Smiling presence of the almighty

Name: Radhika (Name Changed), Gender: Female, Age:38, H:10/10, Eye Roll: 2, VAK: [4,6,5]

Mrs Radhika had requested a PLRT session from me online as she was now in a different country with no PLRT therapist close by.

Both sessions were done online. I had done light hypnosis sessions in the past where clients had found clarity so I was confident that this would be fruitful.

Session 1: 26 September 2024 – 8 pm to 9:30 pm – (Online)

History of the Client


History was taken for an hour, covering all important moments from childhood to the present day.

Growing up, Dad was a strict disciplinarian working for the Indian armed forces, their family was constantly on the move. Mom was very empathetic, strong, and ideal for her. A nuclear family with Radhika being the eldest sister and having a little brother and sister. Dad had passed away when Radhika was completing her post-graduation.

Life was good till age 13 when she was in her 8th grade, Dad was in the armed forces the family had to move to different places. After grade 8 she and her sister had to stay at her grandma’s house which had a different culture. Her life was different there, constantly being judged, and envied by her cousins, she was treated badly, and constantly disturbed, her studies went down drastically, a girl who was a topper till 8th grade was failing her subjects in 9th, and 10th, and 11th had a hard time clearing 12th. She couldn’t fully tell anything to her dad, but she did write a journal expressing her pain and torture experienced in the house, unfortunately, this was read by one of the cousins and made the situation even worse. She could only cry herself to sleep. She moved out completing 12th on the last day of which her uncle’s son hit her hard. He had also spread a rumour earlier that he and she were in love and would get married, this hurt her a lot as she considered him as a brother.

She came back to her hometown where she continued to pursue her dream to be a doctor. Unfortunately, her dad suffered fits which were diagnosed to be because of a brain tumour.

This made it difficult to focus on the entrance exam, so she joined a Bachelor of Science Degree instead. She wanted to make her parents proud of her by becoming a doctor, but her circumstances were not supportive. Her dad passed away in her 1st semester. She with her mom and siblings had to deal with hardships as most of the savings were used for her father’s treatment. She joined as a teacher after her degree to support the family, she discovered that she loved teaching and was good at it, and later she joined a pharmaceutical company. She did try cracking medical exams but couldn’t after several attempts. 2011 she got a corporate job and started getting marriage proposals after 2013. She got married at the end of 2013, her mother-in-law passed away in 2015. In 2016 she changed cities, and she suffered a miscarriage in the same year.

Her husband was a well-built tall athlete and a big fan of playing cricket, one day she got a message that he passed away on the field when he was playing cricket. She still doesn’t have a clear explanation on how he died after enquiring with her friends, the only explanation was that he fainted on the field and was declared dead when he was taken to hospital, she was in shock for almost 8 months after which her Father in law encouraged her to find a job, her brother in law supporter her to find a job in a different city, finally started her career in an MNC.

Mrs Radhika continuously felt the fear of being judged and not being able to express herself freely even though she was extremely intelligent. She had been a topper till 8th and was also a topper in her degree. She applied for PHD with a 100% scholarship in 2019. She had already resigned from her job to pursue PHD, but COVID-19 hit in 2020. Later she went to South Korea for PHD, where she was not able to be fully present because of fear of expressing herself, her mentor supported her by getting her treated for depression, and her mental health got to her lowest, her mentor gave her a 3 months break to go home and come back, she went back home and couldn’t return as she had lost her will. She stayed at her mom’s place, and spending time with her sister’s daughter brought her a lot of joy.

She got another marriage proposal, the guy was a smoking addict and after multiple requests, she wasn’t ready to change, this made her say no to the wedding after getting engaged in 2022.

Soon later she got another proposal and got married in 2023. The present husband she has been married to for 1.5+ years has been a gentleman, spiritually inclined, meditator and has encouraged her to meditate, she has been supportive of her condition.

Mrs Radhika when she approached me was suffering with no will to get up in the morning, with frequent episodes of migraine which lasted her for days. The meditation course helped her improve, yet there was a lot of healing required.

I probed her regarding the impact the granny’s household had on her, she had forgiven them her fear of judgment, and mental and physical abuse lingered.

She has been drawn towards Lord Krishna since her graduation days even though her family has been believers of Mother Durga. She even had a dream in 2016 where Lord Krishna assured her that she would always hold her hand, “In all times I shall be with you” was the statement he had declared to her.


Theme: Not able to fully come out of Depression - Pain Level: 10


Session 2: 29 September 2024 – 10 am to 12:30 am (Online)

(As it was online – Hmm meaning Yes and Hm Hmm Meaning NO, was used as IMR)

Dave Elman’s technique was done.

Progressive relaxation was done.

Ball of Light was done

[T – Therapist, C – Client]

T – In the deep relaxed state a staircase leading downwards will appear in front of you, when ready start walking down one step at a time.

C – It’s dark, I am afraid.

T – It’s ok, as you breathe you realize that you are protected by the divine light, lighting the way forward. You can feel the sidebar of the staircase, Krishna by your side, you are always protected.

C- Yes, I see now, I can move down the staircase.

T- As you move down the staircase, you find yourself becoming more and more deep.

T- You shall find yourself in a beautiful garden at the bottom of the staircase.

C- Yes

T- You find this place blessed with divine intelligence, a place where all shall be revealed.

T – What do you experience?

C- It’s a peaceful place, little Krishna is here, he is holding my hand and smiling at me assuring me all is well.

T- Would you wish to ask him something?

