**Kanu's "Mahabharata" - Conflict with Loved Ones!** (Part 1)

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Kanu’s “Mahabharata” - Conflict with Loved Ones! (Part 1)`

My humble offerings and prayers at the lotus feet of my Gurus and Masters

अखण्डमंडलाकारं विशालं येन चराचरम्
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ||

I offer my salutations to that Guru,
Who has shown me the abode,
By which the entire universe,
With its moving and non-moving objects is pervaded.

Guru Stotram, Verse 1

Kanu Priya (Kanu)- Name changed, Female, 40 years old, Hyp Score 6/10, Eye Roll 2/4, VAK 266 (Dominant: Kinesthetic).

Kanu approached me with a request for PLRT to understand the cause of her pain. She underwent CBT in 2021 to address some of the key relationship issues that she was going through.

Session 1: Stages 1- 8

 4th September 2024 (Wednesday) Completed in 2 phases with a break 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM & 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM (4 hours)

Session 2: Stages 9-15 (Stage 12- Age regression & Happy moments only)

 4th September 2024 (Wednesday) 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (1.5 hours)
 Total time for 2 sessions: 5.5 hours

Amarantos® 15 - Stage Pro PLRT

Stage 1: Self Introduction:

Kanu is a highly qualified and respected medical professional and has known me in my ‘current’ life for over 6 months now. Therefore, my introduction focused on my professional journey as well as my deep passion for personal growth and transforming others through healing.

Stage 2-3: Disposition & Pre-Talk.

Given that Kanu is a highly qualified medical professional, the approach towards the session was more from a scientific and medical standpoint. Venu’s pre-talk presentation was useful in making her feel at ease about what she could expect from the session.
Also, Kanu, being an ardent Lord Krishna devotee, I couldn’t resist sharing this quote from Bhagwad Gita to address her self-belief system.

जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च |

तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि ||

“Death is certain for one who has been born, and rebirth is inevitable for one who has died. Therefore, you should not lament over the inevitable”

  • (Chapter 2, Verse 27, Bhagwad Gita)

Stage 4: Contract Signing

I offered her the choice to proceed with the session and provided her with a contract to fill out from my PLRT folder. I informed her that as per the contract, I was committed to maintaining confidentiality and not recording any part of the session in any way. The contract specified that any shared information for training purposes or reviews would only be done with changed names or aliases to protect her privacy, and with her explicit permission.

Stage 5: Assessment criteria:

Shared with her the www.amarantos.org/PLRT link to complete the assessment on her mobile.

Assessment results:
 Hypnotisability Score: 6/10
 Eye Roll: 2/4
 VAK: 266 (Dominant: Kinesthetic)

I explained to her what the assessment meant and how it could help me guide her. Clarified the VAK scores and highlighted what it meant to be dominantly Kinesthetic.

Stage 6: History Taking
(Complete History taking notes is available in the .pdf documents)

For easy reading and history analysis, I have broken down her history into three phases:

Phase 1: Childhood - Early scars and Happy memories. (0 - 16 Years)

Kanu grew up in a traditional family in Southern India with her parents, younger brother, and extended family. She recalls a difficult childhood where her mother faced mental health struggles and her family split into separate households. Despite these challenges, she excelled academically and faced pressure to choose between engineering and medicine. Influenced by her family’s expectations and the guidance of her family doctor and her father’s colleague, she ultimately chose to pursue a career in medicine.

Phase 2: Growing Up- Finding Freedom (17-24 Years)

Kanu joined a medical college in South India and rebelled against her orthodox upbringing by giving herself a short haircut. To avoid gossip with her roommates, she watched movies in her hostel and later rented a house to focus on her studies and pursue her interests.

She faced pressure from her family to get married but chose to pursue her post-graduation studies instead of an arranged marriage. Her relationship with her family became strained due to this decision, but she remained firm in her beliefs.

Phase 3: Exploring Self, Relationships, and Conflict (25-40 Years)

Kanu found comfort in her Neurosurgery postgraduate program but struggled during her 3-year residency due to a toxic mentor and failed relationships. She sought a fresh start with a fellowship in France and faced financial struggles before finding success in a Tier 2 town in Maharashtra. As a mentor to postgraduate students, she faced emotional tensions and sought CBT intervention after a failed relationship. Completing a 12-week therapy helped her feel more mature and in control of herself, allowing her to create boundaries and avoid conflicts with loved ones.


