Dear Amarantos Family
With the blessings of God and the guiding light of my Guru, Dr Venu, I completed this case.
Very different from my other cases and tried my best…prayed to God and Dr Venu fervently…
Client’s name : Subhashri (name changed)/F/35 yrs/ Homemaker
Date: 15 Jan 2025
VAK: 5/5/5
Eye Roll: 2
Hypnotisability: 5
Pain level before: 10
Pain Level After: 2
Case History:
She was born on 9th Feb 1988. The first child born to a couple after 7 years of marriage. It was a critical pregnancy. Her mother had bleeding early into pregnancy and father had to take acre. He was very hands-on. Her mother’s treatment went on in a good private hospital. It was expensive but parents did not want to spare any effort. She was born and life was amazing. Simple but great. A brother was born 2 years later. They had all amenities, got good education at a place called Anchalapur. The relationship between parents was good.
Her father met with an accident and need surgical intervention. That was when his sugar got detected prior to an operation and that got postponed. His health condition made everyone anxious. Her grandmother came to stay off and on and that’s when the quality of life suffered due to altercations with mother. Her grandmother was very interfering and dominating. She joined the nuclear family during festivals. While she was obnoxious to the daughter-in-law, she was not really that bad to her grand-children. What was best was that as a grandmother she never showed bias towards grandson…that Subhashree remembers. She participated in all cultural events and loved to dress up and dance. She enjoyed being who she was and her overall life.
Life took a turn when she was about 12 and they moved to Allahapur. Her grandmother had booked a house in her son’s name and had been living in it. She started saying that she could not look after the property and practically forced them to relocate. The forced transfer costed her father his chances of promotion though salary was not affected. She took admission in a school in Allahapur in 9th. This transfer and the events leading to it affected the family.
She was particularly attached to father. This shifting and father’s condition affected her academics and she flunked in 9th. Once a little settled down, she started studying again. She passed 9th, cleared her boards, did well in her plus two and enrolled for Graduation in Commerce stream.
Parents gave her a scooty for commuting. They were not conservative. They asked her to be prudent and judicious. She never crossed the line but had her own share of fun. She mostly helped friends, offered her pick and drop services and covered up for their little escapades. As mentioned, always within the line she had herself drawn. She completed her graduation and took admission in M.Com
Her father was detected with Cancer and it was a major blow for her. He was operated and lived on after that. But he wanted to get her married off early. So, the alliance that came from a family where the groom was from government service, they asked her to consider marriage. She had taken admission in M.Com in August and in September, her marriage alliance was fixed for the following February.
She is happily married to a very accomplished gentleman who gave her a lot of love and space. She had some issues with mother-in-law. In a way, she lived out a similar pattern as her mother when it came to mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relations. Not a harmonious one, but she has handled her relationships in her own way and has arrived at a point where she is mostly at peace. Her father’s death was immensely painful and she has tried to slowly tide over it. She misses him immensely but has grown stronger. Now she is concerned about her mother’s health and brother’s condition.
She is blessed with two naughty healthy and amazing boys, her world, the meaning to her existence, the apples of her eyes. This balance and peace were shattered when her little boy V was injured in his eyes. How it happened is still a mystery but it changed the course of their lives forever. She was with him one moment and walked in for a quick call. In a few moments the little one followed her, blood oozing from one of his eyes. A lot of damage, shock, pain that tore her heart, numbness that took her over…she would not be able to stand up to the occasion she felt.
She did it…she faced the situation for the little one and for the older one who had no reason to suffer. Operations, countless doctor visits, rounds of hospital visits, endless hours at the hospital and away from the older one who was just eight then. The little one was away from school for a long time. As life slowly limped back to an uneasy normalcy, she sent him back to school but has to follow strict medical procedures of ‘patching the good eye’ to strengthen the other. Improvement has happened but slight. She is aware that not much may happen in terms of improvement but does not shed a tear. She smiles and with her, smiles her husband and her sons.
Her friends tells her of miracles, tells her of God’s mysterious ways. She smiles. But deep within, a pain gnaws her heart…why my son? No one, husband, father-in-law or mother-in-law, sister-in-law or anyone else ….no one blamed her. But the truth she says to none…she blames herself…why…why? And increasingly, the more she thinks, the more she feels something inevitable about it.
