Midas Touch of Masters

Namaste Family,

Sharing something wonderful….

This is something amazing which I experienced and which is very important to share here so that all the new therapists gain more confidence in the PLRT and old ones just nod with a smile … ( as they know this happens )

I use to suffer from body pain and headache specially at the left side of my body frequently . For healing this only I started learning Reiki . After doing self healing practise the pain diminished but use to come back sometimes if i use to skip Reiki healing even for a day.

All tests were normal !

So I only had Reiki which was giving me relief but the pain would come back again.

So then the 5 days workshop happened where we underwent a regression ( the cliff thing ) by our beloved Guru Dr. Venu( My Daddy ) during which when I was putting my current life traumas in the box …. … I started feeling pain in left side of my body …its was so real that I felt uncomfortable but then when the session ended . magically my body pain vanished . My body felt very light!!!

Then I underwent regression PLR by one of Atlantis batchmates Preeti g and I saw myself first as a fisherman doing a lot of hard-work and dying due to some painful body disease where I saw myself in body Pain in the death scene and then I saw myself as a Peacock who was hunted , his neck was broken and the feathers were plucked out ( even when peacock was not completely dead ) it was very painful & I could relate so much to the peacock that i was crying during the session , i was feeling the emotion strongly.

And the climax is ……

When I came out of the session I felt so light and happy that I just wanted to dance like a peacock !!!

Since then …… it has been more than 20 days … the body pain or headache has never returned back and I really feel lightness in body !!!

Isn’t it the Midas Touch( the blessings & grace ) by our beloved Masters and our beloved Dr. Venu ……

Even words are short to say anything more ….:smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:image


What a profound revelation. It’s truly wonderful to hear. :partying_face:

When I came out of the session I felt so light and happy that I just wanted to dance like a peacock !!!

Even in human form, you still display the beauty and vibrancy of a peacock. May you lead a magnificent life, touching and impacting many lives around you :peacock:. All the best dear :raised_hands: :pray: !!


That’s truly an incredible and transformative experience Dr. Shipra! It’s amazing how PLR therapy can bring about such profound changes in one’s physical and emotional well-being. It’s a testament to the power of healing and self-discovery. Thanks for sharing this inspiring story! Happy Healing :pray::blush: