Unfettered by Assaults on Physical Form The Beauty of Soul is Absolute

Dear Amarantos Family,

                     The Prognosis

The ancient scriptures on the subject matter of higher Self or the Parmatman blesses us with the divine wisdom that the Individual self of Jiva is in essence identical with the Brahman whose fundamental nature is Existence – Consciousness - Bliss Absolute. The practice of Past Life Regression Therapy blesses us with the opportunity to experience this Infinite Divinity Residing within the All Beings (client and the therapist included!).

In this illusionary world this divinity is limited by the vectors of Name and Form encapsulated within the dynamics of Space - Time - Causality. The Indivisible Indestructible Soul on its journey to the Source, reincarnates itself time and again through the cycle of life and death. Consequently, the Soul may take a Physical Form and subconsciously aim to avoid reexperiencing a trauma that it had underwent in a past life.

During the course of PLRT sessions these deep embedded memories are brought up to the conscious and processed to distillate the purpose of presenting problems/patterns and the lessons that are essential for the spiritual growth of Individual Soul.

In true reality the Soul remains unaffected by the traumas and life experiences. However, it definitely carries the experience for purpose of learning and growth. Once its True Nature of being free, eternal, immutable, Existence – Consciousness - Bliss Absolute is experienced by the Jiva (embodied soul) the ignorance vanishes and he discovers his own True Self.

{The undermentioned proceedings of a PLRT session conducted quite sometime back is a proof of above}

                       **Life of Z”*

T: What come to your awareness?

Z: I am inside a palace…in a garden… part of it…

T: Look down at your feet. What are you wearing?

Z: Golden Mojdi……big sharara…

T: Which place is it?? Does a name come to your senses?

Z: There are big Jharokhas in the palace…I am female …North India,Rajasthan

T: What age is this female of?

Z: 35…40…

T: Does a name for this female comes to your awareness?

Z: ……[In a while]…Zoya ….Zoya bai…

T: What are you doing here?

Z: I live here…I am in the garden…taking walk…there are peacocks …

T: Are there any other people in surroundings?

Z: Yes, other females are there…dresses different from mine…ghagras with blue dupattas….mine is all golden,lots of jewellery …heavy jewellery

T: What relationship does these other females have with Zoya?

Z: They work for me…address me as Zoya Bai.

T: Allow yourself to move to supper time and see who all are present there?

Z: king sort of person.

T: How is he related to you as Zoya Bai?

Z: Not his wife…some place given to me …

T: How does he addresses you?

Z: Zoya.

T: How does Zoya looks like?

Z: Tall,black long hiar…she is beautiful.

T: Look at the king…does he resembles anyone from this lifetime?

Z: Can’t see him clearly…he is standing…looking away…wearing something on head…a turban.He is not with me…looking out…

T: Does a name comes to your awareness by which you address him?

Z: Amar Singh…

T: What happens next?

Z: Nothing……

T: At the count of three be with him…1.2…3…What comes to your awareness?

Z: Good friend…we talk, walk, have lunch ,comes to me for sharing good happy times…I am walking in garden with him…shares everything with me.

T: Does he resembles anyone from this lifetime?

Z: Not sure…

T: That’s okay…What happens to this relationship?

Z: He is married…

[Client experiencing abreactions…troubled look on the face]

T: Are you with him? What is happening?

Z: I am fearful…not with him…He not there…Rani can send someone to kill me…5 -6 people…black …entered…

[Client Experiencing utter discomfort, Tears rolling down her eyes]

T: If you want allow yourself to rise above the scene and be an observer to the scene…its from the past,keep breathing deeply…

[ Breathing brought her some calm]

Z: She has been damaged…took her aabroo…all of them …and they are mocking her now…she doesn’t want to show her face to anyone…shameful…nothing is left…They did not come to kill me …came to take my purity…revenge of queen…she could not fight…they mocking her state…crying

T: As Zoya Bai go to the last moment of this lifetime. What are the thoughts?

Z: She wanted to fight…hands were tied…she couldn’t do anything to save herself…she was trying to cover herself with layers over layers over layers…

T: Are there any decisions that Zoya Bai made while crossing over from the life time?

Z: Not be friends with men…only her fault…

T: What significance does this life as Zoya has for present lifetime?

Z: She felt guilty ,not being in authentic relationship…always fearful//she could not fight also she knew no one will save her…no courage she had…

T: What are the attributes which have been carried over to this life time?

Z: Her ability to understand people….she knew this will happen one day…but she thought only life would be taken…not her modesty…never asked for security…did not anticipate so much can happen….she had the ability to understand as friend,no other relationship…both had felt happy…

T: What are the lessons that she draws for herself?

Z: She shouldn’t have felt guilty as it made her weak ….she Daggerred (put dagger into her) herself to death …lost her dignity…aabro was gone…took entire blame to herself…shame…guilt …blame…

T: What happened to Amar Singh?

Z: He comes from somewhere…he is with my body…feeling sorry…couldn’t save me…

T: Are you carrying over any of those feelings in this lifetime?

Z: Yes…guilt…fear…

T: In what form these feelings have manifested in this lifetime?

Z: Whenever people come to me…they want to have a feel of me…want to touch …I feel unsafe to bloom…to be free…I want to hide…
There is a subtle sense coming…

How much ever I try to cover my light, it cannot be hidden…it’s a blessing not a curse…I am created to bloom, spread light…people will try to touch…I can always fly high. How so ever I try to hide I will still glow…I have to rise higher…Not my fault it was…I thought I am wrong…I thought I am guilty…that made me feel weak…someone else was wrong…she couldn’t compete (with) my nature…not guilty I am …courage to fight ,not surrender in fear…
I put myself somewhere they can’t see…I don’t feel free to be myself…fear someone will come and hurt me…

T: What is that you have done to keep yourself safe?

Z: Covering myself with layers of blankets…. cover myself with whatever is around so that I am not seen…pull and cover…

T: In the light of these learnings do you feel that the layers of blankets are still needed?

Z: I am getting visuals…a sense is coming,seeing a violet coloured lotus…It’s my essence…I am that lotus of light…glowing like a torch…can never be covered…it will shine from wherever it is!! Pure, innocent,rising high,she is beyond anybody’s touch…

[ client was recommended to embrace the learning that how so ever one gets tarnished in physical form the soul will always remain pure. No harm can be caused to it as it is beyond the reach of anyone who want to hurt….it can only be accessed by the divine tool of sincere and pure LOVE. Take responsibility of the presenting problems and with the changed approached those shall dissolve forever in the divine light and blessings of the Masters]


:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


Dear Monesh,

Very true! PLRT stands as the sole practical approach supplementing the wisdom of ancient scriptures.That is the reason I am so much in love with it!

In the instance of your client, the revelation of her authentic essence and acknowledgment of her true nature dispelled the burden of guilt. It imparts a profound lesson for us all: embrace our true essence with courage.

Gratitude for imparting your wisdom; your post is truly enriching and enlightening.

