I want abundance, I have to treat my cats well

Client Vitals
Zul,M,37,9/10,2/5,A(8)K(8),love resistance,8/10 (2/10-after)

History taking
Client is man of few words, he tend to be in deep thoughts. He wants to know where have he gone wrong or what is the unsettling karma he have brought forward. In the Therapy Request Form he wrote want to get rid of resistance towards love and wealth. He is a divorcee now. Been married 3 times. Both the parents has passed away. Mum is quite recent. Losing his mum have hit him badly. He has 6 siblings. Relationship is good, especially with the sisters. After his 3rd divorce he feels lost and hopeless. Over the year he has develop trust and temper issues. He badly wants to know why he can’t love someone fully.

Number of sessions and overview – 3 sessions.
1st session
3rd July 2024 – Stage 1 to 8-1028-1320 / (10.28am – 1.20pm) 3 hrs.

2nd session
12th July 2024 – Stage 8 to 11-1000-1300 / (10.00am – 01.00pm) 3hrs

Today I had the second session with Z. It started at 10am, IMR was established. At around 10.50am, he went into a deep sleep. Before that, I noticed he was likely drifting into a deep sleep and I continued to establish IMR. At one point, asked him if he was feeling sleepy, and if he would like to sleep, he replied yes. He slept for about five minutes and then we continued. At about 11.05am, he slept again with slight snoring, this time for about 15 minutes. Here too IMR was maintained throughout. I asked him if he wanted to continue or stop, he said to continue. Around 12 noon, I reached the part of the session involving childhood memory, but he slept again. Here I let him sleep from 12.05 to 12.20. This time he was not snoring, and his body looked very relaxed. I left the room and turned off the light, so that he could have a good sleep. Upon returning to the room, he was already awake and alert. We agreed to try one more time, but he slept again, so we concluded that it was not working. Z travelled from Perak, which is about 3 hours from Kuala Lumpur (KL). He reached KL at his friend’s place around 12 midnight, couldn’t sleep until 3am, and woke up at 7am. This resulted in insufficient sleep. I had given him a “client orientation” in advance, explaining the importance of being well-rested before a session. Client was feeling disappointed with himself, told him it happens, let’s focus on tomorrow. Today was not a failure as you had a good rest, I advised him to be well-rested for tomorrow.

3rd session
13th July 2024 – Stage 9 to 14-1030-1400 / (10.30am – 02.00pm) 3hrs 30 min

Childhood Memory
Saw himself riding a motorbike, he was about 16 year old, told him to explore further but his memory jump to a younger age. He was about 7 years old, saw himself playing roller skate. His facial expression was looking sad. Asked him what he is experiencing. He said I “miss being young”, client almost went into tears. Told him he can always revisit this memory to relive the younger days. Client stayed there a little longer before we proceed further.

Past Live
T : Take your time and explore around, see what comes to your awareness.
C : See a young girl, a black girl.

T : How old is the girl?
C : Maybe about 1 year plus

T : Oh, it’s like a baby. And where is this child? In a house, outside?
C : In a house.

T : Is there anyone else around the child?
C : No? No its picture.

T : So you are seeing a picture of a child? Where are you seeing it?
C : In a house.

T : You are in the house. So you are looking at the picture?
C : Yeah.

T : Okay, I want you to take a moment and look at your feet and clothes
see what are you wearing
C : Sport shoes and Jeans

T : If you can just explore the room or the house, see if there is a mirror and
see how do you look.
C : I am a black boy.

T : How old are you then?
C : 14

T : Anyone else around you there?
C : No.

T : Try to explore and see if you know which era or what year is it.
If you can see a calendar in the house or anything.
C : Not so long ago. I think it came across by 1976.

T : Would you know where this place is? Where is this house you are in?
C : I think in the US.

T : Is there more about this memory which is significant and we need to
C : Yes. I think. I always wanted to go to US.

T : You always have the feeling to go to US. You have never been?
C : No.

T : Do you feel that this could be one of the reasons?
C : Yes.

T : If you look at that picture, the child, who is that child to you?
Is there any connection?
You can go closer and look at the picture again.
C : I don’t know.

T : We just take another moment, look at the child’s eyes.
Because the eyes is the window to the soul. See if you recognize that child
from this life.
C : I think she is my mum.