Kanu’s cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has helped her to establish boundaries in relationships. However, she mentioned that this has also led her to create a world with her definitions of right and wrong, and a set of rules as she wants them to be. She uses these parameters to distinguish between who ‘fits in’ and who ‘stays out’. As a result, her relationships with her parents are not harmonious. Due to differences, she has not been in touch with either her parents or her brother for nearly two years, and she has grown accustomed to living in this situation.

Stage 7: Relaxing Cognitive Fatigue

After a long session of taking her medical history, I asked her to relax, freshen up, and drink water because she was thirsty (from all the talking that she did). I allowed her to relax and then played Thich Nhat Hanh’s “The Great Bell Chant” video. I also took the opportunity to relax and be in a meditative state, allowing myself to be in a state of open awareness.

Stage 8: Finalizing the Theme

Kanu had approached me largely to seek answers to three questions, that she had written as soon as she arrived.

  1. Why am I here on Planet Earth? What is my purpose in this life?
  2. How can I fast-track the learnings that are meant for this life?
  3. What happened to me, before the age of 3-4?

After completing her history taking, I realized that she couldn’t find answers to her childhood scars and her series of conflicts with close ones by seeking out broad themes. Instead, I wanted her to focus on a specific theme that could help her gain clarity after she completed her therapy.

After a few minutes of discussion, we arrived at a theme that she put in her words:
‘Fear of facing emotional hurt with people who matter’
(Pain Score: 8)


Stage 9: Preparing for takeoff

 After a short break, I checked to see if she was ready to proceed with the regression session.

 I reassured her by explaining that the induction would lead to a trance state, but she would be in total control of what she would say. I also made it clear that she had the right to decide whether to answer any questions.

 I asked her how she would be most comfortable during the session, whether sitting or lying down, and she chose to lie down on the sofa. I also checked the room temperature to ensure it was comfortable for her, and she mentioned that the AC temperature was perfectly fine. She requested additional pillows and a blanket for added comfort, as well as a bottle of water.

 I played trance music in the background and made sure to check if my voice was audible amidst the background sounds. Also asked her to allow herself to go beyond the concepts of space and time

 During our conversation, I noticed that her movements and gestures were predominantly with her left hand. When I asked her about it, she mentioned that she was ambidextrous, even during surgeries. She expressed that she would be more comfortable using her right hand for “YES” and her left hand for “NO.” (IMR Done)

 Finally, I told her that at any point during the session, it was perfectly OK to raise the left hand if she wanted to stop/take a break.

 Box of tissues kept beside me (handy when needed)!

Seat belts sign On & Ready for Take Off!

Stage 10: Induction

C: (refers to) Client
T: (refers to) Therapist

I started the session with trance music (Amarantos Trance Album) in the background and used the Dave Elman Technique. I asked the client to give herself permission to close her eyes, relax, and follow my voice.

Steps followed in the Dave Elman Technique:
 Muscle of the eyes (1X, 2X and 10X times)
 Spreading relaxation to the body (1X, 2X and 10X times)
 Allowing the mind to relax in a similar way (1X, 2X, and 10X times)

Noticed that the client’s breathing was shallow, (and with my experience in my previous two Happy Moment sessions, the client has a tendency to go to sleep rather than be awake in a trance!). Therefore, had to keep repeating the BRV (Breathing, Visualization & Relaxation) exercise, as follows:

 Breathing: Allow yourself to breathe deeply
 Visualization: You may ‘feel’ yourself getting slowly into a deeply relaxed state.
 Relaxation: Allow yourself to let- go off any tensions in the body and just let be!

Also had to follow up with the IMR to check if she was relaxed and listening to my voice amidst the background sounds. At the end of the Dave Elman Technique, I was fairly convinced that she was slowly moving into an awakened state of trance.

Stage 11: Visualization

For the Visualization stage, I used the script for the Progressive Relaxation Technique (PRT) with a few modifications to suit the dominant (Kinesthetic) sense of the client.

Followed the following steps:

  1. Took her into a deeper state of relaxing through ‘deeeppp’ breaths

2. Ball of Light:

As the client was kinesthetic, I used words like feel, sense, tingling resonated with her well. Here I allowed myself to go slower than usual to give her sufficient time to soak in the experiences (voice modulation, pace with a silent pause).

