Yearning to become a father

Vinod (Name changed) Male, 37 years old

Hypnosis score: 9/10

VAK: 2, 9, 3

Eye Roll: 2

Theme: Frustration of not becoming a father yet

Pain level before session: 9/10

Session 1: Client History

Vinod has been married for 7 years now and the couple do not have children yet, due to infertility (Low sperm count and motility). Since there is no treatment in allopathy for male fertility (he has tried a few supplements but has suffered severe side effects), he has undergone several alternate treatments like ayurveda and acupressure, and currently acupuncture treatment. Earlier there was no change in his sperm count and now with acupuncture he has seen good improvement. Yet, the couple has not been able to get pregnant yet.

He feels a lot of frustration and sadness and holds himself responsible when his wife gets emotional about not having children yet. They share a happy married life. Vinod has a genetic condition called Retinitis pigmentosa, due to which he is partially blind. For his eye condition, he faces the same predicament, no allopathy treatment, and he keeps trying alternative forms of medicine but no effects yet.

He was very clear about the question he has for this PLRT session, ā€œWhy am I not able to become a father?ā€, This theme of frustration repeats in his life, for his health conditions, when he searched for his first job, during his prospective bride search. There is always a search and then frustration, bordering on anger as to why things are never easy for him.

Frustration was a word he repeated many times, for his fertility treatment, he has only seen failures in every form of treatment. So, we decided to take this emotion of frustration as the theme.

Session 2

Dave Elman, progressive relaxation, staircase, garden of peace (near a beach), tunnel of light

Regressed the client to see some happy childhood memories of playing with his new tri cycle at age 4 and playing with a neighbourā€™s pet parrot when he was a toddler.

The client felt very grateful to his father, for buying his favourite tri cycle that gave him so much of joy as a kid. As he grew up, the distance between the father and son grew, though there were never any fights. Having re experienced the thrill of the child, that evening, he went and rested his head on his old fatherā€™s lap. He felt very connected with his father and said he has to make more time for his father.

I realised with the way he was describing memories, he is very visual and has vivid images in his trance state, unlike his real life (in which he has blurry vision). So, I made most of my cues henceforth, visual. It was surprising that a person with a vision condition has all his memories so vivid with colours and with such detailing, it was a great learning for me.

Session 3

Dave Elman, progressive relaxation, staircase, garden of peace (near a beach), tunnel of light, using affect bridge (took a few examples of frustration as a child in current life and catapulted to the past)

T: You may look down at your feet and tell me what you see

C: I walk down a field of dirt. I have callused feet

I am a middle-aged farmer, worn out features, not old

T: where are you? Take a moment to look around you and tell me what comes to your awareness

C: I see parched land

T: Who does that land belong to?

C: I donā€™t know, I am a farmer there

T: Hmmm, you could keep walking, trust the images that come to you

C: I see a small hut, it is my hut

T: Do you feel anyoneā€™s presence there?

C: Yes. My wife, she is by the stove, happy to see me.

T: Do you recognise her from your current life?

C: She is my wife in present life

I am very taken aback with the heat, I am suffering from the heat

I do not reciprocate her happiness

T: Hmmm, do you see or hear anyone elseā€™s presence in your home

C: I see my daughter, studying next to the window

We are not well off, floor of the house is mud, very limited means

T: What is the language you speak at home?

C: Hindi, we are somewhere in Central India

T: Taking deep breaths, you could rest in your home. Feeling the respite from the scorching heat outside, take a few moments and tell me about your life

C: I have put a lot of efforts in farming, my family is not complaining

But I am not providing, I am putting my best efforts

I feel frustrated I am at the mercy of neighbouring farm owner

He is refusing to give water, to cultivate my crops

I can feel my uncle consoling me I am feeling stuck, sadness welling up in me

(Abreaction: Lot of tension in face and shallow breathing)

T: Hmmm, I understand how helpless you might be feeling. Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, it was in the past and it cannot harm you anymore. Relax your forehead and facial muscles, it is okay to explore this life,

When you are ready, you could allow yourself to see if you recognise your uncle

C: He is my uncle from this life

He has come from somewhere and consoling me

I can feel an overwhelming sadness, mix of sad, frustration and helplessness.

At the mercy of somebody else

The daughter is my mother from this life

The farmer is my grandmother from this life (Vinod doesnā€™t like his motherā€™s mother and holds a grudge on her for a lot of suffering in his present life)

He is very cold, doesnā€™t seem to understand

Causing a lot of angst

Being very selfish

T: Hmmm, you have seen a lot of sadness in this memory, I understand your helplessness.

