Pati, Patni aur Woh


FELIZ NAVIDAD :pray:|20.0x20.0… my dear Amarantos Tribe, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:|20.0x20.0

Wholeheartedly with the blessings of The Divine Almighty, my spiritual guides, Angels ,my dearest of all Dad & Mom (who taught me this art to serve humanity to mankind through Plrt @Amarantos)… without whom this would have never been possible. Taking the utmost pleasure in presenting to my beautiful dear tribe, Ekdum rocking My Second case on the forum.

As you all know I cannot be serious (in my words as well as my actions)…a song comes to my mind as I am singing along…”Ek do teen…chaar paanch che saath anth nau dus gyarah barah terah…terah karu….terah Karu geen geen geen ke intezaar,aaja sanam aaye bahaar”

My earnest request is, not to read the Climax beforehand …read it from the beginning as I too realised that I need to be regressed to find out my one sided crushes​:wink::wink:… go through this beautiful love story regression and bindass provide your blessings as well as your valuable comments.

Client Vitals:

Name: Mohini (name changed)

Age: 46 years

Gender: Female

Hypnotisability Score: 7

VAK: 8, 5, 2

Dominant Sense: Visual

Eye Roll Test: 2 :roll_eyes:|20.0x20.0

Pain Level: 9


  • Having an Affair with her Own Brother in Law
  • Guilt of cheating on her Husband
  • Constant Fights with her Sister in law (Bro in law wife)
  • Not being Valued

Number of Sessions and Overview: 5 sessions conducted

Session 1: Date: 5th Dec ( 4.30p.m. to 6.00 p.m.) @ a coffee shop as she was not comfortable to come home

Making the client aware of PLR

Stages 1 to 3 were completed during 1st session as I felt the client wanted to say something and was asking something else

Session 2 /3/4 (stages 4 to 10 ) on the same day — (I was slaushed at the end of the day but could not have ignored her as she wanted full attention)

Session 2: Date 12 Dec ( 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.)

Asked her to come for lunch.Again pretalk and when she was convinced about contract and privacy stage 4 and 5 were completed. (Ufffff…lot of explanation from my side …which I never even give to my dear hubby also😇)

Session 3: ( 3:00 p.m. to 5.00pm) History taking

The moment she came her body language was so stiff,her eyes wandering here and there as if she wanted to explore and tell me immediately what a turmoil was going on in her heart (Though she is not a complete stranger to me ,I salute her for her guts and the trust she has put in me as a Therapist🙏 as when I was listening to her love story and to just totally be a neutral listener to her as she went Bang on directly addressing her issues .


She was totally pampered at her parents place,her parents valued her more than her brother as she was a obedient , intelligent, talented good looking till date, her all summer vacations used to be at her Nani’s place where she grew very fond of her Unmarried Mama from whom she got equal attention, but it did not last long as family was involved , she feels she always like to be noticed by boys ,same was the case in college days,she had 7 to 8 boyfriends with whom she used to go around and no girl friends ,she said hardly she can remember 1 or 2 girls who were her friends (I told her u were blessed, as I had no boyfriend as my father is till date very strict😉),she always wanted to settle international but the family got a good proposal from the boy (existing husband) and she got married at the age of 22 years where she had lots of dreams which never got fruitful. After her son was born till he was 18,she was a totally dedicated mother and a wife then somehow she says she started getting bored in her committed life and she would adore her past days where she used to be surrounded by so many Men, then suddenly one day when the whole family was having a party,she started getting cozier with her brother in law and she got the same response back,she was very excited to live again what was missing in her life (as the word used by her was SPARK), and when the bond started getting stronger both of them never realized as they live just next door to each other. He is married from past 35 years (he doesn’t have kids) and she is married from past 23 years ,they are growing stronger and stronger from past 6 years but in this 6 years lot have changed, her lover has become more dominant on her, her lovers wife found out about both of them and made a ruckus in front of the whole family (though she couldn’t prove anything ) , and she feels guilt from there on for cheating on her husband as he never questioned her not even once on this topic even though the sis in law made ruckus in front of the family ,so she feels very angry from inside for her as the lover (bro in law ) also doesn’t say anything to his wife .This are her exact words “ I don’t like that behaviour I don’t feel valued, they are very insensitive, they both (husband and bro in law-lover) don’t understand her and her desires,why can’t there be a man who can love me so much that he can do anything for me??? For him everything is me… why can’t a man never fight with me ,we can stay together all day peacefully, lovingly like just meant for each other, no talking bad, no hurting Each Other, respect each other,hold hands all the time together, why cannot there be a man like this???”(so I interrupted saying…dear we don’t live in the world of Mills and Boons stories) …here she goes again in her own stuff tone…“why can this three man (Husband,bro in law,her Mama) not be like that that they should not have any issue with me they should live with me ekdum peacefully with understanding ,loving ,caring and just me and his world all the people can go to hell” and she also was pissed off with the sis in law as from the moment she has come to know she is always behind her back.

