Why should you heal your inner child

Session 3 for Prerna (my client)…

Conducted on 27/8/24

Since Prerna (name changed) is a regular client and has already taken two regression sessions with me ( see my last post for details)…
The main theme for this session is ** INNER CHILD HEALING **

The main goal of this "Inner child healing is to eventually reach a point at which she can better identify her own needs… behaviors… and triggers…
Healing the inner child fosters a deeper sense of self-compassion and supports mental health…
( she being too self-critical and fearful )…

Since the credentials and the history taking was already done in the previous sessions…I am copy pasting the same for all first time reader to have some insight…
This time I had asked her to bring in writing an autobiography of her childhood (age btwn 3-10yrs)…so that I have a better understanding of her childhood days…

History:- (of the childhood)

My Happy Childhood( as shared by my client in toto )

*I had a pretty happy childhood. We all were loud, boisterous, funny, and affectionate in our own way. We didn’t look at each other in the eye and say “I love you, you know that right?” But we shared inside jokes and snuggled each other. *
My mom chose to be a homemaker, so she could be with us , take us to the library, the pool and to our grandparents’ houses during the summer, and help us with homework during the school year. She made us a home-cooked meal almost every single day my entire childhood. My dad worked his way up from a buisness person to a controller, and always supported me and my sister , as we were involved in sports and many other activities and also needed new clothes constantly because we grew like weeds.
My elder sister and I fought and yelled and made fun of each other,played together all the time inspite of she being much older to me. I had built-in friends my entire childhood. We invented our own games and built forts when we were little, and as we got older, we talked about significant others and college and friend drama. I have so many memories with my sister that highlight my childhood with streaks of happiness and togetherness.
Because my childhood was so happy, I don’t see how it can also be traumatic. I do have issues with black-and-white thinking, where something is all one way or all the other. Because I knew for a fact that my childhood was good, both objectively and in my own opinion, I think it cannot be traumatic. Which means all the parts that weren’t so happy don’t count. They are either exaggerated by my dramatic nature, or I am remembering them wrong, or they must be completely normal and I am weird for being upset by them.

Only the theme this time will be " INNER CHILD HEALING "

So here we go…

Previous sessions was Conducted on 20/8/24
Place : my study room
Name :- Prerna ( name changed)
Age:- 50yrs, female, VAK :- 7/5/6,
Eye roll:-2/4, F:- 8/10
As she is my existing client for anxiety n depression…she doesn’t need my intro.
Non Verbals:- Face becomes red coz of guilt with wetness in her eyes due to strained relationship with her son. I can also see a spark in her eyes today…may be she get answers to her problems in current life…

  1. High Anxiety…seek to find the cause of difficult relationship with her son.
  2. Fear of Abandonment and always seeking affection

T- Therapist

.Being a single parent(divorced ), Prerna ( name changed), a 50yr old, an experienced and a seasoned person with a successful buisness in Pharma, lives with her 24 yr old son. She has been my client past 2 months for difficulty in breathing and most difficult relationship with her son. Most happy and willing to get the PLR session done to understand the strained and most difficult relationship with her son and also other unresolved issues of her life…
Having brought up by loving parents and most loving elder sister, Prerna seems to have a happy childhood…
Cause of divorce :- Infidelity and lack of intimacy in the relationship that led to a deep sense of Abandonment.
Two years after her divorce Prerna again entered in a relationship seeking affection, though it wasn’t love and feelings of cheating and abandonment again became very strong… Son was witness to all… She felt very lonely then…but life moved on with much bitterness in heart…
Currently, her life revolves around her Son. She wants him to take up some responsibilities in her buisness, which she fails to do as her Son is not ready…(a lot of fights and quarrels between mother and son)…He is in unethical practices and she believes is in bad company too…also he holds his mother responsible for every wrong in his life…
Irrespective of all she adores her son, but gets depressive thoughts of not being a good mother…She believes she’s been a nagging mother throughout
When high in anxiety she becomes extremely restless, angry or stressed resulting in breathlessness…
Fear:- Fear of Abandonment by her son…also, afraid of anything happening to her…and becomes highly self-critical.