Prior to this, once an inexplicable incident occurred with V…he was a child of about seven or eight months, just introduced to solids. He started choking, turned all blue and it was that he was eating or had anything that he had swallowed. As strangely as it had started, it just stopped by the time they rushed him to a doctor. Another time, he fell into a fountain in the house and his elder brother held him by the feet or else he would have drowned in the water deep enough for him. The loud shrieks of the elder brother alerted the parents and V was rescued. So, Subhashri feels that there was something inevitable about the fatal accident….
She approached me for knowing why the little one was suffering. He is so little…his whole life is ahead of him…why him? What was God’s wish? Had he chosen to suffer? Was it his karma that would have one way or the other have led to some accident damaging his vision? She wanted to know. Miracles she does not hope for but maybe an answer to the why would soothe her aching heart!
Theme Finalization.
After History Taking, we discussed and came to the conclusion that she experiences a sense of heaviness and a question echoes in her mind….why did the little boy get injured…why?
Hence, theme was finalized as follows:
Why was V fatally injured at such a tender age?
Session 1
The first session was done on 7th Jan 2025. She arrived in the morning around 9.45 am.
Session one began around 10.00am and by 11.45 first 5 stages were done. She was ready and not much introduction was required. She had faith in me…she said and she was willing to do whatever it takes to have a glimpse of the reason… So, stages 1 to 5 was done and the process in general is explained to her. She is a person with deepest faith in God and spiritual aspect made sense to her. But the scientific aspect was also explained as she should not have the slightest about the fundamental basis of the process particularly as it would be a mother acting as a proxy client trying to intuitively connect with the higher self of the child. She went home. We both discussed the ethics of the proxy session and decided to set the intention for the session.
Session 2
This session was done on 8th Jan 9.30am onwards.
Stage 6…History taking done.
Stage 7…Cognitive Fatigue Video shown
Stage 8…Theme for PLRT finalized: Why was V fatally injured at such a tender age?
Stage 9, 10, 11…done …HM done…client ends the day with a smile and reports sleeping extremely peacefully that night. It took a little more than 3 hrs. History Taking, Cognitive fatigue video, bio break followed by H.M.
She saw happy memories post marriage more elaborately. When she was asked to visualize happy memories of early years, she said her vision was like a two layered video. She was seeing her childhood but the image of her younger son kept flashing from within. Overall, she saw her life till first moments of parents holding her and she feeling immense love.
Session 3
This session was done in the morning of 09 Jan 2025 10.15 onwards. It took about 2 hrs 15 mins.
Stage 9, 10, 11 done…Reframing for Current Life Traumas…
Client feels tired …she could not visualize much in the early years but saw the accident play out in the minutest details, the shock, the running, how she had reacted in the days immediately after the accident, how she pulled herself together. And other details of those days.
Session 4
The session was done on 10 Jan 1981 9.30 am onwards.
It was to be a proxy session.
I read about proxy session…would be my first. For anyone trying, there is a wonderful and informative article on Proxy Session in the Forum. I read it. Literally copied parts which I read over and over again…set an intention, mark the objective, terms like proxy client, higher intuitive self of the child, parents as proxy clients. Nervous about tapping into someone’s mind through someone.
I pray to God and my mentor, my guide Dr Venu before every session but I took my Guru’s name fervently…I knew if he had been in my shoes he could have given relief to the mother and I wanted to…I just took my Guru’s name…to be with me every step of the way.
Before the session, we prayed together that the proxy client be allowed to connect to the higher intuitive self of the child and we promised to keep the pre-decided objective as the primary focus.
After going into trance with Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Garden of Peace on a beach, Tunnel of Light and Affect Bridge built of deep anguish over the fatal injury of the little one.
T: This is what therapist said.
C: This is what client said.
T: Where are you experiencing? What do you feel?
C: It is dark…I cannot move…
T: You may try and touch and see if you can make out anything in the dark as to where you are?
C: No…nothing
T: Allow yourself to imagine that there is a temple and you are slowly climbing the stairs…
C: Expression eases …
T: You may indicate with your hand if you can see the temple…
(she indicates with her hand)
C: I am climbing the stairs…
T: there is a door …an ornate ones…push it slightly
C: Yes…it opened….I am inside a hall…
T: What is that you experience in the hall?
