The Paradox of Fulfillment: Exploring Purpose and Intimacy Conflicts

Theme – What is my purpose in Life?
Name: Purity
14 Sep 24 to 15th Sep 24 - 4 Sessions
Vitals & Dominant Sense: F, 46+, VAK - 6//4/6, 8/10 Eye Roll - 1/1
Client History:-

Background and Living Situation: Purity grew up in a large city, coming from a modest yet troubled family environment. Her childhood was marked by early responsibilities, particularly due to her father’s struggles with alcoholism and abusive behavior towards her mother. From a young age, she took on the role of caregiver, even assisting her mother during the birth of her youngest sibling.

Currently, Purity is living with her husband and son in relative comfort. However, she faces personal challenges in her marriage, particularly around intimacy and emotional connection. She feels neglected and dissatisfied in the relationship, which has led her to contemplate infidelity as a way to fulfill her unmet emotional needs.

Self-Analysis: Purity describes a disconnect between her mind and body. She feels that her mind operates at a faster pace than her physical actions, leading to a lack of alignment. She acknowledges that she tends to procrastinate and often only gives her full effort when under pressure. There is a consistent theme of laziness and a lack of clear direction or life purpose, which contributes to her feeling unmotivated and unfocused.

In her relationships, Purity believes she loses connections because of her directness and honesty. She feels that she isn’t manipulative, and while this has caused her to lose relationships, she prefers to avoid those she views as inauthentic. Despite this, she admits to feelings of loneliness and isolation, sensing that she has no one truly there for her.

Theme: We have decided to explore the overarching question, “What is my purpose in life?” This theme will guide our work together as we seek to address her feelings of dissatisfaction, lack of direction, and the emotional disconnection in her personal life.

Total Session Activities: Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Visualization, Happy memories, Age Regression & PLRT, Temple Meditation, FLP, and Body Scan.

Session One was only Dave Elman and Bodyscan - the first half of the day. Post lunch, we plunged into Sessions 2 followed by Day 2- Sessions 3 and 4. Fasten your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen—this was my first breakthrough, and wow, what an experience!

Invoking the presence of Dr. Venu and the great master, Dr. Brian Weiss, as we step into this journey. Their wisdom and guidance surround us, offering insight and clarity as we explore deeper layers of consciousness and understanding.
Therapist (T): Can we now explore a Happy memory from your childhood? you can either lift your hand/ finger to confirm or even speak and continue to remain in this beautiful experience.

Purity(C): Daddy gifted me a GIJO train. I got 1st rank.

Therapist (T): How old were you?

Purity(C): 4yrs old, I am very happy. He protects me too much.

Therapist (T) :Take a moment to fully enjoy and relive this experience. Let yourself be immersed in the sights, sounds, and emotions of it. Feel the joy, connection, or peace that it may bring, allowing yourself to embrace it without hesitation. What does this experience reveal to you as you revisit it?

Therapist (T) : Who else is there?

Purity( C): Mother, Sister. Dad is beating my Mom. Sister and I are crying, Not happy

Therapist (T) : Can we maybe go back to a memory where this original feeling comes from in 5…4…3…2…1 ?

⇐====> KMF ⇐=====>

(T) : What are you sensing ?

I am not happy?

(C) : Can you see yourself?

(T) : No- It’s very dark.

(T) : I understand, take a deep breath, maybe you can float above now?

(T) : what comes to your awareness now?

Purity(C) : I am in a Big house

(T) : Where is this Big House?

(C) : Visakhapatnam

(T) How old are you?

(C) : 20yrs

(T) : which year

(C) : 1856,

(T) : Can you see yourself? what’s around your surrounding

(C) : A lot of fortune and gold and Furniture, a lot of Gold.

(T) : Who else is around?

(C) : My Mother

(T) : what else are you sensing or seeing?

(C) : People are coming to houses to take out loans. I am scolding them. They are staring at me.

(T) : How does that make you feel?

(C) : I am not happy. But I keep scolding them. Why should they take the loan?

(T) : I see some tension around your forehead relax

(T) :Let’s sit down for dinner with the family and take a moment to observe who is present. Look around the table—do you recognize anyone? Notice their faces, their energy. Is there someone who feels familiar, perhaps from another time or place? What emotions arise as you share this space with them?

My Mother Father, uncle aunty cousin sisters and cousin brother and my sister

(T) : What else is happening?

(C) : They are having lunch happily

(T) : Enjoy and relive and experience this joy of having lunch with your family

⇐======>Abreaction ( crying) ⇐=========?

(T) : Can we explore the life or experience that has given rise to this sadness? Let it unfold naturally, as if watching a story from a distance. What moments or memories come forward that connect to this feeling? What lessons or insights might be waiting within?

⇐⇒Next Past life⇐⇒

(C) : Garden, big big flowers

(T) : Where are you?

(C) : Poland

(T) : which year

(C) : 1743

(C) : Only me and Granny are there. I am an orphan and she is taking care of me.

(T) : How old are you?

(C) : 5 yrs. I am alone.

(C) : My Mom and dad died in an accident. I cursed god. I am an orphan

(T) : what else is coming to your awareness

(C) : somebody is abusing me physically

(T) : Can you recognize this person? Float above, knowing you are safe, simply observing from a distance with gentle awareness.

(C) : Some relative

(T) : How old are you?

(C) : 15yrs

(T) : Remember, you are safe and protected in this healing light. This is part of your past—now, allow yourself to observe how you lived this life.

(T) : what is coming to your awareness now?

(C) : I have a son. I have a 25yrs old son,

(T) : which year is this -?

(C): I am unable to see the year, I am in the USA,

(T) : who else is there

(C) : son and husband, a mother-in-law.

(T) : How do you feel?

(C) : I am very happy, I have a very good family. He protects me so much. My son loves me so much.

(T) : what is coming to your awareness?

(C) : I reached out to my BF, and I married another man.

(T) : What made you reach him?

(C): He is very handsome and rich. I feel very guilty

(T) : How old are you?

(C): I am 36 yrs old

Can we now go into a memory where this guilt comes from? in 5…3…2…1.

(T) : what comes to your awareness.

(C) : I am physically involved with my BF too much. i promised him to not leave him but I ditched him.

(T) : Which year

(C): It’s 1543

(T) : which location

(C): I am in South Africa.

(T) : Can you look into his eyes and recognize him?

(C) : Henry -

(T) : What does Henry mean to you?

(C): He is inspiring. He is the love of my life. I cannot love anyone the way I loved him. He is everything to me, Brother, father, and husband, he is everyone to me.

(T) : what are you doing now?

(C) : I am sitting on his lap.

(T) : What is happening now?

(C) : when are we getting married? and silence

(T) : what else is coming to your awareness?

(C) : I am a not a Good person,

(T) : Why do you say so?

(C) : I just lived life, I have no principles.

(T) : How does that make you feel?

(C) : I am not ethical. I am not ok with myself.

(T) : BRV - What is coming to your awareness now?

(C) : There is nothing in this life.

(T) : What makes you feel that way?

Because everything is immortal. I should go in search of peace


(T) : Can we explore another life memory where this sense of guilt or the deep need to seek peace originates? in 3…2…1

What are you seeing or sensing now?

(C) : I am a Man, I have a wife and a kid. I am 30yrs old Man.

(T) : Where are you?

(C) : In China

(T) : Which Year?

(C) : 1400

(T) : What are you sensing or becoming aware of in this moment?

I am a very rich kid of a very good father. I boast, I had sex with so many women of all ages. I married at 22, I had a kid at 25. After marriage also, I had so many affairs. I had No goal in my life.

One of the prostitutes asked me, “What do you want from life?”

How many people rely on you and believe you.

Then I started realizing, nobody comes with you and nobody dies with you.

So I started going to temples in search of peace. what life means to me, why have come to earth, and what God expects me of on this earth

<======> Life between Life <=========>

(T) : Maybe imagine stepping into the memory of a past life’s final moments.

(C) : I went to a mountain, and I died. a snake bit me and I died.

(T) : You are safe, imagine rising gently above yourself, hovering in a space where you can observe your body from a distance. You are safe here, simply watching, detached from the physical, as you view yourself with compassion and clarity. What do you see?

(C) :Yes, it’s a white light full of energy. I left my body, my soul floating in there.

(T) :Consider seeking guidance from your mentors to understand the purpose of your life.

(C) : I did not understand life, I just enjoyed my life and wasted it. Since I was reborn many times, there is no attainment in life. There is no satisfaction in life.

(T) : Perhaps seek guidance to discover a deeper purpose, making this life truly meaningful and impactful?

⇐=====> Abreactions No response and arm pain and crying ⇐=====>

Reframing Script , back to garden and emerging - End of Session 2

⇐=====> Session 3 - 15th Sep 2024 ⇐=====>

(T) : What are you becoming aware of at this moment? Allow yourself to observe any sensations, thoughts, or emotions that surface. Let them come gently into your awareness without judgment. What insights or feelings are rising within you now?