(Took a sev puri break )

Session 4 : ( same day 6:00 p.m. to 8:00p.m.)

Date : ( 2 hours )

Completed stage 6 to 10

Date : 12th December 2023

Again explained her the overview, asked her about her favourite place (i.e. garden or beach ), confirmed with her the permission for IMR — Right hand finger (yes), Left hand finger (no)

Started the Relaxation Technique through Dave Elman and Progressive Relaxation followed by the Ball of Light and then going to the Garden where she was able to revisit her childhood happy memories when she was in college and surrounded by all boys …going on a picnic…making mischievous moves with them…going still back in school where she had lots of friends and she was all bindass and boisterous…from there we visualized the beach where we took out all the suppressed emotions and pains and put them in 2 boxes of past and future and threw away in the sea…after that when she emerged she felt very confident,energetic and no remorse and much relaxed .

Session 5:

Date: 14th December 2023 (4:00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. )

Explained her again from stage 1 to 10 along with IMR, EDMR and told her she can express herself freely as its all past, she can cry, laugh, have her body movements as it’s her freewill, carried on from stage 11 to 14

IMR — Right hand finger (yes), Left hand finger (No)

T – Therapist (Me)

C – Client (Mohini)

Visualization – Garden,Beach Bridge

She came with so much positivity on the day which was totally opposite of what I had observed on 12th full day…we started with Hanuman Chalisa , then we both did our prayers (don’t copy me​:rofl::rofl::rofl: In my prayers when I invoked dear God Almighty, Spiritual guides, angels, even our very own dear mom , dad… this time bribing was a chocobar ice cream )

Common guys …don’t go to buy it right now as u all also felt like having one …let’s get serious and do some work​:upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Started again with the Relaxation Technique through Dave Elman and Progressive Relaxation followed by the Ball of Light and then going to the Garden where she saw a road and from there we took onnn….

T : I am going to take you to that significant event of a particular lifetime from where you will get your answers to all your question when I count from 10 to 1 walk ahead on the road which will lead you to the man of your dreams why can’t be there one perfect man for you 10… 9…. 8… you can see the road 7… 6…5 we are nearly half way ,4… 3… nearly reaching the door …Walk ahead on the road and you will see the door in front of you, the road is going to end 2…1. … we have reached the end of the road where we have crossed over and there is a door ,can you see the door …if you can see the door please go ahead and open the door

C :I am opening the door and going inside

T: what can you see ,where are you look at your feet …look left right

C: After a long pause, Ram,Lakhan,Bharat,Shatrughan …(in the same series…Husband,bro in law,Mama and an old college friend) they all are standing in front of me as I enter the door …they all are standing just in front of me.

C : what colour dress have you worn

T: I have worn a red colour long dress.

T:what are they telling you ask them what’s your name ???

C : Shweta

T: how old are you ??

