Script for Pyramid visualization with FLP and Inner Child Healing

The reference for this script is taken from the our beloved Venu’s guided visualization done in lemuria batch… I have converted the audio to txet and refined the script to maintain the flow…

Relax as you close your eyes…
There’s nothing for you to do, nowhere to go.
This is your time to relax.
Just relax.

Take a deep breath…
And another deep breath…
Continue taking deep breaths,
Letting go of any involvement.
There’s nowhere to go, this is your time to relax.
Allow yourself to go deeper and deeper.

Keep breathing deeply, pushing your stomach up and down,
Give yourself permission to relax,
To take this break, and look forward to a wonderful session.
Relax with all the awareness that resides in your heart.
Keep breathing deeply, pushing your stomach up and down,
Give yourself permission to relax.
There is nothing for you to do, nowhere to go.
This is your time to relax, to take this break,
And go deeper and deeper with each breath,
Allowing the breath to soothe your body, mind, and heart.

As I count down from 10 to 1,
Recall any peaceful, relaxing moments you’ve experienced recently.
10… 9… 8… 7… 6…
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
Allow your body to relax,
Give your mind and heart permission to let go,
Knowing that it’s safe for you to relax.

Imagine a beautiful ball of light glowing above your forehead,
soothing and relaxing your entire body.
Feel this light melting away all the tension,
releasing any stress in your forehead.
There is no need to hold onto any more stress or tension as the healing light flows down your scalp.
Breathe in and out,
allowing the light to flow down the back of your head, s
oothing your ears and jaws, and even feel the soothing light seeping into your brain, bringing comfort and peace.

As this light fills your brain,
It washes away any fatigue or tension,
Leaving you feeling refreshed,
As if after a beautiful shower.
Know that everything is alright,
And it’s okay for your body to relax.

Allow your brain to send signals to your entire body,
Releasing any tension,
And knowing that everything is as it should be.
Keep breathing in and out,
Letting this beautiful light flow from your brain into your eyes,
Easing any tension,
And releasing stress from your eyes.
*Feeling lightness in your eyes
no more need for you to hold back any more stress or tension in your eyes

As the healing light flows down,
it relaxes the muscles around your lips,
allowing a gentle smile to form.
Know that everything is fine, everything is alright,
and it’s okay for your body to relax.
Feel the lightness around your jaws,
and let your mouth relax.
It’s okay for your jaws to release the tension.
Inhale and exhale gently, knowing that everything is fine.

Feel the light flowing into your neck,
releasing any tension in the muscles.
Stress often tends to get locked up as tension in the muscles of your neck.
As you breathe in and out,
feel or imagine all this tension being released from your neck muscles.
There is no longer any need to hold onto stress or tension in your neck.
It’s okay for your neck muscles to be relaxed at all times.
Allow the light to move down into your shoulders.
People often carry the weight of responsibility and tension in their shoulders, but from this moment on, there’s no need to hold onto any more stress or tension in your shoulders.
As you breathe in and out,
let your shoulders feel light, releasing any burden.

Let the light flow down your arms,
Through your upper arms, wrists, and into your fingertips.
Feel the peace filling your lungs,
As the light soothes your throat,
Making it warm and wonderfully smooth.

Allow this healing light to fill your heart,
surrounding it with joy and peace.
Let there be no corner of your heart untouched by this light.
Feel the lightness in your heart,
knowing that everything is alright,
everything is as it should be.
It’s perfectly okay for you to relax.
Let this beautiful feeling touch every part of your body,
reaching every single cell, nerve, muscle, and tissue, r
estoring health and balance.
There’s no need to hold any weight in your heart.
Feel the light flowing down your back,
relaxing both your upper and lower back,
and melting away any tightness in your abdomen.
Where you might tend to carry a lot of tightness or where unexpressed emotions tend to settle as tightness in the muscles of your abdomen, there is no need to hold back any tension,
just as the rising sun melts the snow.

Allow the light to flow around your hips,
Down through your thighs, knees, and calves,
Reaching your ankles and feet.
Feel the pulsating joy flowing from the crown of your head
To the tips of your toes,
Washing away any tension or darkness.

Breathe in light…
Breathe out light…
Become one with this beautiful, formless awareness.
Remember that surrounded by this light,
No harm can come to you.
You are completely safe.

Now, as I count down from 10 to 1,
Imagine yourself entering a tunnel of light,
Leading to a beautiful garden.
This garden is a place of peace,
Designed exactly how you would like it to be—
Maybe by the mountains or by the beach.