I noticed that she had some irritation around the throat (abreaction?). Therefore, allowed the healing light to gently caress the lining of the throat, and noticed that the irritation had stopped.

I kept repeating that the healing light was safe, to allay any fears that she could have and asked her to feel the sensations of the light, as it healed her of any physical and mental pain that she was experiencing.

3. Staircase:

T: “Allow yourself to feel yourself standing in front of a very grand staircase, and with every step down as you move gently, you may allow yourself to go deeper and deeper into relaxation’.

“And when you find yourself at the last step and you sense and feel that you’ve reached the ground, you may gently raise your right hand to signal ‘Yes’.” (IMR)

A minute had passed but, yet no response. Repeated, again!

T: “And when you find yourself at the last step and you sense and feel that you’ve reached the ground, you may gently raise your right hand to signal ‘Yes’.” (IMR)

30 seconds later, no response still! (Was she asleep?)

T: “If you can listen to my voice, you may gently raise your right hand to signal ‘Yes’.” (IMR)

C: Gently raises her right hand to signal ‘Yes’

T: “Very Good” (Breathing a sigh of relief!)

T: “If you have reached the last step and you sense and feel that you’ve reached the ground, you may gently raise your right hand to signal ‘Yes’.” (IMR).

C: Gently raises her right hand to signal ‘Yes’
(Important: She explained later as to why it took her so long. Discussed in Stage 13: Integration)

T : “Excellent”

T: “Now feel yourself standing in front of a grand door, and allow yourself to gently turn the knob and open the door”

  1. Garden of Peace /Paradise of Peace

T: “As you open the door, feel a gentle whiff of breeze blowing on your face,
soaking you and embracing you with warmth and love. You can feel this gentle breeze, coming from a beautiful garden full of flowers, trees in a valley amidst blue mountains”.

T: “Remember this is your place, beyond the concept of time and space. A place that is safe, and even more with the healing light wrapped around your body”

T: “You may gently take a place being seated or lying down and let yourself completely soak-in the environment. Remember there is nowhere to go, and nothing to do. It’s all here in this moment “

T: “And if you would like to speak to me, you can at this stage”

T: “How do you feel now?”

C: “I feel calm, and relaxed”

T: “Wonderful. Do you also notice anything?” Remember that even if you feel that you are imagining, this imagination is coming from your mind, and that’s perfectly OK”

C: “I can see a rainbow, and it is very beautiful”

T: “Veery good. Anything else? Can you see or feeeel, anything? “

C: “Yes. I can see my favourite ‘Parijat’ (Night flowering Jasmine flowers)

T: “Veery good. Can you smell them? “

C: “Yes. I can smell them. It reminds me of my childhood”

T: “Veery good. Allow yourself to just stay with this experience? The fragrance as it blows into your face along with the gentle breeze, “Can you see anything more in this beautiful, enchanting paradise of heaven?”

C: “Yes. I can see sparrows. There are many sparrows”

T: “Excellent. Stay with the sparrows, what more can you see or feel now?”

C: “There is a nest, I can see the father and the mother of the baby sparrow”

T: “Wonderful. What are they doing?”

C: “The mother seems to be feeding it’s babies”

T: “How do you feel?”

C: “I feel the love of the parents towards their baby”

T: “Yes, Love and Care. Allow yourself to Soak -in this moment”

C: She trembles, her waist below shakes, and her breathing goes deeper. Tears begin to flow from her eyes

T: (Hand her some tissues) “It’s perfectly all-right and Okay to experience these emotions. You are not being judged here. You are safe here, remember it’s your place, your safe place, and it’s just OK to be not OK!”
“These are expressions of genuine love and compassion. Stay as much with this experience, and when you are ready you may allow me to guide you further”

C: Tears continue to flow from her eyes. She stays for a minute and says “Yes”

T: “Now, as you move further, you may allow yourself to float, walk or run as you wish to, it’s just your imagination, deeeep memories now, as you allow yourself to rest the body in the garden”

“Don’t worry you are still carrying the healing light, and you are wellllll beyond time and space. You are sayffe”

C: She nods her head.

