Sadhana: Journey to Inner Transformation

The word ‘Sadhana’ is used in various contexts.
What is Sadhana in your perspective?

I kindly request all my Amarantian’s friends to review the case study, as it contains answers to the challenges we encounter every day. I apologize for any errors and would greatly appreciate your guidance.

Session: 1

Vitals- Vasim [Name Changed], M, 37+, 10/10, V, A, K [5/6/4]

Eye Roll Test: 3

Theme: What is the reason I have been stuck between Worldly and Spiritual life?

Pain Level: 4/10

T- Therapist

Therapist Remarks

History: - Each one of us is born with a purpose, though we often lose sight of it as we grow older. At some point, we all find ourselves asking, “Why am I here?” My client is currently on this journey of self-discovery, questioning his purpose and seeking a deeper meaning. I’m honored to be the guide in his process, and I’m eager to share the insights from this experience.
Vasim, born into an Islamic family, found himself drawn to the teachings of Krishna, Buddha, and Swami Vivekananda. He is a compassionate and loving person who struggles to understand his true self. He is highly imaginative, often drifting into a world of dreams.

School suffocated him; he often gazed out of the window, lost in daydreams, showcasing his intelligence and vivid imagination. A traumatic incident at the age of 9-10, where his teacher beat him for poor handwriting, left him with low confidence and self-esteem. By the age of 10-11, though not fearful, he felt discontent with life, yearning for something greater. Fascinated by superheroes, he admired their abilities.
Throughout his life, he also faced discrimination due to his religion, and the way people judged him was deeply painful. Despite this, Vasim found himself naturally drawn to Brahmins and developed lasting friendships with them. At 14, he was deeply influenced by Swami Vivekananda’s teachings, which shaped his worldview.

At the age of 19, Vasim had a certain kind of anger—anger towards societal issues, especially bullying and religious discrimination. He always liked people who were kind and sympathetic, no matter what religion they belonged to.
In his third year of engineering, Vasim found his true spiritual guru, a Computer Organization teacher who also imparted moral lessons, taught Yogic kriyas, and shared insights from the Bhagavad Gita. He felt light and liberated.

Vasim’s journey continued after graduation as he immersed himself into spiritual books, counseling, and different jobs, always yearning for peace and understanding. Despite his desire to become an author, he often felt stuck in the worldly cycle, but he acknowledged that he was evolving, removing karmic burdens along the way.

Vasim’s journey, rooted in seeking knowledge beyond the material world, continues as he searches for inner peace and his true purpose.

Session 2:- Happy Memories completed

Session 3:-

Dave Elman – Staircase- Garden – Progressive Relaxation – Ball of Light [white] – Reframing

T- During the 3rd session, Vasim experienced a vision of Manasa Sarovar and Rakshas taal, finding himself standing on the Golden Gate Bridge

[Mount Kailash is believed to be Lord Shiva’s abode and is regarded as the universe’s spiritual center, said to have been created by Lord Brahma. Nearby, Rakshastal, the “Lake of Demons,” symbolizes negativity and unrest, contrasting with Mansarovar purity and peace. Together, these sites reflect the duality of life—spiritual growth versus darkness. Lake Manasarovar is located approximately 30 km southeast of Mount Kailash, while Lake Rakshas taal is about 3 km west of Lake Manasarovar.]

Session:- 4

Dave Elman- Staircase-Garden- Progressive Relaxation-doorway- White tunnel- Ground -River – Greek building with pillars- Ancient Island – Crystals- Dolphins – Spaceship – Bridge – Lake – Boat

[At first, the client had a glimpses of African Egypt, the Moon in water, an empty church, and childhood memories of a house with a door inside a door. Vasim imagined himself as a child in a village in Karnataka, where he witnessed a dark house with a red pillar, saw a wood circuit, and later encountered a lightless house. After experiencing a spaceship, he was surrounded by golden light, landed on a rocky beach, and couldn’t move. He heard a Snake charmer’s flute , then saw a dense forest from above, a library, and a brown book. He mentioned not having a body during these visions. It was his higher self/ subconscious self/ super conscious self which was active for a certain amount of time, then again, when he was conscious, he was not able to see anything, there was a pure separation. He witnessed the memories at the last moment when it gave the body and mind back to him.]

(The client’s vision for the village and house is represented in these shared images.)

(The session continued with a visit to a temple.)

T- What is coming to your awareness?

C- I see a room lit with fire, a handle with a fire, old days. The rooms are lit with fire stick. So it’s a low lit room. I’m imagining wearing a dhoti right now. I’m imagining getting into a room. I have taken that light from the front door. The main hall was basically dark. So, when I took the light and went inside, it’s Sri Yantra on the floor, the formation is Sri Yantra with a pinecone texture. The whole place is empty but I think that Sri Yantra is significant.