T : Your mother great! How do you feel being in that house?
C : I feel calm.

T : Can I wipe your tears?
C : Yes.

T : Let’s go some moments behind to see why it’s just you in the house.
And how is that picture connected to you?
C : I don’t get anything.

T : Are you still there?
C : Yes.

T : Can you find any connection being there if it has anything to do with your
current life?
C : Yes. When I was in secondary school, I love to listen to hip-hop songs,
wear baggy jeans and loose shirt
T : Wow that’s nice.

T : Can you find the connection to lack of love or the resistance you feel in this
C : No……aaaa maybe

T : What is the maybe?
C : My mum left me.

T : Your mom left you where? In that life or in this life?
C : In that life.

T : How do you know your mom left you?
C : I just feel.
We were here close to 15 minutes, as client become very emotional and was crying nonstop. I had to wipe his tears console him, ask him if I can touch his hand for him to feel better. He said yes…told him to go thru the experience for healing and recovery purpose but if it becomes too much, he can always watch it from a distance. Told him whatever coming thru is for his own learning and knowing.

T : Are you okay? Can you share with me what is it making you emotional?
What was the feeling of a 14 year old boy, when his mom left him?
C : Long silence……I didn’t feel anything.

T : You feel nothing? But then you cried a lot. What was the tears about?
Take your time and focus on the emotion you are going thru, have you felt
the same in this life?
(Silence again……but he was looking uneasy)
C : Yes (very soft)

T : If you think there is a possibility?
Now as Z, you know you have your own life, whatever life or lives you have
had, that’s in your past.
If you are holding on to the emotion from the young boy, what would you
want to do about it?
Do you want to continue to carry with you or you want to leave it behind?
C : Leave it behind.

T : I want you to bring all your attention, your awareness to that emotion. At
the same time can you scan through your body and let me know if you are
holding on to that emotion anywhere?
C : My hip and thighs….right hip

T : Your right hip. Do you have any pain or any discomfort at that area as?
C : Yes.

T : Take your attention to that pain which you are holding on in your body.
As per your request, we are going to release that pain. So we are going to
do two things. One, we are going to leave that pain in that life.
Because as that young boy, you have already lived and experienced the
pain. So you do not want to carry forward into this life. And at the same
time, the pain which you are carrying, is causing you some physical pain.
So we are going to also release that. At the count of three to one, we will
release that pain, that feeling completely. Three, getting rid of all
discomfort, either it’s physical, mental, emotion. Two, letting yourself
completely free, living a beautiful, wonderful life as Z. One, completely
free from all the unwanted energy, pain you carry from your past life.

T : How are you feeling?
C : A bit hurt still.

T : Hurt as in physical hurt or emotional hurt?
C : Physical

T : So you’re feeling some pain still?
It’s coming from that emotion?
C : Yes

T : I want you to completely release yourself from any physical pain, hurt you
are having carried forward from your past life which we just saw or any
other. At the count of three to one you will be completely free from the
pain. Three, completely freeing yourself from any physical pain, emotional
pain or any form of hurt. Two, feeling completely relaxed and healed.
One, completely free from any pain, any hurt. Always remember you have
that bright, divine light to always protect you and to heal every part of your
body your tissue, your organs, your fibre, everything will be healed under
that bright light.

T : How are you feeling? Any pain
C : No, feel good

T : Can we continue?
C : Yes
(Continued to next significant event)

T : Explore and share with me what are you experiencing.
C : Friend’s face

T : You are seeing a friends face? From this life or past live?
C : This life
Every day she came to school by taxi.
Her father is a taxi driver.

T : What more about the girl is coming to your awareness?
C : I never talk to her. She’s not pretty. Wear specs.

T : Explore further to understand
Why is she coming to your attention?
T : Have you done anything wrong to her?
Did you have feelings for her?
C : I never talk to her.

T : You never talk to her. But you can still remember.
How old is she?
C : About primary or secondary

T : Is there more you need to explore about this memory? Or can we proceed
C : Proceed.
(Continued to next significant event)

T : Explore what comes to your awareness and share with me.
C : I see a night scenery in Japan.

T : Have you been to Japan?
C : No.