Allow yourself to relax and take a few deep breaths. I will count from 3 to 1, and on the count of one, allow yourself to go to the time when you are about to leave your body during this lifetime.

C: I am no longer in the farm

In seventies, daughter grown up, I donā€™t see my wife

In deathbed, daughter is standing near me

I am a failed farmer, situation has not improved

T: Hmmm, let me know what are your thoughts while leaving this body

C: I am praying for this to end

Helpless for being at somebodyā€™s mercy

Lack of control

T: Hmmm, what comes to your awareness?

C: I took my dead self to heaven praying mercy

I took that soul by hand

I see everything white

I am happy that misery is over

T: What could be the lesson you could take from this past lifetime to your present life?

C: I didnā€™t do anything different to come out of the frustration. I was so stuck in that situation that I didnā€™t try other ways to get out

I should embrace and look for opportunities

I need to recognise them

T: That is a great learning. Do you sense any presence? Take a deep breath and trust the image or voice that comes to you

C: My spirit guide is here. White beard, white robes, kind smile

He says my wait will end soon

He has given his blessings to both (Vinod and his wife)

T: You could feel the healing light and blessings from your guide pass though you and heal your life. Soak in this vision and be in this moment with your guide. Breathing in deeply, you may allow yourself to imbibe this deep learning and wisdom from your past. Allow this wisdom to emerge in your present life whenever you are in need of it.
(A few minutes of time with his guide, Vinodā€™s face is very calm now)

T: Maybe it is the time to come back to your present life. Are you ready to emerge?

C: Yes (IMR)

I emerged him gradually by counting from 1 to 10, and bringing in awareness with each count.

Vinod slept for almost an hour after this session.

Session 4: Dave Elman, progressive relaxation, staircase, garden of peace (near a beach), Ancient temple

T: As you walk in the corridor of this ancient temple, do you sense any presence?

(Vinod has a calm expression when he has his spirit guide with him, that prompted me to ask this question in the beginning)

C: My guide, calm, smiling face, old man, flowing beard

T: Wonderful, seek his blessings and when you are ready, you could open the first door in the corridor that will help answer your question of why you are not able to become a father? On my count of 3ā€¦2ā€¦1ā€¦

T: Breathing deeply, allowing yourself to deepen the state, look at your feet, what do you see?

C: I am at the beach, lot of people are there

T: What are you doing?

C: I have come to enjoy the day

T: How do the people around you look?

C: They look white, looks foreign

T: What are you wearing

Swim shorts, I am adult, male, about 23

T: Are you with someone?

C: I see a woman next to me

Around my age

T: Look at her eyes, her face, do you recognise her?

C: She looks familiar but am not able to recognise

T: What is your relationship with her? How do you feel around her?

She is very gentle and kind

She is my sister

It is a very loving relationship

We adore each other

T: I will count from 3 to 1, and on the count 1, allow yourself to see another significant moment in this life. Are you ready?

C: Yes (IMR)

T: on my count, 3, 2, 1ā€¦ breathe in deep and tell me what you see?

C: I am in car, at the back, with 3 people

My sister is next to me

My parents are at the front

T: Who is driving?

C: My father

T: Where are you going?

C: Driving to a vacation

T: Which place is this? Allow yourself to see the signboards as you travel.

C: England somewhere

It Is late morning; we are going out to see our aunt

T: What year Is it?

I donā€™t know, it feels modern, there are other vehicles on the highway

T: Hmmmm

C: We donā€™t reach her place

There has been an accident

I am looking at a mangled car from a stretcher

I donā€™t know where everybody is

T: Taking a deep breath, you could float above and see this scene, You do not have to feel the pain again. It is safe to look for your parents and sister

C: My parenst are stuck in the car

Staff are struggling to get them out

Ab reaction: Complains of a lot of pain in the right foot

My parents die

T: Taking in deep breaths, relax your forehead and face, you are safe to explore this memory. It was in the past. It cannot harm you anymore.

C: My aunt has taken me and my sister

T: Who is your aunt? Do you recognise her?

C: She is my sister-in-law from this life, she is very kind

My auntā€™s husband is my brother in this life

We are sitting in their dining table

I want to be here for sometime

I am in a lot of grief

T: Do you feel any pain in the leg?

C: Slightly lesser

T: Allow yourself a few moments here, reminding yourself it is safe, it was in the past

T: Maybe it is time now, to explore another significant time in this life. Are you ready to explore?

C: Yes (IMR)

T: On my count, 3, 2, 1ā€¦. Tell me what comes to your awareness?