C- He is just smiling at me.

T- Wonderful, maybe it’s time to give him all your pain and hurt so you can heal.

C- Sure, yes.

T- Imagine a gift box near your heart, fill it will all the hurt, pain guilt, or any other negative feelings you are carrying in this life. Put them inside one at a time.

C- Yes

T – Take all the time required. And tell me once done.

C- (After some time) Yes.

T – Gift wrap it and give it to Krishna to dissolve it in his sea of compassion.

C- He took it, and he is still smiling, I feel so light, so happy.

T- Wonderful.

T – would you like to spend some time with him?

C- Yes, please.

T- (After some time) How are you feeling now?

C- So happy, little Krishna is with me.

T – Wonderful, if you wish to, shall we explore a time in the past that may require healing for you to recover completely?

T- We can return here as many times as you wish; Krishna will always be here.

C- Sure, he is telling me to go ahead.

T- Wonderful.

T- As I count from 3 to 1, let’s travel to a time which is the root cause of the pain you are suffering.


T- What comes to your experience/

C- I am running, looking around in the dark.

C- I am totally confused.

C- I am helpless, crying.

C- I am having a headache

(Stress management was done)

T- Relax, breathe, and realize that this is a memory, and you are safe.

T- You can choose to float above the scene.

C – It’s a closed area, I am trapped.

C- It’s a big washroom, with multiple compartments.

C- I am behind a door; it is a huge room.

C- Don’t know if it’s day or night, not able to get out.

T- Alright, let’s travel back to a point before you ended up here in 3… 2…1

C- I am a young guy, its college, I am a football player.

C- I am handsome, fit, and very healthy.

T- What do they call you

C- Sam

C- I am popular in college, a model, very intelligent, and a perfectionist, yet I am kind and humble.

T- What else comes to your experience, who else is there?

C- I can sense a group of envious people, they are planning something.

C – I sense the negativity.

T- Alright, let’s go to the dinner time in 3…2…1

C- We just had a shower after the game, I am wearing shorts.

C- I am obsessed with fitness

C- I am a national-level football player.

T- What was your age, Sam?

C- 28 – 29

T- Let’s Discover more about your life.

T- Let’s go to age 10 of your life in 3…2….1

C- It’s a beautiful house, mom is sophisticated, Dad is very disciplined, and we are having breakfast together.

C- We are a very decent family, well-to-do.

C- it was a perfect life, so perfect.

[I could feel that she was very attached to this lifetime]

T- Alright let’s go to the moment of death in this life Sam in 3….2…1

C- I am back in the same area where I was trapped.

C- I am begging you to let me out, I am hungry, fainting.

T- How did you get there?

C- The group of people I told before have locked me in.

C- I miss my parents; I am the only child.

C- They taught me so many good values.

[Stress management was done]

T- Let’s go to the point where you left the body in 3…2… 1

What were your last thoughts?

C- The soul is out, next to the body, still looking at the body, attached.

C- Why did they do this to me, it was such a perfect life. (could feel the regret of losing)

T- What do you feel you are carrying from this lifetime

C- Attachment, Time to move on, I should, I need some time.

T – Take all the time you need.

C- I must let go.

T – Do you feel you can forgive that group you locked you?

C- Yes, they regret doing that to me I see.

C- They are crying next to my body.

C- They take care of my parents after my death. (Client was in tears)

C- The mother is my present life mother.

C- They did it out of ignorance and they regret it.

T- Scan through your entire life as Sam and see if you have anything that is affecting you now.

C- No, I feel I can let that go now and forgive, parents were taken care of.

T- How do you feel now?

C- Peaceful

T- Wonderful, shall we go back to the garden?


C- Krishna is there waiting, he asks “Did you find your answer?” still smiling compassionately.

T- Wonderful, would you like to stay for some more time with Krishna?

C- Yes, I am so happy, he is so wonderful, I see his adult form in yellow clothing, I see the whole place in beautiful yellow, yellow butterflies too.

C- He is Dancing for me; I am dancing with him.

T- Wonderful.

C- Now Kanha is meditating, I am also meditating with him.

T – Great, you can choose to come here and meditate with him any time you wish to.

Ended the session after some time, emerging out, and she felt very light.

She was happy that she could go to that peaceful state any time she closed her eyes.

Pain level has significantly reduced.

{Post session Client comment: Somewhere I felt that the constant zeal I have…to get fit is coming from there. But, later in that lifetime I was so hungry so, in this lifetime also I felt like eating.)


very well my beloved @rameez.akther great attempt and much appreciate it :slight_smile:
knowing that she is your batchmate it was okay that it was online as you would already have built the rapport.
I know you have a great potential and would be eagerly looking forward to an in-person session report. Else all the fundamentals look good.


Wow, thank you for your encouragement Venu. I have few more sessions planned with her.

Hi @rameez.akther ,
Doing online session is not easy there are more chances of being distracted and wrong interpretation of clients expression or missing the abreaction from the body parts which are not visible and so on…
Yet you did very well my dear Rameez…

Below are my some suggestions:

I think you should have explore some more significant events in that lifetime…

Try to avoid leading of suggestions… let it come from client’s higher self… (i have done the same mistake in my 1st case)

Very well handled the K client…


Sure Harie

Will be more mindful of that, thank you for the valuble suggestion


Hello brother, what an honor for you and your client to have experienced the sacred presence of Lord Krishna! May His grace and guidance continue to illuminate your paths. Wishing you all the best for your future sessions! :tada::tada::sparkles::blush:

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