The Body Keeps The Score - must read for all PLR therapists to be trauma informed


Psychotherapy is still an evolving subject. Science is slowly catching up to eastern concepts when it comes to trauma energy and how it is stored and manifested in our body.

Therapists of all kinds, from a Psychotherapist to a PLR therapist, Reiki Practitioner or even a Tarot reader, we have a responsibility of being trauma informed. Because we are dealing with people who come to us with trauma. We might end up doing more harm than good, although unintentionally, because we were not knowledgeable about how to deal with trauma.

Without a Psychotherapy license, we are not authorized by law to attempt to treat psychological trauma. Yet, almost all clients we are going to receive will come to us with it.

Therefore, it is very important to at least be trauma informed so that we know what to say and what not, what the scope of our practice is, when to refer the client, what problems to meddle in and what are best left to a licensed professional.

I highly recommend reading The Body Keeps The Score" by Bessel Van Der Kolk. This book will help all of us who never had a formal education in trauma to understand how it stored in the body and mind, what approaches we can take to deal with it.

This also helped me understand some of my own manifestations of trauma that I resolved successfully. Here you will also find scientific explanations that you can explain to your clients. Some tools that you can use yourself and also give to your clients.

There is some discussion about reliving trauma versus not reliving it that is very informative to read as a PLR therapist.

If you’ve read this book please comment with your opinions on this topic. Any more suggestions for books on this topic are also welcome.


Thanks for sharing about this lovely book Dear Rio!

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Dear Dr Rio,
Thank you for sharing the valuable knowledge.