The Silent Thread (the power of being noticed and valued)

Client Name - Sammy
F / 35YO / Focus 9/10 / V-5, A-4, K-5, Eye roll -2.
Pain level 5 /10
Theme – Self-worth


Sammy is the only child. She is always more attached to her father. Sammy’s father always wanted her to be independent, strong person so she should never lookup on anyone’s shoulder. Sammy has followed her father’s saying and studied well, got multiple degrees and now is a successful businesswoman.

During her childhood days, the father moved abroad for better earnings leaving the mother and Sammy behind. Though the mother was always around, they never connected well therefore, the grandparents became the substitute for her parents. Sammy became so attached to her grandparents that she uses to take them to her school PTA meetings too.

For higher education, Sammy moved abroad with her father. Though they lived together now, she was always questioned about her whereabouts, about her friends, etc. The father was, in fact is still very dominating person. He keeps taunting her that the people she chooses to be around are not as per standard and are only to take favors from her.

Sammy did had relationships but whenever she brough a boy to the house, her father disrespected that person and shewed away. Mohit, Sammy’s current boyfriend was also deeply insulted by her father over financial earnings.

Because of her father’s behavior, Sammy has gone under depression. She gets anxiety attacks; her health is detracting. Despite all this daily drama, arguments, the father and daughter care for each other and continues having a strong bond.

From this session, Sammy wants to learn that why is her father always so dominating to her. What could be the reason she cannot have a good relationship with people around her.


Stared with creating an affect bridge with the pain received from all the people who have backbite behind her, dominated her, blackmailed her, people felt jealous of her, to explore the in which life she got hurt…from which life it all that stared with. To go back in time to bring answers for today’s feeling. Counting from 10-1.

T: What comes to your awareness?

C: it’s raining… It’s a dark night.

T: Can you look below at your feet, yourself and find out how you look like?

C: I look like a man, wearing black shoes, a grey color suit, with a hat on head.

T: Can you remember your name?

C: Peter John

T: Which place this could be?

C: Seems like old times, London or Europe. There is a horse carriage.

T: As I count from 3-1… let us move ahead to any of the significant moment of Peter’s life, where you felt neglected or hated 3…2…1.

C: (After a pause) there’s a small room… very messy… very dirty… am sitting alone… there’s an old lady sitting….my mother……she looks like my grandmother (from the current life), she has a very evil laugh.

T: Can you look around and see if you can notice something else.

C: Newspaper … on the table.

T: Can you please look in the newspaper and see what date is mentioned?

C: Tribune…1894.

T: Is there anything else you can notice in the room?

C: Yes, there is a place to hang the hats…besides a long mirror with a wooden thing.

T: Can you see yourself in the mirror and let me know how do you feel?

C: Old… I look old and sad.

T: What would be your age?

C: 50’s.

T: Is there anyone else in the house?

C: My wife and children and a black cat.

T: What are their names, do you know them from this life.

C: NO! (she couldn’t identify the wife’s name, but said got short hair and looks like Jennifer Lopes :blush:)

(for children replied as) Joseph and Freddy. They are locked in a room upstairs (she said the wife).

T: Can you please explore in detail what could have happened because of which they are locked in a room.

C: The old lady… my mother (referring to the grandmother from current life) … she locked them… she’s laughing…I don’t like her… she says ever since I got married, my wife has brought curse to the family and poverty happen. She blames my wife for all this.

(Client said … her lower back had started to pain, to which I just acknowledged her saying)

T: Let us go back to the time when Peter was young, maybe around the time of marriage and find out what happened because of which you became poor.

C: Am sailing in a ship… some harbors…. going on a business trip, saying bye to my wife. I have a briefcase in my hand… My wife brought some papers for me to sign.

T: What papers would that be for?

C: House papers…. Selling house…wanted some money for my business, so I lender some family jewelry… (her expressions were sad). I couldn’t release them, so need to sell the house, because of which the old lady (referred as Peter’s mother…. And grandmother from this life) is mad at me.

T: I can understand, how you must be feeling Peter, but that is all in the past… now let us move further as the last day of your life… during your time of death.

C: Am lying down on bed… feeling very old… my children are besides me…. I feel calm… I close my eyes… (After a long pause) …floating feeling is coming…. I feel am lying on a cloud… the cloud feels like a hammock…

T: Float above…. there might be someone who will come to receive you.