T- What does it signify?

C- Enlightenment. Sri Yantra is the puzzle unsolved, if you solve it, you are enlightened. Sri Yantra is ‘US’, and it has its own meaning. It’s basically etched on the floor. It’s basically the whole floor and the texture is more like a redwood, pine, leaf kind of thing. The whole temple is built beautiful. I feel it’s nice and I don’t know if such a temple exists, but if it does, it would be great because it’s really the way a temple should be. You are the temple, your body is the temple and Sri Yantra signifies that. It’s very deep meaning. It’s actually 3D but it’s difficult to make a 3D out of Sri Yantra. It’s more than 3D. That’s the reason I feel it’s Sri Yantra, but I can’t see it in a proper manner.

T- You may not be able to see but you will be able to feel it. If there are any rooms, feel free to choose one.

C- This whole temple is an open temple. Every room is open on the top. I entered a room where it’s more like 4 columns are there and it’s all herbs. That room is full of herbs and each room has something significant I guess but I don’t know what other rooms have, but this one has herbs.

T- What kind of herbs are these?

C- Healing herbs, Ayurvedic. I don’t know what they are, but one thing is for sure, it has medicinal properties. The light I have in my hand is the only light. It’s a fire stick with a fire. Nice way to make a temple.

T- Let’s explore another room and find out what it holds.

C- The other one is water, Holy water. There’s water coming in and it’s more like a sauna kind of place, Small square. The water continuously comes in and also flows out. So the water is not stagnant. That’s also nice, that’s also good for healing.

T- Are you able to feel any idols there or anything similar?

C- No, the temple which I entered didn’t have anything. Yantra was there at the center and the room with the herbs were also basically empty. The columns were all well designed but I don’t see any idols. Even in the water wala, it’s just water coming out of a wall and flowing out from the bottom. I don’t know what the mechanism is, the water keeps flowing in and going out and the water in the so-called sauna remains, the tub remains the same. Not a tub, it’s a quite big thing. Four or five people can sit.

T- Now, let’s move from this room to the next one.

C- It’s a room of ritual. This room is closed. In the middle there is an opening. This room has an Agni Kund in the middle. It’s a ritual wala room. Four people can sit. Smoke can go from the middle because a high setup has been made. It’s fresh. Something has happened recently. I can see that the wood has been burnt. This place is time locked.

T- How do you define “time-locked”?

C- Meaning, It’s not time. It’s a symbolic place. It symbolizes ‘Me’ actually. Symbolizes that I have to focus on my Practices. I mean, from three places I saw. The main hall is basically me. That is my spiritual enlightenment. That is possible through a right kind of nutrition and herbs. I believe that’s what it signifies. That’s important. Take care of my body that way. Take care of myself. In the sense, the water heals. For me water is healing, that heals me, basically keep nurturing myself in that sense and thirdly make sure my Sadhana is intact. The third room had Homa. The homa happens inside. The Sadhana what I need to do continuously, so that’s the path. I need to take care of myself.

T- What should be done to maintain a balance between your spiritual and worldly life?

C- Make sure I spend that amount of time for myself. Give myself that value. I know the world will keep pulling me, there’s no doubt. I am in this world. There’s no fighting that but yes, my Sadhana should go outside. I’m here to do Sadhana. I’m here to walk the path of enlightenment. That’s what I’m supposed to do.

T- What is the purpose of your birth?

