One PLR session that changed a client's life, grief is gone, understood the purpose of life, expanded consciousness, and more

The client is a teacher and living with 2 kids separate from her husband. Husband is from a rich family. After knowing the husbands extra marital affairs, the client left her husband and his property with 2 kids. He doesnt even care for his kids. The client is bringing up her kids alone. She is leading a tough life, financially and emotionally.

The purpose of the session is to know why the client`s husband cheated her and why she is leading a tough life.

The client experienced 2 past lives in her very first session. Then she reached the white light. There she saw Angels, Neem Karoli Baba, Archangel Michael and Goddess Lakshmi Devi.

After the session, I asked my client to make a note of everything that she experienced and search for the similar pics that she saw.

Then my client sent me the below details.

My regression Sessions :

I saw a garden, with beautiful trees and flowers quell around. I was walking at fast pace.

First life :

I was a young girl with my younger brother. My mother committed suicide and my father married again. The stepmother was very cruel.

I was deeply in love with someone in my college. But, I was forcibly married to a man, he was only interested in my fathers money.

Knowing about my marriage, my lover committed suicide.

After the marriage, my husband abused me physically and mentally. Knowing about the death of my lover and being unable to face a cruel life, I, too, commit suicide.

Second Life :

The men were in this kind of costume, the exact fashion of the 1820s.

I was in the exact same costume of 1820s.

I am in love with a man named Frank, the year is 1820, my name is Emma. But, Frank is not serious about our relationship. We met near a river over a bridge. It was dark and late evening. I asked him to marry me. He refuses. It turns into an argument. Frank strangles me and pushes me into the river. It`s cold. I am frozen and dead. Then, I reached the sky.

I meet my love.

An angle in white with white attire, white and golden wings welcomes me. I am now surrounded by nearly 7 angles. It`s misty and cloudy all over. Many angles are smiling.

This beautiful angel is smiling at me. She blesses me.
She has a pot of gold liquid, and she pours it on me and said “You have suffered a lot. You deserve this energy.”

This was the angel with me.

The angles sprinkle golden water on me. I could feel the chill of the wager, and they said “You will receive all the abundance.”

Now she goes around me in so much happiness and hands over a golden key to me and tell me that “you will find a treasure soon.”

T - Ask the divine light and Angels, are there any messages for me ?

C - Sir, there is a white light behind you. It’s a male energy. A divine soul. He is with you.

T - Look at that energy carefully. Who is that ?

C – He is Archangel Michael.

(After the session, the client told me that, “Archangel Michael was strict. He was standing next to you, staring at you while answering your questions.”)

T - Ask him for the messages ?

C – You have a lot of work to do. You are wasting your time. You should reach more people to heal/help. You are a chosen one.

T - How do I reach more people ?

C – You have to speak in big gatherings. We will send you those who need your help.

T – Anything else ?

C – You have to promise me ?

T – For what ?

C – A lady will come to you for healing. Then, many people will come to you through her. You will become rich and famous. So, you shouldn’t change. You should be like this, like now.

T – You control me. Don’t allow me to change. Are there any more messages ?

C – There is one more divine white energy with you. It’s a female energy.

T – Who is she ?

C – It’s goddess Lakshmi Devi energy.

(After the session, the client told me that she might be your mother.)

T – Convey my pranam and ask her to bless everyone ?

C – Now Neem Karoli Baba came. He is smiling.


T – Take his blessings. Convey my pranam. And ask him for the messages ?

C – He is calling you to meet him.

T – Where should I meet him ?

C – He is telling that “Come to my ashram. And do char dham yatra. There, you will receive some more divine energy. You have to raise your vibration to reach the Shiva’s energy. Also, keep a photo of mine, at your home.”

T – Is there any particular place to keep your photo at my home ?

C – Keep it in the hall.

T – Are there any more messages ?

C – I could see myself sitting in Neem Karoli Baba’s ashram.

Sir, I could see you standing at Manas Sarovar.

Now, I could see you standing in front of Mount Kailash and watching it. The Kailash mountain is in golden color.

After this, she couldn’t see anything. So, I bought her back.

After this session, I was checking mail and found this in QUORA.

Are there any good spirits that can follow you home ?

Your loved ones who died can come and visit you as Ancestor Guides after they are healed, finished their life reviews, get adjusted to the Afterlife, and learn how to communicate with the living. They do not need to follow you, they know where you are. Your Spirit Guides, who are your teachers in many lives, are always with you. You also have Guardian Angels watching over you, they know where you are at, they are attuned to your frequency and know when you need saving or healing. They are not near you all the time, but they come when needed or when you ask them.

Spirits who ‘follow you home” are usually NOT good ones. You can pick up a spirit of a dead alcoholic in a bar and it can follow you home and make you want to drink alcohol. You can be at the scene of a car crash and somebody who just died can follow you home and become your house ghost, causing all kinds of problems or health issues. They are not supposed to be there, they need to go to the Light. These types of discarnate beings are not to your highest good. One of the reasons people put a horseshoe at the entrance is because ghosts do not like iron. Many religious symbols are used for protection. In Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, Archangel Michael is usually the protector from any dark forces or ghosts. There are many other folk or pagan symbols for protection from negative spirits.

Answer to Are there any good spirits that can follow you home? by Irina Nola

Is it a coincidence. My client spoke about the Archangel Michael. And after the session, I read a random article and found Archangel Michael’s name there also.

The same evening, this client sent me the above message.

After a week the client sent me the above message.

Thanks to all the Masters.
Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude.


Excellent Dear Navin. You are a blessed soul and I am sure very soon Master’s blessing of will come out to be true.
After going through the case, I am jst wondering why your client is having the same suffering for last two hndered years. What was her reaction to thjis? Will this suffering end with getting the golden key now? I would like to have your comment and comment of others on this.


I really feel you have a lot more of success waiting for you. You have great potential and i enjoyed reading this.


Thank you so much for posting your cases, every case is unique so much to learn and understand

I will continue to learn from your cases and improve my abilities to better serve others.

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