C: I am properly young ,all ……even boys are young

T: what are they doing here … go ask them go to that lifetime where you find out that their can be a man of your dreams… cross over Shweta and go ahead 3…2…1 now

C : I am walking ahead

T : what can you see

C : a very vast sea and ship standing there, I am looking behind while walking

T : what can you see behind

C: Ram (Current life Husband)…he is standing there,(angry on him )

T: Do you recognize Ram in this life

C : yes (he is my husband in this life ) ,why did you not stand up for me (scolding him with anger look and hand movements)

T : Shweta take the ship and cross over to that Significant life to find out your relation with either Ram,Lakhan,Bharat or Shatrughan…3…2…1…now

(Long pause)

C : I am sitting alone on the bench in the garden

T : what age

C : must be 22 23 ,it’s a blue bench,green grass, yellow colour dress butterflies roaming all around

T :what is your name

C : (smiling) I am Priya

T :hi Priya what are you doing

C : I am waiting for someone …this boys are following me, Lakhan(Bro in law) is also following me… from where I came .I reached here, they also are following me from the door

T : ask them why are they following you

C : Lakhan says I want to be with you

T : Ask Lakhan why he has hurted you a lot …

C: You have hurried me a lot…so now I don’t want to stay with you but he says he loves me very much I can see his face … I went walking to him

T : ask Lakhan why is he following you in every lifetime

C : he says because I love you…(with movements of hands and angry voice)…so what if you love me if you love me then you would have not hurted me… you could have taken care of me…(scolding the lover…wah …I love this…regression has a charm…we can scold our lovers,husband,ex…wah) speak …he is just saying I want to be with you

T : ask Lakhan how many lives he wants to be with you

C : he says forever

T : ask him which life will he be with you as a husband which life will he be the man of your dreams

C : he says no

T : then who is the man of your dreams Priya, walk ahead in the garden… go ahead Priya walk to that significant event of the lifetime to find out who is the man of your dreams 3…2…1 now

T :he is there

C : who Priya

T : who can you see

C: smiling a very handsome boy very gorgeous looking

T : which year Priya

C : 1940 ,very good looking I feel very happy and so good personality, handsome

T :walk ahead Priya, go to that significant event 3…2…1 now

C :there is a big tree full sunlight bright… big grass Big trees I am hugging the tree oh Ram is standing there I went ahead to ask him why is he following me

T :what is his name in that life Priya

C : His name is Rahul , Rahul why have you come here??? he is saying I want to marry you…(she raises her eyebrows ,smiles…hand movements as if touching someone) will you marry me??? Will you make me happy??? He says I will do anything and everything for you life after life, will you follow me in all our life ??? he is saying yes…(smiling) will you keep me happy??? Will you understand me ???Will you be my friend??? Will you fulfill all my wishes??? Will you love me like this forever ???he is hugging me

T : what are you doing Priya

C: He says he loves me, he will keep me happy, we are very happy, dancing around…

T : where on the beach

C : no in the garden, everything is green around …dancing in a yellow dress

T :are you alone

C : no Rahul is holding my hand

T: your hand… what relation you have with Rahul that he is holding your hand.

C : Rahul is my friend, I am holding his hand ,jumping dancing walking around and we both are very happy in the garden he is looking at me and smiling, he is young

T :what is he wearing… a shirt pant

C :no… he is wearing a t-shirt and a shorts, he has specs, very simple looking, decent boy types

T : go ahead to a significant moment in that life Priya …where you and Rahul are together…3…2…1…now

C :we both are getting married taking feras we have a child

T : boy or a girl

C :boy

T : Walk ahead in that life Priya 3…2…1… now

C : I am at my home…Lakhan is near my home I can feel him around (a very long pause) he is there and we are loving each other

T : does Rahul know about it

C : no

T :Then how is Lakhan related that you are loving him?