C: This is a Shiv temple…I am walking around…
T: Allow yourself to walk around and find out many doors…you may indicate with your hand if you found many doors…
C: (she indicates with her hand) And I turn around and there are many doors in a circle
T: You may slowly walk towards any one door…whichever you please…you may put your hand on the door knob and make a note of the design on the door
C: I am walking towards one…I liked it somehow…beautiful carvings…
T: Allow yourself to open the door and step in….You may indicate with your hand if you have opened the door.
C: I have opened the door….I am walking in…there is light and some voices…can’t hear clearly.
T: You may try to walk toward the noise…
C: There is someone walking ahead of me!
T: Look at the feet…what is the person wearing…
C: Bare feet…but she is a girl…
T: You may try to notice what she is wearing as you are walking behind her…
C: She is walking into a small mud walled house…she is wearing a frock……hair braided…she is sitting on the floor…takes food on a brass plate…
T: You may explore the surroundings
C: Nothing much to explore…small house….mud walls…small but clean
T: Anyone else around the house
C: No one as of now…she is eating alone
T: How old does she seem?
C: About 10 years…it just came to my mind…
T:That is fine…what is the girl doing now?
C: She walked out of the house…blue tunic type…black shoes…white socks…seems to go to school…there are other students…no one is talking to her…she is alone
T: At the count of 3…2…1…allow yourself to go to a significant moment in the girl’s life.
C: Seems like she is getting married…marriage…red sari…the same house…mud walled house…that’s the place in which….in front of it…marriage is taking place
T: Are the rites of marriage going on?
C: She has left the mud walled small house…her husband loves her….changed house…bigger, lots of light, neat and tidy…two storied…
T: How is she being addressed in the new house? Maybe you can find what anyone calls her?
C: Bouma…bouma ….that’s daughter-in-law in Bengali.
T: What is the young married girl doing?
C: She is in a big Shiva temple….this is like the temple you asked me to enter…
T: What is that the young bride experiences here?
C: She is watching…she hears somethings…looks around…she is walking to reach for a door
T: Which door?
C: I cannot see the girl but…I have walked out of the door…V was standing just outside the door. As soon as I walked out, he held my hand. He is pulling me by the hand…made me sit down…he is sitting on my lap….I am feeling very good.
( I realize that some mixing of memories are happening…this has not happened in any of my sessions…I try to start deep breathing…)
T: That’s fine….relax…allow yourself to breathe in and breathe out very slowly as you relish the moment…relax and look around for that girl…
C: She is not here…I do not want to look…
T: Allow yourself to go through any of the doors…if you feel you may take V with you…
C: He does not want me to go….(long pause)…I tried…every time I am trying he is tugging me by the hand…just does not want to let me go…
Suddenly client becomes irritated…
C: I want to stop…no more…no more ….V does not want me to see what’s behind the doors…maybe that’s not required….it will, probably, aggravate my anxiety…V seems to know…stop…
T: I understand…it is perfectly fine…if you do not want…it will not happen…you may take a deep breath and understand that you can always come out…
C: I want to…V is holding my hand tight…I want to
T: You may slowly move your fingers…twitch your toes and open your eyes…
C: (opens her eyes) I just could not open any door, go anywhere…he was sitting on my lap and holding me tight…when I stood up. …he held my hand…refusing to let go off me. I felt as if knowing would not be of any use…would be painful…V was there. As I walked out of the temple and climbed down the stairs of the temple, V vanished…Can’t understand!
T: That is perfectly fine…Remember you are always in control and if you do not want, no one will force.
She leaves, thanks me for what she saw. She does not know if the dots connect or how…but she refuses to explore. I suggest that she may try again but she emotionally responded refusing to have another session. I make a note that I will not charge for the sessions but do not speak anything as she appeared very emotionally charged.
The client called next morning and said she wanted another session. Honestly, I was praying to God for another session. We had a long conversation and she said that at that moment that urge to not go ahead was so strong that she herself did not understand. She requested if she could come the next morning. The next day being Sunday, her session was scheduled for Monday.
So, the next session was conducted on 13 Jan 2025.
After going into trance with Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Garden of Peace on a beach, Tunnel of Light and Affect Bridge built of deep anguish over the fatal injury of the little one…I request her to visualize a temple…took her to the central hall with many doors:
T: You may walk closer, place your hand over the designs on the door and decide if you want to open the door.
C: I have opened one door…loved the ornate design…I hear voices
T: You may try to move in the direction of the noise… What do you experience?
C: An old woman in a marketplace…many people…speaking Bengali …a little different but Bengali for sure.