C: I am an older man, middle aged

I have not married

I have chosen not to marry anyone

I am in an office space, drowned in my work

T: What is the work you do?

C: Desk job

T: Look around your office. Take a moment

C: I chose not to marry so my children donā€™t have to lose their parents

I am protecting my children by not having them

T: Hmmm, how is your sister doing?

My sister has a family

I am very close to my niece and nephew

I still have the pain of losing my parents

T: Hmmm, tell me more about your life

C: My nephew is my niece in this current life

I feel very loving, I shower all my love to my niece

My niece is my wife in current life

I adore both of them

I still have a very heavy heart about my parents

30 years since the incident

I am in my sisterā€™s house with her family

Her kids, her husband, my aunt and uncle are visiting

T: Who is your sisterā€™s husband?

He is my friend in this life. They are all happy, I am a little away

T: Allow yourself to relax and take a few deep breaths. I will count from 3 to 1, and on the count of one, allow yourself to go to the time when you are about to leave your body during this lifetime.

C: I am on deathbed surrounded by sister and kids are grown up

My parents have come to take me

I am happy to see them

I am glad it is ending, very happy to see them

I become 17 years old, I am travelling in heaven

I feel very healed after I see them

T: Hmmm, what come to your awareness

I am viewing this from outside

Below, I can see my dead body, my sister and kids are crying

They are sad, but relieved my sad life has ended

T: What could be the learning from this life?

C: It is very important to have companionship

Staying alone, will not allow your mind to heal

I chose to be alone, I did not fully heal, I made a wrong choice

T: What is it that you carry from this past life to your present life?

C: It is not necessary that what happens to me will also happen to my kids

T: Do you sense a presence?

C: My guide has come

T: Wonderful. Ask him any question you may have

C: He says, every soul chooses its own journey. By not having children, I have made a sin, by not allowing a soul to come

T: How to do penance?

C: He is asking me to pray to Lord Shiva, asked me not to worry

T: Beautiful. Spend this moment with your guide, soaking in his aura.

I emerged Vinod. After this session, he felt very drained and slept for an hour. We decided to keep the session 4 very short.

Session 4: Progressive relaxation, Garden of peace near the beach, Ancient temple

Burning all the grief of losing loved ones, and frustration, sadness and anger in the fire in the centre of the temple. I gave Vinod a lot of time to do this, like a ritual.

(Later, Vinod told me that he got a clear message from his guide, Complete surrender and acceptance is what his present life is about. He felt his spiritual guideā€™s presence during the ritual and his message came crystal clear to him)

T: When you are ready, you may see a lot of doors in the corridor. You could choose to open a door which could show you how it feels like to be a father, a loving family. (I kept this cue open ended, so his subconscious could show either a very happy past life or a glimpse of future, whichever is healing and comforting for him)

C: I see I am sitting in my bedroom, in my arm chair, holding a baby

Baby is sleeping, I am sleeping too

I feel my niece is standing near me

T: How do you feel?

I feel joy

T: Revel in this feeling of joy, the baby smell, the tender skin contact with your baby, the feeling of love, the feeling of a father protecting and cuddling his child.

The client felt very calm after this session. He said he wants to do a PLRT session for his vision after a few months.

Pain level after the sessions: 6

Closure: From what Vinod shared, I feel he has already learnt to try and be open to new options in his career and his treatments. Through all his setbacks, he has remained optimistic, and approached every opportunity with sincerity and hope. To accept and completely surrender, is what he feels he should work on.

That evening he went to a Shiva temple nearby with his family and felt a lot of peace. He says he will make it a Sunday evening ritual to visit this temple with his family.

Event Frustration on not able to become a father, no fertility treatment seems to be effective

Subjective interpretation Has lost his parents in an accident, in a past life, the grief was extreme. He decided to never marry or have a child in that life.

Conflict His spiritual guide says ā€œC: every soul chooses its own journey. By not having children, I have made a sin, by not allowing a soul to comeā€

Decision made to resolve conflict ā€œIt is not necessary that what happens to me will also happen to my kidsā€ was the learning of that life.
T: How to do penance? C: He is asking me to pray to Lord Shiva, asked me not to worry" The message from his spiritual guide: complete surrender and acceptance is the aim of his current life

Pain level before session 9/10
Pain level after session 6/10

16th September 2024, 3 weeks after the session, the client has reported that, he is able to clearly see the face of his to-be child, and is very surprised that he is able to see the face, the features of his child, so clearly. ā€œI saw my daughter, she was on my lap, looking at me, she looks so beautiful with deep sharp eyesā€ in his own words.
In another moment, he has seen a young boy wearing kurta pyjama near him. He is surprised because he never consciously tried to imagine, these images have just come to him.