T : You can explore further and see what more comes to your awareness.
Take a moment and look at your feet. What are you wearing?
C : Shoes.

T : What kind of shoes?
C : Men’s shoes

T : See what kind of clothes you are wearing?
C : Jeans and Hoodie.

T : You were saying that you can see a night scenery in Japan.
Where are you?
C : On the street.

T : Is there anyone with you, around you?
C : A lot of people walking on the street.

T : There is nobody with you?
C : No

T : Do you know what year or era is this?
C : Modern era.

T : What are you doing in Japan?
C : I don’t know……I see a lady. I see a friend

T : Is she near to you? Look into her eyes and see if you recognize her?
C : No
(later when he got up said this was the same girl he just saw from this life)

T : Do you know that what are you doing in Japan?
C : I am a tourist

T : Take the time to explore and see or sense how do you look like?
C : I am Japanese. I always wanted to go Japan, had the feeling.

T : How old are you?
C : I think 19 or 20.

T : You said you are a tourist at that place.
Would you know where your origin is and where do you come from?
C : I am from Nagasaki.

T : And where are you right now?
C : Tokyo.

T : Let’s explore your life at Nagasaki?
Before the age of 19, before you came to Tokyo,
(at the count 3 to 1 explored the next scene)

T : Share with me what comes to your awareness
C : I ride a motorcycle at the paddy field

T : So you are staying in a rural area?
C : Yes.

T : Let’s explore further the life of this young boy in Nagasaki?
Go to where you stay.
C : I am with my grandmother

T : Anybody else in the house?
C : Nobody.

T : Do you hear what your grandmother calls you, with what name?
C : Aoki.

T : Go to dinner time and see if anyone else join you’ll
C : My uncle.

T : Anyone else
C : No

T : Look at your grandmother. Look at her eyes.
And see if you can find any connection from someone from this life.
C : She is too old.

T : Ok no worries ….just relax. Let’s see if there is any connection with your
C : He is my brother.

T : How is your relationship with your brother?
C : Okay

T : What is significant about this memory, what you need to know?
C : My grandmother is my sister.

T : How is your relationship with your sister?
C : Very good. She is the one who took care of me (emotionally) after the
passing of my parents. Especially after my mother

T : Do you sense the same love there from the grandmother and now from
your sister?
C : Yes ( client was crying)

T : This is so beautiful to experience and understand the love and
connections. Let’s explore the same life to get a clearer understanding on
where your parents are.
(At the count 1 to 3) Share with me what comes to your awareness
C : Now I am on a small road
I am moving to somewhere like a jungle.

T : Is this from the same life of the young Japanese boy?
C : Yes

T : How old are you here
C : I think this time I am older about 40

T : You have gone forward in that life. What are you doing in the jungle?
C : I am riding a motorcycle.
(Client also shared upon being awake, in this life too he loves to ride
motorbike, felt the connection)

T : Going inside the jungle?
C : Client was silent for some time…. going to the mountains

T : Where are you right now or which part of Japan?
C : This is the ice mountain.

T : Where is this?
C : This is the Fuji mountain.

T : What are you doing there? Are you alone or with someone.
C : A young girl. I can see her face. She is laughing.
(Here client share seeing a young girl from distance, who was happy and laughing, when I told him to find any connection, her recognize her as his 3rd ex-wife from this life, we tried exploring further connections with that young girl but nothing came thru)

T : Let’s explore further and see, what happened to you from 19 up 40 years
old, did you get married, do you have kids or anything more which you
need to understand
C : No, I didn’t get married

T : Any particular reason for you to make that decision not to get married?
C : I want to explore.

T : You wanted to stay single and explore life?
C : yes

T : Now move to the end of that time, of that experience and observe what
happens to you. (Did the counting and let him explore)
Share with me what comes to your awareness?
C : I am in a hospital.
(Client was 89 years old, dying due to old age. He is all alone. Last thought hate hospitals still have the same feeling about hospitals)

T : It was an old man’s body which you have left now. How do you feel?
C : I am satisfied.

T : It is a very beautiful learning to know you had a satisfied life.
What are the lessons or learnings from that life and what are the
connections to your current life?
C : Eat less.
(Here client saw the 89 year old with amputated legs due to diabetic, he is healthy as of now but at times take things lightly. His mum was diabetic too, he don’t want to take any chances, so here he made a decision to be more cautious with his eating).