C :he was just standing outside my house suddenly he just came in our lives

T : go back Priya to see where he has come… does he have a wife or a girlfriend …3…2…1…now

C:I can see a party he is all alone standing

T : are you also alone

C : yes

T :then walk towards him take your time to find out how you got connected to Lakhan 3…2…1…now what comes to your awareness

C: we are talking ,dancing, sitting drinking together we both are quite close very close

T : move ahead to that significant event from where Lakhan came in your life and your world turned upside down…3…2…1…now…can you see yourself

C : yes

T: what are you wearing

C :I am wearing a white dress

T : where are you

C : I am standing on the beach, he is also standing there in front of me little far away

T: has he come with you or just like a stranger… do you know him look left right what else can you see …

C: Manjulika (bro in law wife) is there… she is walking towards me, she has worn some multi coloured dress

T: coming towards you…are you related

C : no, she is just walking towards me

T :take your time and see what Manjulika want from you

C : she is asking me what are you doing here

T : answer her

C : I have come here to meet Lakhan, she is telling me you are not supposed to but I want to but Manjulika is saying he is mine I am telling her he loves me I am telling her why don’t you go away from his life …she is saying no he is mine, what does Lakhan have to say I am telling her you don’t want to listen then you ask him …now she is asking Lakhan , he is saying I want to be with her

T: ask your name… ask him whom does he want to be with

T : what is my name, whom you want to be with

C : you Sunaina he is saying …… (long pause)…so much confusion

T :why what happened

C: Manjulika is not listening, he is saying something else god knows what they are talking I cannot hear

T :move ahead to that life when Lakhan and Mohini were together, see that life …bring it to your awareness…. cross the bridge …. over the bridge now… with the pain brought by Manjulika to Mohini in this current life… who does not want to leave Lakhan and Lakhan wants to be with you forever…. walk over that bridge of pain…when I count from 10 to 1…10… 9….8 cross that Bridge in which life you both were together from where this love story started which is not having a happy ending and from where in which life Manjulika is there between you both 7… 6…. 5… we are almost half way 4… 3… 2…1 we reach there climb down the bridge and go to that life when Mohini and Lakhan , both were leaving together… find out why both of your love story is not complete …find out… 3… 2 …1…now… what comes to your awareness, where are you???

C : in home

T : go inside… how is the house

C :very proper

T: look left right what can you see

C: I am doing some work in the house picking up some books

T : what age are you

C:I am around 45 50 I am wearing a black and red saree with red floral roses…there is a Centre table

T: can you see any title on the books or any newspaper lying around…. look around what comes to your awareness

C : sitting on the sofa, we both are talking

T : what does he call you

(very long pause)

C : my name is Saroj and he calls me jaan

T : sit near him . Are you married ??

C: yes, he is my husband… I can see on the book 19… something …

T : what are you both talking

C : no …we are laughing ,we are talking …oohhh no… she comes …she came to my home, she is our friend

T :Who came ???

C : Manjulika…I can see my name plate

T : open the door

C : Saroj and Rajesh Shah, She is saying hi…how are you both

T : what is the name of your friend Saroj

C :Vanitha

T : what is Vanitha Reason for coming to your home Saroj

C : don’t know, she came and directly went inside to meet him… he also knows her …he is talking very formally with her

T: can you hear what they are saying to each other

C : yes she is saying why are you staying here… he is saying I want to stay with Saroj only… I won’t leave her …he is my husband right ???

T :yes he is your husband

C :we have a proper house we both are very happy laughing sitting together then what have she come here for…

T : Go to that moment in life from where the drift came between Saroj and Rajesh …see the cause… see the reason why you both got separated what comes to your awareness 3…2…1… now

C : she took him away

T :why

C : she is pulling him, dragging him and taking him away out of the house

T :and your husband Rajesh is going along with Vanitha

C: he is saying I don’t want to come she is saying you have to come with me she just took him away and my house door close and I am just standing there shocked

T : you can float above your body it is all past you can see where she is taking him why she dragged him why she is separated you both what is still left between saroj and rajesh

