Things not going through, feeling lost and trust


Focus 10/10

Theme: Difficult to accomplish.

History taking:

Terry a was born in Plymouth, UK a seaside city in Devon.
He grew op with both his parents and an older brother and younger sister.
Terry was also close with maternal grandparents who lived closed by to the boarding school he went.
He visited them most weekends during school term and who stayed also on holidays during school holidays.
He had a good relationship with all the people close to him. His father was more dominant and strict.
Both parents are middle class British Christian.
Today he is not so close to his siblings but remain in touch with them and they see each other every 2 years mainly because of long distance.

During his first time at boarding school as a 9 year old boy, it was more an adjustment but he wanted to go in the first place, and enjoyed it pretty much throughout.
Terry fits very well and was pretty popular both in his own age group and across other age groups.
The experience of boarding school made him mentally independent from a young age. He attended boarding school till the age of 16 and switched school so he could be back home. He went to a co-ed school where his younger girl sister was also there. This did have an impact on his academic confidence but again he easily settled and made good friends.
He remember his first experience of presenting to a room full of peers and being extremely nervous and that coming through in his presentation. It was because he was poorly prepared. It gave him a fear of making presentations which he carried for a good while.

Terry is happily married for 30 years and has a good relationships with both his children and strong relationships with both of his parents
In the early days before marriage he had 3 relationships all ended because of one of them moving to a new location. There were a gap between each of these relationships of at least 6 months. Terry was impacted by the end of each of the relationships because they were all good friends and an important part of his social circle at that time.

Terry manage stress by himself(internal process). He barely confide in anyone self.
He values sincerity very high and like people to be who they are and dislike it when people are disingenuous or make commitments they don’t keep. Terry believes in the higher spirit sense that exists through his conscience. He believes that spiritual sense can be better accessed by some people but that it is an individual thing.
Right now he sees himself as someone who is rather unremarkable which is different to how he saw himself when he was younger, which is something he intend to change. His strengths are that he is empathetic and reliable and that he tend to see people and circumstances in a positive light, and his weakness is that he doesn’t like to ask for help not even hold others to account when they don’t deliver for him what they may have promised.
He is seen as a person who always show up when his peers or friends wants him to. He is probably perceived as a bit introvert and reserved.

In his free time he sail competitively, socially with a team on weekends. He also plays rugby on Sunday and occasionally play cricket with a team.
Now he lives with his wife and daughter and on daily basis he goes to the gym in the morning and he works from home through the day on most days. Many of his business meetings are online, but he physically attend business meetings in various locations which takes up about 1/3 of the working week. Most days he eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at home.

Today Terry’s business has not properly get out of the ground and various opportunities to generate big business possibilities have recurrently been near misses and not successfull. In all the cases potential remains and he is committed and believes in that potential.

Terry’s issues are getting his business ideas and deals flows. Essentially to unblock whatever issues are preventing things from happening.
This issues has been happening for the last 5 years.

|:Event: Business not going through the last moments.|
| — | — |
|Subjective Interpretation:|I feel loss. Our future is taken away. Looks like they put a trap and we fell into it.|**
|Conflict:|I was rejected. I was not attracted enough for that lady. Nobody is noticing that I passed away. I feel shocked, embarrassed and shame because my marriage did not happen.|
|Decision made to resolve conflict:|I need to be more careful and trust less.|
|Script:|Not accomplishing. **Why Business is not going through at the end.**|
|Pain assessment:||
|Before session|7/10|
|After session|1/10|

First session *( September 25)*completed stage 1-9. I assured him the oath of confidentiality. And he agreed to proceed.
Let him hear the relaxing music and we decided the theme.

Second session*( 26 of September, 3 hours)*

Dave Elman, progressive relaxation, garden, childhood regression, in utero and LBL.

(Did not put all the questions otherwise too long. I put the most important ones)

T: Where are you inside or outside?

C: I am outside.

T: How old are you?

C: I am 11 years old.

T: 11 years old what are you doing?

C: I am sitting on the grass on my own. There are people around. I am just relaxing. Just watching people.
I am enjoy watching people.

T: Is there a lot of people?

C: Not a lot of people I am anticipating of making some kind of eye contact.

T: Breath in and out 3 times and enjoy this moment.

T: Let that image fade away. And keep breathing in and out.

So in a moment I will count from 3 to 1 and by 1 you can go back even earlier, to a younger age as an infant or toddler or a small child and you can pick out another memory and remember it vividly, using all your senses. ( I count 3 to 1)

T: Where are you?

C: Outside

T: How old are you?

C: I am an infant, I am 2 years old.