T- Welcome Prerna…
C- Smiles…thank you so much m’am…I am really feeling great past over a week …no sleeping pills in past few days…was thinking a lot about my relationships all these days… including my son…feeling more calm and composed…
T- Hi Prerna (smile), great to know that…it’s a blessing …
So, are you ready to be on another journey today(smile)…??
(Prerna has fear of abandonment and is highly self- critical )…
T- And all I want you to just make , feel n know that you are lovable…
Just make yourself most comfortable and just listen n follow my voice…

Dave Elman…progressive relaxation… staircase…garden of peace …time tunnel.

T- As I count back…it’s like you are in a time tunnel, you are being pulled back…drawn back…taken back…you are being taken back…pulled back…moved back…you are travelling back…you are travelling back to a childhood home where you lived between the age of 1 and 10…you may be 12 or you may be even a new born baby…(Pause)
T- where are you?..
Take a moment to look around you and tell me what comes to your awareness…
C- I am standing on the street near my house…looking at my house… and …am confused…
T- hmm…
C- I am not able to decide…wether to go in or not… डर लग रहा है…
T- what is that is stopping you to go in?..
C- I think I have done something really bad…but I donno what…(lot of stress on forehead)
T- how old are you??..
C- may be 6 or 7…
T- there is nothing to worry about…you are very safe…very…very… safe …you are always protected… now you may enter inside …
C- I am fearful…I think I have stolen something…I donno…I am afraid of my father…he will beat me…
T- you don’t have to be fearful…you are protected…you are very safe …very…very …safe…
(long pause)…
T- you may go in now to see what’s happening there…
C- my dad is getting angry on my mother…I can hear them arguing…
T- who are they talking about??..
C- its me …mumma is trying to explain him something …
T- listen …to what she is trying to say…
C- she is saying… Pinky से गलती हुई है… उसे माफ कर दो… बच्ची है…(h…uh…)… अनजान है… हम उसे बताएंगे…pause…
(Client is too stressed and is feeling uncomfortable…does not want to share what has she done inspite of repeated asking …visible sweat on the face…)
T- (you are protected and …very safe here…very very safe…)…if you feel uncomfortable look from a distance…you can float above and see…
what is that little you want at this moment ?..
C- am looking for my sister…
T- where is your sister…
C- I donno…can’t see her…
T- now you go near that little Pinky (as you )…take her little hands in yours…tell her softly that no matter what you will love her…always… गलती हो जाती है…ध्यान रखेंगे… फिर से नहीं करेंगे… tell her that you always loved her… and she is not alone…she doesn’t have to be fearful…and you care for her…
( Pause )…
T- how are you feeling?..
C- better …not really…a bit fearful
(Suddenly she starts shivering…)

T- what is that you are seeing ?..
C- my dad…
T- don’t worry…you are safe…you are protected…always…(pause )…
if you feel uncomfortable you can see from a distance…you may even float above and see what your dad is doing…
C- dad is very angry…he slapped me…( Sudden face turning was observed which made me too attentive…she is crying …tears drooling… wiped her tears gently…)
T- can you hear your dad is saying ?..
C- घर से निकाल दूंगा… दुबारा कभी ऐसा किया तो…
… मैं रो रही हूं… वो चले गए…
( Long pause…)

T- how are you feeling?..
C- painful…
T- where do you feel the pain ?..
C- in my throat…chest…
T- is there anyone around ??..
C- no…I am alone…
T- look and see that on the other side of this room is a little you as a child…the most sweet…gorgeous…lovable…
misunderstood…little kid…
And as you go near her…and meet with that little kid that used to be you…you are going to notice… immediately…this child knows that this is you as grown up…and you know that this is you as a child…and you and this child in this moment have a complete…incredible affinity with each other…you understand each other…so, go ahead…go near hear her…this is you as a child…and you recognise this child as yourself…you have an affinity…an understanding with this child…if you want you can sit next to her…next to this little you from the past…yiu can hug her tightly or you can hold her hand…or just sit next to this little you from the past…she knows that you is she as grown up …
I want you to ask…to this little you…" Are you feeling good?"
C- Yes…
T- what makes you fear ?..
Just look at that little kid…which is you and ask…what makes you fearful?..
C- fearful of my dad…
T- and what makes you feel that way?..
C- his anger…he is very very strict… but lovable too…
T- what is it your mumma does… or doesn’t do that makes you fearful ??..
C- काली बिल्ली…
T- who loves you ?..
C- my sister …
T- how do you know that she loves you ?..
C- I know… she takes care of me… very much…(smiles)…
T- what is that she do for you?..
C- she loves me…comb my hair…plays with me…gives me all her cookies…take me out in the park…we play together…
(client is very fond of choco handmade
T- I want you to talk to this little you about love…allow yourself to give your unconditional love onto her… you can hold her as long as you want… Whenever this little you is ready…she can gently hold you close to her heart…
What are you experiencing?..
C- oh…she is me… I love her very much… I love her very much….
(Smiles… client was experiencing tears of happiness…)
( It was a beautiful moment to watch )
T- I want you to talk to this little you about love when she grows up…does she think she is going to find love ?..when you grow up do you believe that someone is going to love you?..
c- yes…
T- what is that makes you answer yes?..
C- long pause…
T- how do you feel now???..
C- better… I don’t feel alone…loved…
T- that’s a beautiful feeling…
C- yeah…
T- Now with a count from 1 to 3…slowly come back to the garden of peace…you may sit comfortably on the beautiful wooden bench for some time …and may open your eyes slowly and gently…

