Lemuria Demo Session

My Dear Loved Ones,

Please find below the transcript of our demo session

[I’m still not convinced that she is relaxed… so will keep pyramiding ]

[sometimes she is going to some deep states and then gets active again ]

[Now we will use an Affect Bridge - Stage 11]
[Hurt - ]
2016 joined as the PGT English, Principal came for observation and I did a stupid mistake
Ox and oxen mentioned as (gender change)
[anchored in ]

[Any other moment when you felt this way ]
2nd year of college
Asked to do a group presentation by
Prof Kapoor… she was going through the sections and she read it and started abusing me.I didn’t do that section.
I sincerely disliked that teacher,
I was scolded for no reason in front of my classmates…
Ironically she was appreecating the part that I did.
Going back to another incident.
Perennially late on Monday mornings and missed a class. So attendance was less for 1 subject and principal abused me thinking I was banking classes.
[Not being able to get something hurts her. ]
“Cats and dogs”…. She said.
It was my birthday…. I was not a bunker… that hit me pretty bad…

I always scored 66 upon 80…
Consistently happening…. I TRIED VERY HARD…
I only came second once…always fourth…
15 or 16YO…

[going further back ]
Sent to a drawing school…
In the locality ….
He asked us to draw a leaf
When ever I draw there is too much of pressure on my pencil… couldn’t draw a leaf properly. He corrected me and I
He didn’t make fun of me… but I was older than most kids.
8 or 9 yrs.
[Energy is trapped in this feeling and now we will use it to catapult her into the past. ]
[aggravate that feeling as I want the response potential ]
Oh god if I could disappear… [that ]
[That’s affect bridge ]
I feel I’m a woman…
[I can’t see but I can feel…] Remember she is K.
The flame is not coming well… I see two hands which are mine… they are feminine… the shape…
[Can you see the stress emerging…. [Our first job is to take care of that stress ]
[that is paraprashing… ]
[this is promoting Identification ]
It’s morning
It’s outside…
Its a rural setting…
This is a mud house …
[see how detailed it has become now… ]
I feel that someone is watching…
As I’m not able to light the fire, I feel bad… there is some space between my house and the next…
There is someone looking at me from that veranda…

That person is disapproving… I feel watched…
[I know she is not comfortable…but I will get it from her]
I want to light the fire…
All I can see is leaves and twigs… I don’t know how they light the fire… I’m looking for something to light the fire…
It’s not clear
Now the fire is lit… there is a pot
I can see a flame
I see mud pot… Don’t know if I’m imagining…
It has lid on it…
I feel it’s rice…
I see myself as a widow…
I see a white saree….
[stress management is the key, not the incident ]
Not very old…
My hair is short… not a nice cut…

Water kalash…
It’s a bed roll on which where I sleep…
[feeling is the summary of the experience ]
I suddenly feel I like books…

[we are currently grounding her into that experience ]
I live in a small room… there is a breeze …
I’m seeing a bigger house… those people are connected to me… but I live in a small house…
Feeling me and My books…
I cannot see her but there is a lady…
[this is what we meant by scratching the card… we work on retrieving the memory ]
This girl is not allowed to stay with me always… in my room I have my books alone…
She is only allowed to visit me sometimes…
8 or 9 yo…
[I’m not sure if she is her daughter so I will not assume… I will ask her]
I feel good… whenever she comes… and I try to teach her about life in my own way…
[she had already formed that connection ]
My elder daughter….
I want her to be very strong when she is taken away from me… the people in that bigger house don’t hurt her…
Because I’m a widow… as a child she feels torn
I don’t want her to be torn…

[abreactions ]
She is everything to me…
The seclusion … she doesn’t have the power of the mind to protest…

[see how you take her permission to go anywhere… my client is my king, even if they are currently vulnerable ]
I’m only seeing myself in coloured saree…
I only got this news…

It’s all so dramatic…
I’m in the kitchen… I’m passing orders… somebody runs and tells it to me…
Actually my husband has been killed… he is the landlord…
The farmers have killed him some agitations… some issue…
They are taking me away from there…
The man who reported it to me…
He is very caring…
I see him as my father of this life…
[formed a connection automatically ]
My baby is lap baby then… I rush to a place where I’m kept…
Too dazed…
Doesn’t register
My husband was alive… it was us three… and that caretaker…
As if I’m siphoned off to safety and when I return
[see even she has to put all these pieces together ]
I have to be strong… I don’t give up…
I should be crying but I’m not crying… just when I am seeing her I am sad and crying.
My daughter is getting married… 15 or 16…
[who ?]
My sole reason for being there was for her wellbeing and she is going… I’m anxious… she shouldn’t suffer pain with me…
Marriage is with Pomp and spender….
I’m a widow…
I wanted to dress her up with my own hands…
[coughing… do you remember she said she is keeping it all in her throat… ]
I signalled to her to stay away… she is all I have and I wanted her to be happy…