10… 9… 8… 7… 6…
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
Find yourself in this beautiful garden,
Go deeper into the garden,
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down,
And begin your journey.

This is a place of complete peace,
Filled with beautiful trees, flowers,
Flowing water, birds, butterflies, bridges and statues.
Know that it is completely safe for you to be here,
And allow yourself to relax in this tranquil setting.

Find a comfortable place to sit down or lie down,
Focus on my voice as I guide you,
Counting down from 10 to 1.
Imagine yourself standing before a master pyramid,
A majestic glass structure,
Filled with beautiful gardens inside.

As I count down,
Imagine yourself entering this pyramid,
Where you will find an elevator
That can take you forward in time,
To a place where everything is just the way you want it to be.

10… 9… 8… 7… 6…
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
Enter the elevator,
And as the doors close,
Allow your unconscious mind to take you ahead in time,
To a beautiful life one, two, or five years from now.

Everything is just the way you would like it to be.
Don’t worry about what is real and what is imagination.
Remember, everything in this world is created twice,
first in your mind, as you are doing right now,
and then it manifests in reality.
So, embrace the heart of your life and welcome the beautiful future ahead without viewing it through the lens of your past.

As you begin, visualize descending through a pyramid,
moving from ten to one. With each number,
feel yourself sinking deeper into relaxation.

10… visualizing the top of the pyramid.
Feel the gentle sensation of soft,
supportive surfaces underfoot as you step closer.

9… imagine the calming texture of the pyramid’s interior.

8… continue down, deeper into tranquility.

7… feel the comforting presence surrounding you.

6… relaxing more deeply with each number.

5… embracing a sense of peaceful harmony.

4… everything is aligning perfectly.

3… a beautiful journey lies ahead.

2… prepare to enter the pyramid.

1… step into this beautiful, welcoming space,
adorned with lush greenery …
and surrounded by kind, friendly faces.
Feel the beauty of this grand,
modern structure,
as if it’s a marvel of engineering.

Now, everything is just as it should be.
It’s time to relax and embrace this moment.

We’re moving into an elevator now.
Visualize the elevator descending as I count from three to one.
Feel the doors close behind you,
and allow yourself to let go,
allowing your unconscious mind to guide you.

3… 2… 1…
the elevator descends, taking you deeper into relaxation.

As you reach your desired floor,
let the doors open,
revealing a serene scene of your future self, one year, two years, or five years from now.
See yourself living your dream life, waking up to one Sunday where everything is just right, surrounded by people you cherish, and doing what you love.

As you go deeper into this vision,
imagine the journey unfolding from ten to one.
The right direction begins now.

getting in touch with your mighty unconscious,
which is taking you ahead in time,
maybe ways for a beautiful life ahead,
You arrive at a state of fulfillment.
The doors open to a future where everything aligns with your desires.

Allowing your unconscious mind to bring it to your awareness,
of beautiful life ahead, one year, two years, from five years from now,
where you’re going to be living your dream,
doesn’t matter whether it’s a real imagination,
but what you’re creating here is what is going to be manifested.

See yourself living a beautiful, abundant life.
Experience the sensations associated with this abundance—how does it feel, sound, look, smell?
Embrace the joy and peace this vision brings.

As you reflect on your future, let go of any past conditioning.
Focus on the present moment and the beautiful life you are creating.
Feel a deep sense of accomplishment and purpose,
knowing you are moving toward your dreams.

Visualize sending love and peace to those around you—family, friends, and even those you find challenging.
Let go of any burdens and embrace the peace and love you hold within.

Being with the people you love, doing what you love, living in abundance.
Now, pause and reflect… Why are you choosing this life of abundance?
What does it truly sound like to have abundance all around you?
What do you hear when you’re surrounded by prosperity?
What do you feel deep within, as abundance flows through your life?
And what do you see when you witness this richness manifesting before your eyes?

Allow yourself to fully experience this moment.
You are here to understand your senses more deeply, to embrace the reality of this experience.
You are here to step into a future unburdened by the past, free of any limitations.
Now ask yourself, what is your higher purpose in a world that has lived in the shadow of restriction?
Even when it’s hard to believe, deep down, you know—your light remains.

Feel yourself surrounded by this loving energy, extending it to your home, your colleagues, your community, and everyone in your life. Embrace the idea that you are the architect of your own life.

