Intense suffocation and pain - Part 3

Please read Part 1 and 2 before reading Part 3. It is only the PLR session that has been divided into History taking, Session 1, 2 and 3 outlines(Part 1), PLR Session 4 - one past life (Part 2), PLR Session 4 - second past life (Part 3) and Integration (Part



T: When you are ready, you may indicate with your hand.

C: Raises her hand

T: What do you see now?

C: I see a beautiful house…very well decorated.

It is like a village…all houses have Lipon art on the walls…Mud houses with neatly done Lipon art hain

My mother is doing it…(this lifetime mother)…mummy is doing it beautifully.

I can see my Papa…this lifetime papa

T: Are you a girl or a boy?

C: I am a girl…Radha…

T: How old are you?

C: About 5/6 years old…dancing about.

T: What are you wearing?

C: Chaniya choli

T: What year is it?

C: Around 1700’s

T: Who all are there in your family?

C: Father, mother, me and brother… I have an elder brother…he is somewhere else for his studies…

T: I will count 3…2…1…allow yourself to move to the next most significant point in this life.

C: I am about 10-12…I am a drama queen. I cry for nothing…I smile a lot…I speak whatever comes to my mind….

maybe I remembered the words of the Masters.

T: What are you doing?

C: I like Lipon art and enjoy doing it. First, I decorated my room. If someone calls, I go over and do it on the walls of their house. If they give me something good to eat, I am more than happy. All aunties…the ladies of the locality…love me and my work.

T; I will count 3…2…1…allow yourself to move to the next most significant point in this life.

C; I am around 15/16…People are dancing Garbha…many people together…singing songs and dancing…The dhol is being played.…

T; Any special person at the event?

C: There is a boy….I can see him looking at me… (a friend of mine from this lifetime)…He is dancing. I like him… maybe even he likes me. My ma says he likes me…That’s good for me according to my ma. She feels that if I get married to him, he will understand me and take care of me well. Keshav….Radha Keshav and Radha are made for each other.

T; What happens next?

C; I do Lipon art, sing and dance, meet Keshav…all the same.

T: I will count 3…2…1…allow yourself to move to the next most significant point in this life.

C: I am about 19/20…I am married now…I see myself married to Keshav (smiles). He loves me deeply. Me too. People laugh at the way we are into each other. They say our relationship is like that of an ant and any sweet food item…can’t stay away from each other.

T: The client keeps smiling and letting client cherish that feeling, I ask after a minute…What are you and Keshav wearing?

C: Keshav likes maroon colour, Garbha dress…dhoti. I am wearing a Ghagraa…similar colour.

T: What does he do for a living?

C: He is the son of the village headman…next in line. He listens to farmers, gets wells dug, looks after the well-being of the villagers and the village as a whole. But Keshav is also learning Lipon art from me. He is unlike most boys his age. He takes interest in art…does not deride it as women’s work. That is what I like most about him. He respects women and the work we do at home.…

T: What happens next?

C: (rapid eye ball movement, crying starts, breathes fast)

T: Relax, take a deep breath….it is not happening to you now…relax…if you feel very i=uncomfortable you may float above and see…

C: Crying but slows down. Some people are attacking the village. (Cries again) …keshav has to go to fight… He embraced me and went away. I have sunk my face in my mother-in-law’s lap and am crying vehemently. She is slowly combing her fingers through my hair with a great deal of affection…Seems like you!

T: Please take a deep breath …what happens next?

C: (speaks in spurts) Whosoever had gone did not come back alive! They managed to kill all the outsiders…blood as shed but they did not emerge alive. Only women and children are alive…few other men who had gone elsewhere with some work. The king’s men had come to thwart the attack.

T: Who all are there with you now?

C: My mother-in-law, my brother-in-law who was away for some work and me…he too loved his brother…he is crying…

T: How does life feel in the days following Keshav’s death?

C: I am trying very hard to keep it going, to manage everyone…but I am finding it difficult without Keshav…I am waiting …alive for my mother-in-law. I have to get my brother-in-law married!

