My dear soul mates…!
To suffer something, that too, very intense suffering !, all u can do is ,just to support the person who is in such a situation!
Last week , my husband’s childhood friend came to our house. in between our talks,PLRT came, he asked wether I can try my luck?
(Few words about him) he was wealthiest person of our area ,and was having their own business ! Don’t know wat all happened,all of a sudden they lost everything, car ,house
,not even able manage to give rent of the house (moved to rented house)
These all happened 10 to 15 years before, his wife managed to get a government job, he also doing something,to care his kids, his ill parents, poor guy ! Struggles that much.
All he wish now is for an own house
He came for a session,first day,it didn’t work well as he was very uncomfortable… but saw “lord Siva “ idol like in ERNAKULAM Siva temple (kochi) ,in the garden under the banyan tree , and suddenly got out of trance …and said I don’t feel to move on ,I gave him suggestion that you do meditation few days ,then call me,we shall do session then.
He called me today morning asking wether “can I come today “ ,I said, y not plz come.!
I tried ‘a counting back of the numbers ‘ by him ,got him relaxed ,and in 10 minutes he went into trance . Very comfortable this time, relaxed very well, and I guided him The safe beach, passing through tunnel, he seemed happy from his face to be there, I guided him to look around and make himself Be able to view a guardian angel or a greater spiritual soul to guide and protect in his Journey towards his past life , after long time of silence, he was whispering something.
I asked him, what are you aware of? Please let me also know that…, he said
“ Lord Siva “ … I asked, Lord Siva…!!! how does he look… ?
first it was like a light,then slowly started turning into a gentle beautiful form, rightly stood near him… ( as I know his burdens) …I asked him to fall on his lotus feet and ask n plead for the solution to get out all these confusion he suffers…also Guided him to hand over all his problems tightly wrapped in a black cloth and hand it over to the lord,and from that moment u r away from all sought of suffering . He did so and “Lord “ flipped that cloth bag into the Fire (Homa kund) beside Lord! .
I guided him to ask , wat message Lord got to bless him ?
Or told him to ask anything he wish, (he was smiling through out the session) , I asked him what are you aware of,smiling for what?
He answered me , Lord Blessed him and said,” it’s Your House Warming after 8months” ! I felt his happiness—- then he moved to the scene,of his house warming, along with Lord,(like Swami accompanied Him to house warming function) ,and told him ,let your daughter study,no hurry to get married !
He gave me a clear picture of the function (even me n my husband too attending:smiley:)
After relaxing again, guided him to his past life, but he was not able to move further… told me, that “I got Answer for my question! And it’s more than enough for me”.
Got him out of trance, asked,(curious me) how was Lord Siva looking? how do you feel after viewing the Lord,how happy you are after the session?
He said,I was very confused today morning, and was feeling very low, that was why ,requested for the session. No it’s like,feeling something flushed out from my mind,feeling very comfortable and relaxed ,very lighter now. Awaiting 8months to move on to my new house, as he had vivid vision of his house warming ! All he wish is his own house to stay:innocent:
VENU…(our master) ,again my question is, how can I call this session a past life regression. !!
All my sessions are like this, a sought of progression , even if my clients are much much relaxed after the session
Jyothi Sankaran (GS Batch);