C :she said to him… you said you will marry me then how come you are staying with Saroj… now you have to come with me only or else I will hurt Saroj…

T :she is still there in the house

C :No on the staircase talking to him…saying if you don’t come then I will see to it that Saroj gets screwed up…so Rajesh quietly left with her and I am sitting all alone in my house, I am very sad …waiting for him to come back

T : okay Saroj move ahead in that life Saroj and see when Rajesh comes back to you 3…2…1…now

C :I am still alone… my hair is become white ,I am wearing specs and still alone I am just doing my work

T :ok go to your last day of your life Saroj …before you died what can you see …who is there with you what are you last thoughts… where are you Saroj

C : I am lying in my bed,Rajesh is sitting besides me holding my hand I am about to go but he is there holding my hand saying I love you he is kissing my hand

T: why he left you don’t want to ask

C :I am telling him next life we will be together again and I am gone he is bitterly crying still holding my hand…

T : is your friend Vanitha also there with him

C :no we both were all alone

T:you don’t have kids

C: no

T: are you out of your body

C: yes I am floating

T: who has come to receive you

C: Krishna… he is holding my hand we are walking on the steps ,he is ahead and I am behind him I am looking back down,Rajesh is still sitting with my body holding my hand and crying I am going with Krishna

T :give my Pranam to Krishna take healing from the pain Rajesh left you

C: we are entering a door

T: what comes next to your awareness 3 2 1 now

C: she is not leaving him and every life Lakhan wants to come she is not letting him come to me

T: why… ask your masters, ask your spirit guides… why is this happening?? Why is this circle not getting completed life after life??? Why ??? Can you ask???

C: they are saying because Lakhan had committed to her so now Manjulika has taken up the Zid (stubbornness) that every time you have to stay with me he tries to come in some life with me but because of her Zid she pulls him away in any way and take him away from me

(((I am thinking …(woow…) ek bar Jo commitment Kar Diya tab tau insaan kya…soul bhi nahi sunta (just making the atmosphere light)))…

C: Manjulika is saying… once Lakhan committed to her so now he has to be with her every time

T : who is telling you this

C: Krishna

T:ask Krishna when will all this end, when will the circle of life and in which life will it end …

(Here comes an interesting climax…even I was zapped by her answer)

C:in the life Manjulika will die before Lakhan… that life it will end that Janam she will die he will come back to me (Mohini) forever and he will never go back to her even though how much she tries…he will never go but before that she has to die before him …so that he will be released from her control and then he will be mine forever and then there is no looking back

T: (phew…omg…) say thank you to Krishna… then what about Ram?? the guilt you feel in the current life say sorry to Krishna, say sorry to Ram

C: no I am feeling that attachment with Lakhan is so strong that I cannot connect to Ram… so that is why I am not feeling sorry…

T: see what Krishna has to say about it …ask him

C:it’s not in your hands he says (long pause)

Krishna is saying you cannot do anything just be yourself… let things just happen don’t worry about it whatever is going to happen it will happen

T: then come out of that guilt and when will Manjulika stop being after your back ask Krishna

C: she is already realise that she cannot do anything about me and him ,she has given up a lot but something just still left. That time will come when she will give up completely in this life itself. I can see her standing outside her house door … From her face it is looking that she is looking at me with that helplessness in her eyes that she can’t do anything about these two (Mohini and Lakhan) this is what she is thinking… looking at me she can feel that strong vibration from my side that she cannot beat me now

T:cut all Karmic cords with her

C: cut cut cut

T:ask Manjulika’s forgiveness, ask forgiveness from Ram for knowingly or unknowingly cheating him in this current life

( long pause)

C: he is saying I know it’s okay he knows… he knows… that’s why he is saying he is not complaining not doing anything I know it’s okay Krishna please bless all three of us (Ram,Lakhan and me so that all three of us can live happily in this life in whichever way we are and we complete our circle thank you for everything thank you for giving me such a wonderful husband like Ram and I love to keep both of them happy so that all three of us can live happily together… thank you

T: did you get your answers, are you still with Krishna

( long pause)

C: just keep doing what you are doing you take too much stress

T: say my Pranam to Krishna

C: he is blessing he is blessing you he is smiling

T: I hope I am doing the good work

C: he is saying keep it on

T :okay be with him embrace the light of Krishna when you are ready let me know when you want to emerge

C: he is saying don’t take any stress stay relax everything will fall in place I said bye to him he is gone

T: Can I bring you back my dear?