My husband would call me Binod…. Binodini [did you see the change in her expression when she said that]
[I know but I will ask… ]

I’m playing with a baby and it is my grand child…
My daughter has taken my out of that house…
I see a boy…
very small…
quite chubby…
I’m in my widows garb… my head is still cropped…
I’ve put on weight…

My staying with my daughter is not appreciated in her in-laws house…
I tell her that I choose to go somewhere else…
I’m happy that I’ve seen your son…
Many books are there… it’s in Bengali… they are hard bound… I get to read them…
It is somebody’s library
I’m like reading books…
I have other women circling around me
Its as if I am reading the books and tell them things…
Its a feeling that other women come to me when they are sad…
Its inner chambers…
I lost everything … but found joy and solace and helping those women
Giving them courage…
In 50s
I want the women to study and the girls to study…
Lot of women have wrong idea that women shouldn’t study but I’m teaching them…
[year and place]
How can it be… it’s very funny but it is …
The first date that came to my mind is 1856… it was the revolt year… you were advocating women …
You see I think, widow remarriage has started…
The fire…
vidyaSagar… started the fort William college in 1800, the scene is very active… the girls can have a say…
I’m telling this to the younger generation my time is over but ….
BHANGAOR…. Sounding like it…

I’m just old…
I’m alone…
I feel like I’ve had enough…
I want to go
I want to die…
Late 60s…

I’m just in old age and dying…

My daughter had come…
She is married… she has all the jewellery and has a shawl around her…
She is sitting at my head
She is touching my forehead….
Easing me to go…
[we can see her face becoming red… but there is something going to surface… ]

Life was well begun…
I didn’t have any memories as a child…
I love her so much…
And she has a say…
She is not somebody who is not arrogant but silent and beautiful…
That boy has grown up…

[I will not assume anything now… saying floating above and such… ]
I’m not in the body… the soul is still in that shape… I’m watching then…
Golden light… very soothing…
[we can see all that she wants to say on her face…]
Sun rays coming through the leaves…
I’m happy

[Death is the moment of hyperawareness… ]
[now with this trance which has been enhanced I will revisit that lifetime and move the KMF to Classic flow pattern to ensure no residue is left… ]
I’m also like a light… there are many flames burning…
They are all formless…
[visually relieved and happpy]
They are all moving around…
There are many flickering lights are there…
There is one which is big and calm…
We all know that LIGHT IS THE LIGHT
Its like this huge flame…


My husband of that lifetime is my younger daughter…
She was him and she was killed…
When I’m in the light… she was him…
One of the lights is the husband…
We are together….!
We re moving around… that big flame lets us move around… I feel I’m with this flame…
He is going to take birth again…

[compare her breathing from then to now]
I’m blessed…

He tells me he was waiting for me… and when I’ve come and rested… he will leave… but will meet me again…

For me it has become the fact… I used to be very anxious about my parents dying… father and mother are sick… but I know I will meet them again… that is only being reinforced…

I see myself in a saree… small girl…

Its a village, but I’m a very happy child… dancing about… my hair tied to a bun…

My mother is the mother of this lifetime…

She educates me pretty early… she is making my father do it…

That old man… is there in this house… someone close…

He is teaching me…

I feel like I’m making all this up…

I adore him…

He teaches me…

I love eating…

[see her expressions, she is there ]

There is some sort sweets… tied in my aachal…

I’m happy

No restrictions on me because I’m a girl…

This house doesn’t do that

Most houses don’t allow…

8 or 9yo…

[supper time]

I see two men eating

One of them is my maternal uncle… I see him but he is not my father… I’m sitting opposite to them… because I’m eating…

He is looking me in an amusing manner looking at me…

He has very big eyes… but the general impression is happiness….