(C) : Buddha

(T) : What else do you see around you? While you’re in this deep trance, you can continue to speak to me. Where are you right now? Describe the space, the surroundings, and anything that catches your attention. What feelings or images come to mind as you explore this place?

(C) : China

(T) : Year?

(C) : 1400

(T) : What are you doing?

(C) : I am standing in front of Buddha? Asking him questions?

(T) : What are you asking?

(C) : Why did you give me this life?

(T) : What do you hear or feel?

(C) : Why you came in search of me, I am inside you, find you not me.

He is asking me to go, spread the word, spread the thoughts. Release yourself from this mortal world. Purpose of your life is to teach and live. This is your last life, you have to live it. He opened HIs eye…

(T) : Can you maybe look into his eyes or experience?

(C) : I am seeing light, light is transforming from his eyes to my eyes.

(T) : How does that make you feel

(C) : A lot of energy is passing in my body, I am just floating. He said complete this journey, you will become divine.

(T) : Consider asking for guidance to help choose the right path. Seeking clarity and insight can often illuminate the best direction to take.

(C) : Serve People, serve people , serve people, help the needy, spread the knowledge, give people.

<===>Abreactions - Trembling <===>

(T) :Consider asking what kind of knowledge you should spread. Reflecting on this can help you focus on sharing insights and wisdom that align with your values and goals.

<===>Abreactions - Tensed, Trembling<===>

(C) : People are suffering from pain, they need knowledge of life. Tell people to be True to self. moksha, Moksha, moksha.

(C) : I am seeing water

(T) : Consider exploring the lessons and insights from this life. Reflecting on your experiences can offer valuable understanding and guidance for your journey forward.

(C) : I have become a sage, I can see a temple

(T) : Where is this?

(C) : China

(C) : I started begging people, people started noticing me, I started telling them the truth of life, they started coming to seek clarity of life from me. I started meditating.

(C) :I waited for 120 years.

why are you waiting

(C) : My purpose is not completed

(T) : What is your purpose

(C) : Moksha, salvation salvation!

(T) : How can we attain moksha

(C) : Search inside you not god and temples, I was sitting under the tree when it was raining, I just floated with water. I left my body. A

All the curse vanished, people started living beautiful lives, helping each other.

(T) : which year is this -

(C) : 1400

(T) : Can you float above and observe how the purpose will be achieved?

(C) : I had many disciples, they started preaching. people started believing in God, my life purpose was served, i gave knowledge to people and left my body. I went to buddha to become immortal

(T) : Where are you now ?

(C) : I am just floating, my soul is just floating and I have become an angel flying and ensuring the world is beautiful.

(T) : It sounds like you’re experiencing a profound sense of freedom and purpose. How does this angelic perspective influence your understanding of your current life and the impact you wish to make?

(C) : I have become an eagle. I was the messenger for some King.

(T) : Which King

(C) : Tsoi

(T) : which country?

(C) : china

(T) : What is the message that you used to carry? Reflecting on this can help uncover the core purpose or wisdom you are meant to share.

(C) : Message to other Kings

(C) : I have taken the birth of an eagle to serve one of my disciples who loved me so much, he had become king and I an eagle. I ate so many snakes, I bit so many snakes.

(T) : How does this past life experience as an eagle serving your disciple influence your current path and purpose?

(C) : My life was incomplete as an eagle.

(T) : Why was it incomplete

(C) : because I was attracted to food (snakes) instead of being a good eagle…I wanted snakes

(T) : What is a good eagle’s job? Exploring this can help you understand the symbolic or practical roles associated with being an eagle, which might provide insights into purpose and responsibilities.

(C) : Service and to watch out for the bad in the world.

(T) : Maybe we can explore how this life passes away. Understanding the end of this life might offer insights into its overall significance and the lessons learned.

(C) : I ate some leaves which were poisonous and gradually spread in my body and I died.

(T) : Can you float above and see your body

(C) :Yes. I have become a rat. I gave birth to so many rats, I was in a forest and some eagle ate me.

(T) : what is coming to your awareness?

(C) : it is a cycle. whatever karma you do. I will come to you.

(T) : Can you move to a significant life to complete this cycle and the lessons learned or to apply?

Inhale Exhale in 3…2…1

(C) : I was born to serve my family, my father left me to take care of my family. I am the guidance to my family. I have to settle my family. For me, moksha is to get away from this family. otherwise I will have to keep repeating this cycle again and again. I have to get rid of… to attain my moksha.

