Unusual questions during Pre-talk

What are the unusual questions that you have been asked by your clients during pre-talk? And how did you respond to those questions?
It’s very common to have few more questions specifically after the first session of regression, what were those questions and what was your response to it?
I would request everyone to give their inputs on this. Feel free to also include any questions that you may have about PLRT and are unanswered.
We can include all the uncovered important areas in our “pre-talk” deck making it even more useful. Thank you :innocent:


Long list…

  1. Will I come back ??? :roll_eyes:
  2. Will I be revealing all my secrets which I havent revealed even in history taking
    3.What if I stick in certain life and just get up…will I be stuck in that life and behave the same manner in my present
    4.Why should I regress and go in my past to relive all my physical and emotional pains…there are other methods like acupressure, acupuncture, cupping etc to remove pain s and toxins
    5.What if I come to know something about myself…which I am not able to accept in present life
    6.What if I fake my regression
    Responses my @Siddhi… "Kaynaz Style ":star_struck:
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