How does it feel in this moment?
How does this emotion resonate within you?
Allow this feeling to guide your reflections on the choices you’ve made in your life.
Picture yourself five years from now,
having achieved your dreams.

As we count from three to one,
bring into your awareness the fulfillment of your goals.
Imagine how it feels to have accomplished what you set out to achieve.
See yourself living your daily life with a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction.


Visualize yourself fully immersed in this vision.
Feel the alignment with your life’s mission,
and witness how fulfilling this journey has been.
Everything is exactly as it should be.
Everything is just the way that you’ve want it to be.

As you breathe in, welcome this beautiful life.
Embrace the reality of this beautiful existence you are creating.

Do not concern yourself with others’ expectations or whether you can feel or see it clearly right now.
Trust that everything you desire is on its way.

Reflect on your life, envisioning every moment with a sense of awareness, joy, and accomplishment.

Now travel back to the earliest moments when you needed the support most.
Imagine being there for yourself as you would for a cherished friend. Feel the warmth and love that you would offer to someone special.

Allow yourself to experience this nurturing presence, filling you with a deep sense of connection and love.

Remember, you are never alone.
You are always there to protect and support this inner child.
Embrace and hold this little one close,
visiting every moment of their life when they felt alone.
Guide your presence to this child within,
enveloping them with love and reassurance.
Nurture them with your comforting embrace,
allowing them to feel cherished and safe.

Now, gently move from your childhood to the moment of your greatest accomplishment.
Visualize yourself achieving everything you have ever dreamed of, fulfilling your life’s purpose, and fully participating in your journey.

Imagine being interviewed by media or students, reflecting on how you reached this point in your life.
Consider the choices and actions that have guided you to this place of success.

Feel yourself in the midst of your achievements, knowing that this is the purpose that will help you make future choices.
Envision your life as peaceful, joyful, abundant, harmonious, and glorious.

As you immerse yourself in this vision, send out love and light from your heart.
Extend this love to those you care about, those you may not know as well, and those you are working to connect with.
Send this warmth to everyone in your life—your family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

Release any lingering anger or resentment, allowing yourself to forgive and move forward.
Know that by embracing this love, you are creating a beautiful life ahead.
Remember, you are the architect of your own life.

With every breath, affirm your choices that lead to a life filled with happiness, abundance, and harmony.
Embrace this vision, and let it guide you as you continue to build the life you desire.

Now, focus on my voice and let yourself drift as we count from one to ten.


You are stepping back into the elevator. As it descends, imagine arriving at the King’s Chamber. in this peaceful, sacred space where compassionate masters await you.
Feel their presence as they prepare to guide you with their light and wisdom.

As the elevator continues its journey from ten to one, absorb the healing energy of these advanced beings.


Let their light wash over you, healing every part of your body and soul. Feel the ancient wisdom and calming presence they offer.
Whenever you need healing, remember that you can return to this sacred space, to the King’s Chamber, where light and support are always available.

Now, gently bring yourself back into the elevator, counting up from one to ten:


As you prepare to exit, you feel refreshed and renewed.
You can always return to this place whenever you need guidance or healing.

As you step out, you find yourself in your peaceful garden, feeling fully present and at ease.
Take your time here, enjoying the serenity and the sense of being exactly where you need to be.
When you are ready, you will awaken, carrying this calm and clarity with you, knowing that you can always return to your garden whenever you wish.


Thank you so much Harie for sharing this. I was really looking for this script… Super helpful​:pray:t2::blush:


Thank you @HarieMore


Excellent work Harie :pray::pray::heart:


Thank you Harie for your efforts and service to the community :pray::pray::pray:

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Thank you so much @HarieMore . This is really helpful. Kudos to your hardwork🙏

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Good hard work Harie.

Your passion towards the subject is clearly

Thank you.

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Reading through the script was a journey in itself. Thank you.

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Thanks so much Harie for this.

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Thank you Harie for the script!

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@HarieMore thank you for your hardwork.

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Thanks for the Great Work! @HarieMore

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Dear harie,

Thank you for the efforts n value addition.


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:

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Thank you for the kind words @mrafi73 , & @Monesh_Bathre :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Thank you for the kind words @urolivegreen07 , @Ananth , @Jackie , @Harshita , @Jasmine , @priya04bio86 , @anurama, @kobrakulsh , @bhatshwetha , @Jiten :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Thanks Harie fir taking the time for such a detailed script. :pray::pray::pray:

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Thanks a ton for the script, Harie! It’s super helpful :pray::blush::sparkles: