Too much empathy!


Kathy ( name changed)
F/23 / Student
VAK: 4/6/5
Eye roll: 3
Hypnosis score: 6/10
Pain level Before: 5
Pain level After: 0
Session conducted 22 of Aug, 6 and 8 of September.


Theme: Empathy too much with people’s pain( insecurity)


Kathy was born in Germany but moved with her family when she was just 3 years old to another country. Despite her initial excitement about relocating, it typically takes her almost a year to adjust to a new place. This process of frequent move every 3 to 5 years has fostered a strong bond with her close-knit family. Throughout her childhood and into adulthood, she has travelled extensively with her parents, younger sister, aunt, and occasionally her maternal grandparents.

Her mom can be very critical, but she is close to her. They talk and call each other a lot. She wouldn’t tell her deepest secrets, though. Her dad is a verbally proud person. He is a good person with whom she talks often, but she is not as close with him. She is very close to her sister and missing her a lot when she is not around. Their bond was not as close when they were younger. She also has a dog that she loves a lot.
When she was growing up, her parents were loving, but there was much conflict and yelling. She felt very frustrated at that time and acted as a mediator for their settlements.
Now, life is much better. Kathy has a lovely house, garden, and a lot of freedom.

Kathy had a close relationship with her grandparents on her maternal side. Her grandfather suffered from Parkinson’s disease, but even then, he would travel and go on holiday.
Her grandparents on her paternal side were more negative. They divorced ten to fifteen years back and after the divorce her grandfather became angry with her dad and family. She was very angry at her grandfather. Before he died, her grandfather became softer.
They are close to their grandmother and since they moved back to Germany they visit her once a month or every two months. Her grandmother also died from Parkinson’s disease last year.

She experienced a trauma at school a few years ago where she ate very little and exercised a lot to lose weight. She wanted to be as skinny as possible. Kathy is very judgmental towards herself and wanted to be the best and excel at school. She wasn’t happy when she received bad grades. Kathy played a lot of sports; in India, she played football, volleyball, and basketball, though she did not like basketball that much. She also participated in track and field. While she enjoyed being competitive, this worsened her issues with eating. Kathy was also bullied in India but eventually stood out and was accepted into the group. She feels bad when people talk behind her back

Since 2016, she returned to Germany and attended school there, where she was not confident. She stayed until 2019. In 2019, she moved to the UK, where she was very happy and excited. She loves to meet everyone and attends all the event and parties.

Kathy has a boyfriend for two and a half years, with two of those years being long-distance. He is funny, communicative and intelligent. He knows what to do and gives her freedom. She had a best friend in the past, and they used to talk every day, but their communication stopped due to betrayal. They never spoke again, and she did not consider it a relationship.

When she has conflicts, she either talks about them as soon as possible or goes silent. Although it’s on her mind, she doesn’t always know how to start the conversation and often feels a blockage in her stomach. At her best, she speaks immediately.
Kathy used to have allergies but no longer does. She often experiences body pain, particularly in her knees and hips, and is very aware of where she feels the pain. She also used to feel very constipated but no longer has that issue.

Kathy went to a therapist and coach 3 to 4 years back. At first, she was resistant, but eventually, she allowed herself to let go of her emotions and cried a lot, which is not typical for her. She manages stress by exercising, walking, spending time in nature, listening to music, and enjoying good food. Her values in life include living in the moment, feeling free, experiencing peace, and being open-minded with people. Her strengths are being hardworking, proactive, good at talking to people, empathetic, and kind. Her weaknesses include empathizing too much, overthinking, and not recognizing her emotions very well. She feels very frustrated with herself because of these issues.

During her free time, she reads books and visit her friends. She needs to be around people every day, whether through sports, walks, or other activities. Currently, she is living with her parents and is used to it now. She relies on her parents, sister, and boyfriend.
Her current issues include being able to speak more openly, releasing emotions, and dealing with stomach issues. She questions why she empathizes so much when she sees people on the street or negative news on TV and why she struggles to express herself. Her safe place is a beach. Kathy has an issue she is not understanding why she couldn’t express herself.

