Resistance of the Clients - An Observation

I have completed 4 cases. I know it is too small a number and my methods are still raw…just out of the cocoon for doing PLRT.

However, one thing that I have observed from my cases, as well as on discussing with fellow therapist - usually in the first PLR session, the client sees nothing/or just glimpses or flashes. As we do more sessions with the same client, usually by the 3rd PLR session, the client is able to go a past life very vividly and gain so much.

This is more prevalent with clients who have not known about past life regression or with clients who are super excited to do a session and this excitement acts as a resistance.

What are your thoughts on the subject. Please share.


Even fear of going into sleep engages the critical factor of concious into this act thus not paying due attention to the THERAPIST!

Dear Deepak,

Thank you for the post.

My thoughts are that the progress and outcome of sessions are dependent on a no of interlinked factors that comprise the complex being dealt jointly by the therapist and the client.

Towards having an efficacious session (vide which we arrive at desired destination/Resolutions of the Theme), I believe that its the Degree of Preparation which bears the most significant and considerable impact.

The chapter on “preparation”, in the handbook of our dear, Dr Winafred Lucas is the best on subject, that can be revisited multiple times to grasp the finer nuances presented therein. Some of the salient aspects, as given in her handbook are as below :-

  1. Life history including objective data and inner dynamics is intrinsic to the process.

  2. Detailed history of physical symptoms plus any supporting script
    which may be used as Affect Bridge.

  3. Client’s philosophy of life. Belief in past Lives is not a prerequisite, but some sort of metaphysical set that considers that individuals consciously or unconsciously program their lives is a necessary underpinning.

  4. Expectation Setting : He should be encouraged to have no expectations and should allow what wants to emerge from the unconscious.

  5. It is helpful to discuss the concept of past-life patterns and karmic law before the regression begins.

  6. A discussion of concept of polarity can make the emerging of distressing past lives more bearable.

  7. Establishing Rapport : Rapport is a key concept and it involves reflecting back to clients their concerns and ways of dealing with the world so that they feel understood.

  8. When in altered states patients sense the feelings of the therapist to a highly intuitive degree. Therefore therapist must take care of own fears and internal blind spots.

  9. Introducing Induction Techniques to the client will help the therapist to explore and allay any fears.

  10. Preparation should conclude with therapist and client arriving together at the THEME and some concept of how to realize the resolutions.

All the above needs TIME which is a critical factor and conduct of sessions should never be hurried up or executed within tight schedules.

We are blessed to have a Guru who has already taught us and included all the above mentioned tools with in the 15 Stage Process.

Lastly, some actions may be suggested to client as well - meditation, dream journal etc , prior to conduct of session, which will greatly assist in strengthening the overall process.

We just need to keep the cycle on of


Love to My Fellow Amarantanians :yellow_heart:


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Thankyou so much Monesh.
This type of indepth response is what I was looking for…


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