Closure for this specific session:-
T- Are you satisfied with the session?..
C- Yes…
T- Did you find the answers to your questions?..
C- Yes…but I think I want to explore more in my NXT session because I donno why but after the last session am feeling much relaxed and calm…I am able to get proper sleep…
T- I feel blessed that it really helped you…
C- when can I come for the next session?..
T- I think take a break of at least a week and ten days to observe changes in yourself emotionally and physically…you may call a day or two in advance to fix up the date…thank you Prerna…my blessings to you.

This is what the client speaks…


Good work @kobrakulsh


Wow! I’m so happy reading the client’s feedback and the transformation it brought in her.
I’ve been waiting for this session. It was done wonderfully. The moment when she realised “Oh, she is me…”, was so beautiful :heart:


Thank you Harshita for your valuable feedback…:pray::pray:
Yeah it was painful for both of us (me and Prerna)…my unsaid concious was constantly telling me that there is more to it and Prerna’s subconscious opened up like unexpected…we just went with the flow…was painful watching it … experiencing it …I was happy in tears for she could start to release the emotions…and the healing began…

I am just novice… amateur with no experience…m humbled to see the change and am truely grateful to Dr. Venu for being our Master n guru :pray::pray:


Thank you so much Harie :pray:

Thank you so much Harie…n stay blessed :pray::pray:

Amazing and blissful are the times when listening to our sub c ( that speaks to us through our intuition) and proceeding ahead in a way what we call “flowing with the flow” opens up the blessed treasures hidden in deep recesses of our own mind-field.

Coupled with the strong bond of faith and rapport between the client and the therapist, the flowing with the flow is all we need to successfully establish the divine connection with the lord almighty and attain what seems to be unattainable by the mortal human form.


:pray: :pray: :pray:


Brilliant Supretee. Insightful

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Thank you @Rafi…n stay blessed always :pray::pray:

Always stay blessed :pray::pray:@Monesh kumar…
Thank you so much for your kind review…and I am truly grateful for the divine blessings that guided me throughout this process​:pray::pray:
Your positive comments are greatly appreciated and reaffirm the effort we all Amarantians under the guidance of dr. Venu put into ensuring a seamless experience…

Thank you once again for taking the time to share your thoughts.:pray::pray:

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Beautiful Healing done Supritee. The entire session was executed so well, I have learnt a lot from your Inner child healing methodology. It is so gratifying to receive such a reply from the Client, it serves our purpose to help people Heal themselves. Amazing :100: :raised_hands: :clap: :dizzy:

Thank you so much @Dr. Lata Ningoo …I believe this is all possible because of the blessings from the divine energy and our Masters…they truly helped me understand the need to carry this which in turn gave my client a lot of relief on emotional front as a side effect…

So, here the Inner Child Healing was done to
focus on addressing and healing those. deeply seated, unsaid and unmet emotional wounds from her early childhood…and after integrating and nurturing her inner child it led to a lot of emotional uplifting and healing…
Today she is in such calm space and feel happy and valued…
Such is the powerful impact of inner child healing…
She is now waiting for more sessions to be done.

Thank you Harie​:pray::pray:for reading and your viewson it

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