Session 1:
Duration: 4 hours
Dave Elman , progressive relaxation, Staircase ,beach-Cliff with boxes,Happy Memory, in Utero, tunnel of light, affect bridge, Past life

T: Are you inside or outside?
C: I am in the garden.
T: How old are you?
C: 10 years.
T: What are you doing?
C: I am walking through the house. I don’t see much.
At this point client can’t experience any happy moments.
T: Let this image fade away.
I told the client to breathe and relax.
T: In a moment you may recall or imagine an earlier childhood memory. Let this be a happy one. Step into it! Listen to hear what you heard. Noticing the feeling! Focus on the face!
T: Are you inside or outside?
C: Outside.
T: How old are you?
C: I am 3 years old.
T: Who is with you?
C: I am with my Dad.
T: What are you doing?
C: I am walking outside. I see buildings.
Client is blocked at this point again. She can’t see anything anymore.
T: Let that image fade away.
Then I brought her in the utero.
T: What are you experiencing?
C: I feel heavy, like a pressure.
Kathy is floating and can hear her heartbeat.

After that she went to her past life.
First she went to her safe place, tunnel of light and the bridge.
She couldn’t see anything! She was asking why can’t I see! Why can’t I see.
I brought her back to her safe place and from there I let her relax and brought her this time through tunnel of light counting from 5 to 1 by seeing the walls, light and the bridge.
T: Are you inside or outside ?
C: Inside.
T: Where are you?
C: I am in a village.
T: What is your age?
C: I am old.
T: Who is with you there?
C: I see a lot of children.
T: How are you feeling?
C: I am happy.
T: What happens next?
C: I am taking care of the kids.
T: What year comes to your mind?
C: 1960 comes to my mind but I think it’s older.
T: Go in the middle of this lifetime with the count from 1 to 3.

T: Where are you inside or outside?
C: Inside. (She is coughing 2 times)
T: What are you doing?
C: Alone away from people. I am tired. I am exhausted.
T: Go to the end of your lifetime with the count from 1 to 3
C: I have been run over by a horsecar
Client went to the end of another lifetime
T: How old are you?
C: 30 years or younger.
T: What are you wearing?
C: Old fashioned dress.
T: Are you dead?
C: Yes , people are watching me!
Then Client begin feeling pain on her arm ,back and her throat start moving a lot.
T: Just relax and experience this feeling double more. And breathe in healing energy and breathe out the pain.( 5 times)
Then I told her that she is safe and that the body pain is in the past and not present anymore.
Then I told her to go to another lifetime.
She couldn’t see anything only had the sensation that a side of her mouth became paralyzed.
After that I tried again.
T: Are you inside or outside ?
C: Outside.
T: Where?
C: I am in the garden.
T: In which continent
C: Europe
T: How old are you?
C: 12/13 years old.
T: What are you doing?
C: I am doing Gymnastics.
T: Is there anyone with you?
C: No, my parents are inside.
Dad is very strict! He has a moustache and dark hair.
T: Do you recognise him as someone in this current lifetime?
Look into his eyes.
C: No I don’t recognise him.
T: Do you recognise your mother? Is she someone in this current lifetime?
C: Yes she is my mother in this lifetime.
T: What are you feeling?
C: I am worried about my dad I am not supposed to be playing outside.
Then she told me her whole body hurts.
Her Chest went up. I told her just experience this feeling double more and then breathe healing energy and breathing out the pain a couple of times. Then I asked her how much percent is the pain relieved? She said 100%
Client told me after session that she was scared.

After that I brought the Client back to her safe beach let her relax a bit and count her back from 1 to 5.

She came very tired out of the therapy.
We could see the body pain and arm pain has to do with the accident she had in the past. I told her to do more sessions to discover what are the blocks in her present life. To see why she can’t see any happy moment.

Second session: 2 hours session
Dave Elman, Progressive relaxation, staircase, beach , happy memories.

T: Where are you?
C: Outside courtyard.
T: What’s happening?
C: I am outside track & Field. I have no friends there. My best friend joined. He is making fun of me . He is my only friend, only friend.
C: I am preparing to run. I feel excited.
T: What happens next?
C: I am in the kitchen. I am at the cooking table. I Just came back from track and field. The food is not ready.
T: What do you feel?
C: I am angry.
T: Where do you feel the anger in your body?
C: Is more like agitation. I feel low energy.
T: I will count you back from 3 to 1. As you reached 1, you will be another time in your childhood.
T: Where are you?
C: I am in Mumbai. I am in a tiny area.
T: What is happening there?
C: We are having dinner. We are fighting with my sister and my mom.
T: Why are you fighting?
C: I don’t want my sister to copy me. To do the same sport as me.
T: Where do you feel that emotion?
C: In my chest and throat.
T: Just breathe in healing energy and breathe out all those emotions.
I let her experience those emotions three times then did the breathing to release those emotions. Then I count her back to another childhood memory.
Going back to 3…2…1…in this lifetime
T: Where are you?
C: I am in the kitchen in the house in Frankfurt.
T: What’s happening there?
C: My mom is sitting on the floor. She is very upset. The neighbor yelled at her. She is crying.
T: What are you feeling?
C: I am very sad and helpless.
T: Where do you feel that sadness and helplessness in your body?
C: I feel it in my throat.
T: I let her experience those emotions five times then did the breathing to release those emotions. Just breathe in healing energy and breathe out all those emotions of sadness and helplessness . And after that , I asked her how many precent of those emotions are still there. She said 0%.

After this I brought her back to the beach and count her back from 1 to 5

Third session (2 hours)
Dave Elman, progressive relaxation, happy childhood memories,tunnel, affect bridge , past life, closure.

Happy childhood memories:

  1. Client went when she was 9 years old in Frankfurt in the basement. She was playing in the game room with her sister. They were playing with the rabbits. She was happy.
    2. Client was 4 years old living in New Jersey. She was in the basement with her sister and dad. There was a mouse and they were trying to catch the mouse to release it outside. Client is holding the trap. She is curious and feeling bad for the mouse.

During past life:
Client is barefoot. She is a white girl of 16 years old. Then client said she can’t see anything anymore. I brought her back to the beach to relax and tried again.
Counting from 3 to 1.
Client is seeing a lot of shapes, fog and lights. She can’t see anything.
I brought the client back to the beach and did some relaxation and brought her back to her past life.
T: What are you experiencing?
C: I am seeing a little 6 year old boy fishing with a net.
T: Is this you?
C: No.
T: Do you recognise the boy?
Look into his eyes.
C: I don’t recognise him.
Client arms become itchy. I let the client to experience this itching and told her to release it and that it is in the past. And feel it double and release after. Client felt better.
T: What happens next?
C: The boy is running away to town.
Client is getting confused that she is seeing the lady run by the horsecar and the little boy.
T: Is this boy your son?
C: Not sure but I think so.
C: The boy is looking at me lying on the ground.
He is very sad. There is a big mess everyone is trying to help.
The boy is panicking, he is scared after seeing my dead body on the ground.
T: What are you feeling?
C: I am feeling calm.
T: Experience your soul moving out of your body with the count of 1 to 3. What did you learn?
C: To move on ! Not to carry anything over.
After I brought the client back to the beach and relax her on the beach and count her back from 1 to 5.

Closure: Because the client could not see her happy memories I took her more in this lifetime to heal her. I took the client also to the past where she saw that her pain came from her past and that when she got the accident everyone was watching her. She carried the pain over and the emphathy of the people.

Event: Emphasis too much with people. Feeling body pain.
Subjective Interpretation: I have been run over by a horsecar. People are watching me.
Conflict: Struggling to express herself
decision made to resolve conflict. Too much empathy.
Script: She questions why she empathizes so much when she sees people on the street or negative news on TV and why she struggles to express herself.
Pain Assessment :
Before session 5/10
After session 0/10


Very well executed @Jackie :heart:

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Very interesting narrative and the journey felt quite unpredictable. You handled this very empathically…and paced it so right to allow the experience to emerge for your client. Well done :+1:t2:

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The client learned from the message…To move on…not to carry anything over. Indeed…the unreleased energy, the unresolved issues are what manifests in later lives.

Learned something… when client experiences pain…ask to experience in 5 times more or many times more, and then ask to release it. I would do relaxation techniques for abreactions and release of pain was experienced after client came out of trance or in coming days. This I will apply next time.
Glad to know that your client experienced difference in pain level.

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Good work! You have done well!

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Hi @Jackie ,
It was a good session…
Here are my suggestion

  1. I felt there are less Engram, KMF and and no classic flow present.
  2. Try to avoid leading to make connection like

Let the client make the identification on their own…

The closure happened very well…

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Must be a transformative journey for Kathy…seems she faced her deep seated emotions and memories that shaped her current life pretty well… also she gradually was able to uncover joyful moments from her childhood and vital lessons from her past life… reporting a remarkable reduction in physical pain, from a 5 to 0 signifying the profound therapeutic impact of her emotional release…

Very well done Jackie​:clap::clap::clap:

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