for me…I deny her. She is shouting…cannot take no for an answer and runs away in anger…I am also facing humiliation for speaking for the poor …I speak against wrongdoing against women….I approached the noble man… village head……wrong things are happening to women, money is involved…he does not believe me…
T: What do you see him doing?
C:He ( the village head) is a good man…He does not believe me and tells Patrick about it…Patrick tells me to keep quiet….no…I do not…he stopped coming for confessions…Em was angry and ran away…I thought she has understood…thought it was going to be ok…
ST: How do you feel?
C: I spoke to Antony….told him that I consoled the child…he tells lies to Patrick and Diego….they were already agitated…now they come at daytime on horseback….I feel that Eme may have some role in sending these men on horseback…they kill me…
Antony did not die…I died as I confronted…I should not have confronted…I should have saved myself for next day….if I am not there to live, I cannot put my foot down…
T: What are your last thoughts?
C: I want to be born to parents, wants to enjoy with both father and mother, do not want to be killed, do not want people to be harmed because of me, want friends
T: What do you see?
C: Cloud…light…white light…no pains…
T: How do you feel?
C: I feel peace…see my father…he had died…The father of this lifetime was my father
T: Do you want to rest here for some time>
C: yes….so soothing…I am feeling good…
T: (Noting the eyes widening expression asks)What do you see?
C:A huge bright light…brighter…(makes a relaxing noise)
T: You may ask for some guidance from the Light/Masters.
C: (long pause)Always stand by the weak…
T: Amazing message …. Would you want to stay sometime in the presence of the light?
C: (pause) Yes.

Suddenly the eyeballs show rapid movement…client unsettled
T: Relax…keep breathing…What is it that you see?
C: I am a black man….( he was relaxing and enjoying the light…he has gone to another life…
T: Look at your feet…see what you are wearing?
C: I am a dark-skinned man…shoes. I am working in a hotel/inn…wearing white and black…
T: What year or time it is?
C: 1325
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to the next significant moment of your life…
C: ( he smiles…looks very happy) I have a girlfriend…my elder daughter of this lifetime…she is my girlfriend…Jane
T: What does Jane call you?
C: Robby…is my name…
T: what do you do for a living?
C: I am a farmer…farming during day…I work some hours in the inn…(he starts smiling again)
T: So good to see you smile…what brings this smile?
C: My son is born…I love him…named him Roy…Robby’s son Roy…everyone is happy…My wife of current lifetime is my son.
T: At the count of 3…2…2 go to the next significant moment in Robby’s life.
C: (Expression changes) My wife dies…son dies ….everyone dies…no medicine…I am alive…
No money to buy medicine…I lost money in gambling…I became greedy….at first I got money…became greedy as money was giving me power…leverage…all is over.
T: at 3…2…1 allow yourself to go to the next most important event in your life.
C: I see myself as an old man… begging. Greed brought me to this…power…money…all gone. I die on the street…alone
T: You may float above and see…it is not happening to you now….keep breathing…what do you see?
C: I am with that light again…I am at peace …God is kind. He is telling me …Be happy with what you have…I am feeling peaceful.
T: You may enjoy this feeling a little longer; when you are ready, you may indicate with your hand)

T: (notices eyeball of client moving) …What do you see? (Before I could do CMF, client drifted into another lifetime.)
C: I am a sailor…wooden strapped shoes…armour…
T: What is your name? What time is that now?
C: Drago…the year 505…
I am in Rome…man warrior sailor
T: At 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to next key moment in life?
C: I fight on the ship…later on I am happy with lots of women…enjoying them…(identifies one of them as the daughter of one of the friends of his father.)…I see myself with one of my wives…
T: Client’s expression is so absorbed in relishing the moment…I let him…pause
At 3…2…1, Allow yourself to go the next important moment of Drago’s life
C: I leave for Persia…I am a general now. There I meet someone…fall in love…take her as one of my wives…
I see myself fighting with Persians…I go back …victory…I go back with her
They don’t accept her…in Rome…as she is a Persian…
They poison her…poison me too!
T: Who poison you?
C: My family….I got overwhelmed with money and muscle power…My greed. I did not foresee what is coming… I was blinded by faith in people around me…
T: What are your last thoughts?
C: I must believe in myself…do not trust blindly…Check for yourself…
T: You may float above and see yourself…
C: I see myself but move towards the light
T: You may pray for some message from the light…
C: The message for me is clear…Don’t be greedy…do not misuse power or trust anyone blindly…do not tell everything to others…
C; Tossing
T: (Hoping I can do a CMF)…You may visit the beginning of your life as Drago!
C: No…