I have to leave this family.


(T) : what are you feeling?

(C) : They are holding me back. I am immersed in their love. I have to end my life.

(T) : which year is this ?

(C) :2050

(T) : who else is around you?

(C) : My mother, my uncle, my mother is having an affair with my uncle, my dad is there to take care of me. My mother is having an affair with my uncle.

(T) : which year is this?

(C) : 2070 ( I explicitly asked if it is Two zero seven zero)

(C) :I am seeing the worse

(T) : what are you seeing

(C) :My mom is having the sex with my uncle and betrayed my father.

(T) : How does that make you feel?

(C) :very bad. Relations have no value and long silence


(C) : She sold me to a person,

(T) : Who is this person?

(C) : My future husband, he is older than me. 10yrs older than me. He got me to satisfy the sex. but he married me. He kept me happy. I lived happily. but I always used to wonder why mom betrayed my father.

(C) : I am not happy. That scene is coming in front of me again and again.

(T) : which scene?

(C) : My mother having sex with my uncle.

(T) : Take a deep breath, float gently, and allow yourself to sense or feel how your mother might have experienced this moment. What emotions or thoughts arise as you connect with her perspective? How did she feel about this experience, and what insights might she hold for you?

(C) : She did this to take care of me but it’s not her fault. But I misunderstood her. She wanted to give me a good life. so she compromised.


(T) : Take deep breath relax

(C) : I told this to my husband, he said whatever happens, happens for the best. it is all destined. It is all pre determined. God has different plans for everyone. don’t worry, take care of yourself is what he said.

(T) : which place is this ?

(C) : china

(T) : which year is this?

(C) : 2070

(T) : Maybe look forward into this life

(C) : Yes. I have 2 daughters, well educated, well settled, and married. I am a happy person now. I have grandkids.

(T) : Can you move further into this life and see what are the lessons and how it ends?

(C) : we always had a misconception about relations and life. but with my good thoughts and deeds, god showed me life is beautiful. Only thing is trust in yourself, trust in God.’

and I had cancer and passed away. 2080

(T) : What are you seeing now?

(C) : I have become an angel again. I am near clouds, floating and looking down. waiting for my next life.

maybe explore the purpose you chose or the mother you chose? what is coming to your awareness - Life between life

(C) : God is guiding me

(T) : what is the guidance Purity

(C) : He is asking me, take the life of a Lion.

(T) : What is the purpose of this life as a lion?

(C) : That animals are not just meant to live in the forest. They are also living beings and they are also good. Their life also has a purpose.

(T) : Why animals?

(C) : I have to express a lot without speaking. all are just expressions. That’s what God told me to live this life by your sense and not by your words.

(T) : what is coming to your awareness

(C) : Everything in this world has a purpose. Every life has a purpose. Everything happens for the best. I am here to take care of my family. myself. live this life peacefully. embark on a spiritual journey and leave this body peacefully.

(T) : let purity sink in the feelings and understanding and the presence.

what is coming to your awareness now?

(C) : I am in Goa.

Which year is this? tension ( BRV)

(C) : I am a prostitute. I am with some king. I loves my body, not me,

(T) : what else is around

(C) : many servants, i am kept separately.

(T) : how does that make you feel

(C) : My parents are very poor. That’s why they sold me to some brokers. My beauty attracted somebody from Venice who was in Goa. That person took me from that broker. I was a very spiritual person, I trusted god. Whatever came my way, I served it. I was a prostitute, I was not unhappy with my life. I was happily working as a prostitute. That man always asks me, “Why are you so happy?”

I said - I love what I am. if I am a prostitute, God has given me this because I loved God, I trusted God. I understood that my purpose of this life is to satisfy whoever comes to me, so he was astonished. A silly prostitute can know so much about life.

He started respecting me. He married me. and I became the wife of a rich man. went to Venice, lived a good life, gave birth to 5 children. I had breast cancer, died.

(T) : can you float above your body and see or feel

(C) : No. That is the end of my karma.

take a deep breath, inhale and exhale. what comes to your awareness. now

(C) : I am in Kashi

(T) : Which year is this

(C) : Not able to ….

(T) : It’s alright, BRV - What else comes to your awareness? Relax your eyes, shoulders, take a deep breath.

(C) : That I am connected to God.

(T) : What is around you?