C- To do Sadhana. In the flesh and blood, in this body, in this dimension, it’s very hard. It’s more like going to gym. If you Lift light weights, you won’t become strong, you become strong when you’re lifting heavy weights and this dimension is very heavy and if you’re doing Sadhana in this world, you tend to progress very quickly because it’s very heavy and very tough. It throws everything at you and in this environment, if you could do even a little bit of progress that will really shoot you up Spiritually and that’s the reason we incarnate here because this is the toughest planet and this is toughest planet because of the emotions involved. We are bombarded here with everything. There is no limit of Limitations. There are a lot of challenges in every way and if you find a solution, even that solution becomes a hurdle, that’s what is interesting here. You don’t make anything. You try to find a way out itself will become a hurdle for you. It’s that kind of interesting dimension we are living in.
The thing about this place is that you continuously keep finding path and there is no ONE single formula. There is no one way of doing it and you need to be dynamic, you need to be alert, you need to be constantly evolving. There is no limit. Whatever, how much you learn, you yourself will find a new way to put yourself into another challenge because it’s quite a journey. Actually, It continuously challenges you. When I say it, I am part of it. I have to not give in to the world because even if you give in also, later you get tired and you want to get out of it, that’s the beauty is, It’s continuous. You will remain in your path continuously evolving. That’s true for all human beings. We continuously evolve. It’s never a happy story. You’ll never find a perfectly happy story, that’s impossible and that’s the beauty of this planet.
You will find every human being bombarded with every kind of challenge the person can tolerate and if one challenge is over, another challenge is bound to come and it’s supposed to be like that. To be the way it is. It’s impossible to find a very smooth life with no problems.
The life is supposed to be like that and that’s the reason we choose to come here to be bombarded with that heaviness and we can’t rest after that and choose to return when we are ready and go through the whole thing and that whole hope of this so-called beautiful fantasy, peaceful life or happy life Is also an illusion and that is also part of the Maya, because we are chasing that ideal, peaceful, happy, rich, luxurious life is what will produce the challenge and yeah, one is leading to the other. You can’t choose to be stagnant. If I choose to be poor, I will be given the opportunity to be rich also. If I choose to become rich, I will have the challenges of being poor also, that is all part of the package. If I want to be spiritual, the world will drive me to all temptations. It’s like the loop continues. It’s beautifully threaded and that’s how it’s supposed to be and that is also a Sadhana. If I am at my fullest potential, there is no need for me to be in this planet. The whole reason of coming here is to exercise and reach my fullest potential. If I am here, that only means that I am not in the fullest. The process itself is here. This is the process.

T- What do you need to do to achieve your fullest potential?

C- Continue Sadhana.

T- Is it all related to Sadhana? Could you please explain what Sadhana means?

C- That is it and everything is Sadhana. It’s not one little thing you do at one corner, at one point of the day. Every moment when I make a decision of choosing one against the other, choosing values against temptation, that itself is a Sadhana.
Sadhana does not mean meditation process or anything. Just living in the world of constant friction is ‘Sadhana’. I want to escape but I am not committed to suicide, that means the opposite has also worked. I have gone to an extreme of mental pain, but I have not chosen to end it, that means I have won in that Sadhana. Until the whole thing is over, I have chosen to come out of it, It will continue.
If Jesus had that feeling that he deserves everything, he would be in a castle. He stayed somewhere outside in the barracks helping poor people because he was constantly feeling that he has to sacrifice himself to save people. If he had the feeling that I deserve everything, he would be in a castle, right? It’s the same with Buddha, If he had the feeling that I deserve everything and I am supposed to be rich, he would have stayed in the castle. He understood that he has to serve. It’s not unworthiness, it’s a feeling of serving. ‘May all be happy’, that’s something a person does when he wants to serve, so it’s not an unworthy thing, it’s not a low self-esteem, the person wouldn’t even enter the world, he would escape the world. You are in the world trying to serve and when you are doing that, you are not accepting anything as your own. That’s also a part of Sadhana. If you are desiring all the wish and not trying to achieve it that’s low self-esteem.

T- So, does that mean, pain and suffering are also Sadhana?

C- Yeah, ultimate Sadhana. Pain, suffering, joy, everything is included, you need not separate them. There will never be stability, you need to continuously work for it.

T- From which source are you receiving all these messages?

C- I don’t know. Maybe experience, I don’t know.

T- What is the reason you could not perceive your past life?

C- I don’t know, maybe I burnt it all. I can see something only if few things are written on stone, few things are written on sand and few things are written on water. If something in the past I have written on stone and I have broken the stone and have no connection with it, it becomes sand and washed away with water, so it’s not strong enough for me to pull back and remember them.

T- What is it that you could do to achieve financial stability while being in the spiritual field?

C- Spiritual field also becomes corrupt and becomes material. There are thousands of examples where meditation is right now a field [Commercial], Yoga has become a business, not really focusing on people’s well-being. Even spiritual can be made material and something material can also be made spiritual.

T- Alright, What do you need to do to follow your heart and unlock your creativity?

C- I have to create something all the time in every little opportunity possible and one thing will lead to the other. There is no way I can sit in a corner and wish for things to happen. This is for the world, ‘Take action’, that’s the only way. I have to continuously work for what I want. When I am born, I have an image. For eg. A tiger is born and it has an image of itself. Tiger does not eat its own hand; it eats something like a deer because it has an image that I am a tiger and this paw belongs to me, it doesn’t bite its own paw. I think it’s something similar for us. We have an image that this is me once we enter the body and that’s important for survival. If not, we will chop off our own hand, and similar to our image, this is ‘Who I am?’ and that’s necessary to keep it going for survival.

T- What is the reason for your anger towards religion?