T: You may slowly come back to the garden…you may find a place to sit…Indicate with your hand…

As you are sitting in your garden of peace, you may reflect on the lives you saw and messages you received…
C: Drago poisoned by family…he was moved by women, power and money…
Robby…not women but was caught up in money and muscle power
Andre was able to go beyond money, money and muscle power
But one thing they all had…they trusted others easily…
I need to work on the way I trust others.
T: Amazing as to how you connected the lives…
You may now allow yourself to release the pain…in different parts of the body…in your knees, ankles…your abdomen…
C: Yes…
T: Sitting here relaxing, releasing your body pains, you may see what life holds for you…
C: I will in time move out…be happy, healthy…power will come and go…I have not misused power (repeats twice)and will not misuse power….I must know the environment…put in hard work… with smartness…smart attitude…
The present can’t change…just need to go with it…it shall pass…good things will come.
T: if you are ready to move on, you may indicate with your hand…
C: Yes
T: I will count 1 to 10 and………….gradually emerges.

Therapist and client
The humiliation and verbal abuse will continue but as the message received from the Light, you will be safe…but you have to face it to arrive at the right mode of trusting others. Here, it is clarified that the Light did not say to trust. So, do not start any wrong counter process…just try to figure out where to speak and whom to speak to…it will come to you…if the universe has shown this, it will help you figure out the rest.

Client Feedback:
His ankle and knee pain is gone. He was experiencing a pain in the left side of his stomach and that is gone too. He says he can understand why his left eye is weaker.
Best of the pudding:
The humiliation continues…but he could brave better…felt a sense that whatever happens, he is protected and that did not amount to a headache. Another person standing alongside him felt terribly sick and nauseous and took leave for the rest of the day, The throbbing pain and heaviness of head is gone…he may feel weighed down, but it will be temporary.

Client Feedback:
The client later identified Patrick as his brother-in-law of present lifetime. He said that he felt better in his mind and was ready to brace what comes as he knows that he is protected by the Light,
He was enjoying the absence of pain…an added benefit which we had not expected.

Event Humiliation and verbal abuse at workplace
Subjective interpretation Inability to withstand humiliation
Conflict Finds workplace very toxic
Decision made to resolve the conflict He will have to face it, brave it and it will pass
Pain assessment
Before session 8
After session 4

Nice handled case Dr Suranjana Banerjee Ghosh…

Thank you so much…the patient is still making progress.
He is assimilating the message and growing more peaceful.

Dear Suranjana,
I’m so happy to read the clients feedback. I’m glad that he’s rid of the physical pain too​:pray:t2::blush:

Very well done Dr. Suranjana

Hi @urolivegreen07 ,
You took this session as a pro…

T: [Tried again] … Imagine that feeling more intense and painful seething in you…feeling this pain and humiliation allow yourself to slowly walk across a bridge…at the other end, allow yourself to see when it began.

I liked the way you made affect bridge strong.

T: It is not happening to you now…take a deep breath…you are safe now…keep breathing and now at 3…2…1 try to go to the beginning of your life…tell me what you see?

Very good example of transition from kmf to classical flow

C: I will in time move out…be happy, healthy…power will come and go…I have not misused power (repeats twice)and will not misuse power….I must know the environment…put in hard work… with smartness…smart attitude…

The automatic realisation is what we need from every session…

The life of father was very significant, but not sure what was significant in Robby and Drago…

Drago was involved with many wives, maybe that was the reason he choose that father’s life…

C: (talking very slowly after a long pause)

Drago poisoned by family…he was moved by women……power and money…

Robby…not women ……was caught up in money and muscle power

Andre was able to go beyond money, money and muscle power…women

But one thing …they trusted others easily…

I need to work on the way I trust others.

This realisation after connecting all 3 lives is super… it shows the level of deep he was in.

You did very well suronjana, there was no leading from your end, you let that come out everything from client… this will have very good impact in his life…

Kudos to your work… you are already PRO…

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It was nicely handled Suranjana ji. The common pattern in all the lives was traced and client is aware about it now. Way to go!