(C) : Many people are doing prayers, and bells are ringing. There is one saint, tall and handsome. I am looking at him , he is looking at me. My name is Pushpa, his name is sourav.

I am a Bengali who has come with my husband. But again I am falling for that man.

He is saying a mantra, his voice is pounding in my head. I am mentally getting connected to him. Iwent to him, I asked him to accept me, He denied. I went back with so much sorrow.

I have three children.

I could not forget the sage, I was standing in front of God and asking him, “Why are you doing this to me?”

He said, your senses are not in your control. but the purpose of your life here is to control your senses. serve the purpose and vanish.

My responsibility is my family, the pride of my family. My kids, make them good kids. I want to be proud of my husband. I remember that sage everytime, I folded my hands and asked him to release me from his thoughts. At last I forgot him.

I was a happy person. I met with an accident and I died.

(T) : Can we explore by floating gently what comes to your awareness? Observe and feel any sensations, images, or insights that arise as you connect with this experience. What do you see or sense as you reflect on this moment?

(C) : I am a lawyer? silence

(T) : How old are you?

(C) : 40years

(T) : which year?

(C) : 2100

(T) : which country?

(C) : Somewhere in Switzerland, I am a lawyer, my grandfather was a lawyer. He was very honest, but my parents were not very honest. They have abandoned me for me to be honest. I always carried values and always wanted to be an honest person. I am fighting for one of my clients but my client is not honest.

(T) : Who is your client?

(C) : A lady pretended that her husband betrayed her. I wanted to help to get her justice but later I realized that her husband is innocent and she is bad. Now the question is me being honest and on the last day of the judgment. I collected and produced all the evidence against her and ensured her husband is innocent. I left my life and fell for an old lady, and wanted to marry her because she is a widow. but my family did not allow me to marry. I could not marry anyone, I have enjoyed so many women’s beauty, I died at the age of 80 yrs and set an example of honesty.

(T) : How did you die?

(C) : I died of an heart attack

(T) : can you see you body-

(C) :Yes

(T) : what do you see?

(C) : Journey of soul, I am waiting for my turn again to take life.

(T) : what is coming to your awareness

(C) : I want moksha

(T) : BRV - light visualization

(T) : what are you seeing or sensing?

(C) : Dogs.

(T) : where are you?

(C) : Heaven

(T) : Can you share the details of the heaven

(C) : There is a pond, there are flowers, lotus, and a garden. a lot of people are roaming around, some people are sitting and discussing. I entered and tried to speak to some people but nobody was speaking, the dog was barking at me. Maybe the dog wants to talk.

I sat down, looked into the dog’s eyes, I held it in my hand. it hugged me, i felt like my mother was hugging me, I took him in my lap, I sat and looked around, nobody was speaking to me. The dog is staring at me. Then I understood, people who have connections will definitely come into your life. I just held the dog and walked. I could see a place and could see a lot of sunflowers.

(T) : BRV - what does this place mean to you heaven

(C) : I came in search of peace.

(T) : What guidance might come from any divine source?

(C) : I will become a Rose and sit on the head of God. But I have to be near to God. I requested God to take me into his custody and take away all the sorrow of life, he showed me all the things in life. Now it is time that I go and meet him.

T) : Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. While you’re in this place, seek guidance. Allow yourself to be open to the insights and wisdom that may come through as you breathe and reflect.

(C) : Its blank

(T) : Maybe float above the blankness. From this elevated perspective, observe the space around you and allow any insights or clarity to emerge from the stillness.

(C) : Red light

(C) : Light is revolving. I am standing in front of the sun.

(T) : Tune into this higher source for wisdom and direction that can illuminate your path and provide meaningful insights.

(C) : Shine like the sun—serve selflessly and without expectations. Be a source of light and enlightenment in people’s lives. Embrace your role as a leader, not by ruling over others, but by helping and guiding them. Your purpose is to illuminate and uplift, making a positive impact through your actions and presence.

(T) : Consider seeking guidance and strength to help you achieve this purpose.

(C): Knowledge is power; it is light. Enlighten others with your knowledge. Embrace the journey of reading more books and engaging with people to deepen your understanding. As a leader, guide others towards the light.

(T) : Take a deep breath and let’s express gratitude for this experience and newfound understanding. where you can share or express anything that remains unsaid. Spend some time reflecting on and absorbing the learnings as you drift gently as you get to ride to depart and step inside this boat.

Concluded with Temple mediation, FLP, and emerged the client gently with a body scan.