T: What does your mother-in-law have to say?

C: My mother-in-law is very good…she understands my pain and reaches out to me. She is very happy with the marriage of her younger son. The girl seems to be some childhood friend of this lifetime…I share good relations with my sister-in-law but life seems to weigh heavily on me. I won’t be able to live without Keshav…

T: How old are you now?

C: Around 25…I am tired.

T: What do you feel like doing?

C: Ma feels better these days but I am not well at all…I keep getting sick. I do not want these good people to be sad for me. I cannot go to my parents…Parents are very far…brother and his wife take care.

T: I will count 3…2…1 and allow yourself to see the next most important point in your life.

C: I have High fever…I wait and go out when all are sleeping…Keshav had a knife and I have it now. I go by the riverside and cut my wrist…I am finally feeling good slowly fading away…I do not feel pain…

T: What do you see and feel now?

C: I see light…see Keshav is smiling. I am feeling good…I want to be here…

T; Allow yourself to soak in this moment and if you are ready, ask the light for guidance.

C: Smiles and keeps quiet…after a long pause…slowly says…the Master is saying…

So intense emotions are not good either as it did not let you live.

Balance between extremes…channelize your energies…many births are required to channelize ones energies in the right direction.

What you have, you must share without hoping to get something in return. Your husband loved you and so did you love your husband. But when he was no more, you stopped loving. You may have lived, had you loved life and tried to go on with his essence. You tried to block it away…you withered away before time.

So, the message is clear …love the essence of life but do not expect anything in return.

T: What is it that you must carry to the next life?

C: I have lots to give to others. I have love…art…creativity and finesse…I should share but not expect anything in return. I have to be born again just to realize this through my actions.


C: Eyes flutter again as if looking around…

T; What do you see?

C: Everything is dark…I cannot see anything

T: Where are you…try to move and see?

C: I can hear a voice…I hear my mother’s voice…my mother’s voice!

T: What are you feeling?

C: The client experiences tremendous pain in the head and clutches in pain.

T: Relax and breathe…you are not experiencing this pain now…you may float above and witness being born…once your umbilical cord is cut…you are a different person….

C: The pain went away as soon as I imagined being born from the birth canal…I can see my mother.

T: Which year is this?

C: My mother…1986

My father is touching me…saying she is like cotton…we will call her Pichu.

T: Your present life time parents…allow yourself to enjoy this moment…

C: It is so loving…I feel so wanted and loved.

T: You may linger and cherish this moment and when you are ready to go, you may indicate with your hand.

C: After a long pause of about 7/8 minutes of silence, slowly raises her hand.

T: I will count 3…2…1, and you will allow yourself to return to the garden and you may indicate with your hand when you find yourself there.

C: (Raises the hand ) I feel good in the garden.

T: it is your safe place. You may walk around and slowly request the presence of anyone person whose guidance means a lot to you.

C: Responds slowly…Nana ji…Nanaji( mother’s father)is here

T: Ask for guidance and blessings…

C: Nanaji has said that the future is going to be Peaceful…Yes, peaceful but I must follow the guidance of the masters.

T: If you desire you may spend some more time with Nanaji and indicate with your hand with ready…

C: All the pain…is gone…I feel so calm and peaceful…indicates by raising the hand.

T: I will count 10 to 1 and slowly you will emerge….

Subjective interpretation Feeling suffocated in everyday life
Conflict Circumstances not that bad compared to the lived experience of the person, hinting at some deeper cause
Decision made to resolve the conflict Balance emotion and pragmatism, share art, creativity and love
Script Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Garden of Peace, Tunnel of Light, Affect Bridge
Pain assessment
Before session 8
After session 0


The process began with the aim of looking at the root of intense suffocation experienced by the client, particularly because the stimulus was never as intense as her response.