T: “Now, we shall travel back to visit happy moments from the time you remember yourself to now”


“Feel, these happy memories come to you as if you were watching a photo album”

“What do you feel and what do you feel”

C: Mumbles (Inaudible). I try coming in closer to hearing her, but it’s not comprehensible.

T: “If you feel you do not want to share it that’s ‘purrfectly’ OK. Do you want me to move further”

C: Nods and says: “I want to move ahead’ Also says “I want to open my eyes”

Stage 12: Regression (Age)

  1. Happy moments (Age-regression)

T: I am a bit confused now! However, I tell her “I am now going to take you to some very happy memories of your childhood that you mentioned, especially from your school when you were happy. Do you want to experience this?”

C: Nods and says: “Yes”. I heave a sigh of deep sense of relief and try not to make this audible!.

T: “Wonderful. Now allow yourself to sink in even deeeeper into the sofa, and feel some very happy moments from your childhood”

“You may like to share what you feel?”

C: Again mumbles (Inaudible). I try to listen paying deep attention, but it’s not comprehensible. Also trembles (abreaction).

T: I realised that I may need to be specific on the stage of her life and go to her childhood years (before 3-4 years) that she wanted to know when she met me.

“Allow yourself slowly to go deeperrr and feel a moment when you were 3-4 years old which you always wanted to see when you met me”


“You may now like to share what you feel and what you see?”

C: “I am peaceful and calm, I’m small am I am with my mother “
T: “Wonderful. You are so lucky to be thinking about experiencing this moment. What else is happening? “

C: “I am holding on to my mother’s hands”

T: “Very nice. How old do you think you are? Could you explain to me how you feel and what you are wearing”

C: “I am about 2 -3 years old and holding on to my mother’s hands, still”

T: “Ookay. What are the feelings around you and do you see anything else >

C: “My fingers are holding on to my mother. I feeI safe and comfortable”

“We are about to board a bus; I don’t see my father close by”

T: “Nice. The focus now is on you, rather than your father. Do we agree amongst us that, we would park other issues separately. And focus on the now”

Breathe deeeeeeply, and let me know how you feel.

C: “My fingers are holding on to my mother. I feeI safe and comfortable. We are about to board a bus to my Nanaji’s place; I don’t see my father close by”


T: “Okay. Isn’t that a miracle to experience genuine love. Are you feeling deep and relaxed, as you continue to experience this moment”

T: “is there as significant difference on how you feel?

C: “Yes. Somewhere I feel myself wandering, away from the love and care, and the constant gaze of my mother”

T: “Pls explain as you see moments un-raveliing”

C: “I have now left the hands of my mother, and have drifted. I am now beside a giant dust bin in front of a garbage can”

“This huge garbage-can, is for some reason my definition of happiness, and Is’nt this surprising! (She laughs)

T: I allow myself not to respond. There is pin drop silence.!

T: “What else? Would you like to see yourself going backward, and imagining yourself, In-Utero in those 9 months of womb that your ‘loving; mother carried you”

C: “Yes”- she says

T: “What do you experience? Is there something that you would like to share”

C: Mumbles (Inaudible).


C: “I don’t see nor feel anything”

T: For some reason, I realised I haven’t followed the copy book regression. I remember that the only one that I missed asking was the moment when she was born, and I immediately probe this

“Dear Kanu, do you recall any experience, when you were just born? Can you allow yourself to feel the immediate moments after you were born?”

C: “Yes. I can feel my mother holding me with pride the first time she saw me, and kissing me on my forehead”

T: “Isn’t that heaven? Unconditional love?”

C: She cries, along with trembling of the entire body (abreaction)

T: “Entrench and hold this moment, it’s very precious and rare. This is your total surrender and understanding of love for your mother. Allow yourself to soak up all these emotions. This is your moment, and give yourself the freedom to spread your wings and fly”

Pause (I realised that I was moving away from the script, yet continuously improvising and guiding with the flow. It gave me a new felt confidence!)

C: She continues to cry as well as bring about a wry smile, as if to answer all the questions that I had asked, but holds back.

T: I just let it be, and allow her to cry, as she soaks in all emotions! Also, is it the last of the tissue papers that I have?