Client was tired but before coming out he received a beautiful message
T : Now, allow yourself to listen to any answers or any messages which
need to come through where you can improve your life as a Z.
C : I think there are a few cats that walk like a human.

T : Take the time to explore further, see what is this vision all about, what is
the understanding or what is the learning from here.
C : Take care of cats.

T : Why is that? Why do you have to take care of cats?
C : Because I have lots of cats.

T : You have a lot of cats?
Does this mean that they appreciate you? Is that the message?
C : The message is, if I want abundance, I have to treat my cats well.

T : Are you treating your cats well?
C : Not so well, but I am trying

T : It’s a beautiful message, a very straightforward message.
Is there anything more you need to know? Or you want to come out?
Come out

(Upon getting up client shared with me when he was young his father use to ill-treat cats and he used to be with him. He was a young boy and he couldn’t do much to stop him. He still carries the guilt till today. He tries his level best to look after his cats but deep down he knew he is not doing his best. He use to name his cats but when they die he feels very emotional and started distancing himself from the cats. He only do what is necessary like give them food and shelter, but with this knowing he understands that he needs to do more. He needs to connect on deeper level.)



  • Client said he felt the pain and could really connect with the 14 year old.
  • He was surprise to know the connection of his hip and back pain to the past
  • Now he know why he love hip-hop.
  • His bond with his sister.
  • All the other knowing, like about US, Japan, love for his motorbike


  • Pain level drop to 2.
  • Even it was not a straight forward connection but deep within him he feels
    how painful it was to be abandoned
  • Happy that we manage ton track back his trauma.
  • He felt relax and relief after the therapy
  • Amazed with the knowing on he should take good care of his cats.


  • Client do not practice meditation but he ask for my guidance, explain to him
    and will be guiding him time to time
  • Client is someone who tend to overthink and get worried (talked about
    mindfulness and leave in the moment
  • We suppose to do another session but client had some urgent work to
    manage and he is from outstation, he is very happy with what he manage to
    experience. Another session will be with in few months.
  • He is going to take good care of his cats and will connect on a deeper level


@Jas18821 , it was a lovely session. so much of learning is there. good work…


Dear Jasmit,

Heartiest congratulations to you for successful conduct of PLRT and bringing the desired resolutions to the client. My learnings are as under for your perusal please,

Indicative of a strong response potential. Reflected in 8/10 as well.

Very well managed the aspect of IMR vis a vis the client’s mental/physical state of drifting into sleep.

Very well managed the situation. Also it highlights the pre requisite of a well rested (physically and mentally) state at client’s end.

Apt use of words “experiencing” as client is K.

Good use of paraphrasing.

:dart: :dart: they are indeed.

Here we could use the previous response by the client to paraphrase our suggestion.

Well progressed here.

May be we could reword our suggestion here.

Consider - What could be the cause of the pain that you are experiencing ? What is that which is required to be done to resolve this pain?

Consider - “I understand…” or words that has more empathetic touch to them.

Here empathy well demonstrated in the suggestion

These words are more apt for History Taking stage. We may consider re- wording of our suggestion here.

Consider - What could have been the reason for you to make the decision of not to get married in this life?

Establishes the importance of our Last thoughts. One should prepare for these as well I guess… :innocent:

I am sure you would be able to bring the pain level to Nil.

The clients feedback says it all.

Wishing you many more magical healings.



:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Hi Monesh,

Thank you for reviewing my case and for your valuable suggestions. I’ll do my best to improve and work on my verbatim. Please continue to guide me.



am so proud of you my blessed Jasmit,
it is this perseverance which sets you apart and will ensure that you would be a world-class therapist, which is evident in this client having travelled 3 hours one way to meet you.

Further to what our Beloved @Monesh_Bathre has said,

you know what was happening in his case, he was relaxing feeling reassured in your presence (metaphysically due to your aura) and was waking up on the non availability of it as for a common man (without the daily practice of mediation) who been strained for years relaxes for the first time in this session and sleep takes over… I’m glad you kept attempting to keep him awake.


client is a “K” please re-calibrate suggestions accordingly

am glad to see how well this has transformed the client and thanks for sharing the reviews.

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