Miscellaneous Beautiful Answers!

This is not a PLR but a collection of queries which was lingering in my mind and I wanted them to close it with the help of divine intervention!

Beloved Venu,
I am into mischief these days…Some queries were lingering in my mind. So today as usual my tried and test medium (Nephew…:-)) agreed…So we request MAA bless us with her divine presence!

Can we treat RENUKA (My Sister) with PLRT?
Same solution as my niece’s mother-in-law (First posting)
PLR would not benefit her, start Ayurveda and taper off Allopathy.

How to forgive others and ask for forgiveness? Any pooja?
Just say/ask for forgiveness

Can I conduct session with my mother?
yeah you can do that…it will benefit her

Where shall I go to conduct my self PLRT?
I told MAA, you know that MAHADEV wants me to know my past…
She said, “Hmm…”
Venu, he is a good soul and person. MAA KAALI said you are a Krishna Bhakt!

What are the things I should keep in mind when doing PLRT for people? Any do’s and don’ts?
Just learn to read people and their faces.

Is Vasu(My brother’s Son) reincarnation of his Nana?

Will Madhu(Brother-in-law) re-incarnate into Cuckoo’s(My Niece, his daughter) family?
Yes…MAA said, “Tripthi Ayilla” (The Soul is far away from satisfaction, possibly in a state of shock of having committed this mistake, wants to atone for it).