My mother takes joy in feeding me… she says, you will go away na… so you eat… she is proud of me…

I feel that she is living through me… she is a very strong character… she doesn’t know what will come to her…




I’m getting married

13 or 14YO…

I don’t see my groom… but my mother is happy…

It was not as grand as my daughter’s

My husbands side were better off…

I’m seeing something…

[see now the gaps are filling up]

I get married and I’m getting the same glances

I’m actually loved in this house…

It continues in the way…

I’m having the say… they were financially better…

It was good not very grand… in this house… I’m like our Rajewari….

[she doesn’t like being watched… that is one pain point]

In my happiness I just ignore her… its a women…


I have my daughter… so many years back… my husband is so generous… he is happy…

He doesn’t tell me about a son…

That women is looking…


My younger daughter is getting hurt on the back of her head…


We do talk about having other children but we couldn’t

He was killed…

[could you ever see your husbands dead body…?]


No closure

I remember picking up the baby from the bed and running out…

I feel something on the head… I’m feeling…

[now if we notice the abreactions aren’t that intense]

That women cherishes it when I suffer…

I feel its my sister in law of my present life… even today she gives me those eyes…

My mother never really forgave her…

My present day husband has some role in doing what she says…

My mother is very angry

I get news that my mother is very angry with them… ….

That matriarch that my sister in-law… all this while she didn’t like my happiness…


I’ve said everything…

[we did ID and now now we will work on Transformation ]


I lost my husband all of a sudden so I became cautious


[Affecting ]

I’ve been very anxiety prone… BEING LEFT BEHIND…

I also carried my love for learning…

I love exams, cherished them… I carried that forth…

I don’t like injustice… inequality…

My mother was very much ill treated by her MIL…

I was very blunt initially…

Anyone being unnecessarily harsh… women treating women badly… we should be friends…

I hate…

knowledge should give you strength to be humble…

Don’t like some on who show-off… SIL… I steer clear… you flash…

[Resolution ]

I keep seeing something else…

Constantly a name is coming IRA… IRA is coming…


Do something of your own….

I feel this IRA this is blocking me…

And the light says… you need to do something of your own…

It has to be in its own way and bring recognition…. That human beings are important and somehow feel that this validation she needs to see…. I need to convince her as to be less materialistic… that I have to try to do my role…

She is very pretentious…

[her energy is trapped with the SIL… now we will resolve that ]

I’m indifferent to her…

It says Love her….

[we will try switching places and see if we can diffuse this hatred]


I’m better…

Ajantha feels how can Suranja and be happy with so little…

How can someone be so happy with so little….

It’s very difficult…

So when her husband dies I take it out on her…

Shove her…

How can I love her…



I will sincerely try…

Total Duration: 2:45mins felt like 30mins



Thank you, beloved Master Venu, for sharing the details of the demo PLR session. I eagerly anticipate reading many more such sessions from the master himself. I hope we won’t have to wait a year to enjoy another masterpiece brimming with wisdom.:blush:

With love



This reminds me of 13th August 2023, when we witnessed a profound healing right in front of us✨.


missed meeting you Siddhi,
Naz told me that you were busy and couldn’t come.
Take care, everything will be alright

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thank you my beloved Ashish,
now you will be conducting such session and writing about them.
Missed meeting you, hope all okay.


WOW !! 1 year back we also witnessed a divine session in front of us when we were completely in Awe of the PLRT and the way our beloved Daddy & Master conducted the session .
It would be so good if I could have seen this live !!

Thank you so much for sharing :sparkles::sparkles::pray:t2::heart:


Many thanks dear Venu for sharing this.

Best Regards/Rafi

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Thank you so much dear Venu for sharing us the script for this session. Hope you are doing fine! Last year, we witnessed an extraordinary session for Dr. Ashish that started our journey in PLRT :smile:


Thanks a lot Venu for putting this Master Piece. So much learning for us and very well detailed. I felt as if I was there and could feel the emotions as if I was witnessing the session live. What a wonderful feeling it was.

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Thank you Dr. Venu for sharing detailed notes from the PLR session.

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Though this was the only session which wasn’t as “dramatic” as the earlier ones I had demo’ed, it has answered one of the greatest questions in my mind.
@seemagopinath can you help me recollect verbatim the question you had asked me during lunch after which we had gone into this session?

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Dr Venu…would love to know…the greatest question that comes to your mind…if possible may you share…

Takes me back to Aug2023, cannot forget the way the room was warmed up despite the AC being functional. The energy was intense. Thank you @venu once again for the experience