C- Same, Material becomes spiritual and spiritual becomes material. Religion was found for evolution of humans. The rules were actually guidance but it became rules and rules when taken seriously will hamper the growth and once again, the cycle has to continue. The flexibility should be there for a person to grow but if there is too much flexibility, the person becomes lenient and the leniency should be brought into discipline so that the person evolves and discipline becomes stringent, it becomes a hurdle for a person’s growth and the cycle continues. Anger is also part of the process because I am angry, I will change. Anger is basically resistance. Anger tells me that something is not right there. Something should change, it should be flexible. Why is a person angry? Because he is not able to reach where he wants to reach or get what he wants. There is a hurdle on the way, there is a blockage in the energy, they are not able to make decisions because the external world causes the hurdles and that is also part of the Sadhana, something I should not bother, trust and go ahead with it. That is a fear of conflict. It does not guarantee conflict. There is an anger, there is resistance, there is a feeling, there is a compassion and all that plays its role and unfortunately we are in this world which is filled with extremes. All extremes. Most of the people who externally show their anger against abuse are also abusers if you actually dive into each one’s lives. We are both. We are the abusers, we are also the abused. We are also the sympathizers, we are also the perpetrators. We are the heroes, we are the villains. Truth is, as we go ahead, the cycle continues.

T- What do you feel, you need to do to reach a state of peace in life?

[The voice changed, and the term shifted from ‘We’ to ‘He,’ referring to Vasim. It felt like I was speaking to some third person]

C- There is no where to reach. We have already reached. You have to just experience. Let go of the desire to experience it. That is what is causing the blockage. The desire. He has to just let go and continue. The whole pain is because of the resistance.

T- What actions can he take to enhance his life?

C- Continue working. He says he wants to write a book, write a book.

T- What steps does he need to take to manage his finances?

C- He has some, that will open up as he continues. One window opens up, then another door opens up and it continues. He has done this a thousand times in the past. Whenever he touched something and tried to be creative, he was creative.

T- Is there a message you’d like to share with me?

C- Continue the journey and yeah, read more books. Get more experience and you can have a thousand lifetimes of experience just by reading books. I think that would help a lot.

[Following this experience, we returned to the Sri Yantra]

C- I think First one was the herbs, second was the water, which I always have this desire to maybe spend some time like a Jacuzzi. Water is quite healing and third definitely this Hawan Kund. [Fourth] That is the library. There is a book in the library. Bhagavad Gita. That is the central and all the books, all the knowledge, it is all there. It is all in our disposal. Now more than ever in the digital age now, we need to learn, we need to take care of our health. We need to rejuvenate. We need to do our Sadhana and continuously evolve.

T- Is there anything else that comes to your awareness?

C- Room of light, white light. I am imagining Narayana himself. Bless me.

T- Please convey my pranam. Feel free to spend some time with him, and let me know once you’re ready.

C- The journey is from the unreal to the real. Just blessings. He is always there. It’s basically formless but at that moment, to convey that his blessings are always there. It took a form of a man. This is the Krishna avatar. Standing straight.

[After a while, the client was prepared to proceed]


T- Vasim imagines his life in 2027, living in a beautiful house with a pool, possibly in Coorg Madikeri. He sees himself having a 4-year-old son and pursuing his dream of becoming an author, with his first book titled ‘Eat Pizza, Do Yoga’, which explores the balance between material and spiritual life. Vasim has dedicated himself to teaching yoga, coaching, and helping others through counseling and Reiki. His focus is on healing and transformation, and he is committed to serving others.

[The Inner child healing was performed]


T- The answer to Vasim’s question is revealed within the session itself: “Take action.” Stay committed to your sadhana, and the path will naturally unfold before you. Every question we have and every challenge we face is an opportunity for sadhana. Through sadhana, we seek to understand who we truly are and evolve on our spiritual journey.


What a beautiful session Sandhya. Got so immersed in reading, I guess it came to me as a reading at a very crucial time, as if some messages are speaking to me too… Extreme gratitude for sharing… As well as conducting the session beautifully with the client :revolving_hearts:


Hehe… So cute. Glad to witness your excitement


Dear Swat, thank you for your lovely feedback! I’m thrilled that the session resonated with you deeply.
Indeed, the universe has a way of delivering messages at just the right moment. Thank you again for taking time to review the report; I truly appreciate your input. :pray::blush::sparkles::pray:

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Fascinating session. Always so much to learn and grow with every session conducted even by others. So many different dimensions perspectives it really does open your mind to the myriad of possibilities oppurtunities waiting to be explored. Thank you


Well said, dear Dechen! Thank you for your thoughtful reflection. It is a powerful reminder of the impact we can have when we come together with open minds and hearts. :pray::heart::sparkles::blush:

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