Client Counseling and Integration Insights:

Some of the more striking revelations from the sessions include an interesting connection we had not directly addressed: her skin issues (eczema), which had been a persistent problem. She shared that she had been struggling with this condition, and astrologically, she was told she has Sarpa Dosha, prompting her to visit temples regularly. Over the past year, the condition worsened significantly. During the session, we uncovered a past life where she, in the form of an eagle, had killed snakes, which seemed to explain the manifestation of her current skin issues.

Another observation is that she had always been very averse to dogs—running, jumping, and reacting whenever she visited me. I often had difficulty managing the space between her and the dogs. However, after our most recent session, she was able to sit near the dogs, maintaining a safe distance without any overreactions, which is a big step forward.

During our follow-up call on the morning of September 17th, she shared that her skin now feels cool, a sensation she had never experienced before. She expressed surprise and called it a miracle, mentioning that her husband had shown affection towards her—something that hadn’t happened in many years. She was amazed by the transformation, and her husband even asked her what had changed because something felt different.

We both expressed deep gratitude for the experience. I am incredibly thankful for this journey and offer my heartfelt appreciation to my master—Dr. Venu, Dr. Brian Weiss, Sai Baba, and Mahavatar Babaji—for their guidance and blessings.

Step 3:

Summary/conclusion of the session along with the feedback received from the client here.

Event 🡺 What is my purpose in life, and how do I address ethical conflicts in my marriage resulting from a lack of intimacy?
Subjective interpretation 🡺 A disconnect between her mind and body. She feels that her mind operates at a faster pace than her physical actions, leading to a lack of alignment. She acknowledges that she tends to procrastinate and often only gives her full effort when under pressure.
Conflict 🡺 My responsibility is my family, the pride of my family. My kids, make them good kids. I want to be proud of my husband. I remember that sage everytime, I folded my hands and asked him to release me from his thoughts.
Decision made to resolve 🡺 Mediate, Read Books, and share knowledge
Script 🡺 Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Visualization, Happy memories, Age Regression & PLRT, Temple Meditation, FLP and Body Scan.
Pain Assessment
Before sessions 9/10
After sessions 0/10

Atma Namaste

In Love & Light

Ann V Thomas


Very good session @AnnVThomas . Brilliant work done in very first session. Kudos :tada::clap:

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Great Work Ann :heart: :+1:

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Congratulations on successfully helping client navigate through multiple lifetimes!

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I will remember to do more grounding as you suggested, Aravind. :pray::blush::pray:

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I read it good 3 to 4 times…each time more slowly than the other…And Vinya you had to match up with the speed of your client’s mighty unconscious. Many lifetimes and many intertwined lessons. Her pain level has gone down which means she is experiencing a substantial qualitative difference in her day-to-day life. Great work done!
If individual lifetimes are analyzed post session, in continuum, the client sees the larger picture…here there was spontaneous FLP as well.
So, if a pattern is traced, it can be worked out and avoided. I felt there is a tendency in Purity to trust the surface reality and it goes on in lifetimes. If that realization comes, she may trust herself better and take more meaningful actions.

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Very well done Ann! You have conducted it nicely :blush:

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Wow wow wow…
A Fantastic session my dear @AnnVThomas ,
This client experience was at a different level…
I lost count on how many lives she encountered… even 2 future lives as well…she got the profound messages for those 2lives in this life itself…
Such a rollercoaster ride.l for reader… I am delighted with your professional manner and dedication… :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Just a suggestion, avoid using Why questions as it involves the conscious mind…

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@AnnVThomas Extremely intriguing how the client kept jumping to the past as well as the future. You managed it well.


Wonderful session Ann! :clap:t2::blush:

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@AnnVThomas such a beautiful session. Very well done! :+1:

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Great Session Ann. :clap:

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Reading this case was like reading a short stories book full of morals. “Morals from Lifetimes!”
The way you framed questions, given the fact that it had to be framed instantly… Is very commendable.:innocent::clap:t2::sparkles:

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Very enlightening sessions to go through…full of uncommon pasts …must have been a thrilling experience for both …many wise reflections from the masters about her purpose of life…many experiences of polarities between morality and sin… quite an unusual read…much to learn… thankyou

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Thank you and Namaste Siddhi.
Knowing Purity, personally has truly put me at ease. Being her supervisor at work maybe gave me a subconscious power to frame questions appropriately and calmly but I often struggle when it comes to asking, especially with clients I meet for the first time. I find it challenging to dive deep into history because I feel uncomfortable probing into the details. But as they say, the devil is in the details!
Paradox :blush:

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