C- Smiling…Yes

T –when I count from 1to 10…slowly come back to the garden Then gradually awaken yourself feeling free of all karmic burdens, cut all karmic cords, just bring happiness lessons from the divine and his energy with you and slowly wiggle your toes, rub your hands together and cup your eyes and come back to this conscious world with a big big happy Smile.

Summary & Closure:

She emerged smiling and the 1st word was Thank you… I found all my answers and above all no regrets or remorse in my heart now for anyone…as Krishna said whatever is going to happen…will happen and I am feeling so happy and wonderful .


Next day I msgd her to ask how she slept and what was her pain level …any numbness…she said …she didn’t go for her walk …she slept like a log and after knowing that in some life Manjulika will die before him…the pain level has go e down to 0 and she wanted to celebrate on that​:crazy_face::crazy_face: cheers guys

This was not a movie…this is a thrilling Amarantos case… :kissing_heart:

God bless​:innocent::innocent::pray::pray:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:The way the case was narrated is a typical Kaynaz way (copyright) :hearts: :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles:

My Learnings from the case:

1.Again, it’s about FTBA life after life - Feelings, Thoughts, Beliefs and actions.
2.We must be very careful about our thoughts as they turn into manifestations and these thoughts positive or negative may continue life after life.
3.God gives us everything is one birth/lifetime, but we want to explore different things / we do not value what we have and then we have to experience different things and then we suffer and suffer and suffer.
4.Though we as therapist do not judge but we can counsel our clients that - Do not search for love outside in other people, Love is inside, your ataman your soul is complete in itself. Love is all about giving and not about receiving. Maybe she needs to learn this lesson here that - “She must search love inside, in her soul and not in any dream Man. If she will work on her soul, for enriching her soul, the love from outside will come automatically.”(*as per my limited knowledge and understanding)


Dear Kaynaz,

What a script to read…fantastic work done by you :boom: :yellow_heart: :boom: :clap:

My feedback is as under for your consideration please,

Guess someone has been reading the climaxes first… :joy: :innocent: :wink:

relatable to the song above… :boom:

:dart: :dart: unconditional regards and acceptance… :heart:

Kudos !! Well done Kaynaz… :yellow_heart:

Story mein Chanki Pandey ??

Pl consider using indirect suggesstions and may be we can lessen/avoid the numbers of WHYs???

WE KNOW WHY (we should avoid the why) ?

Consider guiding the client in a way where the realisations come from their end itself and we don’t end up putting the very ideas of forgiveness, sorry etc in to their consciousness.

The power of higher consciousness will tread its own path like in the present case we attempted for client to say sorry but it worked other way round.

Same as above. :innocent:

No wonders !!! AMARANTOS cases are amazing and with Kaynaz on the driver’s seat its indeed a thrilling one.

May Krishna Bless you many more thrilling ones !