C: There’s someone with a fancy straw hat holding coconut water. He has a very glowing face with a lovely smile. He offer’s me the coconut water… and I drank it all…… and slowly disappearing in the clouds.

T: AS we count from 3-1…let’s move further to another time and see what comes to your awareness…3…2…1

C: (with a long pause) It a beach… am at the beach… swimming…

T: How old do you feel?

C: 20’s…

T: Can you look at yourself in the water and see how you look like.

C: Young… wearing swimming costume… (states herself as a female) am wearing a pink nail paint on my toes.

T: Let us find out what happens next?

C: (After a long pause) Am going to the university… my father (from this lifetime) has come to drop me.

T: Which university is this or which place is this? Is there any name that comes to your awareness?

C: A brown building… a big garden… America…

C: My father is getting down my luggage from the car… Mohit (lover from this lifetime), wearing blue shorts and printed shirt… he comes and puts my hair behind my ear…. tries to give a helping hand to my father, but my father refuses and says… go away… I can take care of my daughter!

T: Can you ask his name.

C: Josie…

T: What does he call you?

C: Sahar!

T: Can you describe the car for me?

C: It’s an old kind of Sedan… olive-green… DB449 (described as the number plate)

(Client mentioned her back was tightening now)

T: Let us now move further in time and see what comes to your awareness’s…

C: I go home… standing with a boy I want to marry… my father doesn’t agree to it.

T: Is this the same boy?

C: No… He is Rob…… (client described Rob as her current boyfriend). My father bangs the door on my face.

T: Why what could have happened…why did father banged the door on your face.

C: Because he (Rob) doesn’t have a job…so how will he take care of me.

T: What happens further?

C: We got married … shift to the city… we have a happy family… two children… Two girls. Rob doesn’t work anymore, but he’s got a business… plumbing, sanitary business.

(Client mentioned her back was in pain again)

T: Let us move further.

C: (After a pause) …… Hospital bed!

T: Who is there with you in the hospital.

C: One daughter… and there’s another small young girl along… (client said that the small girl could be the daughter’s daughter) … Rob is also sitting beside… he’s holding a red rose and says, “I love you, see you soon” … and he smiles……. Am floating now…… floating up…

T: Is there anyone to receive you?

C: There’s a man in a white gown… he drops me into a wedding party (client has a :blush: on her face)

T: Can you find out who’s weeding party is that? What comes to your awareness?

C: There’s a path of white flowers…Am walking….at the mountain… it’s a yoga center!

T: Can you recognize yourself.

C: Jasmine!..…… Someone is pushing me from the mountain.

T: You can float above and see who could that be, and why?

C: Don’t know… can’t see (after a pause) … someone who doesn’t like me.

T: Who doesn’t like you.

C: (After a pause) he left my hand… am floating down from the mountain…. *(after some time) …*am a baby…. a small baby…

T: How old would you be?

C: Six months….

T: What else comes to your awareness?

C: He’s tickling me on my stomach….

T: would you know that person?

C: The Guru…. Am in his arms…he says “be with me… am going to drop you again in the same place, below… Be FIRM…. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF… BLESSED”. He lets me go…… It’s all white……. White and gold……

Client said that she was feeling very heavy and wanted to emerge, therefore, by giving her sometime of silence to be with herself and with the blessings of master we ended the session here.

Sammy later said that she also saw a glimpse as a picture of a bungalow as her house, with her current boyfriend as a future husband.


Suggested to start doing mediation so it could help her calming her mind and reduce her inner fears, as sometimes she happens to overthink a lot which leads anxiety. Also, recommended for another session soon.


By giving her some time to absorb things, after days I checked with Sammy, and she said her life had been a turmoil and the session had brought lot of peace. Earlier she was on ground zero but now she has a path which led to clarity.

She mentioned the Pain Level now was ZERO.


thanks for having conducted and sharing about this session Pooja, this one is good, showing the potential to be a great PLR therapist.

well done, a typical Ericksonian indirect suggestion which can cut through resistance.

tell me what’s wrong with this suggestion?

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Hi Venu,

This suggestion would lead the client to an experience. Sometimes the experience may be created by our subconscious mind rather than reality.


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yes my beloved @Ashish-Meher,
this is counter-transference of therapist belief on client…

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