(Important: At this juncture I realised that I had an option to create a strong Affect- bridge (AB), especially with her recognition for a deep love towards her mother – and thereby ‘catapulting’ her into a ‘Past Life’. Its nearly 8:15 PM, and understood my task was to commit myself to a ‘Happy moment’ regression for the day, and hence I felt it was time to slowly being the regression to a close)

T: “With all these great memories and experiencing pure joy with your mother, would you like to go back to the garden?”

C: “Yes”

T: “Now feel yourself, slowly tracing yourself back to the garden, whilst your body wrapped in the healing light has been resting. Let me know at the count of 3,2 and 1 when you reach:” (IMR)

C: Gently raises her right hand and says “Yes”

T: “Now as you relax yourself in this healing light, you may now like to interact with a gentle, humble, and nice person approaching you. Understand he/she is ‘safe’- he/she is your ‘well-wisher’, this person is your friend, philosopher, and guide always there to protect you and answer any questions that you may have”

“Are you ready now to meet this person? – he/she will answer all questions, that you have”

C: Mumbles and incomprehensible

T: “That’s ok”.
“Do you notice this person?”

“You may gently raise your right hand, if you notice this guide – your personal mentor” (IMR)
C: Raises right hand and says “Yes”

T: *My heart skips a beat- Is it the Masters?

“Whom do you see or feel around you”


C: “I can see someone”

T: “Wonderful. Who? Anyone familiar?”

C: “I don’t know who it is. But she is very familiar. I feel I’ve known her all my life

T: I am convinced, it’s the Masters who are now speaking with her. In all my beginner’s excitement I shoot a barrage of questions “What do you see? Who is she? What is she trying to tell you”

C: “I can’t hear her, but can see her”

T: “Very good. Could you describe her?”

C: “She’s wearing a western dress. She is not from here, but somehow, I feel I know her”

T: At this point I tell her, that she is lucky to have encountered a Master. “You are now experiencing the presence of your master and your guide, a rare occurrence. You are extremely lucky. You may like to ask a question to your master, if you like to?”

C: Hesitates
T: “Is this master telling you something about what you saw earlier?”

C: “She tells me that I need to have an unwavering love and gratitude towards my mother”

T: “Wonderful. Anything else?”

C: “Yes. Deep love always for she has given me unconditional love since i was born”

T: Curious “Is there any message for me?”

C: “She says. Keep loving and healing others”

T: “Convey my gratitude:

Long Pause

T: “If you’ve spent enough time and have also learnt from the experiences from your master, could you gently let go. This master is your guiding angel, and will always be there when you summon her. Always there to protect you”


“You may now gently bid her goodbye, and also on behalf of me”

C: “I would like to stay with her for more time, holding her hands. She has taught me to again love my mother, with whom I was angry, because she never raised a voice of dissent even though I felt she was wronged”

T: As if speaking on behalf of the master I tell her “Excellent. Have belief in yourself and the masters. They will always be by your side”

I felt a deep sense of joy for Kanu and shared in her happiness as I gently guided her back to consciousness. (Emerging)

Stage 13: Integration

Kanu thanked me profusely, as she continued to have tears of happiness in her eyes. On asking her about her experience, She spontaneously remarked that she saw this session as an entire 5-day workshop on the Joy of Living – Level 2 (on Love-Kindness, forgiveness and Compassion). I knew she was being too kind!

I asked her inquisitively, as to what really happened on the staircase when she was descending. She said that she found herself in the ocean after the ball of light relaxation, and she was climbing down step by step into the ocean, and she felt lost for a while. When she opened the large gate (door), she said it opened to her paradise of peace below the ocean. She also mentioned that Lord Krishna was present in the paradise of peace, and she felt safer and happier.

 Did the staircase in the Ocean lead her to the holy city of Dwarka? I would presume so.
 Was her master, who appeared in the form of an old lady in Western clothes, Lord Krishna himself?
 Were the images of the sparrow and the caring parents, a strong metaphor of her parents that triggered her emotions? I would definitely like to think so.

Stage 14: Closure

Whilst the session focused on age regression & the happy moment, it did elicit deep learnings for Kanu.

She said that she realized that she had neglected her parents, especially her mother, and had taken her for granted, she also mentioned that her recent behavior of not communicating with her loved ones due to fear of being in conflict, and losing them had made her create her boundaries, which she now feels was imaginary. The session in her words 'was a closure on this grief and pain which she had carried for over 2 years.