T: What are you doing ?

C: I am touching a dustbin storage area near the garage, a piece of wood of window down .

T: Is there a reason you touching that?

C: Yes I sense something there.

T: What happened next?

C: I have been stuck on the head. I feel dizzy.

I have a nose and mound experience. Like a metal taste.

T: What are your feeling? What emotions come up?

C: I am not crying, I am kind of shocked.

I let the client sense that shocked emotion 5 times stronger and let the client breathe in healing energy and breathing out the emotion of shocked. Let him do this 5 times and then after 3 times breathe in healing energy and breathe out healing energy.

Client felt better after that.

I took Terry into utero. He felt safe and peaceful. Then I took him to LBL. He was seeing colors multi colors and lights.The colors were also purple. then went in past life. He was inside and someone was nearby. He was sitting in an armchair in front of the fire. It could be a kitchen. His thoughts where that he was glad to be home. The Year was 1957. Terry was 60/65 years old and was married with kids.

I will count from 1 to 3 and you will go when you were much younger in this lifetime.(I count 1…3)

T: Where are you inside or outside?

C: I am inside.

T: What are you doing?

C: I’m sitting on the bed.

T: What are you wearing?

C: I’m wearing an uniform.

T: What kind of uniform?

C: An army uniform.

T: What are you doing?

C:There are 3 to 4 people with me. I am in a Barrack.

T: Which continent are you?

C: I am in England.

T: How old are you?

C: I am 35 years old.

T: What are you doing?

C: We are talking. We are talking about exercise drills that we did earlier.

So now I will count you from 1 to 3 and you will go when you were even earlier in that lifetime. ( I count from 1 to 3)

T: Where are you inside or outside?

C: Inside. I’m sitting on the floor.

T: How old are you?

C: I am seven years.

T: What are you doing?

C: I’m sitting on the floor. There are 15 kids around me. The teacher is teaching us. There is a big window behind her. We are writing with pencil and we have a notebook.

I will count from 3 to 1 and you will experience the end of your lifetime.

T: Where are you?

C:I am lying in bed.

T: Who is there with you ?

C: My daughter is sitting next to me. She is holding my hand. I am dying from lung problem.

T: What is the lesson you have learned from that lifetime?

C: That life is about giving.

I let him breathe in 5 times healing energy and breathing out the problem of the lung. After that he experienced how the soul goes out of his body he saw himself going up. He saw his dead body lying on the bed with open mouth, he saw his daughter and saw himself very pale. It was like going higher and higher like vertigo like bubbles going up very peaceful.

Third session:(4 of oktober 3 hours)

Dave elman, progressive relaxation, garden, childhood memory, tunnel of light, affect bridge, Past life.

Childhood memory

T: Where are you inside or outside?

C: Inside

T: How old are you?

C: 15 years old.

T: What are you doing ?

C: I am going to my next door neighbour. I have a school project and I need to ask some questions .

T: What happened next?

C: I am sitting next to my neighbour taking notice.

T:What kind of project it is?

C: It is a holiday project.

T: What happened next ?

C: My mom is calling me in the room. I have a friend also over. She is calling me.

T: What is the reason she is calling you?

C:My neighbour want to check what I wrote. His wife is forcing him to do so.

His wife is a bit controlling and alcoholic. She was not in the room before I was interviewing him.

T: Did you bring what you wrote to the neighbour?

C: Yes but I am shocked.

T: Why are you shocked?

C: He wrote everything in his handwriting. Why did he do it.

T: How are you feeling there?

C: I feel uncomfortable. Because of the controlling behaviour of the wife.
When I spoke with the neighbour first he was very nice, nervous and very happy.

I let the client feel those emotions that he felt during this time 5 times more. Then I let the client breath in healing energy and breath out all those emotions that came up during this childhood memory. And after breathe in 3 times healing energy and breathe out healing energy.

Past life

T: Where are you inside or outside?

C: Inside a room with wooden floor.

T: How old are you?

C: 12 Years old.

T: What are you doing in the room?

C: I am standing in the room, the room has a small window.

Not sure I sense like a punishment or I just went there.

T: What are you wearing?

C: An every day jacket, long short, socks and boots.

T: Which country do you sense?

C: I sense England. It is winter time.

T: What is your sense of the time period? Which century?

C: 150 years ago.

Then I count the client up from 1 to 3 to later in that lifetime.

T: How old are you?

C: I am 35 years old.

T: What is happening?

C: I feel shocked, embarrassed and shame because my marriage did not happen.

T: Why did it not happen?

C: I was rejected. I was not attracted enough for that lady.

T: Look into the eyes of this lady. Do you recognise her in this lifetime?

