PLR for State of Mental Unrest - Realised that Acceptance is the key to a peaceful living

Well done Shanchi,
You have just got started and done such a phenomenal session and documented it so well.
Following are just a few suggestions below as if we could have taken care of them, I am sure the client’s pain level would have plunged down from 10 to 0!

Could you please add some light on the following

Which scale did you use.

What did you treat the client as

This wasn’t set correctly and hence we had this situation

T: Ok. Keep walking & look around. Let me know if you see or hear something.

[Nothing happened, so we agreed to return to the garden]

Well done framing the questions appropriately.

Doesn’t quite fit the fill bill of being a theme, can you go through this link to understand what could have been done to arrive at the theme.

In such cases

Please use the stress management techniques as