Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way

A young chap who was just 11 years old my youngest client had a very peculiar problem. He was afraid of bells so much that he never used to enter temples or places where some pooja is going on. He used refrain from entering such places and used to make a big fuss and this created a lot of disturbance in his house.
In Hindu families people have to go to temples and they feel the person refraining from entering temples must be possessed by some spirit. So my young client was usually ridiculed by elders in the family even though both his parents were very much supportive and understood his problem. He had another problem he couldn’t see any object moving like…pendulum or a cradle and he used to feel his head rotating and revolving and he used to cry, get irritated and finally run away from the place itself. I was sure that he would get relief after getting a PLR done. So saying we started the session, otherwise a young and happy child he was with no serious issues other than the bell irritation. Loving caring parents and loving sister…he went instantaneously into trance…
I am walking barefoot…….leaves are my dress……I am a girl……the sky is blue……it’s a forest…….just walking……i am not old……i am in my 30s……i am peacefully walking………I am seeing a cap….a huge Chinese cap…white and orange or golden….background is blank……there is a bell……far of bell…….i can see the inside of the bell……
There is a bell…… its copper……bunch of them…they are hung…or tied on a stick and all hung together……I can see the bottom….part….the one which hits the bell….it seems that I am lying down …turning on one side ……my face is straight but I have turned to the side……i am under the bell….I can hear some drops sound as if water falling……I am not able…to move or see don’t know why……I am trying to move…its dark……I can hear……someone……speaking outside……they are speaking….something…my body is aching…eyes feel heavy…I think I am held captive.
The client asked me to take him little back to see why he was held captive…I am a girl….I have 2 friends one boy and one girl……am about 25-30 years of age….there are two villages….there is a fight between the two villages….we three friends are from one village….and we are very thick friends…people of other village have attacked us……All three of us are running….as if someone is following us……we are running for life….whole village is running……Oh my God there is a huge dong……a pendulum like thing huge ball of metal destroying everything that is coming its way….it has broken all the houses……it is hitting and smashing even people……People are getting crushed by this huge iron ball……which is suspended by a crane sort of thing……Awwww……my friend gets hit……she dies on the spot….(cries)…me and the boy both are running for life….we are hiding inside the jungle(cries for losing her friend)……Next day both of us are caught……we are kept inside a godown like place which has opening at the top……we are tied by huge metallic rings ……this place is being filled with water so that we both drown……there are multiple bells tied just above me……they are ringing and I am hating this sound……water is getting filled….my friend drowns….his body is floating……I am crying……but still am trying to swim with the metal….he couldn’t swim so he passed on……feel so bad……but am still alive……next day morning……they increase the weight of the metal around me……now I am unable to swim ….now I am dead……
Had to help the client……forgive the people and forgive himself for carrying the fear of bells….My youngest client felt totally relieved and better…

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Amazing Geeta. I will say simply that your own alignment is an excellent medium for grace to fall on others. Masters know capable hands. Bless you

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Hi Geetha, so glad to hear about your youngest client. You did amazing as always. When i read about the session it was short and simple but i know the impact on your client must be so amazing and must have bought so much healing and a sense of release to this young champ.
Thank you Geetha.

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Yes Dipti it was a pleasure to witness his session. Children go into trance very soon and tend to give lot more guidance than adults who are most of the time trying to understand whether this was imagination or real::))


So true Geetha. Its a blessing that you got to heal her in her early age rather than her carrying it all her life and questioning herself.


One more great session. Thanks for sharing. Is the client now willing to enter the temples?


You cleared client’s path and removed fear of being in the temple. I wonder whether you were related to client in some way or the other in a previous lifetime. This is not a small task but a very noble one where a Guru in involved.

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Thank you Harish, he was much better after the session, though I couldn’t connect to him and what I have understood is, if our client is not contacting us he is fine or else we the first ones they will lean on to.

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