Stage 15: Post-Script and Recommendations

Next morning Kanu messaged me this:

Good morning, Rafi,
Texted parents- I’m afraid of words losing their essence if I keep repeating ‘thanks’ - so I will just leave it at that. :blush:

Thanks to Sushma too for being so kind and very welcoming to me- I could feel the genuine warmth in both your company. And now that I have made friends with Hutchieco, I am definitely looking forward to meet you all (Hutchieco included) sometime soon- may be when Anshita is home on vacation or something.

Keeping relationships with family is important to me- howsoever difficult it may be. Thanks for helping me achieve that balance in my own behavior that I was seeking.

Somewhere or other I also have hunch about my broader questions, but I don’t want their crisp clear answers- I want life to unfold like a flower and surprise me rather.
I want to mention that Kanu is ‘petrified’ of dogs. The last time she visited my house, my daughter had to take Hachi (my golden retriever) for a long walk until Kanu felt safe at home. So, when she called me for a session and we agreed on the time, I was skeptical whether she would make it. When she reached my house, she asked to hold my hand to make sure she felt safe around Hachi.

At the end of the session, she was petting Hachi, as if she had known him for ages!
I’m very glad for her learnings from the session, and also glad that she could text and connect with her parents after 2 years.

Moving forward:
 I want her to participate in the remaining sessions, particularly the cliff reframing exercise, to help her let go of her past grief and approach life with a more positive outlook.

 Additionally, I believe that past life regression therapy can help her address any lingering pain from previous experiences, resolve issues related to her failed relationships and decision to stay unmarried and facilitate healing in her relationships with her father, brother, and mentor.

 Although she has experience with meditation, engaging in specific guided meditations focused on healing could help her address her mental anguish.

Pls. Note: Part 2 will be the next case when she completes her next 2 sessions on Past life regression.

Her Message after I sent the document today:

Hi Rafi,
Read the whole script. Beautifully captured. And it was nice remembering the whole experience while reading it. It was fun reading what you were thinking while guiding me through the trance. Enjoyed and verified overall!
Thanks and best regards :blush::hugs:

P.S. I took a mental note of next to-does… (1) to complete the next 2 sessions
(2) healing based meditations.
Will take up these as time permits. It’s great to have this insight :blush::pray:

Thanks. Bye for now. Gn.


Wooa…!! Such a clear narration of this beautifully written session…@Rafi you carried the whole process with so much perfection…must be a transformative and insightful regression for Kannu… Your skill and sensitivity in guiding her is truly remarkable…a lot of perfection and skillfully handled…with a deep sense of clarity and understanding…whole walkthrough is very professional.
You’r a pro now and I appreciate the care you took in ensuring a meaningful experience…stay blessed :heart::pray:


Hi @mrafi73

Correctly handled the K person…

Good way of leading…

That sparrow story is indeed a metaphor and linkage to her revelation about her mother’s love…
Very well done. will wait for second part.


Well done Rafi!:clap:t2:
Glad that she realised her parents love and reconnected with them.


That was a wonderful session Rafi. Well done! So detailed but I enjoyed reading every bit of it.

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Your session taught Kanu to feel the love again…how great it is…the ultimate energy that binds us together…i just had the feeling that if she can experience unconditional love and foster it…all relationships will heal and so will she. Hats off Rafi…you gave her the greatest gift.

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Very good Rafi! Very detailed.

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Many thanks Supretee. Coming in from experienced practitioners like yourself, I’m sure I must have done something right.

Thanks so much Harie.

Thanks Harshita. My face lit up in the mng when she texted me the next day morning.

Glad she got the closure on atleast a few issues.

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Thank you so much Jasmit for your kind words.

Thank you so much Suranjana.

Thank you so much Jackie.

So very well navigated and written, Rafi

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Thank you Shweta for your kind words.

@mrafi73, that was absolutely marvelous. I could vividly visualize as if I was there, watching the session happen. You were incredibly patient and kind, Rafi. Congratulations on your first miracle. Your patience has definitely borne sweet fruits.


@mrafi73 loved reading every bit of it!

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Thank you so much Divya

Thanks so much Jesica.

Truly a well guided and thoughtfully carried out process… the journey felt very beautiful demonstrated all the stages. It was feeling very natural as she progressed in her understanding and how it showed in your skills with this work and journey.

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