In your first flash, you saw yourself as a young Vidushi. Studying, nurturing the pet, working in the fields the days pass by. You do not realize when your friendship with Gyan changes to love and you yearn for fruition. However, Gyan does not recognize the emotion as you keep it well concealed. You reason out that he does not want it and hence do not speak of your feelings. You hope that someone will speak of your emotions but the only people to know of it, your mother and Guruji, want you to speak for yourself. As you chose not to, the emotion remained secret and gave rise to frustration. This you carried forth. The Masters conveyed the message of expressing emotion and standing up for oneself is necessary.

In the second flash, there was a dramatic swing to the other end of the spectrum in terms of personality. In your own words, ‘Masters ki baat yaad hain shayad’ ( I probably remembered the guidance of the Masters.) You were full of life and love and shared it. However, the turn came when Keshav died and put an end to your emotional and artistic expression, choosing to live for your mother-in-law. Once you felt she was good to go, happy with the marriage of her younger son, you killed yourself. Again the Master cautioned that you should not have tried to balance your emotion. So intense was your love that the absence of the person made you incapable of living. You could not continue loving because you knew that the love will not be reciprocated in human terms in that lifetime. You felt suffocated and chose to die. You carried forth the suffocation. The Master indicated that love should live beyond death. One must balance whatever one has to give – creativity and love in your case – without any desire for reciprocation.

Hence, you experienced a strong sense of suffocation in this lifetime. The past life memory ( engram) may have been triggered by Rajkumar’s behaviour but the suffocation you experienced was way more than the present life stimulus could have evoked. Now, you have realized that in this lifetime, everything is working out better and frustration is not the emotion that should experience.


  • Practice expression of gratitude. Make a note of five/ten things you are grateful for every morning. Let gratitude fill your heart.
  • Meditate. It induces inner calm and peace.
  • Continue to nurture your creativity through ‘Entwined Threads’ but do it without much expectation.

Client Response:

Anamika felt lighter deep within, calmer by disposition and more willing to adjust to circumstances of life. In her words, before the session ‘Main ghut rahi thi andar hi andar’ meaning ‘I felt so suffocated in my life, day after day’ and afterwards, ‘I am so happy and feel light’. She is sleeping well. Almost three weeks ago her session was done and yet she feels the same lightness within that translates into a sparkle of life.

She is happy that she tried this. It was the understanding of the need for balance that has made her realize how she should handle the present life situations.


Amazing session.Thanks for sharing it with us.

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Hello there, please check this page, i think you need some editing here. Seems like you have accidently copied the previous write-up here again.


In part II we had finished here,

[quote=“Dr Suranjana Banerjee Ghosh, post:1, topic:2476, username:urolivegreen07”]
T: If you want to cherish the presence of the light allow yourself to do so…

Its amazing how client is remembering the guidance of masters experienced in PLR session and able to relate it in second past life being experienced now.

Very well with attempt to connect the client with emotional aspect of the loss she had suffered.

Profound lessons received from the masters.

Dominant sense is K.


For my learning, could you help me with the reason for framing the suggestion connected with birth process.

Client experiencing present life time birth!!! Interesting turn.

Balance between extremes…channelize your energies…many births are required to channelize ones energies in the right direction.

Profound lesson. :pray: :pray:

This portion onwards needs deletion.

My best wishes.



:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:

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Sorry for the delayed response.
Yes it was repeated.
Deleted it. Thank you.

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The client’s highest sense is K but she kept saying I am seeing…so while I was trying to frame as per K, I was moved to use visual cues.
Here she was suddenly clutching her head and saying it is dark and can’t see anything…i can hear my mother’s voice. She was experiencing tremendous pain.
I suddenly had this vision of a baby in birth canal…i feel i saw it but as Dr Venu says we cannot say but let the client realize it.
I thought that mentioning umbilical chord would make her release the pain as a mark that the coming out of the birth canal is over.
She responded immediately…she told me later that the pain eased away when she realized she’s out of it.


Amazing session @urolivegreen07 , done reading all 3 parts.

I like the integration phase most…beautifully done…

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