T: What is the old woman wearing?
C: The old woman is wearing a sari…clean sari and slippers on her feet……white hair….she is standing…
T: What is she doing?
C: She is selling something…now sitting down….selling something…selling vegetables
T: What time is it?
C: It is daytime.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life.
C: She is in her house….that house…that mud walled house.
T: What is she doing?
C: She is eating…
T: Anyone else with her?
C: Someone is giving food…age like me…dressed in a sari… …and one baby boy…wearing shorts and a vest.
T:What are they eating?
C:Not clear but not much food was there. Whatever little was there, the old lady was keeping for the boy.
T: What about that girl?
C: She is addressing the old lady as ‘ma’ meaning mother. Might be daughter or daughter-in-law. She is treating the old lady well enough…
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: She is back at the market… she is selling veggies and counting money …the market is along a high boundary wall…she is sitting tired.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life.
C: She does not have a son…that girl is her daughter. She is worried about the old woman’s health. The old woman is sick and is anxious about her daughter and grandson.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: She is very sick…she is dying…her daughter is crying and so is her grandson.
T: What are her last thoughts?
C: She is worried about her daughter and grandson. What will become of them in her absence? She wants to be there for him to grow up. She wants to protect them.
T: Relax and take a deep breath…you are not sick now…you may slowly breathe in and out…you may float above if you wish and look at her …
C: She is dead and her bereaved daughter is howling.
T: Relax, breathe in and out, breathe in a wave of relaxation. I understand it is painful to see such separation, such loss. Breathing into that experience, allow yourself to let go of the pain and a gnawing anxiety.
C: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to the beginning years of the life of the old lady.
T: long pause…speak very softly. That one again…walking ahead of me.
T: You may try to check out what the person is wearing on her feet?
C: She is wearing girl’s shoe…looks around 10 years…that girl.
( I realize that she has gone back to the same girl as in Session 4 from the way was speaking her))
T: What is she wearing?
C: School dress….blue….She is in school…many other kids.
T: At the count of 3…2…1 allow yourself to go to the next significant meal time at home?
C: Table…they are sitting around a table….mother…father…and that girl….happy family time…clean house…
T: is there anyone else?
C: No
T: At the count of 3…2…1 allow yourself to go to the next significant moment of her life?
C: She is cycling…around 13…enjoying it…She returned home.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: She is getting married into a rich and well-off family…her in-laws house is big.
T: What is she doing?
C: She is simply standing…yellow sari with red border …lots of jewellery…standing in front of the house…that ceremony is going on…
T: Which ceremony is going on?
C: It is meal time…she is daughter in law…serving food for the first time…she looks well…everybody looks happy…
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: She is giving birth at home…it is a Bengali household…she gives birth to a daughter. She is happy but others are not.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: The young girl…is quiet…sad. Her husband is hitting her badly?
T: Why is he hitting her?
C:He wants to marry again…he wants a son…she is crying…she feels daughter is good enough but in-laws don’t agree…
T: How does she handle this situation?
C:She left…went to her native village……takes her daughter… does not have access to resources…starts living in a mud walled small hut…but sends daughter to school
T: How does she manage this life?
C: It is difficult but she would neither live with her husband if he remarried nor agree to a less important role in the family. Her new life is difficult but her self-respect is not affected.
T: What does she do for a living?
C: She was independent as a child but did not like studying…with no one to support her, she moved to a village and started selling vegetables for a living…her parents are not there
T: Who does the farming?
C: Not clear but she deals with the selling and the money part…she does not trust anyone with the money. She lives a simple life but lives a life of dignity.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life.
C: Her daughter marriage is going to be fixed…she is wearing a white sari while talking with the groom’s family…she gets married in a good family…the marriage is held in that mud walled house.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: Her daughter has given birth to a son…its all joyful…she is very happy for her daughter. Her daughter may enjoy conjugal bliss which she was deprived of.
T: T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: She has an expression of pain…and sighs heavily
T: Relax, breathe in and out, breathe in a wave of relaxation…it is not happening right now…you may float above and see what’s happening.
C: She received news that her son-in-law has been killed in an open field…her daughter is crying….she is not safe there . She is going to get her here…
T: You may empathise with her and try to understand what happens next?
C: Daughter has come back to mother…no jewellery…no money…she has a son to look after. The old woman now has an extra mouth to feed but she is as elegant as ever, even in sorrow.
T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life.