C: She is Cathy in this lifetime.

T: What are your emotions and your feelings?

C: I feel loss of confidence , socially awkward, shame, feeling embarrassed.

Told the client to relax and feel those emotions 5 times stronger . Then I let the client breathe in healing energy and breathing out all those emotions that he was experiencing and after I let him breathe 3 times healing energy and breathe out healing energy.

Second Past Lives

T: Where are you inside or outside?

C: Inside the room.

T: What are you doing in the room?

C: I’m sitting in the room with my wife.

My wife is sitting on a wooden chair and laughing.

We came back from work.

T:What job are you doing?

C: Office job.

T:Do you like your job?

C:It is fine and a respectful job. I am a senior manager.

The company is not big.

I have a good relationship with the owner of the company.

T:What is your feelings there?

C: I am confident. I don’t have to worry about money.

I took the client to his last moment in that life time counting him up from 1 to 3.

T: Where are you?

C: I am lying on the bed.

T: How old are you?

C: I am 75 years old.

T: Who is there with you?

C: My daughter. She is 35 years old.

My daughter is comforting me, she is there with me.

T: Do you recognise your daughter from this lifetime from the current life time. ? Look into her eyes.

C: Yes she is my sister in current life time.

T: Where is your wife?

C: She died many years ago.

After that I took the client a little forward in time with the counts from 1 to 3.

I let the client experience his soul going out of his body. He felt uplifting sensation, being light and pulled into a brighter in the middle of the light. Terry felt at peace, relaxed and not having any worries. He felt in space. He saw a pale kind of light. He said there is nothing just space.

The client learned that he was satisfied with his wife and daughter. With life itself.

Third past life:

T: Where are you inside or outside?

C: Inside. I am seeing a lawyer office, shelf, papers and books.

T: Who is there with you?

C: I am sensing a lawyer and 2 people on the other side of the table and my younger brother.

T: Look into your brother eyes? Do you recognise him from present life time?

C: Not from this life time.

T: What is happening in the lawyer office?

C: It is about a land deal property. We are doing a business deal with the other party.

They cheated us.

T: How old are you?

C: Mid 30 years.

T: Which continent are you from.?

C: I am in England

T: Which century is it?

C: 1800…1900 century.

T: What are your emotions at that time?

C: I feel lost. Our future is taken away. Looks like they put a trap and we fell into it.

The lawyer also not saying that they are wrong.

Then I count Terry further in that lifetime from 1 to 3.

Terry saw himself having no family and not married. Their business was gone they started a new life.

He was working in a factory doing manual work. His brother was living somewhere different not close to him.

I ask him what was his feeling of loosing their land property .
Terry said that he was angry, felt resentment, disappointment and sympathy towards his brother.

Then I told Terry to relax and feel those emotions 5 times stronger . Then I let the client breath in healing energy and breath out all those emotions that he was experiencing and after I let him breath 3 times healing energy and breath out healing energy.

Then I asked the client if he recognise those 2 people who took their land property.

He recognised both. One reminds him of the owner of a business he met a few times.The other one was someone of his school time.

I asked Terry if he can forgive them and that it is in the past and he doesn’t have to bring it to the future. He was able to forgave them.

Then I brought him to his last moment of that lifetime. Counting from 1 to 3

T: Where are you?

C: In a bar. I am laying across the table. My head is on the table. I died.

T: Why did you die?

C: I have just enough. Probably drinking frequently. I am regularly there, there is plenty of people.
I know them very well.

T: As your soul go out of your body. What do you notice?

C: Nobody is taking notice that I passed away.

T: How old are you there?

C: 60 years old.

T: What did you learn of that lifetime?

C: That I need more people around me. I was not married.

T: And businesses wise?

C: I need to be more careful and less trust less.

Closure: We can see some patterns repeating themselves in the past and presents like the embarrassment not speaking up and sharing his emotions with his family and friends because of his embarrassment and protecting towards his family and what others would think of him or maybe even be judged or put in a position where he would come down as a person. Is also a fear of not be the in the centre. Terry wants to be in the centre and people depending on him. He should break the bond that others don’t have completely to depend on him . They can also share tasks and he can enjoy live even more that way and express himself not only in family matters but also business matter. Express what he thinks no matter what others opinions are because he can do this in a good matter without hurting others.

We could also see as a 2 year old he has been stuck on his head and he didn’t cry and express his emotions.


Terry should be strong in expressing himself more! Don’t be afraid of the outcome because he is capable of managing all this. He should speak up in every matter and let others also be responsible for themselves instead of always stepping in. Terry should trust less.

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