Wow Divyaā€¦ Nicely doneā€¦ brought all the healingā€¦ positivity and closureā€¦ which was required for the soulā€¦ Great workā€¦


Truly great session Divya! A lot of details to take in for us newbies and very descriptive steps. Thanks for tour patience with vinod and going the extra mile to write a detailed report. Be well!..:)ā€¦


Thank you Jagriti for your kind words ! yes, we may not know when exactly his treatment will be successful, I pray that the sessions bring in acceptance and peace :slight_smile:

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It was an amazing session, Divya! :clap:t2::ok_hand:t2:


@Divyaraghuram , very well doneā€¦ we carry so much from past that it becomes pain in this lifeā€¦ there is a learning from this session that think of future before taking any decisionā€¦ overall very good sessionā€¦ Client will definitely get blessings lord Shivaā€¦


Thank you @Harshita :slight_smile:


Thank you @Hiren for your kind words. I found that as I typed the steps, it has been a great learning for me as well and a lot of ways to navigate the client better, are coming up.

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Thank you @HarieMore. Yes, we never know what is hidden beneath the layers that could trigger a physical illness, or in this session, infertiltity. In the past, the client has actually taken a very tough decision to protect his children (who are not even born to him), so we discussed about how, having children can better our lives in every way, especially spiritual.

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Feeling overwhelmed to see how even in denial to have childrenā€¦he was protecting his unborn childrenā€¦the caverns of the human mindā€¦kudos to youā€¦how you delved deep and came up with an insightā€¦


Dear @urolivegreen07 , thanks a lot for your comment. Yes, not getting married, not having children, all these are tough decisions, going across the tide. How deeply his parentsā€™ death must have affected him. In retrospect, I feel I could have done better stress management and revisited the happy childhood days of that life as well, the clientā€™s extreme grief drained him, he slept for more than an hour after that session. I have realised even more about the importance of our daily sadhana as a therapist, to be quick in navigating a session as it unfurls.

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Guess Iā€™ll always be a learning phase for all and thatā€™s what is exciting about it. Blessed!..:slight_smile:

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Extremely fascinating how holding a strong emotion of not having kids to protect them even before they are born in one of your lifetime has led to no children in another. I am sure that your client is going to receive healing in leaps and bounds this is just the beginning. @Divyaraghuram congratulations on your first amazing experience as a therapist.


Amazing session @Divyaraghuram. You have a unique style of detailing out the session like a nice story!! As Hiren has rightly pointed out, your descriptive steps are so helpful. Wishing the client all joys of fatherhood!!


You are a natural @Divyaraghuram, excellent PLR Therapist potential without any doubts.


Here KMF to Classic pattern could have been done to remove anything residual

amazingly handled

paraphrasing could have been better form of acknowledgement or empathising here.

Correcting the conclusion, here is the updated one.

see how we have conflicting oaths, ping me on the insights timer app, I will share a meditation with you which is a very powerful way to resolve these, you could ask your client to listen to this everyday or you can conduct a session based upon this. Instead of obsessing over what is not there, this is the time to count blessings!

Reminds me of a passing understand which at least 90% of our mental suffering will abate instantly

"Some years ago Maharshi had a long walk down-hill from Virupaksha
cave and climbed up through an unfrequented track. Here
he passed by a bush in which there was a hornetsā€™ nest
which he failed to notice. As he passed by it his left
bare thigh grazed against it. Before he advanced a few
steps the hornets rushed out at him and settled on the
same thigh that had disturbed them. They dug into his
flesh, ā€œ Yes, Yes, this is the guilty leg, let it suffer,ā€ said
the Swami. He did not drive them off, nor did he move
away till the hornets left him. He bore the excruciating
pain bravelyā€”it was for him to endure the agony in
silence. The answer given to his mother (see page 66)
was no ingenious philosophy devised for the nonce to ward
off a troublesome request, but a rule of life on which he
always acted. ā€œIn matters beyond your power to rectify
exercise endurance: ā€˜Endurance! More endurance!! Yet
more endurance! ! ! is the best rule to preserve equanimity and strengthen the mind for Samadhi "

Pg 200 from the book "Self-Realisation The Life and Teachings of Bhagvan Sri Ramana Maharshi by Sri B. V Narasimha Swami


Really proud of you Divya , great session, lot of patience you have, by reading cases we realise so much we carry from our past life , so much protecting his unborn children,