C: The grandson is playing…daughter cooking. One man is looking at her daughter, has bad intention and has been coming to their house and stands at a distance…the women don’t like it. The old woman warns the man to stay away.
T: Does the person pay heed to the warning?
C: No, the old woman tries to send away…but the man is threatening them to take away her widowed daughter. Her grandson is crying…they feel scared and disturbed.
T: How do they save and protect themselves?
C: He is not listening…he has walked into the inner lawn of the house and pulling the daughter by the hand. …the boy is shouting hysterically…
T: What happens next?
C: The old lady looked around, picked up something from the ground, like a little iron stick. She picked it up and thrust straight into the right eyes of that man…it is bleeding…blood all over him…he lets go of her hand and rushed away in pain.
T: What happens to the man? Does he come again?
C: He never comes back…the old lady does not see the man again …
T: What happens to the old woman?
C: The three of them – mother, daughter and grandson- all are crying. They seem scared and relief does not yet sink in…days after the incident…they cry and life slowly limps to normalcy.
T: Was the old woman sorry for hurting the man?
C: She did not regret…not at all. He was destroying their peace, had dark intentions and was acting in bad way…She had to protect her daughter.
T: T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life.
C: She is selling veggies again but anxiously waits to finish selling her basket of veggies. She has come to know that the man who had tied to pull her daughter away had killed her son-in-law.
T: T: At the count of 3…2…1, allow yourself to go to a significant moment later in life
C: She is old and very sick. She finds her daughter and grandson crying. She worries what will become of them…she does not want to die but her time has come…she has to go…she dies…she sees a light…she moves toward it.
T: You may stay in the light for some time…
C: She finds it soothing and also has some realizations. She wanted to protect her daughter from that man but there could have been other ways. She could have sought help before it was too late. Taking law into one’s own hands is never good. She could have approached the village headman. She could have sought protection. She could have avoided the eyes. That day after the incident, she experienced something…not regret but a feeling that it could be averted…
T: She may ask for forgiveness from the light?
C: She is just silently absorbing the soothing light…she is saying nothing…I see V, the old lady is gone….he is here…(very excited)….after a few seconds …voice flattens…the old lady is back again…
T: You may indicate with your hand, when you are ready….
C: She is slowly fading into the light…I can feel a distance as if she is standing away from me…
T: You may allow yourself to recede…you have done your bit as the proxy client. You tapped into the past life of the client on his behalf as he is too small to do it himself. You may slowly breathe in and out, relax….and breathe.
C: yes…I know…I realized….I want to be out of this state
T: You may slowly open your eyes…breathe in and out…wriggle your toes.
Event Why was V injured fatally at such a tender age?
Subjective interpretation Would it have happened anyway.
Conflict Could it or could it not be averted.
Decision made to resolve the conflict It is some karma…he has to live it out
Pain assessment Dave Elman, Progressive Relaxation, Garden of Peace, Tunnel of Light, Affect Bridge, Temple
Before session 10
After session 2
This proxy session was conducted to understand why a child was injured fatally at such a tender age. The mother, vitally connected to the child, acted as a proxy to connect with the higher intuitive self of the child. The mother experienced not just heaviness but something more than that, an intense inexplicable uneasiness about the accident. She wanted a proxy session to glimpse the child’s past life which may have led to this accident in current life. After the mother’s inability to tap past life for a longer period on the first day, she came back with greater resolve. And slowly, from the scattered images, emerged a past in which a similar gnashing wound had been caused by the client to another for self-defence. It seemed like a karmic pattern being lived out.
The session has brought acceptance and understanding, an explanation of the repeated inexplicable incidents occurring around the child. The pain can never die but there is a calm of mind in the mother. Ever since the accident, there is some calm within. As far as healing is concerned, the boy’s healthy eye remains covered with a patch and he is required to see with the injured eye for 4-5 hrs daily so as to improve his vision. So, when the good eye gets covered, he tends to stand very close to the TV screen or hold the mobile very close to see anything or speak on a video call. Not owing to session, but generally speaking that distance from which he can see has increased, However, recovery may have reached a stage of stagnation and may be indicative of the fact that not much improvement can be expected in medical terms. Never giving up faith, the mother wants to keep going. I resonated the same faith.
The mother said she understood the wound had made its way back to the one who yielded it. I turned to MANY MANSIONS…Edgar Cayce.
May he heal more…I have faith.