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Very well said Dr Shipra,

It reminded me of the following on KARAM SIDDHANT

Let me know your thoughts… :yellow_heart:


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Thank u very much sir …for ur invaluable insights …I always look forward …btw…I think u don’t like icecreams as there was no farmaish for the same from u…coming back to seriousness…yes…my “Y” are many many more …sometimes I feel the reason behind it is when I evoke the client…by asking “but y”…"ask y u "…“y but”…they get more charged up to go beyond and find the answers as @Monesh_Bathre can’t help after all ladies …u need to provoke them to get to the destination :smiling_imp:…wait for 1 more interesting case…1 thought…y do I oni get such clients :wink:… kisseh abhi aur bhi hai…zara dil tham ke bethiye… aage aage dekhiye hota hai kya…gaane aur bhi baki hai…will take care of the “y” from now but the next case also has many “y”…take care…looking forward for learning more …god bless​:pray::pray::pray:


Thank you for ur beautiful insights my dear colorful @shiprabharadwaj13…totally agree with the last line that self love is the best love but can’t make her maneuver over it as she feels all men should love her … pity the therapist both of you @Monesh_Bathre and @shiprabharadwaj13 …whose topic is “pati,patni aur do bachhee”…jokes apart…totally noted …thank u for your lovely feedback…wait for some excitement yet to come…god bless​:pray::pray:


:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:Welcome dear …
Thank God !! Pati Patni & do bacche is safer a topic then Pati Patni & Woh !!! we both are safe :sparkles::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Well said, @shiprabharadwaj13! :clap: Liked your beautiful insights. Yes, everyone must first work on ourselves/our souls. Everything is already present inside us. And yes, we should be aware of our thoughts as they can manifest. It’s so good to see you talking about taking responsibility for our own thoughts in this fast-paced world :earth_americas:, where people often struggle to take responsibility for their actions.


@Kaynaz_Ghista, what an amazing, thrilling story, and you have beautifully scripted it!

I liked the way you narrated the characters like Ram, Lakhan, Bharath, Satrugna, Mohini, Manjulika, which is easier to connect with the story . I think you have all the skills to narrate a story for a movie with good humor attached for a family thriller .

you have wonderfully conducted the sessions. It’s not so easy to bring down this twisted theme, but you have beautifully steered it towards the resolution. Great work, Kaynaz. Wish you good luck and eagerly awaiting to see your further fun-filled cases.


Thank you my dear @Santhi_Akula… coming this from such a beautiful…knowledgeable…spiritually high soul…I feel truly blessed with all such beautiful blessings coming from u and my other @amarantos tribe…helps me to motivate myself…and inshaallah……with the blessings of mom dad and u all one day we will be coming up with a hatke Movie under “AMARANTOS FOREVER” banner… :wink: god bless :pray:


Thank you dear Santhi for the appreciation. Our beloved Dr Venu has now taught us along with PLRT that how to become aware of Self thoughts . This is really so important to watch own thoughts & feelings and meditation is also a wonderful way to do this.


Thank you for sharing my blessed daughter,
further to what beloved @Monesh_Bathre, @shiprabharadwaj13 and @Santhi_Akula have said,

Same as the previous clients?

for a therapist itself if you feel this was wait till you become a miserable teacher like me :slight_smile:


“I am going to take” ? Really Kaynaz, is that even possible I wonder and if it was then what a trouble it’d have saved us all.

great job on promoting I of IDT by addressing the client by past life name, but the suggestion could’ve just been, “What are you doing Priya…”

wrong suggestions repeated several times, it cannot be ask…


@Monesh_Bathre so beautifully explained the firm if vasana which leads to desires and rebirth in the upanishads… it’s such an eye opening…to live ur life with “good thoughts ,good words and good deeds” so that you don’t rebuilt more future karmas with vasana which needs to be fulfilled with its desires …thank you for the clip …god bless :pray:


Learning from my mistakes dad @venu… improving day by day and with u behind me always and forever will make u the best teacher in the universe :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh what a learning from the story of Raja Chitraketu. Karma & rebirth is due to our vasanas ( desires) , we are here to fulfil the desires we had in past life or lives and still if we will not overcome it or have another one , this cycle will continue !

I think the only way to do it is to watch our own thoughts & feelings and do self control ( control the Maan) by meditation & Sanidhya of a guru. May lord Krishna give us this Sadbuddhi & strenth…

Thanks for the wonderful lesson….:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::pray:t2: