Masters are the Ultimate Guide

we missed you @deepakchaks in the forum today, I wanted to discuss this case. Maybe in the next forum.
Hope all well.


Hi Venu

I’m very sorry. I should have informed you earlier that I won’t be able to attend the concall.

I had a moderately long weekend, which is rare and hence family wanted to have a mini trip nearby. Hence I couldn’t attend as I was out of station.

All’s well at my end. Thankyou so much for remembering me.

Will definitely discuss my case in Nov concall.

With Best Regards



Sure. Waiting eagerly to understand and read more. :grinning::pray:


Dear Deepak,
Incredible sessions. Congratulations! Impressive to see how you handled and guided your client. Amazing how each PLR is different. Great Work!


Hi @deepakchaks, Congratulations on your first session :clap: Despite the challenges arising from the client’s unforeseen health concerns, you managed everything with utmost care and skill :pray:.

I admired how you consistently prioritized the client’s comfort and safety. Your approach went beyond simply navigating the past life regression; you ensured the experience was as smooth and healing as possible, even in the face of obstacles :tulip:.

Your blend of clinical expertise and compassion is exactly what one expects from a top-tier therapist. It’s evident that your dedication goes beyond the confines of a therapy session; you truly invest in the well-being and progress of those under your care. :heart_decoration:

Few of the other things which I wanted to mention were already covered by our atlantians :grinning:

Wishing you all the best as you embark on your upcoming sessions! May each one be enlightening, productive, and bring you closer to the clarity and progress you seek. Keep shining and moving forward. :star2::herb:


Hi Monesh

Thankyou so much for your detailed analysis of my sessions.
Please find the point wise reply to your queries

  1. Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo - Yes, you have correctly searched the site. Its Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism and the Global Organisation is Soka Gakkai and in India it is Bharat Soka Gakkai. Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo is the chant that we do in the morning and Evening - which basically means I offer gratitude/surrender myself to the Law of Cause and Effect. This is also the Classical chinese title of Lotus Sutra (SadDharma Pundarika Sutra in Sanskrit). Before any activity we chant the Sutra.
  2. Suffering due to Daughter’s Death was the prime theme. I agree we need more sessions to understand the root cause of daughter’s death. A pattern has emerged. We need to break the pattern to avoid similar events in future life times.
  3. Altaf - Yes, I fully agree that there are no coincidences in life. Everything is by design. This is also what Nichiren Buddhism teaches us. Hence it becomes more important for us to ensure dignity of our own lifes and other’s too.
  4. Dave Elman - Its a spelling mistake. Regret the same.
  5. Reframed future life traumas - Here after reframing the present life traumas, gave affirmations to reframe future life traumas from dark wooden frames to golden frames and put it in the box, lock it and throw it down the cliff. :grin:
  6. Four/Multiple Themes - Yes, from next sessions will go with one theme only.

Please accept my deepest gratitude for such wonderful and precise insights on my session. It will definitely help me to do better sessions in future.

With Best Regards/Deepak


Thankyou Seemaji for your kind words. With Best Regards/Deepak

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Hi Prashanti
Thanks a ton for your wonderful comments. This surely motivates me and will encourage me for further sessions. Best Wishes/Deepak

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Yes, I have been busy with work and have been reading the emails but have yet to post. Hopefully I will catch up soon with all of you and will also ask for help for my own clients! Stay blessed!

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With all due respect for the pain that the parents might have experienced at the loss of a little one, I feel grateful to you for having reached out to the client with PLRT. Thank you so much my beloved @deepakchaks

Theme should generally be a single one to two word statement.

I feel that the below could have been Guilt or sadness (due to the loss of daughter)

“Go back in time to when you might have been related in your past”. Because this is more positive and can cut through resistance, “fear of what will emerge” which could block.

loneliness might have got triggered from here and reinforced

Hope that husband didn’t feel guilty here as he wasn’t the cause of this loneliness.

Another symptom which is from the past and doesn’t have to do much with the current skein of life.

Here experience shows that reclining is always a better posture for regression sessions.

This could be resistance actually,

She is K!

Blessed would be the day when you can reach out to your clients in their native language.

So nice, this is where the seed of healing is embedded, when we realise that we have been together with our loved ones in the past, it’s tacit that we would be together again.

This was a distraction and could have been replaced with promoting I of IDT for max therapeutic impact.

which is why it was like a rider who had lost is balance and now trying to rebalance.

Like the father of Psychiatry–Dr Carl Jung said, there are no coincidences in this world, even our plumber and electricians have been with us in the past and we need to be loving towards all!

This being your first session, we can excuse the interruption we brought in the flow, else with proper I followed by D of IDT along with stress management, we could have addressed this without leaving any residue.

It would have been better if we could have facilitated the KMF to Classic Flow pattern…
having lived in Brazil for some time I can vouch for the rampant slavery that was prevalent and it’s all so amazingly captured in a book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher


:joy: kudos to your creativity!

wow! amazing :pray:

which is why a recliner is such a tremendous help and please to focus on stress management, nip in the bud as soon as stress is perceived.

Wow sastanga pranams to this blessed Masters who is one of my pillars.

One recommendation is, and this can be only should be done after assessing the client’s comfort under the medical supervision of a licensed physician. 3 days of fasting drinking warm water as frequently as possible.

Isn’t this amazing, even though we do not know how to behave in the benign presence the Almighty Emperor, He forgives and blesses us with healing!

Phenomenal! Despite the odds!

do keep us posted on the following sessions!


Dear Venu,

Thank you for this insight. One of my clients was perfectly fine but as we were progressing during the session, she suddenly had a bout of coughing which wouldn’t stop.

I tried to relax the stress through deep breathing and asked her to move to a happy memory that she cherished.

But I did not realize that the coughing could be resistance - this is a learning for me.

